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Influence of Research it

Prestressed Concrete
Alan H. Mattock
Professor of Civil Engineering and
Head, Division of Structures and Mechai
University of Washington
Seattle, Washington

P restressed concrete, if not ac-

tually born of research, is alive
and well today, largely as a re-
plication of prestressing to concrete
The idea of counteracting flexural
sult of the nurturing it received from stresses due to loads by prestress-
research over the years. ing, was clearly expressed by
The principle of prestressing has J. Mandl in 1896. However, it was
been used in various ways for cen- about another 10 years before
turies, particularly for circular ob- M. Koenen 2 derived a formula for the
jects such as wheels and barrels, magnitude of prestressing force
which were prestressed by iron needed to limit the concrete flexural
bands. tension stress under load to a cer-
The idea of applying prestressing tain value.
to concrete beams dates from the Koenen followed this up, by what
early days of reinforced concrete, was probably the first piece of re-
when great controversy centered on search carried out on prestressed
the question of cracks caused by concrete. He made tests on rein-
bending stresses. In the late 19th forced concrete beams, the rein-
century, for instance, the Prussian forcement in certain of these beams
Railways required a safety factor of being prestressed. The prestressed
between 1.5 and 2.5 against flexural reinforcement was both mechanically
cracking in reinforced concrete, the anchored and anchored by bond.
calculation being made on the as- In tests of the beams immediately
sumption that the section was homo- after fabrication, the flexural crack-
geneous. ing load for the prestressed beams
Requirements such as this made it was about 50 percent higher than
almost impossible to construct rein- that for the companion reinforced
forced concrete bridges and pro- concrete beams. The ultimate
vided a strong incentive for the ap- strengths of companion prestressed

The author reviews the significant contributions
of research in prestressed concrete since the
beginning of this century and discusses current
and future research needs.
Prestressed concrete is the offspring of research.
Although the principle of prestressing has been
used in various ways for centuries, its successful
application to concrete is relatively recent and
was made possible only as a result of the
understanding of the long-term deformation of
concrete gained through research.
Early attempts to produce prestressed concrete
members failed because of insufficient
understanding of the creep and shrinkage
characteristics of concrete and of the need to
use high yield strength steel.
The first major breakthrough came about when
Freyssinet applied the results of his careful
study of the long-term deformation of concrete
and produced the first successful prestressed
concrete structures.
In the United States, the most significant research
work was that in conjunction with building the
Walnut Lane Bridge and the extensive basic
research conducted at the University of Illinois.

and reinforced concrete beams were cracking load had become much the
about the same, as might be expect- same as for the ordinary reinforced
ed. concrete beams, i.e., the prestress
The steel Koenen used in his test had been lost.
beams had a yield point of about 36 The practical development of pre-
ksi and the prestress was only about stressed concrete flexural members
8 ksi. With the advantage of hindsight was not to occur for about another
we can understand why, when similar 20 years. It awaited the better under-
prestressed beams were tested at a standing of the long-term deforma-
later date, it was found that the tion of concrete, which would be at-

PCI JOURNAL/September-October 1976 73

Arch cast on gap Arch lifts off
centering -/ centering pushing


(c) (d)
Centering removed, arch Gap at crown filled,
lowered to original level rams removed.

Com p leted arch

Fig. 1. Freyssinet system for the adjustment of stress in concrete arches.

tamed through research in the inter- Most of the time-dependent be-

vening years. havior studies were made on rein-
forced concrete beams or slabs. Few
Long-Term Deformation
Studies measurements of the creep and
shrinkage of plain concrete were
From the time of Koenen's experi- made. The earliest tests of plain con-
ments onward, there was consider- crete in the United States were made
able interest in the long-term defor- by E. B. Smith 4 5 who, in 1914-16,
mation of concrete, both in Europe made measurements of both shrink-
and America. This interest had noth- age and creep in plain concrete cyl-
ing to do with prestressed concrete, inders of 3 in. diameter.
but derived from concern about the
Smith concluded that the creep
internal redistribution of stresses and
and shrinkage increase at a gradually
the increase in deformations, which
decreasing rate, approaching a final
occur in reinforced concrete struc-
value asymptotically; also that the
tures as a result of creep and shrink-
combined effects of shrinkage and
age of the concrete with time.
flow in compression may amount to
Probably the earliest research on
as much as 0.2 percent.
this topic in the United States was
that of W. K. Hatt 3 of Purdue Univer- The topic of time-dependent de-
sity, who reported in 1907 on the ef- formation in concrete was studied by
fect of duration and repetition of many researchers in subsequent
loading on the behavior of reinforced years. The most extensively docu-
concrete beams. He concluded that mented work was that of Davis and
"These results show a sort of plas- Davis 6 at the University of California
ticity in concrete, by which it yields and W. H. Glanville 7 at the Building
under the action of a load applied for Research Station, in England.
a long time, ... " These research studies lead to a

