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Electricity is required at every point in our daily life and now-a-days, the increased growth in
population has resulted in reduction of conventional sources of energy. The availability and
consumption of electricity is regarded as the index of national standard of living in the present-
day civilization. Energy is important taking into account all sectors of a country’s economy.
Energy crisis is mainly due to two reasons, first, the population of the world has increased
rapidly, and second, the standard of living of human beings has increased. The share of global
electricity demand of developing countries, jumps from 27% in 2000 to 43% in 2030.
According to the International Energy Agency, the world will need almost 60% more energy
in 2030 than in 2002. The availability of regular conventional fossil fuels are the main sources
for power generation, but there is danger of sources getting exhausted eventually by the next
few decades. Hence it becomes necessary that we depend on non-conventional energy sources
for power generation. A survey on the energy consumption in India reported that about 85,000
villages in India still do not receive electricity. With the vast development of technologies and
acquaintance with them, many other useful techniques of power generation have emerged. The
newly developed techniques focus on cost effectiveness. One such method of power generation
is explained in this paper.
In the present-day life, a lot of vehicles move over roads and vehicles possess
some kinetic energy by virtue of its motion. On Road these vehicles waste tremendous amount
of energy due to speed breakers. In India, the total length of national highways was 76,818 km
till 2012 according to Ministry of Road Transport and Highways. There are averagely about 15
to 20 highways in every state of India. The number of vehicles running on Indian roads show
increase in trends. The vehicle growth in India has increased from 0.3 million in 1951 to more
than 45 million in 2001. About 58.8 million vehicles were running on roads in 2002, which
increased to 72.7 million vehicles in the year 2004. The growth rate of vehicles in India has
increased almost 10 percent annually during the last decade. The increasing traffic and number
of speed breakers these days emphasize on conditions to manufacture an innovative device
which can use the energy of vehicles that is wasted on speed breakers to some profitable work.
We can capture this kinetic energy at the speed breaker so that it can serve our purpose of
electricity generation. An electro-mechanical unit is fixed under the speed breaker which is

explained in the report. This unit converts reciprocating motion into rotary motion. The
rotational power (i.e. mechanical energy) is converted into the electrical energy by using gear
arrangement and a generator which generates electricity. Then, another setup which is placed
in this same unit is placing a piezoelectric material under the springs. Whenever these
piezoelectric materials get pressed, it generates electricity. And this generated electricity can
be used in various applications.
Averagely, when we consider speed breaker height of 10 cm and a 1500 kg vehicle passing
over the speed breaker, ample amount of power can be generated. This amounts to 24.52 W of
power for 1 minute. Thus, in an hour, 1.47 kW of power approx. is generated which will add
up to 35.31 kW of power per day. This is equivalent to a large value and is sufficient enough
to run 4-6 street lights a day. It contributes greatly to the generation of electricity and thus it
will release the load on powerplants and because of these greater equivalents of electricity will
be available for industries leading to progressive development of the nation.

Figure 1.1 Speed breaker

Electricity generation began somewhere around 100 years ago, and before this idea was known
houses were lit with help of kerosene lamps, iceboxes were used to cool the food, and rooms
were warmed by stoves using either coal or wood for burning. Direct current (DC) electricity
was used in arc lights for outdoor lighting. Nikola Tesla pioneered the generation, transmission,
and use of alternating current (AC) electricity, in the late-1800s, which could be transmitted
over much greater distances compared to direct current.

The first ever generation of electricity was done by using Faraday’s dynamo in
the 1800’s. Almost 200 years later, it was found that we are still using the same basic principles
to generate electricity, only on a much larger scale. The standard conventional fossil fuels are
the key sources for power generation, but there is a fear of these conventional fossil fuels
getting exhausted eventually by the next few decades. Hence it has become mandatory for us
to search on some new alternative sources for power generation, which would last for a longer
duration. Therefore, it is necessary & important that we depend on non-conventional energy
sources for power generation. While moving, vehicles possess kinetic energy and some of the
kinetic energy is wasted. This kinetic energy which is already being wasted can therefore be
utilized to produce power by using a special arrangement called “electro-mechanical unit”.
Electricity production from a speed breaker is a new concept that is undergoing research.


