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Score __27__


Name of Exhibitor(s): ____________________________________________________________ Age(s) _____________

Exhibit Title: _THE MASK- SHORT FILM _________________________________________________________________

An excellent video captures and holds people’s attention. It may inform, entertain or convince the audience. The topic
chosen should be interesting and communicated as if the audience knows nothing about the subject. Time for video
must be no more than four (4) minutes. Your exhibit must be staffed to protect your equipment. Below you will find an
evaluator’s opinion as to how effective your exhibit is. Read their comments to see what they think would improve your
exhibit. Thank you for exhibiting your work!

Criteria Excellent Very Good Fair Not Comments/Suggestions:

good Done
Style and Organization: Video content is Flow video adalah baik.
Transisi antara scene adalah
organized and flows. Transition between “scenes” 4 3 2 1 0 lancar.
is logical and effective, background distractions
are minimal.
Penggunaan camera angle yang
Creativity: Interesting use of camera angle, sound sesuai dengan scene.
effects/music, close up and distance shots 4 3 2 1 0
enhance video.
Kandungan video adalah baik.
Subject diperkenalkan dengan
menarik supaya dapat menarik
Content: Subject is introduced, viewers’ attention perhatian.
is caught and held, viewers could easily follow, 4 3 2 1 0
material was appropriate and in accordance with
4-H program content expectations
Muzik latar sesuai dengan scene
Quality: Music and words were loud enough to dan serta teliti.
Kamera kurang stabil dalam
hear; images were in focus, lighting appropriate, 4 3 2 1 0 sesetengah shot.
camera work is steady.
Spelling, Usage, Grammar and Mechanics: Free
of spelling and grammatical errors on any text that 4 3 2 1 0
appears and scripted dialogue is free of
grammatical errors.

Written Reflection: 4 3 2 1 0
Persembahan video adalah baik
Overall Impression: Presentation attracted and dan sesuai dengan tajuk projek.
maintained interest 8 6 4 2 0

Point Deduction: 1 point will be deducted if sources are not listed Total points deducted: _____

Blue Ribbon (32-27 points) = Excellent Red Ribbon (26-19 points) = Very Good White Ribbon (18-1 points) = Good

(Please be sure to convert to percentage for placing.)

Additional Comments or Suggestions:
Evaluator Name _Thaatchaayani Muthumanikam_______________________________________ Rev Dec

Video- The Mask (Short Film)

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