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AAMFT Leadership Certificate

Portfolio Proposal
December 2019

Jessica Holzer, LMFT #91154

AAMFT ID Number 134821

Description of Project General description of my Portfolio Project

Through an interactive website platform, for my Portfolio Project I would like to explore my leadership
engagement with therapists who are beginning to enter the field of Marriage and Family Therapy. As of
September 2019, I began a new role as a Clinical Training Coordinator where I support students enrolled
in the Couple and Family Therapy Program at Alliant International University in San Diego, CA. There
are many aspects of my job in which require my skills as a leader as I support up on average 40 students
per cohort as they enter their practicum experience as trainees, practicing in the role of an MFT for the
first time.
Throughout my project, I would like to first explore how my “CD” DiSC style impacts the development
of my role as therapist and as the Clinical Training Coordinator at this program within the larger context
of the university. Secondly, to exemplify this, part of my role is to develop student support and education
in professional development. As such, I would like to develop a workshop and/or collect resources about
leadership in the field of MFT for students with the hope of engaging them early in their career.
In my experience so far as a leader in this field, there are many untapped resources and many
opportunities that are not readily available. My goal will be to make that gap slightly smaller for students
so they can grow in their careers and be active members of our field.

Outline of Plan Month by Month View of Portfolio Project
Below is a preliminary outline of the steps I plan to take with this project. As I discuss with my mentor,
this timeline may shift.

Date Important Dates Goal Action Steps

December 2019 Portfolio Proposal  Submit Proposal on  Provide Mentor with Dates to Connect
Due by 12/15/19 time and discuss with  Review Proposal for Portfolio
January 2020  Develop website  Meet with Mentor to Review Progress
platform  Share website development with Mentor
 Outline a workshop/  Collect Resources
explore leadership  Read one book on leadership
resources available to
February 2020  Present suggestion to  Meet with Mentor to Review Progress
Alliant for support  Contact Site Director, Program Director, and
 Explore student led Faculty Advisors of student led organizations
organizations for  Discuss gathering of support with Mentor
support  Review possible curriculum for students with
 Develop curriculum Mentor and get feedback
March 2020 Leadership  Edit  Meet with Mentor to Review Progress
Symposium curriculum/resources  Share curriculum with Mentor
March 12-14, 2020  Prepare for  Share curriculum with those who are
presentation to supporting the project
students  Share website development
April 2020  Hold Leadership  Meet with Mentor to Review Progress
Workshop for  Hold workshop mid-April
May 2020 Submit to the  Follow up with  Meet with Mentor to Review Progress
Review students on response  Prepare for submission
Committee for to workshop/resources  Send out survey for feedback on event
feedback  Submit to committee
**after 6/1/20 will for feedback
be final submissions
June 2020  Meet with Mentor to Discuss Submission
June 30th 2020 Proposal Due! (Final Deadline)

Discussion Response to questions from the overview of the Portfolio Process
 Based on your DiSC assessment, personal understanding of self, and leadership goals, what
area(s) would you like to develop while working on the Leadership Certificate?
Being a CD style (and feeling that the DiSC description accurately describes my experience so far) I
would like to develop my ability to network more efficiently and effectively, in a way that does not
feel “draining” and I would like to work on incorporating others into my projects.

There are other Clinical Training Coordinators (CTCs) at Alliant’s other campuses across California.
I would like to see how I can include their ideas and bring them into this project (if they would like),
so this could be a systemwide impact.

 What are the metrics that will demonstrate goal accomplishment?

I think to measure this, I would like to:
o Include other CTCs into this plan
o Reach out to my fellow cohort members for support
o Explore resources on learning how to network effectively (perhaps a book or workshop I
could attend?)

 How will you accomplish these metrics?

o Do a “book club” with other cohort members to discuss a leadership book where we read a
leadership book and discuss together to find ways to incorporate this into our projects
o Attend the Leadership Symposium in March 2020
o Share my portfolio with other CTCs, look for support in the university, and bring those
interested into the project

 How can your mentor help you reach these goals?

o Check in with me minimally monthly and ask how I am incorporating others into this
o Provide feedback and potential resources

 How will you know you have grown from a leadership perspective?
I will know I have grown depending on my self-reflection of how I have experienced this project.
Most of the time, I feel like I have taken on projects without exploring the resources and experience
of others around me, leaving me feeling disconnected from my colleagues and overwhelmed. I am
usually happy with the result of my work and complete projects I start, but without much support. If I
am asking for support in a clear manner and letting others in to support me or the project, that would
be growth in my leadership. I have gotten feedback from those I work with that I often look
“stressed” and “very busy,” which I believe leads people to feel I am unapproachable when working
on a project. I would like to examine other’s response to me as well as I work on this portfolio.

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