➢ Previously three types of this kind were introduced,

➢ Power generation using rolling speed breakers.

➢ Power generation using pressing speed breakers(direct).
➢ Power generation using speed breakers with chain and sprocket.

1.3.1 Power generation using rolling speed breaker

Electricity is generated by replacing the traditional speed breakers with some
simple mechanism. As vehicles pass over the speed breakers, they spin the rollers which are
connected to a generator which in turn generate electricity. This method is an effective way to
produce electricity as the numbers of vehicles on the road are ever increasing. Also the cost of
fabrication of the model is low. It can be effectively placed near traffic lights, at the entrance

of parking lots and any other place where the traffic density is high. Rollers are fixed on a
wooden ramp on which vehicle passes. As vehicle passes over it, it starts moving. A chain drive
mechanism is provided which transfer the motion to a DC motor/generator for electricity
generation. This method provides an efficient way to generate electricity from the kinetic
energy of moving vehicles in roads, highways, parking lots etc.

Figure 1.2 Rolling speed breaker

1.3.2 Power generation using pressing speed breaker(direct)

The reciprocating motion of the speed breaker is converted into rotary motion using
the rack and pinion arrangement. We design a smart speed breaker that can pass vehicles
coming from both sides and yet generate energy from it. The system makes use of mechanical
assembly with metal sheets with linkages that press down with spring arrangement. The system
makes use of the speed breaker press and then uses a rack and pinion arrangement to press
down and run generator motor thus generating energy. The spring mechanism is the used to
drive the speed breaker back into original position. It converts rotary motion into linear motion,
but sometimes we use them to change linear motion into rotary motion. This mechanism is
very economical and easy to install. By doing proper arrangements we may generate high
power electricity from road traffic.

Figure 1.3 Pressing speed breaker
In this kind of speed breaker, the converted reciprocating motion from the rack
and pinion mechanism is directly transmitted to the generator without any application of chain
sprocket mechanism. By this the generator can be rotated in counter clockwise direction too
and thereby reverse current will be produced.

1.3.3 Power generation using speed breakers with chain and


Fig 1.4 speed breakers with chain and sprocket

This mechanism also works as the previous mechanism. The only difference is this
comes without directly linking the shaft with generator and has two shafts with a chain and
sprocket mechanism. As the chain and sprocket mechanism is used to increase the rotations.
So, with less effort itself more rotations can be produced.

In our mechanism crank shaft mechanism is used in the place of rack and pinion
mechanism. This change is made to use the reciprocating motion of the dome completely. In
this mechanism when the dome moves down the chain and sprocket will start working and
rotates the shaft and when the rack and pinion mechanism moves up due the push force
produced the springs, crank and sprocket will not rotate in the other direction. But with crank
shaft complete motion will be used and increase rotations.


The number of vehicles on road is increasing rapidly and if some of the Kinetic energy of these
vehicles is converted into rotational motion of generator then a considerable amount of
electricity can be produced. At present, there is shortage of electricity leading to energy crisis.

Can electricity be generated using speed breakers? Could this idea be beneficial in
any case? The answer is, yes, of course. This idea will be advantageous; for generating
electricity for the traffic signals, streetlights, and then for many other purposes. The Transcalm
road bump which is a speed breaker was invented by a British engineer Graham Heeks, who
dreamed up the concept after examining squeezable children’s toys. Generally, when vehicle
is in motion it produces various forms of energy like the “Heat Energy”, which is produced due
to friction between tyres of vehicle’s wheel and the road i.e. rough surface, or when vehicle
traveling with a high speed strikes the wind. This heat energy produced is always lost in
environment and remains unused which is just the wastage of energy abundantly available
around us. In this paper, one such method is referred and explained in order to generate
“Electrical Energy”. This method uses the principle of “Kinetic Energy to Electric Energy

Figure 1.5 Power generation from speed breaker

Now, one question can rise on the use of speed breakers, that, why only speed breakers should
be used? And why not rough roads and uneven surface prove beneficial for this? The answer
to this is simple, that rough surfaces are not that apt to provide sufficient torque which is
necessary in order to produce electricity by rack and pinion method.