much better understanding of creep nity to do so occurred in connection
and shrinkage in concrete and of the with the construction of the Plougas-
long-term behavior of reinforced con- tel Bridge which consists of three
crete members. It remained however, arches, each of 186 meters (614 ft)
for E. Freyssinet in France to fully ap-span. In order better to apply his
preciate the significance of the newly method for the compensation of sec-
emerging knowledge with respect to ondary bending stresses in the
prestressed concrete. arches, he made a study of the time-
dependent deformation of concrete
Freyssinet's Work which extended over about 3 years.9
Freyssinet became interested in His own studies and the data ob-
the idea of modifying the forces and tained by other researchers, lead him
deflections in structures caused by to conclude' ° that the long-term de-
loads in 1903. 8 Between 1907 and formations of concrete were predict-
1912 he applied these ideas in the able and could be reduced by using
construction of several concrete arch concrete of high quality. He further
bridges. Hydraulic rams were placed concluded that provided a very high
in a gap left at the crown of the arch. strength steel was used, the long-
Oil was pumped into the rams and term deformations of concrete were
the arch lifted from the centering. not so large as to make impossible
After the centering was removed, the maintenance of a high permanent
the oil pressure in the rams was re- prestress in the concrete of flexural
duced until the crown of the arch re- members.
turned to the elevation it had when Freyssinet was granted patents re-
resting on the centering. The space lating to prestressed concrete in 1928
at the crown was then blocked and and from that time onward devoted
the rams removed. It was considered his entire energies to the develop-
that this process would eliminate the ment of prestressed concrete as a
secondary moments and deforma- practical form of construction. He
tions which would otherwise have carried out intensive research on the
occurred in the arch due to "rib production of very high strength con-
shortening" when the centering was crete, developing strengths of 14,000
removed (see Fig. 1). psi in 12 to 24 hours, using a com-
Freyssinet had originally thought bination of heat (100 C), and high
that concrete behaved elastically, pressure (2000 to 3500 psi), to expel
however, measurements he made on excess water and compact the con-
some of the arches indicated that this c rete.' °
was not so and that the concrete Freyssinet received some of his
strains were increasing with time. earliest support from the electric
This made him question the practica- power industry for which he devel-
bility of the idea of prestressing by oped prestressed concrete poles. He
inducing elastic deformations in a reported 1 ° comparative tests of two
structure before loading, and lead 40-ft long poles, each fixed over a
him to start a study of the time-de- length of 6 ft 7 in. from the base, one
pendent deformation of concrete. in prestressed concrete, and the
Unfortunately, the 1914-18 war in- other in reinforced concrete.
tervened, in the process of which this The prestressed concrete pole
early work was destroyed and Frey- weighed 1650 lb and contained 110
ssinet was not able to resume his lb of reinforcement; the reinforced
research until 1926-27. The opportu- concrete pole weighed 2150 lb and

PCI JOURNAL/September-October 1976 75

contained 286 lb of reinforcement. steel and concrete in which tensile
The strength of the steel was the stresses never occurred in the con-
same in both cases. crete under service loads. This led
An identical pair of poles were him to use prestressing in more than
loaded statically at their free end, one direction, whenever this seemed
both poles broke at a load of about advantageous.
2000 lb. Thus, when he was asked by the
The pair of poles were subjected German contractors, Wayss and
to cyclic loads of ±1000 lb, at a rate Freytag, to design a prototype pre-
of about 8 cycles per minute. The stressed concrete roof girder for
initial deflection of the prestressed them, he used both longitudinal pre-
pole was about half that of the rein- stress to modify the flexural stresses
forced concrete pole. After a few and a combination of longitudinal
hundred cycles of load, the rein- and transverse prestress to eliminate
forced concrete pole was heavily principal tension stresses in the web
cracked and it failed at a few thou- due to shear. The test of this girder
sand cycles. However, the pre- in 1936 was probably the first test of
stressed pole withstood 500,000 cy- a prestressed concrete girder.
cles of load without any deteriora- This test girder was really a one-
tion, an early indication of the excel- third scale model of a 183-ft span
lent fatigue resistance of prestressed roof girder it was proposed to con-
concrete members. struct." The test girder had an over-
From the beginning, Freyssinet all length of 62 ft 3 in. and a span of
conceived of prestressed concrete as 61 ft. It was designed to carry a ser-
being an entirely new combination of vice live load of 717 lb per ft of the


I-9.25' j

6.43" 4.18" Top Flange

Midspan 64 No. 0.21" bars
fpu = 146 ksi
4.42 ^^,,: F ;=:,;, :: ^^ Bottom
l.38 Flange
Fig. 2. Details of prestressed concrete girder constructed and tested by
Wayss and Freytag (1936).

