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Report Preparation Guidelines


Department of Marketing Management

Faculty of Management Studies and Commerce

University of Sri Jayewardenepura

Structure of the Report

I. Front cover page

II. Acknowledgement
III. Table of Content
IV. Body of the report
V. References
VI. Appendix
Rules of Formatting

Typewritten Reports

All reports and papers submitted must be typewritten on A4 size white paper. Typing must be
done only on one side of the A4 paper.

Font and Size

Main Headings –Point – 14, Font – Times New Roman, Bold

Sub headings - Point - 12, Font - Times New Roman, Bold

Body of the content - Point - 12, Font - Times New Roman.


Paragraphs and body of the reports should be justified.

Neatness of Report

Reports must be free of erasures and manual corrections.


Keep a margin of 3.175 cm (1.25 inches) on the left hand side and 2.54 cm (1 inch) on all other
sides. Maintain a uniform margin on the right hand side of the paper.


One and a half (1.5) spaces must be maintained, between every two lines.


Main headings are centered, while sub headings are left aligned.


In reports, the first person singular “I” is recommended.

Reports must be error-free. The entire report must be carefully checked for grammar and syntax
and spelling mistakes before submission

Page Numbering of Document

The entire report must be consecutively numbered from the Introductory Chapter to the very end,
including appendices, using Arabic numerals. The pages following the Table of Contents up to
Chapter 1 will be numbered with Roman numerals.

Place the page number at the bottom of the page and centered.

Presentation of Assignments

A model inner cover page appears below and you may design front cover page as your wish.
Inner Cover Page

Topic Font Size – 16, Times New Roman, Bold

Group Name :
# CPM Name
4 Font Size – 14, Times New Roman, Bold

MAR 2342: Advanced Marketing Management

Font Size – 14, Times New
Department of Marketing Management Roman, Bold
Faculty of Management Studies and Commerce

University of Sri Jayewardenepura

Presenting Tables and Figures

All the tables and figures (pictures) included in the report, must be numbered and named
appropriately. Tables and figures should be linked to the discussion in the report. At the bottom
of the table/ figure source (from where did you find that) should be identified.
Font Size – 12, Times New
Table 1.1: Sales Figures Roman, Bold

Year Sales (Mn)

2010 20
2011 23
2012 18
2013 22

Font Size – 12, Times New

Source: Annual Report, Unilever Sri Lanka
Roman, Italic

Font Size – 12, Times New

Figure 1.1: Marketing Mix Roman, Bold

Font Size – 12, Times New

Source: Annual Report, Roman, Italic

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