Four types of energies are taking part in this conversion in order to generate electricity.

➢ Kinetic Energy
Energy possessed by a body due to virtue of its motion is called as Kinetic energy. The kinetic
energy of an object of mass m traveling at a speed v is ½ mv2 . The kinetic energy of an object
is directly proportional to the square of its speed. The kinetic energy of an object is completely
described by magnitude alone (scalar quantity).

➢ Mechanical Energy
Mechanical energy is the energy associated with both the motion and position of an object.
Objects possess mechanical energy when they are in motion or if they are at a zero potential
energy position. An object gains energy, when some work has been done on it. The energy
gained by the objects on which, work is done, is known as mechanical energy.

➢ Electrical Energy
When energy is stored in charged particles which are in an electric field, that energy is known
to be electrical energy. The regions or areas which form an envelope around these charged
particles are called as electric fields. The electric fields are a result of charged particles, and
they exert force on other charged particles causing them to move in the electric field.

Figure 1.6 Energy conversion

The basic energy conversion taking place is first from kinetic energy to mechanical energy and
then from mechanical energy to electrical energy. The kinetic energy of the vehicle which is
wasted at the speed breaker is converted to mechanical energy of the unit below speed breaker
by the crank shaft mechanism. This mechanical energy is later converted to electrical energy
by a generator.

➢ Piezoelectric energy

Piezoelectric materials are materials that produce an electric current when they are placed
under mechanical stress. The piezoelectric process is also reversible, so if you apply an electric
current to these materials, they will actually change shape slightly (a maximum of 4%).
Whenever a vehicle passes through the speed breaker, the piezoelectric material which is
attached under the dome of the speed breaker will get pressed and generate voltage. This idea
of using piezoelectric material in power generating speed breakers was never proposed.

Figure 1.7 Piezoelectric material working


The mechanism used in the assembly is rack and pinion mechanism. It converts reciprocating
motion into rotary motion. Here, the rack is the element producing reciprocating motion and
pinion rotates due to this reciprocating motion. The rack is displaced vertically due to the
weight of the vehicle passing on the speed breaker and thus it reciprocates. As the rack
reciprocates, it turns the pinion to rotate. The rack is the flat part which has teeth, while the
pinion is a gear.
Advantages of rack and pinion mechanism:
➢ This assembly gives good mounting convenience.
➢ Gear losses are maximum up to 5%.
➢ Approximate efficiency of rack and pinion mechanism is about 95%.

Figure 1.8 Constructional details


Since, today electricity crisis is increasing rapidly so we have to develop a non-conventional
power producing unit which can overcome the crisis of electrical energy, which can use the
waste energy produced by the shock absorbers of the vehicles when passed over a speed
breaker. This will support the power generating method and will tackle the problem of energy
crisis to some extent.



1) S.A. Jalihal, K. Ravinder, T.S. Reddy (2005), Traffic characteristics of India.

In the present day life, a lot of vehicles move over roads and vehicles possess some
kinetic energy by virtue of its motion. On Road these vehicles waste tremendous amount of
energy due to speed breakers. In India, the total length of national highways was 76,818 km till
2012 according to Ministry of Road Transport and Highways. There are averagely about 15 to
20 highways in every state of India. The number of vehicles running on Indian roads show
increase in trends. The vehicle growth in India has increased from 0.3 million in 1951 to more
than 45 million in 2001 (S.A. Jalihal, et al, 2005). About 58.8 million vehicles were running
on roads in 2002, which increased to 72.7 million vehicles in the year 2004. The growth rate
of vehicles in India has increased almost 10 percent annually during the last decade (R. Gupta,
et al, 2013), (A.K. Sharma, et al, 2012). The increasing traffic and number of speed breakers
these days emphasize on conditions to manufacture an innovative device which can use the
energy of vehicles that is wasted on speed breakers to some profitable work. We can capture
this kinetic energy at the speed breaker so that it can serve our purpose of electricity generation.
An electro-mechanical unit is fixed under the speed breaker which is explained in the report.
This unit converts reciprocating motion into rotary motion. The rotational power (i.e.
mechanical energy) is converted into the electrical energy by using gear arrangement and a
generator which generates electricity. The another setup which is placed in this same unit is
placing a piezoelectric material under the springs. Whenever these piezoelectric materials get
pressed, it generates electricity. And this generated electricity can be used in various