Fig. 3. Test of Wayss and Freytag prestressed concrete girder of 61-ft span.
(Courtesy: Institution of Civil Engineers.)

span. was cast in 12 segments using a sin-

The girder varied in depth from 2 gle adjustable form, which was
ft 7 in. at the supports to 3 ft 10 in. at moved along the mould base at in-
midspan and had an average dead tervals of a few hours between the
weight of 148 lb per ft. A typical cross casting of the segments. A combina-
section of the girder is shown in Fig. tion of vibration, pressure and heat
2. It was prestressed longitudinally resulted in a concrete strength of
by 0.21-in, diameter steel bars having 3000 psi at about 6 hours after cast-
an ultimate strength of 146 ksi and an ing and 5600 psi at 28 days.
elastic limit of 90 ksi. They were in- The girder was subjected to its
itially tensioned to 78 ksi and a final first load tests between 22 and 30
prestress of 57 ksi after losses was days, at which time the prestress loss
anticipated in design. Vertical pre- was deduced from the girder be-
stress was provided in the web by havior to be about 12 ksi. After the
pairs of 0.16-in, diameter wires at 15- initial tests the girder was left under
in. centers, except for the outer 3 ft dead load plus 60 percent of service
at each end where pairs of 0.21-in. live load for 18 months, at which time
diameter bars at 15-in, centers were further tests were made and the pre-
provided. stress loss had then reached 16 ksi,
The longitudinal bars were preten- as compared with the projected final
sioned against the trough shaped loss of 21 ksi.
concrete base of the beam mould. The girder was loaded at twelve
The bars were anchored in blocks of points uniformly distributed along the
hooped concrete, which were at- span, as may be seen in Fig. 3. It was
tached by bolts to the mould base subjected to various cycles of load-
after tensioning. Sixty-four bars were ing and unloading, the maximum load
provided at midspan, reducing to 22 being 1.31 times the service live load.
bars over the supports. The concrete The measured beam behavior was

PCI JOURNAL/September-October 1976 77

very nearly elastic. No cracking was plications, sizeable flexural tension
observed in these tests, in which it stresses can be allowed in pre-
was estimated that the maximum stressed concrete beams without
flexural tension stress was 342 psi. sacrificing the principal benefits
After the initial tests, the beam was gained from prestressing, i.e,, that
left under a sustained load equal to "partial prestressing" is a legitimate
60 percent of the live load for 18 form of prestressing.
months. It was then tested to destruc- In 1939, F. V. Emperger 12 showed
tion. Flexural cracking occurred at that the deflection and cracking be-
1.57 times the live load. On release havior of reinforced concrete beams
of the load, the flexural cracks closed reinforced with high strength bars
completely. A compression failure of (fy = 57 ksi) could be improved by
the top flange occurred at a total the provision of additional pre-
load equal to 2.3 times (dead load stressed wire reinforcement (fp,, _
plus the service live load), corre- 213 ksi). Also that the strength of
sponding to a midspan bending mo- both the bars and the wires could be
ment of 923 ft-kips. developed at ultimate despite their
The results of this research con- very different strengths.
vinced Wayss and Freytag of the vi- The current acceptance of partial-
ability of prestressed concrete con- ly prestressed concrete is largely due
struction and led to the construction to the work of P. W. Abeles. He made
by them of what was probably the his initial proposals in 1940 13 and re-
first prestressed concrete highway ported preliminary tests in 1945.14
bridge. Its spanned 108 ft across the These showed that, with a prestress
Reichsautobahn at Oelde and con- equal to 40 percent of that required
sisted of four 63-in. deep I-section for "full prestressing," it was possi-
girders made composite with a rein- ble to delay cracking until 62.6 per-
forced concrete deck slab. The meth- cent of the ultimate load. Also, that
od of constructing the girders was after opening to a width of 0.02 in.,
the same as that used for the test the cracks closed completely on re-
beam. moval of the load.
Freyssinet called the flexural At about this time, the London and
cracking load of a prestressed con- North Eastern Railway Company
crete beam the "transformation were faced with replacing many high-
load," saying that the beam was at way over-bridges in connection with
that point transformed into a rein- the electrification of a trunk railway
forced concrete beam in-so-far as its line. It was necessary to minimize the
behavior was concerned. He insisted construction depth and Abeles was
that in order to ensure behavior cor- able to persuade the company to give
responding to a homogeneous un- serious consideration to the use of
cracked section, no flexural tension precast "partially prestressed" con-
stresses could be tolerated in pre- crete beams. As a result of this, both
stressed concrete beams, i.e., they static and dynamic tests of prototype
must be "fully prestressed." partially prestressed members were
made under Abeles' direction.15
Partial Prestressing The 37-in, wide test members (see
Freyssinet and his disciples were Fig. 4) simulated a part of a com-
unyielding on this matter for many posite bridge deck slab. The precast
years. It remained for others to dem- concrete inverted tee 'beams were
onstrate that for a wide range of ap- each prestressed with twenty No. 0.2-

