Product Information On 2x BaseUnit - Introduction

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Product Information on 2x BaseUnit



This Product Information supplements the manual BaseUnits (6ES7193-6BP.../

3RK1908-0AP00…) and the ET 200SP Distributed I/O system System Manual by the 2x
BaseUnits 6ES7193-6BP60-0BA0 and 6ES7193-6BP60-0DA0.
The Product Information is part of the product supplied. The statements provided in it should
be considered more up-to-date than other documentation if uncertainties arise.

See also
System manual (

BaseUnits manual (

This document constitutes a free excerpt compiled by the user himself/herself from the documentation provided by Siemens for this product. Siemens disclaims
all liability for the completeness of this document. It shall only be used for the user's own internal purposes. It shall not be passed on to third parties.

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