Past Tense Review Quiz 1

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Tense Review

Choose the correct form in the brackets.

1. They (were cleaning up / had cleaned up) while I was cooking dinner.

2. There was no food left when I returned. They (had eaten / ate) everything!

3. If she had visited us last summer, she (would have enjoyed / would enjoy) the hikes in the

4. I (checked / was checking) the bags before we left on holiday.

5. If he (broke / had broken) the window he would repair it.

6. She told me she was flying to Chicago last week. She (must have been / must be) in her
hotel room last night.

7. By the time the presentation began, they (completed / had completed) their discussion.

8. If I (had been / were) you, I would finish my homework!

9. She is very intelligent. She (can not have thought/ couldn't have thought) that!

10. When I arrived, they (stretched their legs / were stretching their legs).

Choose the correct verb form:

1. “My suitcase is so heavy!” - “Give it to me. I’ll / I’m going to carry it for you”
2. I bought some warm boots because I’ll go / going skiing.
3. “Tony’s back from holiday” - “Is he? I’ll give / I’m going to give him a ring.”
4. We’ll see / we’re going to see “Hamlet” at the Royal Shakespeare tonight. The tickets
were very expensive.
5. You can tell me your secrete. I won’t tell / I’m not going to tell anyone else.
6. I hear you and John will get / are going to get married! Congratulation!
7. “I need to get these letters in the morning as soon as possible”
“I’ll go / I’m going shopping soon. I’ll post / I’m going to post them for you”.
8. “Where will you go / are you going to go this year?
“ Turkey. What about you?”
“We don’t know yet. Maybe we’ll go / we’re going to Spain

Date: 9 March, 2011 1

Choose the correct verb form:

1. “Why are you working so hard these days?”

“Because I’ll buy / I’m going to buy a car, so I’m saving as much as I can”
2. “What will you buy / are going to buy Jill for her birthday?”
“A CD”
“She hasn’t got a CD player”
“Oh. I’ll buy / I’m going to buy her a record, then”
3. “Dad can you sew on a button for me?” -
“I can’t sew. Ask Mum. She’ll do / she’s going to do it for you”.
4. She I tell her I love her? Where’s a coin? If it’s heads, I’ll tell /I’m going to tell her, and if
it’s tail I won’t / I’m not going to.
5. “Why have you so many eggs?” – “Because I’ll make / I’m going to make pancakes tea.
6. “What will you do / are you going to do today?”
“It’s John’s birthday, so I’ll make / I’m going to make him a cake”.
7. “I have an appointment with the bank manager this morning.”
“Why will you see him / are you going to meet him?”
“Because my husband and I will start /are going to start our own business, and we need
some money”
8. “I haven’t got enough money to get home”
“I’ll lend / I’m going to lend you some, if you like. How much do you want?”
“Two pounds is enough, I’ll give / I’m going to give it back tomorrow.”

Date: 9 March, 2011 2

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