The Notorious "300 Trumpets" Report Outlining The Fundamental Secret of Gideon's Most Treasured "First Choice" Success Tactics

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Finally revealed after years of being shared ONLY with Prayer Warriors...

The Notorious "300 Trumpets" Report

Outlining The Fundamental Secret Of
Gideon's Most Treasured
"First Choice" Success Tactics
By A Teaching Prophet Who Rolled Up His Sleeves
And Waded Into The Scriptures To Uncover Them ...

From: Elisha Goodman Thursday 2:15 AM

Dear Spiritual Warrior:

If you're willing to use a little imagination, I will now place in your hand a golden key.

Ready to play along?

OK, vividly picture in your palm a large, gleaming, golden skeleton key.

Feel how heavy it is? It's made of solid gold.

See how brightly it shines? It seems to pull extra light out of the air itself!

Notice how cold it feels? It's as if it's been stored in the refrigerator.

Can you see and feel this key in your palm now? OK, squeeze it. Feel its heft and

See it gleam.


Now you start to feel very pleased to have been given this golden key, because it is

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How so?

As you will soon discover, this rare key will enable you to open numerous treasure chests
hiding in plain sight all around you. It will make you uncommonly effective as an end time
warrior, someone known and respected for being able to unlock the mysteries of the

Such is the power of the key I hand you now—the golden key of prayer bullets.

Prayer Bullets?

What's that?

You'll get the idea in a minute, but first let me promise you that this is no mere armchair

If you heed my advice today about how to use prayer bullets, you can easily become one
of the most effective spiritual giants of this generation.

As an added benefit, just as God in the book of Genesis breathed life into man's nostrils,
prayer bullets will breathe life, color and power into your everyday world.

Let's Look at a Few Examples...

Let's say you notice that a few people you know have died suddenly without warning in
the recent past. And you're beginning to get this strange feeling that something bad, even
deadly, is going to happen to you or a loved one. You can hide in a closet out of fear ... or
you could even sit around and moan about how terrible life has been treating you.

Or you could rise up like a hungry lion, with a devastating prayer bullet (like this one) at
the midnight hour...

"Every power sending the arrow of death to me, receive your arrow back in the
name of Jesus."

Instantly, a riot breaks out in the spirit realm (where all important things happen first).
And that strange feeling vanishes out of your thoughts like a shadow in the night.

With a good prayer bullet, you bring God's point of view into a tough situation that is

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staring you in the face... In other words, you fuse at the hip two different things and, by an
inexplicable mystery, instantly transfer the qualities of one into the other.

All you do is transfer A to B in an effective, biblical way and voila! a change is effected
instantly without exception.

A perfect example...

The Syrian army was under instruction to capture Elisha, the doubly anointed prophet of
God in the Bible. And bring him to the king of Syria, dead or alive. The mere sight of this
massive army was enough to strike terror in the heart of everyone.

But Elisha was not disturbed. Because he knew the Scripture that says: "touch not my
anointed and do my prophets no harm."

But beyond that knowledge, he understood how to craft and fire a powerhouse prayer
bullet. So his prayer to God came out like this:

"Strike these people, I pray, with blindness"

This simple but powerful prayer bullet turned out to be more effective than a battalion of
soldiers! You can see the result in the Old Testament book of 2 Kings chapter 6.ou can

Moving on...

Let's say you are taking stock of your life these past years, as most people like to do from
time to time.

It's beginning to dawn on you that many good things have already slipped through your
fingers, that is, good things you were told to expect either did not come, or did not last long
in your hands.

You have a choice to sit around and engage in a pity party. But look at how effectively one
of our prayer warriors did it ... with this dynamo of a prayer bullet:

"Every pursuing Pharaoh, release my life and die in the name of Jesus."

Or consider one member of my sharp-shooting team, who found that she had to fight

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really hard before achieving anything tangible. Here's how she began to pray ... at the
midnight hour:

"You powers strengthening my problems, be wasted in the name of Jesus."

