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Dead Line: Sunday (18/2/2018)

The Islamic University of Gaza, Instructors: Dr. Khalil M. Al Astal

Civil Engineering Department,

Hydraulics -Discussion, T.A: Eng. Mohammed AbuRahma

Second semester, 2018. T.A: Eng. Reem Sbaih

Homework of Chapter (3)

Problem 3.5.3 :A homeowner is interested in supplying water (20oC) to her wood shop that
is about 34m from her house. However, she is concerned about the lack of water pressure.
Calculate the pressure drop she can expect for a flow rate of 10 liters per minute through
a 2-cm copper pipe. Assume minor losses are negligible.

Problem 3.5.6: A 30-cm circular cast-iron pipeline, 2 km long, carries water at 10oC. What is
the maximum discharge if a 4.6-m head loss is allowed?

Problem 3.5.7: Two sections, A and B, are 4.5 km apart along a 4-m-diameter riveted-steel
pipe in its best condition. A is 100m higher than B. If the water temperature is 20°C and the
pressure heads measured at A and B are 8.3 m and 76.7 m, respectively, what is the flow
rate? Assume minor losses are negligible.

Problem 3.5.10: Water at 200C is transported through a 200-m-long wrought iron pipe with a
head loss of 9.8 m. Determine the diameter of the pipe required to convey 10 L/sec.

Problem 3.5.13: Equation 3.19 defines the mean velocity for laminar flow using the Hagen-
Poiseuille law. Equation 3.20 gives the Darcy-Weisbach equation applied to a horizontal
uniform pipe. Derive Equation 3.20a, showing all steps in the process.

Problem 3.7.1: A 6-km cast-iron (new) pipeline conveys 320 L/sec of water at 30°C. If the
diameter is 30 cm ,compare the head loss calculated from (a) the Darcy-Weisbach equation,
(b) the Hazen-Williams equation, and (c) the Manning equation. Use computer software to
verify your results.

Problem 3.7.3: Two reservoirs l ,200m apart are connected by a 50-cm smooth concrete
pipe. If the two reservoirs have an elevation difference of 5 m, determine the discharge
(20°C) in the pipe by (a) the Darcy Weisbach equation,(b) the Hazen-Williams equation, and
(c) the Manning equation. Assume minor losses are negligible and verify your results with
computer software.

Problem 3.7.9: A cast-iron, horizontal pipeline was installed 20 years ago with a Hazen-
Williams coefficient of 130. The pipeline is 2,000 m long and has a diameter of 30 cm.
Significant tuberculation has occurred since it was installed, and tests are run to determine the
existing CHw- A pressure drop of 366,000 pascals is measured over the pipeline length for a
flow rate of 0.136 m3/sec. Determine the existing Hazen-Williams coefficient. Assume minor
losses are negligible and verify your results with computer software.

Problem 3.11.2 A 30-cm diameter pipe conveys water at the rate of 106 L/sec, the head loss
from the abrupt contraction and expansion were calculated to be 0.606 m and 1.03 m,
respectively. With the same flow rate and geometry, determine the corresponding head losses
if a 15° confessor and a 15° diffuser are used to reduce the head losses.

Problem 3.11.5: Valve manufacturers want to be able to supply the loss coefficients of their
products to prospective buyers. They usually perform experiments to determine the
coefficients. Determine the Joss coefficient for a valve if water flows through the 8-cm valve
at the rate of0.04 m3/s and produces a pressure drop of 100 kPa.

Problem 3.11.10: A 34-m-high water tower supplies water to a residential area by means of a
20-cm-diameter, 800-m-long commercial steel pipe. To increase the pressure head at the
delivery point, engineers are considering the replacement of 94 percent of the pipe length
with a larger (30-cm-diameter) steel pipe connected by a 30° C confessor back to the
remaining smaller pipe. If the peak water (200°C) demand is 0.10 m3/sec, what is the
pressure head that would be gained by this strategy?

Additional Problem 1:
In the figure below, there are 40m of 5-cm pipe, 25m of 15-cm pipe, and 45 m of 7.5-cm pipe,
all cast iron. There are three 90° flanged elbows and an open flanged globe valve. If the exit
elevation is zero, what horsepower is extracted by the turbine when the flow rate is 0.0045
m3/s of water 20oC (kinematic viscosity of 1 ×10-6 m2/s)?

Additional Problem 2:
Water at 20oC (kinematic viscosity of 1 ×10-6 m2/s) is flowing from reservoir A to reservoir B
through a pipe of length 510 m and roughness 0.15 mm at a rate of 0.75 m3/s as shown in
figure below. The system contains a sharp-edged entrance and four flanged elbows. Determine
the pipe diameter needed.

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