Precast beams
Cast in place

/ 12 No. unprestressed
20 No. prestressed 0.2" diam. wires
0.2" diam. wires
Fig. 4. Composite, partially prestressed concrete slabs tested by Abeles
in. diameter wires having a strength concrete flexural tension stress of
of 224 ksi. An additional twelve un- 550 psi under dead load plus service
prestressed, 0.2-in, diameter wires of live load.
the same strength, were provided Typical static load test results, for
to increase the flexural ultimate a member subjected alternately to
strength of the beams. The beams static and fatigue loading, are shown
were designed to have a maximum in Fig. 5. The strength of the con-

35.6 tons
3x 106 cycles
1 2x106
a- 20
7 z cracking load
2l'-O" ^
fter 106 cycles 8'6'! ,
1o F
0 I 2 3 4 5 6
Deflection - in.
Fig. 5. Typical test results for partially prestressed concrete slabs tested
by Abeles.

PCI JOURNAL/September-October 1976 79

Fig. 6. Test of a continuous prestressed concrete beam by Lin (1955).
(Courtesy: American Concrete Institute.)

crete at test was 6150 psi and on first tests of other partially prestressed
loading, flexural cracks were initially precast beams, lead to the extensive
observed at a calculated flexural ten- use of partial prestressing in bridge
sion stress of 900 psi. The member construction in Great Britain, with
was then subjected to 1 million consequent economies. Abeles con-
cycles of load corresponding to a tinued his work in this area and to-
range of from 50 psi compression to day, the concept of partial prestress-
550 psi tension in the maximum flex- ing has won worldwide acceptance.
ural stress, if the section had been
uncracked. Continuous Prestressed
The slab was subsequently sub- Beams
jected to an additional 2 million The majority of the early pre-
cycles of load with still larger maxi- stressed concrete structures were
mum nominal tensile stresses in the statically determinate. The effects of
concrete. The behavior was very sat- the restraint of deformations due to
isfactory, with closing of cracks and prestressing in statically indetermi-
essentially complete recovery of de- nate structures was understood by
flection on removal of load, even af- only a few, in fact in the 1940's, a
ter the 3 million cycles of load. The mystique seemed to surround the
member was then loaded statically to subject. In order to improve under-
failure and the full strength of both standing of this topic, a symposium
the prestressed and unprestressed on prestressed concrete statically in-
reinforcement was developed. determinate structures was held in
Similarly favorable results in the London in 1951.
other tests and in routine acceptance The most significant paper was

probably that in which Y. Guyon ure, but those carried out in Bel-
set out the theoretical treatment of gium" and Italy 20 showed that full
continuity in prestressed concrete redistribution of moments was not al-
that he had developed, in particular ways possible.
the concepts of "concordancy" and Although today we have a much
of the transformation of tendon pro better understanding of the behavior
files. (I consider the development of of prestressed concrete continuous
theoretical, concepts to be research, beams, we still lack a readily appli-
as much as is the experimental study cable general method for determin-
of behavior.) ing whether full redistribution of mo-
At about this time, research on the ments can be obtained in any par-
behavior of prestressed concrete ticular beam before failure.
continuous beams was taking place
in several European countries. One Load Balancing Concept
of the participants was our distin- The design of many prestressed
guished colleague, Professor T. Y. concrete continuous structures has
Lin. Fig. 6 shows a prestressed beam been simplified by the development
tested by him" in the laboratory of of the concept of "Load Balancing"
Professor G. Magnel in Belgium. by our distinguished colleague Pro-
Much of this work was reported and fessor Lin. 21 In this approach, the
discussed at the FIP Second Con- shape of the tendon profile is chosen
gress in 1955, 18 the emphasis being so that the transverse forces exerted
on inelastic behavior. by the tendons on the concrete ex-
There was considerable variation actly balance the gravity loads it is
in opinion as to the extent of mo- desired that the structure shall carry
ment redistribution possible in pre- without deflection, as shown in Fig. 7.
stressed concrete continuous beams Under this load the concrete is sub-
before collapse. Tests in Britain19 ject to a uniform stress F/A at all
demonstrated that full redistribution sections.
of moments was possible before fail- The stresses due to any additional

Balanced load w

c .g.c.^

TLt t t_LJ_U_
'-Transverse load w
Concrete beam from tendon

Uniform stress F/A and zero deflection under

balanced load.
Fig. 7. The "Load-Balancing" concept for the design of prestressed
concrete beams.