2) Kiran Kolhe and Amar Pandhare(2017), electric power generation from
speed breaker using rack and pinion mechanism.

Averagely, when we consider speed breaker height of 10 cm (S. Priyadarshani,

15 June 2007), and a 1500 kg vehicle passing over the speed breaker, ample amount of power
can be generated. This amounts to 24.52 W of power for 1 minute. Thus in an hour, 1.47 kW
of power approx. is generated which will add up to 35.31 kW of power per day. This is
equivalent to a large value and is sufficient enough to run 4-6 street lights a day. It contributes
greatly to the generation of electricity and thus it will release the load on powerplants and
because of this greater equivalents of electricity will be available for industries leading to
progressive development of the nation.

A number of gear assembly mechanisms have been identified through this patent review.
Though the mechanisms used in the speed breakers produced a good amount of power, new
mechanisms are required to improve the power generation with easy construction and use.
These mechanisms are of three types and their effectiveness and practicality will be discussed:
a) Roller Mechanism
b) Rack and pinion mechanism
c) Air pistons mechanism.

3) P. Vishnoi, P. Agarwal (2014), Power generation by kinetic energy of speed breaker.


In this set up, an iron roller is pre-set on a wooden ramp on which vehicle passes due
to which roller rotates in the direction of the vehicles passing over it. The roller is linked with
the shaft of DC motor (used as a generator) via a chain and sprocket arrangement. Now as
vehicle passes over it; the roller rotates the shaft of the DC motor and as a result produces
electricity. Hence DC power is produced via roller mechanism which can be stored in the
battery and used for future use. The advantage of this mechanism is that electricity can be
relatively produced in a simple manner without any pollution. But strength and losses are the
restrictions of this method which is to be taken in consideration.

Figure 2.1 Roller Mechanism

4) Kiran Kolhe and Amar Pandhare(2017), electric power generation from

speed breaker using rack and pinion mechanism.


After roller mechanism, there was a major improvement in speed breaker generating
system unit. The improvement was using rack and pinion mechanism where the reciprocating
motion of the speed-breaker is converted into rotary motion. Here, the top part of the rack is
connected to the speed breaker and the lower part is linked with pinion. As the vehicle passes
over the speed breaker the rack moves in the downward direction which in response rotates the
pinion in clockwise direction. The axis of the pinion is attached with the sprocket arrangement
on the shafts. The sprocket arrangement is made of two sprockets, one larger and other smaller.
Both the sprockets are connected via chain which serves in transmitting power from the larger
sprocket to the smaller sprocket. As the power is transmitted from the larger sprocket to the
smaller one, the speed that is available at the larger one is relatively multiplied at the rotation
of the smaller sprocket. As the smaller sprocket rotates the shaft rotates which in turn rotates
the shaft of DC motor via gear assembly. Also a flywheel is connected on the shaft of the
smaller sprocket to get unbroken rotation of the shaft and thus the generator. Hence electricity
is produced when pinion is rotates in clockwise direction but what when the rack moves in
upward direction. Therefore when the pinion will rotate in anticlockwise direction and cancel
the movement of clockwise direction, the efficiency of the overall system decreases.

