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I can make appointments.

Making appointments I can ask when someone’s available.

I can say when I’m available or unavailable.


Match the words or phrases 1-7 with the definitions a-g. Then test your

1 arrange an appointment a to get somewhere in time

2 diary b discussing something with your colleagues
3 make it c a book you use to write down the meetings
that you plan for each day
4 make an arrangement d to schedule a meeting with someone
5 in a meeting e useful to you because it saves you time
6 convenient f to plan and prepare so that you can meet
7 fortnight g fourteen days; two weeks


A Listening
1 Listen and complete the conversation with the phrases below.
I could make it when’s convenient for you
I’d like to arrange an appointment shall we say
that sounds fine would next Wednesday be okay
look in the diary can I speak to

Michelle Mr. Hibberd’s office!

Peter Hello, 1 _____________ Brian Hibberd, please?
Michelle I’m afraid he’s in a meeting until lunchtime. Can I take a message?
Peter Well, 2 _____________ to see him, please. It’s Peter Jefferson
Michelle Could you hold on for a minute, Mr. Jefferson? I’ll just
_____________. So 4 _____________?
Peter Sometime next week if possible. I gather he’s away the following
Michelle Yes, that’s right. He’s on holiday for a fortnight.
Peter Well, I need to see him before he goes away. So 5 _____________?
Michelle Wednesday. Let me see. He's out of the office all morning. But he's
free in the afternoon, after about three.

iTalk_Level 1_1B11.6  1
Peter Three o'clock is difficult. But 6 _____________ after four.
Michelle So 7 _____________ 4.15 next Wednesday, in Mr. Hibberd's office?
Peter Yes 8 _____________. Thanks very much.
Michelle Okay, then. Bye.

2 Practice the conversation above with a partner.

3 Match 1-7 with a-g to make complete sentences or questions. Then,

repeat the sentences or questions.
1 I’d like to a in the diary
2 I’ll just look b be OK?
3 When’s c after four.
4 Would next Wednesday d arrange an appointment.
5 He’s free e convenient for you?
6 I could make it f in the afternoon at three.
7 Shall we say g 4.15 next Wednesday?

B Language to learn

Making an appointment Asking when someone’s available

I’d like to arrange an When’s convenient for you?
appointment. Would next Wednesday be OK?
Can I make an appointment? Shall we say 4.15 next Wednesday?
Are you free next Wednesday?
What time would you like to meet?
Saying when you’re available Saying when you’re unavailable
I’m free in the morning after 10. I’m afraid I’m away the following week.
I could make it next I have a meeting all morning, so I don’t
Wednesday after 1pm. think I can make it.
4.15 is fine with me. Three o’clock is difficult. I don’t think I
can make it.

1 Practice 1: Underline the correct words/ phrases. Check answers with a
partner. Look at the example.
Example Are / Will you free this afternoon?
1 What time would / were you like to meet?
2 Would / Is tomorrow night be OK?
3 Monday is / will fine with me.
4 I’m out of / in the office all day. I don’t think I can / am make it.
5 Tomorrow is difficult / easy. Shall / Do we say Thursday instead?
6 I could make / do it tomorrow afternoon before 3.

2  iTalk_Level 1_1B11.6
2 Practice 2: Make complete sentences or questions, using the words
given below. Look at the example.
Example free / Friday?  Are you free on Friday?
1 7pm / fine
2 free / evening / 7pm
3 afraid / out of office / next Tuesday
4 I / like / appointment
5 when / convenient / you?
6 you / free / Friday?
7 not / think / make it / tomorrow morning
8 we / say / this Saturday morning?
9 What time / you / like / meet?
10 make it / Sunday / 4pm

3 Practice 3: Work in pairs. Practice the conversations using the suggested

Conversation 1
A free / Saturday afternoon?
B what time / meet
A free / 5pm / meet with you then
Conversation 2
A arrange / appointment / see you / this afternoon
B in a meeting / 2pm. What time / meet?
A out of the office / 2.30pm. Shall / say / 4pm?
B sound / fine
Conversation 3
A would like / talk. When / convenient?
B free / tomorrow morning
A busy / tomorrow morning. tomorrow afternoon / OK?
B tomorrow afternoon / fine.

4 Practice 4: Work in pairs. Use the information in Role-play situations.

Make sure you are clear on the day and time.

1 What do you say to make an appointment?
2 How do you ask if someone’s available?
3 How do you say you’re available or unavailable?

Today I can …
 make appointments.
 ask when someone’s available.
 say when I’m available or unavailable.

iTalk_Level 1_1B11.6  3

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