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Check Points for Safe Start-up of the Project

Prevention of Covid-19 Outbreak after lock down

No Activity
National Directives for COVID-19 Management (Annexure -1)
The national Directives shall be enforced by the District magistrate through fine
and penal action as Prescribed in the Diaster Management ACT 2005. (Order
no.40-3/2020-DM-I(A) GOI Ministry of Home Affairs dated 15th April 2020)
Public Spaces    
Wearing of face cover is compoulsary in all public places, work
All persons in charge of public places, work places and transport
2 shall ensure social distancing as per the guidelines issued by    
ministary of health and family welfare
No organization / manager of public place shall allow gathering of 5
or more persons
Gatherings such as marraiges and funerals shall remain regulated
by the District Magistrate.
5 Spitting in public spaces shall be punishable with fine.    
There should be strict ban on sale of liquor , gutka , tobacco, etc.
and spitting should be strictly prohibited
Work Spaces    
All work places shall have adequate arrangements for temparature
screening and provide sanitizers at convenient places.
Work places shall have a gap of one hour between shifts and will
stagger the lunch breaks of staffs, to ensure social distancing.
Persons above 65 years of age and persons with co- morbidities and
9 parents of children below the age of 5 may be encouraged to work    
from home.
Use of arogya setu will be encouraged for all employees both private
and public.
11 All organizations shall sanitize their work places between shifts    

12 Large meetings to be prohibited    

Manfacturing establishments    
Frequent cleaning of commoon surfaces and mandatory hand
washing shall be mandated.
No overlap of shifts and staggered lunch with social distanceing in
canteens shall be ensued.

Intensive communcation and training and good hygiene practices

shall be taken up

All industrial and commercial establishments, work places, offices etc. shall put in
B place arrangements for implimentaion of Standard Operating Procedure as in
Annexture-II before starting their functioning (Order no.40-3/2020-DM-I(A) GOI
Ministry of Home Affairs dated 15th April 2020)
All area in the premises including the following shall be disinfected
completely using user friendly disinfectant mediums

a Entrance gate of building, office etc.    

b Cafeteria & Canteens    

Meeting room, conference halls/open area
c available/verandah/entrance gate of site, bunker, porta cabins,    
buildings etc
d Equipment and lifts    

e Washroom, toilet, sink, water points etc    

f Walls/ all other surfaces    
For workers comming for outside, special transportation facility willl
be arranged without any dependency on the public transport
system. These vehicle should be allowed to work only with 30-40%
pssenger capacity
All vehicle and machinery entering the premise should be disinfected
by spray mandatorily
Mandatory thermal scanning of everyone entering and exiting the
workplace to be done
5 Medical insurance for the workers to be made mandatory    

Provision for hand wash and sanitize preferably with touch free
6 mechanism will be made at all entry and exit points and common    
areas. Sufficent quantity of all the items should be available.

Work places shall have a one hour between shifts and will stagger
the lunch break of staff, to ensure social distancing
Large gathering and meetings of 10 or more people to be
8 discouraged. Seating at least 6 feet away from others on job sites and    
in gatherings, meeting and training sessions
Not more than 2/4 person (depending on size) will be allowed to
travel in lift or hoists
10 Use of staircase for climbing should be encouraged    
There should be strict ban of Gutka, tobacco etc. and spiting should
be strictly prohibited
12 There should be total ban on non-essential visitors at sites    

Hospitals/clinics in the nearby areas, which are authorized to treat

13 COVID-19 patients, should be identified and list should be available    
at work place all the times

Person violating these lockdown measures will be liable to be proceeded against as

per the provisons of section 51 to 60 of the disaster Management Act 2005,
C besides legal action under section 188 of the IPC, and other legal provisions as
applicable. Annexure-III is extracts of these penal provisions shall be available on
office notice Board (Order no.40-3/2020-DM-I(A) GOI Ministry of Home Affairs
dated 15th April 2020)
Guidline of Government of Odisha -Revenue and Disaster management
Department (Order no-2220/R&DM(DM), Dated 18-04-2020)
D Standard Operating Procedure in the Government as well as private construction
site to prevent Spreading of COVID -19 to protect the workers / construction
personnel from heat wave
Social disatancing parameters are to be strictly enforced at the work
1 site among the labourers, techinicians, supervisors and others    
involved in the construction process.

Face masks are to be mandatorily used by all persons during the

entire period of stay in the work site.
If workers are required from outside, special transportation facility
shall be arranged by the contractor/construction agency with out
3 any dependency on the public transport system. These vechiles    
should be allowed to operate with 30 - 40% of their passenger
Incase of Labour camps operating at the work site, social diastancing
norms shall be observed in working areas , sleeping quarters and
aswell as in dining areas. No gathering or close proximityamong
workers shall be allowed.
Contarctor/construction agency will ensure provision oh hand wash
with buckets of water and mugs with soap and towel arranged in
such way that workers don’t have to gather around to wash their
The contractor/construction agency will put up display boards
containing do's and don’t's issued by health and family welfare
department for preventation of spreading of COVID -19 at the
construction site.
Contractor / construction agency will conduct orientation / training
programme for the workers in hand washing and personal hygiene.
Workers of more than 60 years of age are not be allowed to work in
the work site.
Sick, elderly and people having symptoms of cold, cough, sneezing
are not to be allowed to work at any cost. If such symtoms are seen
with workers, contractors / construction agencies will make
arragement for health consulatations of concerned workers in the
nearest health centre.

