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2 Given

A=ax –ay2+az3

B=ax +ay-az2

Find the expression for a unit vector C that is perpendicular to both A and B.

P.2.16 The position of a point in cylindrical coordinates is specified by (4,2π/3,3).What is the

location of point

a) in Cartesian coordinates

b) in spherical coordinates

P.2.17 A field is expressed in spherical coordinate by E=aR(25/R2).

a) find |E| and Ex at the point P(-3,4,-5).

b) find the angle that E makes with vector B= ax2 –ay2+az at point P.

P.2.20 Given a vector function F= ax xy–ay(3x- y 2), evaluate the integral ∫ F .dl from P1(5,6) to
P2(3,3) .

a) along the direct path P1P2.

b) along path P1AP2.

P.2.21 Given a vector function E= ax y+ayx , evaluate the scalar line integral ∫ E . dl from
P1(2,1,-1) to P2(8,2,-1)

a) along the parabola x=2 y 2

b) along the straight line joining the two points.

Is this E a conservative field?

P.2.29 For vector function A=arr 2+az2z verify the divergence theorem for the circular cylindrical
region enclosed by r=5 , z=0 , and z=4.

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