Figure 2.2 Rack and Pinion Mechanism

5) Dave Jaymin J. (2015), Power generation from speed breakers by air compression


Different approaches were made to generate power through speed breakers but in
some way or other every approach had its own limits. Air piston mechanism is a different kind
of approach with high efficiency as compared to previous ones. In this, when the vehicle passes
over the curved shape metal sheet i.e. dome, it goes down due to the load of vehicle This
assembly pushes down to the spring. This curved dome is connected with the piston via linking
rod. This quick movement of piston downward compresses air in the compressor cylinder
which escapes out from the delivery valve and it stored in the air cylinder. When the vehicle
goes away from the speed breaker, the dome along with piston moves up quickly due to which
the action of spring allows air intake into the compress or cylinder. These steps are repeated
with the consecutive passing of vehicles. The frequent up and down movement of air
compressor piston which is attached with speed breaker dome completes the intake and exhaust
strokes of the air compressor repetitively thus rotating the shaft of the generator. Therefore,
these repeated cycles will be possible with busy roads will store a good amount of pressurized

air in the air cylinder that can be utilized for useful purposes. Hence power is generated with
maximum efficiency. But this set up is not favourable from economical point of view.

Figure 2.3 Air piston mechanism

6) A.K. Sharma, O. Trivedi, U. Amberiya (2012) Development of speed breaker device

for generation of power.


Sr. No. Parameters Roller Rack and Air pistons

Mechanism Pinion mechanism
1 Cost Cheap Moderate Costly
2 Mechanism setup Very easy Difficult Very difficult
3 Maintenance Less required Weekly basis Daily Basis
4 Efficiency ~ 50% ~70% ~85%
5 Design Easy Depends upon Depends upon
weight compression

Electricity plays a very important role in our life. Due to enormous increase in population, the present
power generation techniques/processes have become inadequate to accomplish our requirements. In this
project we discover technology to produce electricity from speed breakers, where the system produced is
trustworthy and will help in conserving our natural resources. If in near future we use this technique, this
will prove a huge bonus to the world, as the generated power can be used for illuminating Street Lights,
Road Signals, Sign boards on the roads, Lighting of the bus stops, Lighting of the check post on the
highways etc. As the conventional sources are depleting quickly, it’s high time to consider alternative
resources. So, this system not only endows with alternative but also adds to the better economy of the


Energy is the prime necessity of survival of each and every organism in the universe.
Everything happening in the environment is a result of the flow of energy in one or other forms.
Energy can be converted into a number of forms that can be measured in various ways. In this
busy and fastmoving world, population is multiplying continuously and the conventional
sources of energy are getting exhausted at a great pace. The substantial usage of energy has led
to an energy crisis over a few years. In order to overcome this problem, we need to execute the
techniques of optimum use of conventional sources for conservation of energy. One of the
methods of producing renewable power is our project – Power generation using reciprocating
speed breakers.

Our power generation system consists mainly of

1. Square structural frame

2. Springs
3. Crank mechanism
4. Bearings
5. Flywheel
6. Speed breaker dome
7. Solar panel
8. Piezoelectric material
9. Dynamo
10. Boost convertor
11. Battery
12. LED
13. Boost converter


In all the parts of the power generation system the four major and innovative parts are
frame, springs, crank mechanism and bearings. We designed these elements using Autocad and
creo software. We considering mild steel to build the frame and springs because it is brittle and
strong, it can withstand the shock loads and vibrations which are caused in the process.


The structural frame is the fitting table which holds all the parts together and supports
the speed beaker dome which will be placed on the top of the frame. Dimensions of this frame
are 900 x 500 x 500 mm. This frame will be placed beneath the road by digging a rectangular
hole of 1000 mm length.

Fig 3.1- Structural frame


Spring are the one which are used to make the free movement of the dome when it is
pressed by a vehicle. These springs are low tension with dimensions 150mm length and 100mm
diameter. These springs can sustain a load of 100kg/sec.

Fig 3.2- Helical spring


By using Rack and Pinion mechanism for transmitting the motion only half cycle of
the motion is used and the remaining half is wasted. So, we are implementing crank for motion
transmitting. As crankshaft can be rotated 360 degrees, complete motion of the speed breaker
can be used for power generation. Diameter of the shaft is 20mm.

Fig 3.3 – Crank mechanism


Two bearings of diameter 25mm are used to hold the shaft and let it rotate by using
the power transmitted.