PCI JOURNAL/September-October 1976 81

end anchorage____ end anchorage
unnecessary I necessary

Force in
wire i Force which can
U be anchored by
li ' I bond

2 3 4 5 6
Wire Diameter — mm
Fig. 8. Anchorage requirements for pretensioned smooth wires according
to Jung and Lichtner.22

load are calculated as for any beam ter could be anchored by bond. How-
made of a homogeneous material. ever, extensive development tests of
These stresses are added to F/A, to pretensioned prestressed concrete
arrive at the stresses which will exist railroad ties in Britain 23 at about that
in the prestressed beam. This con- time, demonstrated that adequate an-
cept has the advantages of simplicity chorage could be obtained by bond
in application and also of direct con- using 5-mm diameter wires. It is, of
trol of deflection under some loading course, economically advantageous
condition which may be critical. to use as large a size of individual
tensioned element as possible.
Bond Between Steel A great step forward in this respect
and Concrete
was the introduction of the use of
Pretensioned prestressed concrete seven-wire strand in place of smooth
depends for its integrity on bond be- wires. It is believed that the idea was
tween the steel and concrete. This first experimented with by B. J. Bas-
was a matter of concern from the be- kin 24 of the Concrete Products Cor-
ginning and in the first large scale poration of America. He used 1/a-in.
production of pretensioned pre- diameter seven-wire strands to pre-
stressed concrete members in 1939, stress two experimental voided slabs
E. Hoyer used 2-mm diameter "piano for highway bridge deck use. The
wire" in order to minimize the bond ends of the strands were gripped in
stresses. sleeves swaged onto the strands,
The generally accepted view on which were tensioned using a screw
this matter in the 1940's is summed jack device as shown in Fig. 9.
up in Fig. 8 proposed by Jung and The 17x36 in., 30-ft long preten-
Lichtner, 22 which purports to show sioned slabs were subjected to vari-
that only wires of up to 3-mm diame- ous loading tests. One was tested to

Fig. 9. Arrangements for pretension-
ing the strand, Concrete Products
Corporation of America.
(Courtesy: A. R. Anderson.)

destruction and broke in the middle

without any slip of the strands, as
shown in Fig. 10. The other was sub-
jected to lesser loads over a period
of a year, without any slip being ob-
served. Then began the use of pro-
gressively larger sizes of seven wire
strand, until today the predominantly
used size is 1h in. diameter.
It is not possible to identify all the
individuals involved in this develop-
ment, but mention should be made
of the studies of the development
length and transfer length of seven-
wire strand carried out by Hanson
and Kaar,25 and by Kaar, LaFraugh
and Mass.26

Walnut Lane Bridge

The first large-scale test of a pre-
stressed concrete girder in the
United States was that of the 160-ft
long test girder fabricated in ad-

Fig. 10. Test of pretensioned voided slab, prestressed with seven wire strand.
(Courtesy: A. R. Anderson.)
51" _'1

fc = 5500 psi

Section 790 39" 64 No. 0.276" diam.
wires per cable

L__ I-- ii0'"

fps = 245 ksi
fpe= 131 ksi
--•I —^
30 "

Fig. 11. Walnut Lane Bridge test girder.

vance of the construction of the Wal- Before being tested to destruction,

nut Lane Bridge in 1949. Some de- the girder was subject to several
tails of the girder are shown in Fig. cycles of loading and unloading in
11. the service load range and to mod-
This test was significant, in that it erate overloads. Its behavior in these
demonstrated to practicing engi- tests corresponded well with theory
neers in the United States, the prac- and demonstrated the resiliency of
ticability of using prestressed con- prestressed concrete members under
crete for the construction of major overloads.
highway bridges. About 500 engi-
neers from many parts of the United University of Illinois
States witnessed the testing of this Studies
girder from a specially built grand- One of the most significant con-
stand." tinuing programs of research in the
The arrangements for test can be United States has been that carried
seen in Fig. 12. Loads were applied out since 1951 at the University of
by eight hydraulic rams at intervals Illinois, under the overall direction of
of 20- ft 8 in. However, these rams Professor C. P. Siess and the joint
proved to be insufficient to break the sponsorship of the Illinois Division of
girder. Their loads had to be supple- Highways and the U.S. Bureau of
mented by 59 tons of ingots placed Public Roads.
on the girder at midspan, in order to Although the overall objective was
cause flexural failure at a midspan to advance knowledge of prestressed
moment of 19,300 ft-kips. This corre- concrete with particular reference
sponded to 2.69 times the moment to its use in highway bridge con-
due to the dead load plus the service struction, the actual studies have
live load (including impact).28 been very fundamental. The results

obtained have had a considerable im-
pact on design specifications for all
types of prestressed concrete con-
struction in the United States.
Many different topics were studied
in this research program, ranging
from flexural strength to anchorage
zone stresses and time-dependent
However, the most notable part of
the program was probably that con-
cerned with the shear strength of
prestressed concrete members.29,30
Tests of over 200 beams lead to the
identification of the different types of
diagonal tension cracking which oc-
cur in the flexurally cracked and flex-
urally uncracked parts of beams, re-
spectively, and to the formulation of
methods for calculating the shear at
diagonal tension cracking.