Do you want to see how tight, how strong, how powerful such spiritual action at
the midnight hour can be, especially when phrased with the right prayer bullets? It
yields powerful results, and that is what sets it apart. Look at this real life example....

"Totally Free From Diabetes"

"A few years ago, I had a very evil dream. I

dreamt that I had been bitten by a snake in
the presence of my grandparents. I didn’t
understand what the dream meant and had
not grown sufficiently in my spiritual life to
deal with the dream as I should have but 2
weeks later, I became very sick. I was
diagnosed with diabetes. Both my
grandparents (on my mother’s side - the ones
in the dream) have diabetes. I went through
a real furnace.

Finally, after a period of feeling like the

world has ended, I came across Elisha`s
prayer bullets. I prayed like I’d never
prayed before, spent money on the gym,
began to eat healthy, lost 10kg, spoke the
scriptures on divine health to myself
everyday like a mad woman. Finally, after
one year, I went for a medical exam. The
results showed no trace of the disease. I’m
totally free of diabetes.

My grandfather was so encouraged by my

miracle that he too started to exercise his
Christian faith and he’s now free of

- Deborah, Kenya

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Sound the Trumpets...

Do you remember the story of Gideon in the Bible? With an

army of just 300 soldiers, armed with nothing more than trumpets,
they secured an astounding victory over the great armies that
came against them.

The 300 trumpets of Gideon are symbolic of the type of prayer

bullets that I have been sharing with you here. These ones are
special. And have been tested and proven to work even in the
most difficult cases.

What Can You Learn ...

From A Man After God's Heart?

Do you have stubborn, iron-like problems right now? You can

call into action this type of prayer bullets below…

(And oh, they are called bullets because they are short, sharp and
extremely powerful in bringing answers to your prayers):

"I fire back every arrow of the enemy in my dreams in

the name of Jesus."

"My God shall arise and my enemies shall scatter in the

name of Jesus."

"Every witchcraft battle at the edge of my

breakthroughs, die in the name of Jesus."

"My life, begin to operate under divine open heavens in

the name of Jesus."

"Pentecostal fire of the upper room, envelop me now in

the name of Jesus."

This is the kind of prayers that destroys invisible satanic

barriers, clears away every obstacle on your way of progress, and

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forms a protective covering around you and your loved ones ... so
that deadly spiritual arrows cannot locate you.

Why Do You Need To Urgently

Master This Type of Prayer?

It is pure self-defence... and you can’t run away from it.

You want to protect yourself and loved ones from the coming
spiritual bloodbath that will be caused by satanic consultants,
drinkers of blood and other spiritual vampires in (see the next
praise report).

"Delivered From the Jaws of Death"

Please join me to praise Almighty God for the miracle
that delivered my wife from the jaws of death
yesterday !!!. As I write you I am in awe of the
mercy of God , His goodness and faithfulness to me and
my family.

I have been praying at the midnight hour everyday

since the Prayer Academy program started and standing
on the promises of God for victory on every prayer
point. Yesterday afternoon my wife's jeep was involved
in a very serious accident in which the vehicle
sumersaulted over 5 times and was a write-off !!.


THE KING OF KINGS who I serve, my wife and
the occupants came out of this wreck alive with very
minor injuries!!!.

- Brother H., London

The Most IMPORTANT Ingredient ...

The disciples of Jesus at some point realized they were missing

something CRUCIAL... even though they'd been walking with
Him for a while, performing miracles and having a few

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But they knew deep down that they needed something more ...
that's why they went to Jesus and asked Him to:

"Teach us to pray!"

Note they didn't ask how to sing better, or preach or do any of

those things many people are being taught to do these days.

Based on this model, I was led to set up the Prayer Academy

with 3 things in mind:

1. Take the most powerful prayers that eagles have prayed

since the dawn of Christianity...

2. Update and put these prayers on the lips of average 21st

century Christians...

3. Coach them step-by-step to pray to the point of

breakthroughs, miracles, etc... so they in turn can go out
and train others.