Fig. 3.4 – Bearing


The speed breaker used in this system is prepared by using mild steel with dimensions
of 450 x 400 mm.

Fig 3.5 Speed breaker dome


A piezoelectric material is placed in between the dome and the frame where most of
the vibrations are noticed. Two strips of piezo will be placed and it produces 1V for every 10

Fig. 3.6 – Piezoelectric material


Solar panel of size 240 x 180 mm will be fitted on the dome of the speed breaker.
This will be used as the additional power source. Its output would be 6V at 500mA.

Fig. 3.7 – Solar panel


A flywheel is connected to the crank mechanism to store the power produced and
increase the number of rotations. Its specifications are 4Kg and 150mm diameter.

Fig. 3.8 – Flywheel

3.2.9 DYNAMO

Dynamo is used to generate the direct current from the rotation produced by the
crank shaft. The dynamo we are using produces 0-6V at 500mAmps.

Fig. 3.9 – Dynamo

3.2.10 BATTERY

A battery is used to store the direct current produced by the dynamo. Battery’s
capacity is 2.5Amps and 4V output.

Fig. 3.10 – Battery


In order to increase the voltage produced, we are using a boost converter. This boost
converter increases the produced voltage from 1V to 4V.

Fig 3.11 Boost converter


A frame of height 900mm, length and breadth of 500 x 500mm is fabricated with mild
steel material. Two Helical springs of diameter 100mm and length 150mm are fitted on the top
of the frame to let the free movement of the speed breaker dome. A crank mechanism is
connected to the reciprocating dome which is attached to the flywheel. This crank mechanism
is connected to the frame by using two bearing on either sides. A dynamo is connected to the
rotating shaft and a boost converter is connected to the dynamo to increase output voltage.

Two piezoelectric strips are attached between the dome and frame which produces 1V
for every 10 vibrations produced. A solar panel is fitted above the dome which produces current
by using solar energy.


• By the speed breaker mechanism 5V would be generated for every 10 pushes with a
weight acting- 100kg/s.
• By piezoelectric material 1V will be generated for every 10 vibrations.
• By solar panel of 240 x 180mm generates 10V in an hour.


Fabrication is the process of making something from semi-finished or raw materials rather than
from ready-made components. In other words, it is the process of making something from
scratch rather than assembling something.
1. Fabricated parts of the system:

i. Speed breaker dome:

Dome will be placed on the top of the frame. Springs are used in between the dome
and fame to get immediate upward action when pressed down. All the mechanism used in
the system is placed below this dome.

A rod which is welded in the centre of the dome’s frame acts as a connector which
connects the dome with mechanism. This connection is done by screw and nut mechanism.
A connecting rod is used to connect the centre rod and the rotating wheel. This helps to
translate the reciprocating motion to rotating motion.

Fig. 4.1: speed breaker dome

i. Frame:
A frame made of mild steel is fabricated by welding technique. As this frame material is
mild steel it will be so hard and easy to fabricate. This frame also acts as a chassis to hold
the mechanical equipment.

Fig. 4.2: Front view of frame

Fig. 4.3: Inside view of the frame

Manufacturing processes used for fabricating frame:
As we have used mild steel material for frame which is basically a hard material.
Taking this as a prime consideration, we decided to make the joints permanent to improve
its hardness. So, we decided to use welding for fabrication. We choose Arc welding to join
the rods as this welding process is the low-cost and easy process.

Fig. 4.4: Arc welding equipment

Arc welding is a type of welding process using an electric arc to create heat to melt and
join metals. A power supply creates an electric arc between a consumable or non-
consumable electrode and the base material using either direct (DC) or alternating (AC)

Fig. 4.5: Arc welding circuit diagram

The arc can be either manually or mechanically guided along the line of the join, while
the electrode either simply carries the current or conducts the current and melts into the weld
pool at the same time to supply filler metal to the join.