Current and
Future Research

The following section discusses

briefly the influence of current re-
search and some topics which need
further investigation.
Fig. 12. Arrangements for test of
Bridge Deck Panels Walnut Lane Bridge test girder.
A very good example of the way re- (Courtesy: A. R. Anderson.)
search can influence practice is the
extensive work done at the Texas
Transportation Institute, 31 the Uni- confronting the prestressed concrete
versity of Florida, 32 and the Pennsyl- industry. This problem is especially
vania State University 33 , 34 on precast compounded in high rise buildings
prestressed bridge deck panels used and particularly those in seismic
as stay-in-place forms. As a direct re- areas. For example, there are many
sult of this research, these types of local building codes which limit the
deck panels are now being used on height of prestressed concrete struc-
bridges in Illinois, Texas, Florida, Vir- tures in earthquake zones.
ginia, and Pennsylvania.35 Recently a very comprehensive re-
search program has been undertaken
Connections at the University of Washington on
Finding the most effective method the shear transfer strength of rein-
to connect precast prestressed mem- forced concrete subject to both sin-
bers for a given system is perhaps gle direction and cyclically reversing
the single most important problem loading.

PCI JOURNAL/September-October 1976 85

Some of the test results obtained Sea Structures
in this study 36 - 38 have been applied A whole new technology is devel-
very effectively to the design of cor- oping as a result of the tremendous
bel connections. 39 Nevertheless, commercial interest in deep sea and
similar studies need to be made on offshore structures including ships.
the many diverse types of connec- This is a field in which application
tions met in practice. largely preceeded research. Never-
Partial Prestressing theless, this is a field still in its in-
Mention has already been made of fancy and there remains much related
the advantages to be gained from the basic research and developmental
use of partial prestressing and of the work to be done. (See "Current
pioneering work of Abeles in this Trends in Concrete Sea Structures"
field. Although the benefits of partial by Ben C. Gerwick, Jr., in this Sym-
prestressing are now generally rec- posium Volume and also the Pro-
ognized, additional research is need- ceedings of the Conference on Con-
ed to determine the optimum propor- crete Ships and Floating Structures
tions of prestressed and unpre- held at the University of California at
stressed reinforcement, especially as Berkeley, September 15-19, 1975.43)
related to crack width.40 New Materials
Segmental Construction Lastly, we must remember that the
The advantages of using factory- commercial realization of pre-
produced precast elements which. stressed concrete came about only
can be tied together with post-ten- after the development of high yield
sioning in the field are recognized strength prestressing steel and the
and are being applied successfully in production of high strength concrete.
the bridge field. Nevertheless, fur- The continued success of pre-
ther research and developmental stressed concrete will depend largely
work is needed to facilitate the ap- on the improvement of the properties
plication of segmental construction of these two basic materials and their
to other diverse types of construc- combined interaction.
tion, such as buildings, industrial and During the past few years there
marine structures, and other applica- has been much research activity into
tions. producing very high strength con-
crete. Compressive strengths in the
Structures Susceptible to 15,000-psi range have become fairly
Progressive Collapse common in the laboratory and
Ever since the partial collapse of strengths up to 10,000 psi are now
Ronan Point in England in 1968, there being produced commercially. One
has been a great deal of concern major goal of prestressed concrete is
with regard to the structural safety of to improve its strength to weight ra-
large panel buildings subject to ab- tio.
normal loads. Research is currently In the last few years there has
in progress in this field at the Port- been much experimentation with
land Cement Association 41 and also polymer and sulfur impregnated con-
a PCI Committee report has recently cretes and lately with glass and steel
been published on bearing wall fiber reinforced concrete. Although
buildings, 42 which references rele- most of these new products are cur-
vant research reports from several rently limited to nonstructural uses,
countries. their importance will grow in the

years ahead especially when they sampling of some of the research ac-
can be combined efficiently and eco- tivity of former years, which has had
nomically with prestressing. a significant influence on the devel-
opment of contemporary practice in
the design and construction of pre-
stressed concrete structures. I have
Concluding Remarks also indicated some areas of current
research and outlined selected topics
Research on various aspects of that need further investigation.
prestressed concrete behavior has Unquestionably, future research
proliferated in all countries over the will continue to provide new informa-
years. Because of space limitations, tion on material properties, structu-
it is not possible to summarize all ral behavior, and fabrication pro-
the research done (particularly in cesses. This will result in further im-
countries outside of the United provements in the efficiency and
States) nor to give due credit to all of economy of prestressed concrete
the many people who have been ac- construction, and make possible the
tively involved in research in the field development of new concepts in de-
of prestressed concrete. sign, leading to still further expan-
I have, however, tried to present a sion in its uses.


