Listening Test5.11.2019

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Multiple choice questions.

Listen to the recording and answer the question by selecting all the correct responses. You will
need to select more than one response.

What advice for future students from the discussion?

• Students should not waste their time to study medical.

• Students need to submit their essays to professors.

• They need to manage their time properly.

• Prospective students ought to train their memory.

• They need to revise the notes regularly.

Fill in the blanks. You will hear a recording. Type the missing words in each blank.
• That said, keep one thing in mind: We're at the beginning of a very steep …………... So
you think about some of these new power models, right? These were just like
someone's garage idea a few years ago, and now they're ……………entire
industries. And so, what's interesting about new power, is the way it feeds on itself. Once
you have an ……………of new power, you tend to expect and want more of it. So let's
say you've used a peer-to-peer lending platform like Lending Tree or …………….., then
you've figured out that you don't need the bank, and who wants the bank, right? And so,
that experience tends to …………….. you it tends to make you want more
participation across more …………….. of your life.

• One of the women ……………. time log I studied goes out on a Wednesday night for
something. She comes home to find that her water heater has ………………, and there is
now water all over her basement. If you've ever had anything like this happen to you, you
know it is a hugely …………….., frightening, sopping mess. So she's dealing with the
immediate aftermath that night, next day she's got ……………. coming in, day after that,
professional cleaning crew dealing with the ruined carpet. All this is being ……………..
on her time log. Winds up taking seven hours of her week. Seven hours. That's like
finding an extra hour in the day.

• Every chimpanzee has his or her own ……………. Of course, I gave them names. They
can live to be 60 years or more, although we think most of them ……………. don't make
it to 60 in the wild. Mr. Wurzel. The female has her first baby when she's 11 or
12. Thereafter, she has one baby only every five or six years, a long period of childhood
……………. when the child is nursing, sleeping with the mother at night, and …………..
on her back. And we believe that this long period of childhood is important for
chimpanzees, just as it is for us, in relation to ……………..

Highlight Correct Summary- You will hear a recording. Choose the paragraph that best
relates to the recording.

• Due to a higher standard of living, people are now able to buy a house and enjoy a
luxurious life.

• Life is not easy so many young people choose to be independent from their parents. They
can earn a living and do not need support from their grandparents.

• It seems that each individual tends to live dependently because life is tough because of
the rising daily expenses. Therefore, they need support from their parents.

• It is impossible for people to live apart from their parents since life is becoming fierce. If
they want a better life, they need to earn a well-paid job.
Single answer question. Only one response is correct.
• According to the speaker, one problem with the new regulations will be
• Raising money to pay for them
• Finding a way to make people follow them
• Getting the support of the police
• Increasing the amount of complaints from citizens

• Why is Jack interested in investigating seed germination?

• He may do a module on a related topic later on
• He wants to have a career in plant science
• He is thinking of choosing this topic for his dissertation
• He will do an experiment to grow a seed in front of class

Select missing word. You will hear a recording about art projects. At the end of the recording
the last word or group of words has been replaced by a beep. Select the correct option to
complete the recording.
• fewer criminals and people are more friendly
• much less interesting and attractive
• persuade more young people to gather in the city centre
• more appealing and breathtaking

Highlight Incorrect Word – You will hear a recording. Highlight incorrect words from the

• Migrant children who do join schools in cities usually get a worse education than their

city-born counterparts. State schools that recognize migrant pupils often operate what

Pei-chia Lan of National Taiwan University refers to as ‘apartheid school models’. In

these, migrant children are educated separately from urban ones in the same school, and

are even kept apart from them in the community.

• Freshwater resources are essential to vegetation and wildlife. However, as time passes,

the availability of water is becoming diminished. One of the causes of this problem, in

the case of wetlands, for example, is that the human growing population has basically

taken control over large areas in order to meet its needs, and this situation generates

overall productivity changes which alter the lives of all the organisms which rely on the

resources available in wetlands. In the 1980s, the United States Congress had to take

methods so as to rehabilitate various wetland areas.

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