Any body detected with severe Acute Respiratory indications (SARI)

and Influenza like Indications ( ILI) is to be immediatedly reported to
10 the nearest PHC / CHC / Health Centre / District HQ Hospital /    
Nearest Administartive office such as Block office / Tahasil office and
all steps will be taken as per advise of the health centre.
There shll be complete Prohibition of Tobaco, gutka and spitting in
work sites.
Contractor/ Construction agency / Executive officer incharge will
12 keep a list of Hospital / Clinics in the near by areas , which are    
authorized to treat covid -19 patients at all times
Besides these , in view of the rising temperature the following heat wave
preventive measures are to be observed in work place
Adequate shading arrangement must be made for worker to protect
from scorching heat
No work should be executed during peack hours from 11:00AM to
There should be adequate, safe portable drinking water for the
workers and other personals
There should be First-Aid-Box containg essential medicines, ORS,
Glucose etc. at site for workers
Safety Health and Environment(SHE) parameter will be obseverd at
construction sites
E COVID-19 Gate Pass Check List    
Induction and TBT to workmen towards the advisory issued by Govt.
(Above mentioned Guidelines)
Strict implementation of COVID 19 Protocols in during the work and
when coming to work place and returning home.
Workers of more than 60 years of age are not to be allowed to work in
the worksite

4 No visitors are allowed to visit the plant area    

Sick, elderly and people having symptoms of cold, cough, sneezing
are not to be allowed to work premises at any cost. If such symptoms
5 are seen with workers, contractors/Employees will make    
arrangement for health consultations of concerned workers in the
nearest health center
6 Employee/worker self declaration form to be submitted    

8 COVID -19 Gate Pass    

F Check list    
Sharing Information with nearest Gov. offices and local police station
regarding work resumption
Sharing Information with nearest Gov. offices regarding Co-worker
health status if any

Special taskforce to be nominated for ensure workers are doing

3 protection against COVID-19 and each individuals are strictly    
following the GOI and SG guideline

Take undertaking & oath by all workers to follow the the GOI and SG
guideline for Covid-19
5 Dedicated person nominated at Gate for maintaining COVID register    

Ensure all vendors make his own COVID-19 resister and spare one
page for each worker

Dedicated person nominated at Gate for temperature scanning of

individual and other to be recorded on COVID-19 resister
Dedicated person nominated for Disinfecting with manual operated
Ensure all incoming material vehicle must be disinfecting with
manual operated spray system before enter inside plant

10 Do not shake your hand, say hello without touching    

Ensure those who using cotton towel or hanky as a mask, putting

11 mark on one side so that they can not use from mark side without    
washing of cotton towel or hanky

Ensure worker should not wear same cloth on next day. Record his
colour in record resister
Personal identification mark must be available at PPE (Helmet &

14 Maintaining Social Distancing during TBT- Using Mega Phone    

15 Daily briefing the situation of COVID-19    

16 Maintaining Social Distancing during work    
17 Use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol    
Frequently touched areas like table tops, chair handles, pens, diary
files, keyboards, mouse, mouse pad, tea/coffee dispensing machines
etc. should specially be cleaned and disinfectant with 1% sodium
hypochlorite or phenolic disinfectants
Metallic surfaces like door handles, security locks, keys etc. 60%
19 alcohol can be used to wipe down surfaces where the use of bleach is    
not suitable.
Hand sanitizing stations should be installed in office premises
(especially at the entry) and near high contact surfaces

21 Always use freshly prepared 1% sodium hypochlorite.    

Do not use disinfectants spray on potentially highly contaminated

areas (such as toilet bowl or surrounding surfaces)

23 Sanitisation of each vehicles on daily basis    

Discard cleaning material made of cloth (mop and wiping cloth) in

appropriate bags after cleaning and disinfecting
25 Use of close dustbins near wash stations and in offices    

26 Dedicated Isolation room in the plant premises    

27 Controlled movement in washroom, Canteen & common areas    

28 Restrictions of selected Food and Cold Water    

29 No sharing of water bottles    
30 Stay at home if mild symptom    

Dedicated person to be nominated for grocery items in labour colony

to restrict regular movements of labours

32 Contact in case of Emergency and report to nearest COVID Centre    

33 Display of emergency contact number    

Display of nearest Medical centre which are authorized to treat

COVID-19 patients at all time

35 Tie-up with Doctor for general checking of all workers twice a week    

Preparation of 1% sodium hypochlorite solution- a) Sodium

hypochlorite – liquid bleach-1 part bleach to 2.5 parts waterb)
Sodium hypochlorite – liquid-1 part bleach to 4 parts waterc) NaDCC
36 (sodium dichloro-isocyanurate) powder-17 grams to 1 litre waterd)    
NaDCC (1.5 g/ tablet) – tablets- 11 tablets to 1 litre watere)
Chloramine – powder - 80 g to 1 litre waterf) Bleaching powder- 7g
to 1 litre water

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