(Completati Propozitiile Cu Adjectivul Posesiv Al Lui Sau Al Ei)

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Class: 4
Date: 12 . May . 2020 Worksheet
(Fisa de lucru)

Teacher: Ionela Dan

1. Complete the sentences with the possessive adjectives his or her.(Completati

propozitiile cu adjectivul posesiv al lui sau al ei)

EXEMPLU: name is Cleopatra

2. name is Caesar 8. name is Dracula

3. name is Zorro 9. name is Spiderman
4. name is Marilyn Monroe 10. name is Jane
5. name is Britney Spears 11. name is Tarzan
6. name is Napoleon 12. name is Cleopatra
7. name is Popeye. 13. name is Superman

2. Type the correct word in the boxes below (Inlocuiti pronumele personal din
parantezele patrate cu adjectivul posesiv corespunzator)

my your his her

its our their

EXEMPLU: 1. SHE This is [SHE] flat.

2. This is their [THEY] telephone.

3. This is my [I] car.

4. This is her [SHE] bed.

5. This is his [HE] dog.

6. This is your [YOU] ticket.

7. This is our [WE] teacher.

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