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In your master node you have the driver program, which drives your application.

The code you are writing behaves as a driver program or if you are using the
shell, the shell acts as the driver program

(Master node in a hadoop cluster is responsible for storing data in

HDFS and executing parallel computation the stored data using MapReduce)

1. Driver Program - When Client have submitted the application code, driver
program on
Master convert them into DAG by the use of transformation and actions.
2. Now that DAG converts into Physical execution plan or changed into tasks and
sent the
Bundles to Cluster.
3.Now Cluster manager comes into picture and arrange the resouces for executing
tasks i.e.
Executo, Driver program has full view or monitor on Exectors after completion of
it release the resource.

Datasets - Distributed Collcetion of Items.

RDD has been replaced by Datasets, Datasets works same as RDD but with richer

We can use Transformtion and actions of same Datasets while computing

// File Read
val testfile =

// Filter lines with Spark

val linescount = textfile.filter(line => line.contains(spark))

//Word Count
val wordcount = textfile.flatmap(line => line.split(" ")).groupbykey(words).count()


Caching is the technique where we saved our data in memory and when we have to use
data repeatedly.


Our application depends on the Spark API, so we�ll also include an sbt
configuration file, build.sbt,
which explains that Spark is a dependency. Once the SBT file is on track

We will create the JAR file against our application code and with the help of
Submits the Command

# Your directory layout should look like this

$ find .

# Package a jar containing your application

$ sbt package
[info] Packaging {..}/{..}/target/scala-2.12/simple-project_2.12-1.0.jar

# Use spark-submit to run your application

$ YOUR_SPARK_HOME/bin/spark-submit \
--class "SimpleApp" \
--master local[4] \

At a high level, every Spark application consists of a driver program that runs the
main function and executes various parallel operations on a cluster

Sometimes, a variable needs to be shared across tasks, or between tasks and the
program. Spark supports two types of shared variables: broadcast variables, which
can be
used to cache a value in memory on all nodes, and accumulators, which are variables
are only �added� to, such as counters and sums.

The first thing a Spark program must do is to create a SparkContext object, which
Spark how to access a cluster. To create a SparkContext you first need to build a
Spark Conf
object that contains information about your application.

val conf = new sparkconf.setAppname(Appname).Setmaster(Master)
new sparkcontext(conf)

Parallelized collections are created by calling SparkContext�s parallelize method

on an
existing collection in your driver program

val array = Array(1,2,3,4,5)
val data = sc.parallize(array)

One important parameter for parallel collections is the number of partitions to cut
dataset into.

Spark will automatically takes partition based on Cluster

Data has 10 partitions

val data = sc.parallize(array,10)

RDDs support two types of operations: transformations, which create a new dataset
an existing one, and actions, which return a value to the driver program after
a computation on the dataset.

Each transformed RDD may be recomputed each time you run an action on it. However,
may also persist an RDD in memory using the persist (or cache) method, in which
case Spark
will keep the elements around on the cluster for much faster access the next time
query it

val lines = sc.textFile("data.txt")
val lineLengths = => s.length)


val dataframe = df.spark.json("Path of the file.json")

$spark-submit --class name --master yarn --deploy mode client --num-executors 3

--driver-memory 4g --executor-memory 2g --executor-cores 2 /jar file path /input
file path
/output location

284 val a = sc.textFile("/home/ubuntu/india.txt")
285 a.collect()
286 val b =" "))
287 b.collect()
288 a.collect()
289 b.collect()
290 val c = a.flatMap(_.split(" "))
291 c.collect()
292 a.collect()
293 val data = sc.textFile("/home/ubuntu/india.txt",4)
294 data.collect()
295 val data2 = data.flatMap(_.split(" "))
296 data2.collect()
297 val data3 =>(e,1))
298 data3.collect()
299 val data4 = data3.reduceByKey(_+_)
300 data4.foreach(println)
301 data4.collect()
302 data4.foreach(println)
303 :history

val bid = 1
val bidtime = 2
val bidder = 3
val bidderrate = 4
val openbid = 5
val price = 6
val itemtype = 7
val daystolive = 8

10:36 PM: val auctionid = 0

val bid = 1
val bidtime = 2
val bidder = 3
val bidderrate = 4
val openbid = 5
val price = 6
val itemtype = 7
val daystolive = 8

Evarcity eLearning (to All - Entire Audience):

10:40 PM: scala> :history

371 data.collect()
372 val data2 = data.flatMap(_.split(" "))
373 data2.collect()
374 val data3 =>(e.length,e))
375 data3.collect()
376 val data4 = data3.sortByKey()
377 data4.collect()
378 data4.foreach(println)
379 val data5 = data4.filterByRange(4,7).collect
380 val data5 = data4.filterByRange(4,7)
381 data5.foreach(println)
382 val data5 = data4.filterByRange(7,7).collect
383 data5collect()
384 data5.collect()
385 val data5 = data4.filterByRange(7,7)
386 data4.collect()
387 data4.foreach(println)
388 data4.lookup(8)
389 data4.lookup(7)


10:42 PM: scala> :history

404 val t4 = t3.foldByKey(" ")(_+_)
405 t4.collect()
406 t4.foreach(println)
407 t2.collect()
408 val y = t2.groupBy(e=>e.charAt(0))
409 y.collect()
410 y.foreach(println)
411 t2.collect()
412 val w = t2.keyBy(e=>e.charAt(0))
413 w.collect()
414 val y = t2.groupBy(e=>e.charAt(0))
415 y.foreach(println)
416 t2.partitions.size
417 val b = t2.coalesce(7)
418 b.partitions.size
419 val a = t2.coalesce(2)
420 a.partitions.size
421 val u = t2.repartition(10)
422 u.partitions.size


10:39 PM: scala> :history

431 data4.collect()
432 data4.foreach(println)
433 val t1 = data3.reduceByKey(_+_)
434 t1.collect()
435 t1.foreach(println)
436 data3.collect()
437 data3.values
438 data3.values.collect()
439 data3.keys.collect
440 data3.countByKey()
441 data3.collect()
442 val t1 = sc.textFile("/home/ubuntu/evarcity.txt")
443 val t2 = t1.flatMap(_.split(" "))
444 t2.collect()
445 val t3 = t2.keyBy(_.length)
446 t3.collect()
447 data3.collect()
448 val b = data3.intersection(t3)
449 b.collect()

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