There are over 700+ of this type of prayer bullets I just shared
with you... embedded in the 7 Lessons of the Prayer Academy.

You Can Do This!

On the 25th of the month we begin the next session of the

Prayer Academy, starting with a mini prayer marathon, where we
are going to deploy specific prayer bullets to:

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-- destroy age-old infirmities

-- release the anointing for service

-- break the yokes of inherited poverty

-- arrest the agents of marital distress

-- chase out the spirit of death

-- break the yoke of insanity and confusion

-- return arrows in the dream back to sender

-- paralyse the spirit of paralysis

-- force evil strangers to come out of their hiding places

-- release the healing power of God

-- cut every pursuing serpent to pieces

-- release turnaround breakthroughs

-- and much, much more!

Beyond The Prayer Academy ...

Apart from the lessons and the coaching that goes on, we recently
set up a 24-hour prayer blog for those who have passed through
our "rigorous" spiritual training at the Prayer Academy.

What to Expect…
After Passing Through The Prayer Academy

You will have other members praying for you on this

blog 24 hours a day!

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All you have to do is login and post your prayer

requests and participate in the daily prayer activities.

Depending on your time zone you will log in and pray as


Then if you need other members and our prayer team

to jump in and agree with you in prayers, you simply
click on the “Prayer Request Forum” and post
your request.

Immediately, members from all over the world will

take up your request and begin to pray for you
by NAME…

Every single hour of the day!

Hundreds of times a day!

If anyone receives any revelations or Word from the

LORD concerning your situation they will post it
there for you to see.

If you look at the right hand column of the blog

(scroll down) you will see a map of the world
with red dots indicating where members praying
for you are located.

YES, the red dots will show you where our

undercover prayer warriors are firing their
bullets on your behalf …

Day and night.

Why Are We Doing This?

Because no matter how good you are, occasionally

you may feel weak and discouraged … when the
enemy continues to bombard you with his fiery
darts and arrows of doubt and fear.

At such times, you need a sharp shooting spiritual

army (located at different parts of the world)
to take up a holy cry unto the LORD on your
behalf… 24 hours a day!

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And very very soon, you will notice a change in

your circumstances …

All because we are praying for you.

Why Do You Need The 24-Hour Prayer Blog?

We are in a battlefield.

The Bible calls us "soldiers".

As men and women of GOD sometimes we can get

ourselves so engrossed in counselling and
preaching the Word that we hardly have time
to refresh and refill.

And the devil our adversary does not sleep

but goes about to and fro … watching for
our weak moments so he can strike.

By joining the Prayer Academy, you are

agreeing to make yourself available to lift
up one another, our families, our finances,
relationships, etc…

And raise a prayer shield and covering

over each other 24 hours a day!


Our Lord Jesus Christ chose 3 disciples

among many … to watch with Him in prayer.

I have chosen members of the Prayer Academy

to watch and pray with me even as our
Captain the Lord JESUS Himself expects
us to do…

You can be sure that HE who has called

us will be there to:

“Break the gates of brass and cut the

bars of iron in sunder” as the Word

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You can share testimonies here, post

your requests, interact with other members,
leave comments and word of encouragement, etc

Every single day…


Dear Christian soldier, when life gets you down and your days
grow heavy with worry or crowded with problems, remember to
stare those challenges in the eye and declare like Prophet Elijah:

"O thou that trouble my Israel, my God shall trouble you


And for those of you in the Prayer Academy, get yourself ready as
we prepare to blow our "300 Trumpets" at the beginning of the
middle watch ... just like our hero Gideon and his victorious band
of warriors.

Be An Overcomer!

elisha goodman

P.S. Please send this to 5 people you care about. And If you know
any pastor or other fellow believer who would enjoy this Special
Report, just send them an email with this link:

P.P.S. Your e-mail address will never be shared. And if you ever
wish to unsubscribe, just let me know and I will vanish from your
inbox like a shadow in the night.

To Join The Next Prayer Academy, click here.

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