1. Mandl, J., "Zur Theorie der Cement- 6. Davis, R. E., and Davis, H. E., "Flow
Eisen Constructionen." (Theory of of Concrete Under the Action of Sus-
Reinforced Concrete Constructions) tained Loads," Proceedings, Ameri-
Osterreichischer ingenieur and Archl- can Concrete Institute, V. 27, March
tekten Verein, V. 48, November 1869, 1931, p. 837.
pp. 593-596 and 605-609. 7. Glanville, W. H., "Studies in Rein-
2. Koenen, M., "Wie kann die Anwen- forced Concrete, Ill. The Creep or
dung des Eisenbetons in der Eisen- Flow of Concrete under Load," Build-
bahnverwaltung wesentlich gefordert ing Research Station Technical Paper
werden?" (How Can the Application No. 12, 1930.
of Reinforced Concrete be Promoted 8. Freyssinet, E., "Prestressed Con-
in Railway Administration? Zentral- crete: Principles and Applications,"
blatt der Bauverwaltung, V. 27, No. Journal, Institution of Civil Engineers,
79, September 1907, pp. 520-522. V. 33, No. 4, February 1950, p. 331.
3. Hatt, W. K., "Notes on the Effect of 9. Eugene Freyssinet, Sa Vie, Ses
the Time Element in Loading Rein- Oeuvres, from a collection of Freys-
forced Concrete Beams," Proceed- sinet's writings published by the
ings, American Society for Testing Chambre Syndicale Nationale des
and Materials, V. 7, 1907, p. 41. Constructeurs en Ciment Arme et
4. Smith, E. B., "The Flow of Concrete Beton Precontraint, on the occasion
Under Sustained Load," Proceedings, of ceremonies in honour of Freyssi-
American Concrete Institute, V. 12, net, Paris, 1963.
1916, p. 317. 10. Freyssinet, E., "A Revolution in the
5. Smith, E. B., "The Flow of Concrete Technique of the Utilization of Con-
Under Sustained Loads," Proceed- crete," Journal, Institution of Structu-
ings, American Concrete Institute, V. ral Engineers, V. 14, No. 5, May 1936,
13, 1917, p. 99. p. 242.

PCI JOURNAL/September-October 1976 87

11. Gueritte, T. J., "Further Data Con-
Rupture," (Experimental Study of Pre-
cerning Prestressed Concrete: Com- stressed Concrete Continuous Beams
parison Between Calculated Stresses in the Plastic Domain and at Failure)
and Stresses Registered During Proceedings, FIP Second Congress,
Test," Journal, Intitution of Civil Engi- Amsterdam, 1955, p. 561.
neers, V. 16, No. 6, April 1941, p. 91. 21. Lin, T. Y., "Load-Balancing Method
12. Emperger, F. V., "Stahlebeton mit
for Design and Analysis of Pre-
vorgespannten Zulagen aus hoher- stressed Concrete Structures," ACI
wertigem Stahl," (Reinforced Con- Journal, Proceedings V. 60, No. 6,
crete With Prestressed Additional Re- June 1963, p. 719.
inforcement of High Tensile Steel), H. 22. Jung, E., and Lichtner, K., "Stahisia-
47 F orschingsarbeiten auf dem Gebi-
ten Beton" (Steel Wire Concrete),
ete des Eisenbetons, W. Ernst & Bauhelter, No. 8, 1947, p. 9 and No.
Sohn, Berlin, 1939. 10, 1947, p. 13.
13. Abeles, P. W., "Saving Reinforcement 23. Anon., "Report on Prestressed Rein-
by Prestressing," Concrete and Con- forced Concrete Sleepers Tested as
structional Engineering, V. 35. p. 3. Simply Supported Beams, by
14. Abeles, P. W., "Fully and Partially
L.N.E.R.," Concrete and Construc-
Prestressed Reinforced Concrete," tional Engineering, April and May,
AC! Journal, Proceedings V. 41, Janu- 1947.
ary 1945, p. 181. 24. Baskin, B. J., "Prestressing Applied
15. Abeles, P. W., "Static and Fatigue
to the Manufacture of Precast Rein-
Tests on Partially Prestressed Con- forced Concrete Bridge Beams," Pro-
crete Constructions," ACI Journal, ceedings, First United States Confer-
Proceedings V. 51, December 1954, ence on Prestressed Concrete, Mass-
p. 361.
achusetts Institute of Technology,
16. Guyon, Y., "A Theoretical Treatment 1951.
of Continuity in Prestressed Con- 25. Hanson, N. W.. and Kaar, P. H.,
crete," Proceedings, Symposium on "Flexural Bond Tests of Pretensioned
Prestressed Concrete Statically In- Prestressed Beams," AC! Journal,
determinate Structures, London, Sep- Proceedings V. 55, No. 7, January
tember 1951, Published by the Ce- 1959, p. 783.
ment and Concrete Association, Lon- 26. Kaar, P. H., LaFraugh, R. W., and
don, 1953. Mass, M. A., "Influence of Concrete
17. Lin, T. Y., "Strength of Continuous
Strength on Strand Transfer Length,"
Prestressed Concrete Beams Under PCI JOURNAL, V. 8, No. 5, October
Static and Repeated Loads," ACI 1963. p. 47.
Journal, Proceedings V. 51, June 27. Baxter, S. S., "Construction of the
1955, p. 1037. Walnut Lane Bridge," Proceedings,
18. Session Ilia, "Moment Distribution in
First United States Conference on
Statically Indeterminate Prestressed Prestressed Concrete, Massachusetts
Structures Beyond the Elastic Institute of Technology, 1951.
Phase," Proceedings, FIP Second 28. Magnel, G., Prestressed Concrete,
Congress, Amsterdam, 1955, pp. 495- Concrete Publications Ltd., London,
656. 1950. pp. 154-165.
19. Morice. P. B., and Lewis, H. E., "The 29. MacGregor, J. G., Sozen, M. A., and
Ultimate Strength of Two-Span Con- Siess, C. P., "Effect of Draped Rein-
tinuous Prestressed Concrete Beams forcement on Behavior of Prestressed
as Affected by Tendon Transforma- Concrete Beams," AC! Journal, Pro-
tion and Un-Tensioned Steel," Pro- ceedings V. 57, No. 6, December
ceedings, FIP Second Congress, Am- 1960, p. 649.
sterdam, 1955, p. 561. 30. Olesen, S. 0., Sozen, M. A., and
20. Macchi, G., "Etude Experimentale de Siess, C. P., "Investigation of Pre-
poutres continues precontraintes stressed Reinforced Concrete for
dans le Domaine Plastique et a la Highway Bridges, Part IV: Strength in

