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Nama : Muh.Ikhsan
NIM : H071191049

Cari jurnal mengenai komputer kemudian cari pattern of organization. Tuliskan signal
wordnya kemudian ambil 1 signal word dari setiap pattern jadikan kalimat.
Misalnya,menceritakan ttg ide ada kata first, second. Nah itu dikategorikan listing.
Tetapi ketika membahas prosedur itu sequence. Sebab akibat berarti cause effect,
dan perbandingan/persamaan berrti comparison-contrast.
Tulis signal word:however(comparison),first (listing) cause,due to (cause effect).
1 signal word dari setiap pattern (listing, sequence, comparison, cause efffect)
dibuatkan kalimat.
Lampirkan juga jurnalnya

Journal title : Computer Science

Example Sentences in the journal (a number of):
A number of computer scientists have argued for the distinction of three
separate paradigms in computer science.

Signal word from the journal :

 a number of
 also  in addition
 and  several
 another  some
 as well as  other
 for example

Example sentences from signal word (several) :

There are several different theories about the origin of the Moon.

Example Sentences in the journal (during):
During the 1940s, as new and more powerful computing machines such as
the Atanasoff–Berry computer and ENIAC were developed, the term computer
came to refer to the machines rather than their human predecessors.
Signal word from the journal :
• after • in/on (date)
• as • last
• before • later
• during • next
• eventually • now
• first • since
• second • then
• following • when
• formerly • at different time

Example sentences from signal word (after) :

The Asia Pacific War ended after Japan surrendered unconditionally to the
United States

3. Comparison-Contrast
Example Sentences in the journal (like):
Computer Sciences analogous to the creation of Harvard Business School in
1921, justifying the name by arguing that, like management science, the
subject is applied and interdisciplinary in nature, while having the
characteristics typical of an academic discipline

Signal word from the journal:

a. Comparison: b. Contrast:
 also  although
 as well as  but
 both  despite
 in the same  from
 way  however
 like  instead
 similar  unlike
 difference
 while

Example sentences from signal word (several) :

There are similar safety features on all the cars in the showroom.

4. Cause-Effect
Example Sentences in the journal (because of this):
Despite its name, a significant amount of computer science does not involve
the study of computers themselves. Because of this, several alternative
names have been proposed.
Signal Word from the journal
a. Causes:
 because b. Effects
 leads to  therefore
 produces  made
 since  thus
 this  so that
 because of this
Example sentences from signal word (therefore) :
When water is heated, the molecules move quickly, therefore the water boils.

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