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GOVERCO  P3: Establishing board committees (R3.1-R3.

CHAPTER 3 & 4 CODE OF CORPORATE GOVERNANCE  P4: Fostering commitment (R4.1-R4.3)
FOR PUBLICLY LISTED COMPANIES  P5: Reinforcing board independence (R5.1-R5.7)
NEED FOR CODE OF GOVERNANCE FOR PUBLICLY  P6: Assessing board performance (R6.1)
LISTED COMPANIES  P7: Strengthening board ethics (R7.1-R7.2)
 To raise corporate governance standards of Areas of Corporate Governance
Philippine corporations to a level at par with its  P8: Enhancing company disclosure policies and
regional and global counterparts procedures (R8.1-R8.7)
 P9: Strengthening external auditor’s independence
G20/OECD PRINCIPLES OF CORPORATE GOVERNANCE and improving audit quality (R9.1-R9.3)
 Widely used as benchmark  P10: Increasing non-financial and sustainability
 Presented in six chapters issues (R10.1)
i. Ensuring the basis for an effective corporate  P11: Promoting comprehensive and cost-efficient
governance framework access to relevant information (R11.1)
ii. The rights of shareholders and key ownership Internal Control and Risk Management Framework
functions  P12: Strengthening internal control and risk
iii. The equitable treatment of shareholders management (R12.1-R12.5)
iv. Role of stakeholders in corporate governance  Why: To ensure integrity, transparency and
v. Disclosure and transparency proper governance in PLCs conduct of its affairs
vi. Responsibilities of the BOD  How:
o Internal control and risk management
Objectives o Internal audit function
 To raise the corporate governance standards and o Risk management function
practices of ASEAN publicly listed companies o Qualified Chief Audit Executive
 To give greater international visibility to well- o Chief Risk Officer
governed ASEAN publicly listed companies, and Cultivating a Synergic Relation with
showcase them as investable companies shareholders/members
Joint initiative of the ASEAN capital markets forum and  P13: Promoting shareholder/member rights (R13.1-
the Asian development bank R13.5)
 Pre-emptive right
The scorecard judges 5 key principles of corporate  Right to dividends
governance in each nation:  Right to vote
1. Rights of shareholders (10%)  Right to nominate candidates to BOD
2. Role of stakeholder (10%) Duties to Stakeholders
3. Equitable treatment of shareholders (15%)  P14: Respecting rights of stakeholders and effective
4. Disclosure and transparency (25%) redress for violation of stakeholders’ rights (R14.1-R14.2)
5. Responsibilities of the board (40%)  P15: Encouraging employees’ participation (R15.1-R15.3)
 P16: Encouraging sustainability and social responsibility
“Strong corporate governance is founded on the CORPORATE GOVERNANCE IN THE PHILIPPINES
principles of fairness, accountability, and transparency. SEC MC No. 2 S2002, Code of Corporate Governance
It is key to increasing the global competitiveness of  Issued on April 5, 2002, an alternative of the east
Philippine corporations in a manner that optimizes long- Asian financial crisis, collapse of NASDAQ index and
term value to the company and its shareholders.” – abusive practices of some corporate giants in the US
Teresita J. Herbasa (Former Chairperson) that underscored need for proper disclosure and
greater transparency.
AREAS OF CORPORATE GOVERNANCE  Applicable to corporations whose securities are
Board’s Governance Responisibilities registered or listed, corporations who are grantees
 P1: Establishing a competent board (R1.1-R1.6) of permits/licenses and secondary franchises from
 P2: Establishing clear roles and responsibilities of the SEC, public companies, branches or subsidiaries of
board (R2.1-R2.12) foreign corporation
 Public Company – company with assets of at least
SEC MC No. 6, S2009, Revised Code of Corporate 50M and having 200 or more shareholders holding at
Governance least 100 shares each of equity securities
 Issued on June 18, 2009  Registered Issuer – company that (1) issues
 Applicable to registered corporations and branches proprietary and/or non-proprietary
or subsidiaries of foreign corporations operating in shares/certificates; (2) issues equity securities to the
the Philippines public that are not listed in an exchange; or (3) issues
 That sell equity and/or debt securities to the debt securities to the public that are required to be
public that are required to be registered with registered to the SEC, whether or not listed in an
SEC exchange
 That have assets >50M and at least 200
stockholders who own at least 100 shares each PHILIPPINE CORPORATE GOVERNANCE BLUEPRINT
of equity securities  SEC’s Corporate Governance (CG) roadmap, a
 Whose equity securities are listed on an program of improvement and transportation
Exchange between 2016 and 2020
 That are grantees of secondary license from SEC  Articulation of global corporate governance
SEC MC No. 9, S2014, Amendment to the revised code of principles as the framework for further
Corporate Governance strengthening the CG regime in the Philippines
 Issued on May 6, 2014  Provides best CG practices and policies that may be
 Amended provisions of SEC MC No. 6, S2009 adopted by all Philippine Corporations registered
 Art 1: Definition of Corporate Governance with the SEC
 Art 3: Responsibilities, duties and functions of  Best practices are primarily prescribed for
the board publicly-listed companies, public companies and
 Art 5: Accountability and Audit secondary licenses.
 Art 8: Disclosure and transparency  All other companies are encouraged to consider
SEC MC No. 19, S2016, Code of Corporate Governance adapting said practices
for Publicly-Listed Companies “Our CG framework is open and dynamic. While it
 Issued on Nov. 22, 2016 specifies broad guidelines, it expects these guidelines to
 To promote the development of a strong corporate be observed under the “comply or explain” approach
governance culture and keep abreast with recent and subject to the principle of proportionality.”
developments in corporate governance “The corporate board is mandated to take full
 1st of series of codes intended to cover all types of responsibility for exercising oversite function over
corporations in the Philippines under supervision of management, while taking a long-term view in securing
SEC the company’s sustainability through due observance of
 Adopts “comply or explain” approach, principle fairness, transparency and accountability under a
of proportionality corporate regime underpinned by ethics and social
 Increased focus on areas of Disclosure and responsibility.”
Transparency, internal control and risk
management, role of stakeholders
 Introduces sustainability development, taking
into consideration economic, environmental,
social and governance (EESG) concerns
SEC MC No. 24, S2019, Code of Corporate Governance
for Publicly Listed Companies and Registered Issuers
 Issued of Dec. 19, 2019
 Next in series of Codes for different types of
corporations in the Philippines under supervision of
 Rooted in same CG principles provided in CG for PLCs
with same intention of raising CG standards of
Philippine corporations consistent with G20/OECD
Principles of CG and other internationally recognized
corporate governance principles

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