Shear of Beams with Web Reinforce- 37 Mattock, A. H., Li, W. K., and Wang,
ment," University of Illinois Engineer- T. C., "Shear Transfer in Lightweight
ing Experiment Station Bulletin No. Reinforced Concrete," PCI JOURNAL,
493, 1967. V. 21, No. 1, January-February 1976,
43 Texas Highway Department, "Sum- pp. 20-39.
mary Report on Investigation to De- 38. Mattock, A. H., Chen, K. C., and
termine Feasibility of Using In-Place Soongswang, K., "The Behavior of
Precast Prestressed Form Panels for Reinforced Concrete Corbels," PCI
Highway Bridge Decks," PCI JOUR- JOURNAL, V. 21, No. 2, March-April
NAL, V. 20, No. 3, May-June 1975, 1976, pp. 52-77.
pp. 62-67. 39. Mattock, A. H., "Design Proposals for
32. Kluge, R. W., and Sawyer, H. A., "In- Reinforced Concrete Corbels," PCI
teracting Pretensioned Concrete JOURNAL, V. 21, No. 3, May-June
Form Panels for Bridge Decks," PCI 1976, pp. 18-42.
JOURNAL, V. 20, No. 3, May-June
40. Leonhardt, Fritz, "To New Frontiers
1975, pp. 34-61.
for Prestressed Concrete Design and
33 Barnoff, R. M., and Orndorff, J. A.,
Construction," PCI JOURNAL, V. 19,
"Construction and Testing of an Ex-
No. 5, September-October 1974, pp.
perimental Prestressed Concrete
Bridge, Report No. 1, The Pennsyl-
vania State University, University 41 Fintel, Mark, and Schultz, Donald,
Park, Pennsylvania, 1974. "A Philosophy for Structural Integrity
34. Barnoff, R. M., and Rainey, D. L., of Large Panel Buildings," PCI
"Laboratory Tests of Prestressed JOURNAL, V. 21, No. 3, May-June
Concrete Deck Planks and Deck 1976, pp. 46-69.
Plank Assemblies," Report No. 2, The 42 PCI Committee on Precast Concrete
Pennsylvania Transportation Institute, Bearing Wall Buildings, "Considera-
The Pennsylvania State University, tions for the Design of Precast Con-
University Park, Pennsylvania, 1974. crete Bearing Wall Buildings to With-
35. Barker, James M., "Research, Appli- stand Abnormal Loads," PCI JOUR-
cation, and Experience with Precast NAL, V. 21, No. 2, March-April 1976,
Prestressed Bridge Deck Panels," pp. 18-51.
PCI JOURNAL, V. 20, No. 6, Novem- 43. Gerwick, Jr., Ben C., (Editor, Con-
ber-December 1975, pp. 66-85. ference on "Concrete Ships and
36. Mattock, A. H., Johal, L. P., and Floating Structures," Proceedings,
Chow, C. H., "Shear Transfer in Re- University of California at Berkeley,
inforced Concrete with Moment or September 15-19, 1975. (Note: the
Tension Acting Across the Shear Conference Proceedings were pub-
Plane," PCI JOURNAL, V. 20, No. 4, lished by the University Extension in
July-August 1975, pp. 76-93. 1976.)

PCI JOURNAL/September-October 1976 89

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