Because the metals react chemically to oxygen and nitrogen in the air when heated to high
temperatures by the arc, a protective shielding gas or slag is used to minimise the contact of
the molten metal with the air. Once cooled, the molten metals solidify to form a metallurgical


• Automotive
• Aerospace
• Oil and gas
• Power and construction engineering


There are many advantages compared to other welding processes. As the cost of equipment is
relatively low, this is an affordable technique which also requires less equipment due to the
lack of gas.

It is a portable method of joining, which can also be used on uncleaned metals. While many
arc processes use shielding gas, this is not always necessary, which means work can be
undertaken regardless of weather conditions, while spatter is not an issue.


Although there are a great many advantages, there are some drawbacks with this process. This
type of welding produces more waste than other methods, meaning that project costs can
be higher for some jobs. This process also requires a high level of skill and training for arc
welders, while it can also be difficult to join thin materials using arc processes.

ii. Springs:

A low tension 3 inch radius and 6 inch length helical springs are used to free the
movement of the speed breaker dome. These springs are made with hardened steel.

Fig. 4.6: Compression Spring

Manufacturing of Compression Spring:


Hot winding: Thicker wire or bar stock can be coiled into springs if the metal is heated to
make it flexible. Standard industrial coiling machines can handle steel bar up to 3 in (75
mm) in diameter, and custom springs have reportedly been made from bars as much as 6 in
(150 mm) thick. The steel is coiled around a mandrel while red hot. Then it is immediately
removed from the coiling machine and plunged into oil to cool it quickly and harden it. At
this stage, the steel is too brittle to function as a spring, and it must subsequently be

Heat treating. Whether the steel has been coiled hot or cold, the process has created stress
within the material. To relieve this stress and allow the steel to maintain its characteristic
resilience, the spring must be tempered by heat treating it. The spring is heated in an oven,
held at the appropriate temperature for a predetermined time, and then allowed to cool
slowly. For example, a spring made of music wire is heated to 500°F (260°C) for one hour.


Grinding: If the design calls for flat ends on the spring, the ends are ground at this
stage of the manufacturing process. The spring is mounted in a jig to ensure the correct
orientation during grinding, and it is held against a rotating abrasive wheel until the desired
degree of flatness is obtained. When highly automated equipment is used, the spring is held in
a sleeve while both ends are ground simultaneously, first by coarse wheels and then by finer
wheels. An appropriate fluid (water or an oil-based substance) may be used to cool the spring,
lubricate the grinding wheel, and carry away particles during the grinding.

Shot peening: This process strengthens the steel to resist metal fatigue and cracking
during its lifetime of repeated flexing. The entire surface of the spring is exposed to a barrage
of tiny steel balls that hammer it smooth and compress the steel that lies just below the surface.

Setting: To permanently fix the desired length and pitch of the spring, it is fully
compressed so that all the coils touch each other. Some manufacturers repeat this process
several times.

Piezo electric material:

We are using 4 piezoelectric strips at each corner of the speed breaker dome to improve the
efficiency. The piezo material which we are using is the Piezoelectric ceramic material.

Fig. 4.7: piezoelectric material

Piezoelectric materials are materials that produce an electric current when they are placed under
mechanical stress. The piezoelectric process is also reversible, so if you apply an electric
current to these materials, they will actually change shape slightly (a maximum of 4%).

There are several materials that we have known for some time that posses piezoelectric
properties, including bone proteins, crystals (e.g. quartz) and ceramics (e.g. lead zirconate

Properties of piezoelectric material:

Properties Piezoelectric sensor

E(Young’s modulus) 2
p(Density) 1780
v(Poission) 0.3
h(Thickness) 0.205x10-3
Piezo dielectric 1.06x10-10
e(Piezoelectric strain) 0.046
C(Capacitance) 5.2x10-9

Solar Panel:

We are using a solar panel of 240x180mm length to improve the efficiency. This comes with a
solar charge controller and generates 6V at 500mAh.

Fig. 4.8: Solar panel

Solar energy begins with the sun. Solar panels (also known as "PV panels") are used to convert
light from the sun, which is composed of particles of energy called "photons", into electricity
that can be used to power electrical loads.

Solar panels can be used for a wide variety of applications including remote power
systems for cabins, telecommunications equipment, remote sensing, and of course for the
production of electricity by residential and commercial solar electric systems.

