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Report on the blue-rumped Parrot Population in Three Different Countries

By: Jaya Kirubakary and Chia Nean Ern

Both the visuals, bar chart and the table show a study that was conducted on the blue-rumped
parrot population in three different countries which are Indonesia, Thailand and Brunei in 2000,
2005 and 2010. The four actions taken by the countries to protect the blue-rumped parrot
populations are punishing illegal hunting, organising awareness campaign, setting up reserves and
protecting the habitat.

Among the three countries, Indonesia has the highest number of blue-rumped parrot populations
in the three particular years. This is due to the actions taken by the authorities in the country to
preserve the population of the parrots. On the other hand, Brunei has the lowest population of blue-
rumped parrots because according to the table, lack of initiatives was taken by the authorities.

Thailand experienced an average population of parrots. In the year of 2005, the population
declined because no action was taken to protect the blue-rumped parrots. However, the number
increased again in 2010 as the authorities organised awareness campaigns and give punishment to
those who practice illegal hunting.

In conclusion, the population of blue-rumped parrots is correlated to the actions taken by the
authorities in the country.

(198 words)

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