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Fahad Abdulsahib

English 202 - George

Assignment 3.1

13 February 2019

It would be easy to see the mother in “Two Kinds” as a bad person. She forces her daughter to
engage in activities that the daughter doesn’t enjoy. She yells at her daughter and even slaps her.
However, Tan wants us to see her mother in a sympathetic light. What are two things Tan
does to make us sympathize or like the mother? Begin with a topic sentence which answers
the highlighted question. Then, in the same paragraph, provide two specific, supporting
points/examples which prove the topic sentence. Because you are presenting two examples, be
sure to use transitions (In addition, Secondly, Furthermore, A second example, also, etc.) to
announce to readers that you are moving to a second example. Make sure to use at least one
quotation and citation; however, you will probably need two quotations--one for each point.
Discuss and cite the source of each quotation. Provide a Work Cited page, which can appear on
the same page as the response.

In “Two Kinds” Amy Tan makes us like the mother by showing us her concern about her

child’s future. In the story, Amy Tan shows struggle of a mother for her daughter’s future

without caring about her financial issues. She explains that, at first, mother first prepares and

coaches her daughter into becoming a Chinese Shirley Temple. For this purpose she admits her

daughter into a beauty training school. Furthermore, she collects magazines from the houses she

cleans and takes test from her daughter every night. But soon mother gets disappointed because

daughter fails to measure up to her expectations. Secondly, Amy Tan shows us mother’s concern

about her daughter’s future where mother decides to make her daughter expert in piano. For

getting this done, she makes a deal with the retired piano teacher to teach piano to her daughter

in exchange of house cleaning. After sometime, daughter appears in a talent show to display her

talent. Mother invites her friends to show them a masterpiece from her child but after her

daughter’s performance she faces even embracement. Story tells that even after embracement,

mother does not quit her struggle for her daughter’s future. As it is stated by Lisa Jo Baker, “A
mother continues to labor long after the baby is born.” It is also beautifully quoted by Edwin

Chapin, “No language can express the power and beauty and heroism of a mother’s love.”

Works Citation

Tan, Amy. “Two Kinds.” The Joy Luck Club. New York: Penguin, 2006. Print. 15 February


Baker, Jo Lisa. 30 Inspirational Mom Quotes That Every Mama Needs to Hear. The Military Wife and Mom. 2020. 15 February 2020.

Chapin, Edwin. 30 Inspirational Mom Quotes That Every Mama Needs to Hear. The Military Wife and Mom. 2020. 15 February 2020.

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