Working of solar panel:

A well-balanced grid-connected configuration, a solar array generates power during the day
that is then used in the home at night. Net metering programs allow solar generator owners to
get paid if their system produces more power than what is needed in the home. In off-grid solar
applications, a battery bank, charge controller, and in most cases, an inverter are necessary
components. The solar array sends direct current (DC) electricity through the charge controller
to the battery bank. The power is then drawn from the battery bank to the inverter, which
converts the DC current into alternating current (AC) that can be used for non-DC appliances.
Assisted by an inverter, solar panel arrays can be sized to meet the most demanding electrical
load requirements. The AC current can be used to power loads in homes or commercial
buildings, recreational vehicles and boats, remote cabins, cottages, or homes, remote traffic
controls, telecommunications equipment, oil and gas flow monitoring, RTU, SCADA, and
much more.

Fig. 4.9: Working of solar panel

2. Components used in the speed breaker system:
a. Flywheel:

A flywheel made with high strength steel of 6 inch diameter which weighs 4Kgs is used and
connected to the free shaft to increase the rotations. The power transmitted from the connecting
shaft will be stored in this flywheel so that rotations can be increased.

Fig.4.10: Flywheel
b. Chain Sprocket:

A chain and sprocket mechanism is used to connect the driving shaft and driven shaft to
increase the rotations. Two gears- fixed and free gears are connected to the shaft by turning
operation and these two gears are connected with a chain.

Fig. 4.11: Chain Sprocket

c. Shafts:

A stainless-steel shaft of 10mm diameter is used for power transmissions. Two shafts of this
kind are used, one shaft is the driving shaft and another shaft is driven shaft.

Fig. 4.12: Shaft

d. Bearings

To make the free rotations of the shaft, 25mm bearings are used. This will be very useful for
friction free transmission.

Fig. 4.13: Bearing




Let us consider,

The mass of vehicle moving over the speed breaker = 50Kg (Approx.)

Height of speed breaker = 10cm

Workdone = Force x Distance


Force = weight of the body

= 50Kg x 9.81

= 490.5 N

Distance travelled by the body = height of the speed breaker

= 10cm

Output power = workdone / seconds

= (490.5*0.10)/60

= 0.8175 Watts (for one push)

So, let’s consider one vehicle per minute,

That means power produced for every minute is 0.8175 Watts

Power produced for every 60 minutes (1Hr) = 49.05Watts

Power produced in a day (24Hrs) = 1,177.2Watts

Depending on the battery specifications, the battery will be charged by the time. We used a
4V-2.5mAmps battery to store the converted electric energy and it took 30mins (30 pushes
approx.) to charge completely. If this battery is replaced with a bigger battery, then it can be
charged all day long for every single push occurred and can be used to light 6-7 street lights.


Velocity ratio of chain drive is given by

V.R = N1/N2 = T2/T1

N1 = Speed of rotation of smaller sprocket in rps.

N2 = Speed of rotation of bigger sprocket in rps.

T1 = Number of teeth in smaller sprocket

T2 = Number of teeth in larger sprocket

V.R = N1/N2 = T2/T1

V.R = 36/19

= 1.894



Torque produced in one push, T = Px60 / 2πN

T = 0.8175x60 / 2xπx1.666

T = 0.851Nm


load in Kgs and power output in watts









50 Kgs 60 Kgs 70 Kgs 80 Kgs 100 Kgs

load in Kgs and power output in watts


"Electricity plays a very important role in our life”. Due to population explosion, the current
power generation has become insufficient to full-fill our requirements. In this project we
discover technology to generate electricity from speed breakers in which the system used is
reliable and this technique will help conserve our natural resources. In coming days, this will
prove a great boon to the world, since it will save a lot of electricity of power plants that gets
wasted in illuminating the street lights. As the conventional sources are depleting very fast, it’s
high time to think of alternative resources. We got to save the power gained from the
conventional sources for efficient use. So, this idea not only provides alternative but also adds
to the economy of the country.


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