Assignment 101

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1. What are the four parts of the New Testament? Describe each part.

a. Gospel
i. The Gospels were written anonymously and came to be ascribed to disciples (Matthew and John) and associates of
apostles (Mark and Luke) sometime in the second century.
ii. Describe
iii. Describe
iv. Describe
b. Acts of the Apostles
i. Written by the author of the third Gospel ("Luke"), describes the spread of the Christian church from Jesus' death to
the death of the apostle Paul.
ii. Describe
iii. Describe
iv. Describe
c. Epistles
i. 21 epistles or letters. Most of these New Testament books are records of correspondence between a church leader
and a Christian community
ii. address issues of Christian belief, practice, and ethics
iii. Thirteen of these books claim to be written by Paul (though, as we will see, New Testament scholars doubt the
reliability of some of these claims)
iv. Describe
d. Apocalypse
i. John, describes the events leading up to the destruction of this world and the appearance of the world to come
ii. Describe
iii. Describe
iv. Describe
v. Describe
2. What are the three Stages of Tradition? Describe each stage.
a. The Period of Jesus’s Life
i. The foundation of the four Gospels is built upon the teachings and parables of Jesus, dated at about 30-33AD (16)
b. The Period of Oral Tradition
i. Oral Tradition is when the apostles and disciples set out preaching, teaching and spreading the Good News (16).
c. The Period of the Evangelists
i. This period included the gradual collection and compilation of knowledge and notations, which led to the writing of
the Gospels (16)
3. What is Documentary Theory?
4. Who are the 12 Apostles? Describe each.
1. Andrew - Andrew was the first to follow Jesus and his enthusiasm was evident as his desire to introduce his older brother
to Jesus revealed what was already in his heart—a deep love for God.
2. Simon Peter - Peter was a gregarious, natural leader, and an obvious spokesperson for the twelve.
3. James Zebedee - James is the elder brother of John and part of Jesus’ “inner three.”
4. John Zebedee – Known as the “disciple Jesus loved.”
5. Philip
6. Honest Nathaniel/Bartholomew
7. Matthew Levi
8. Thomas Didymus
9. James Alpheus
10. Judas Alpheus
11. Simon the Zealot
12. Judas Iscariot

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