FRIES 2009 The Model - and The Data - Gamma

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The Model- and the Data-Gamma

Pascal Fries1,*
1Ernst Strüngmann Institute in Cooperation with Max Planck Society, 60528 Frankfurt, Germany

DOI 10.1016/j.neuron.2009.11.024

Brain regions that are structurally connected might become functionally connected by synchronization in the
gamma-frequency band. In a recent issue of Nature, Colgin et al. show spatially and temporally fine-grained
gamma-band synchronization between different parts of the rat hippocampal formation, suggesting a theta-
modulated switching of gamma-mediated communication.

In a recent issue of Nature, Colgin et al. tuations cause gamma-rhythmic modula- sensory data and try to fit learned models
show that hippocampal area CA1 can tions of the gain of synaptic input. Input is to them (Fries, 2009). Data exploration
synchronize in the gamma-frequency therefore most effective when it is itself and model fitting might correspond to
band with area CA3 or with medial ento- rhythmic and synchronized to its target. the two forms of CA1 synchronization that
rhinal cortex (MEC), but usually not with In the Colgin et al. study, the target is seem to route MEC and CA3 information,
both at the same time (Colgin et al., CA1 and the observed synchronizations respectively.
2009). When CA1 synchronizes with CA3, to either CA3 or MEC might thus render If CA1 is to provide any sort of integra-
this occurs at a relatively low gamma- one of those inputs effective in a selective tion of the two different types of informa-
frequency band, between 25 and 50 Hz. manner. One interesting prediction is that tion, it must keep a trace of one until the
By contrast, when CA1 synchronizes the selective efficacy of one out of two other arrives. This might be facilitated by
with MEC, this occurs at a relatively high inputs might be revealed in the population the fact that the two types of information
gamma-frequency band, between 65 spiking activity of CA1. When CA1 activity appear to be handled by different sets of
and 140 Hz. reflects the present position of the animal, neurons in CA1. Colgin et al. find that
This pattern of synchronization likely this should coexist with gamma-band two largely nonoverlapping sets of CA1
results in a functional coupling of CA1 to synchronization to MEC. By contrast, neurons synchronize to the gamma
either CA3 or MEC. CA1 receives input when CA1 spiking activity reflects spatial rhythms of MEC and CA3, respectively.
from both CA3 and MEC (Figure 1). While memories unrelated to the present posi- Thus, MEC might load new sensory
MEC input conveys information about the tion, this should coexist with gamma- ‘‘data’’ into one set of CA1 neurons during
current position of the animal, CA3 input band synchronization to CA3. Future some theta cycles, while during other
conveys information about spatial memo- studies might test this prediction. theta cycles, another set of CA1 neurons
ries. With some simplification, I would This scheme of neuronal Communica- might retrieve memorized ‘‘models’’ from
like to call the MEC input to CA1 the tion-through-Coherence (CTC) allows the CA3. This proposal provides an inter-
external ‘‘data’’ and CA3 input to CA1 switch of effective connectivity without esting framework that provides questions
the internal ‘‘model.’’ The new results of the need to change structural connec- for future work: How do the two sets of
Colgin et al. suggest that these two inputs tivity (Fries, 2009). Structural connectivity neurons interact and integrate the specific
are accepted by CA1 at different times. cannot be modified as flexibly as the information they have? How does one
When CA1 gamma-synchronizes selec- pattern of synchronization. Colgin et al. set keep its information until the other
tively with one of its inputs, this most actually find that the selective gamma- information comes in? The data of Colgin
likely renders this input more effective, band synchronization of CA1 with one of et al. already give some hint: MEC
while functionally disconnecting the non- its partners builds up and decays again synchronizes most strongly with CA1
synchronized input (Fries, 2009). within the cycle of the theta rhythm. near the trough of the theta cycle. During
Gamma-rhythmic activity is brought The theta rhythm is the most prominent this theta phase, CA1 is particularly prone
about by the interplay between local rhythm of the hippocampus and has for long-term potentiation, and MEC input
excitatory and inhibitory neuron groups a frequency that ranges from 4 to 8 Hz. could leave a trace particularly easily. By
(Buzsáki, 2006; Tiesinga and Sejnowski, This frequency band governs some contrast, CA3 synchronizes with CA1
2009; Whittington et al., 2000). The local exploratory behaviors like whisking in most precisely during the early descend-
inhibitory network plays a key role by rodents and free-viewing saccades in ing part of the theta cycle. This theta
imposing gamma-rhythmic inhibition onto monkeys and humans (Berg et al., 2006; phase is associated with memory
the entire local network. This gamma- Otero-Millan et al., 2008). The theta retrieval.
rhythmic input is typically mediated via rhythm has therefore been called an These considerations lead to another
strong perisomatic synapses and thereby exploratory rhythm, and this might hold important question: What triggers the
conveys a powerful gamma-rhythmic not only at the behavioral, but also at switch from synchronization with MEC to
modulation of neuronal excitability (Fig- the neurophysiological level. Neuronal synchronization with CA3? Colgin et al.
ure 1). Gamma-rhythmic excitability fluc- networks explore different aspects of report that across theta cycles, CA1 tends

Neuron 64, December 10, 2009 ª2009 Elsevier Inc. 601



to synchronize with CA3 for rhythms, particularly

several theta cycles in a row theta rhythms (Buzsáki,
and then switches to syn- 2006; Canolty et al.,
chronization with MEC, again 2006; Lakatos et al.,
for several theta cycles in 2005).
a row. The switching is thus
not a simple regular alterna- Thus, the theta-modulated
tion, but is governed by time switching among alternative
constants that last across gamma-synchronization links
several theta cycles and described by Colgin et al. is
could be either intrinsic to likely a fundamental process
the hippocampus or coming of neuronal computation. It
from outside. will be an important task for
It is intriguing to speculate future research to test some
that a framework of gamma- of the predictions that flow
mediated selective communi- from the discussed concepts
cation that is switching com- and to elucidate the under-
munication partners across lying mechanisms.
theta cycles might hold
beyond rat hippocampus. In REFERENCES
the hippocampus of awake Figure 1. Theta-Modulated Communication-through-Gamma-
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macaque monkeys, a recent
On the left is an illustration of the hippocampal formation with both medial en- Kleinfeld, D. (2006). J. Neurosci.
study (Jutras et al., 2009) torhinal cortex (MEC) and area CA3 feeding into area CA1. On the right is an 26, 6518–6522.
described two separate illustration of how the changing pattern of gamma-band synchronization might
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campal theta rhythm. Near the trough of the first theta cycle, CA1 shows Brain (Oxford: Oxford University
are strikingly similar to those fast gamma synchronization with MEC. The coordinated, gamma-modulated Press).
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(solid arrows). MEC might thus provide new ‘‘data’’ to CA1. At the same time,
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of two different sources can also be feedback input. Source switching physiol. 94, 1904–1911.
achieved within one gamma band. If one à la Colgin et al. might apply both
gamma band is sufficiently wide, two (or to competing feedforward inputs Otero-Millan, J., Troncoso, X.G., Macknik, S.L.,
even more) individual gamma rhythms and to feedforward versus feed- Serrano-Pedraza, I., and Martinez-Conde, S.
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can fluctuate through the width of the back input.
band to avoid being correlated with each (2) Gamma-band rhythms can be
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602 Neuron 64, December 10, 2009 ª2009 Elsevier Inc.

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