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Student: Pantilimon Diana-Aurica

3rd Year
Group: B, RE

Salman Rushdie's The Satanic Verses

From ancient times, history has represented for many writers an exceptional interest.
They were interested in those things that remained pure, virgin. These pure things allow any
freedom of expression and writing. Writers were not interested in writing historical novels in
a canonical manner.

A concrete example of this is the British writer of Indian origin Salman Rushdie. Salman
Rushdie, he was inspired by the life of Muhammad. The book The Satanic Verse was
published in 1968. Magical realism is predominant in Salman Rushdie`s books. In his books
we find historical, religious, mythological elements. All the elements combine very well with
personal stories. About the book of Satanic Verses, Salman says that he is not against Islam.
„However, major controversy ensued as Muslims accused it of blasphemy and mocking their

Wikipedia. (30 , April 30). Wikipedia. Retrieved 05 14, 2020, from The Satanic Verses: accessed 14.05.2020

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