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Factors affecting human comfort and heat load

 Outside condition
 Infiltration
 Ventilation
 Lighting
 Equipment
 Occupancy
 Size of room
 Heat gain through wall, Roof, Floor and glass
 Size and type of window glass
 Geographical Condition

Terms used in Heat load calculation

1) Thermal conductivity: (k)
It is the property of a material to conduct heat
2) Thermal Resistivity (R): Thermal resistance is the ability of a material to resist flow of
heat. It is the reciprocal of thermal conductivity
3) Overall heat transfer Coefficient:
It is also called as U-value. It is the rate of heat transfer through one square meter of a
structure, divided by the temperature difference across the structure.

U= Q/ (A x ∆T)
Collect basic data:
 Find out area & volume to be air conditioned
 Find out type of building, wall and glass
 Find out exposed wall and glass to sun rays
 Location and orientation of area to be air-conditioned
 Find out DBT,WBT, RH and grain/lb. for inside and outside of area
 Type of equipment used in air-conditioned space
 Find occupancy and type of lighting used for AC area from client
Ventilation (Fresh Air Quantity):

Find out amount of air quantity per person depending upon type of application.
Mostly 7.5 CFM per person is taken
For warehouse 10 CFM/Person
For areas like entrance lobby, auditorium, Photo studio, Offices is taken as 5 CFM/ Person
For areas like mall, retail stores, Barber shop is taken as 7.5 CFM/ Person
For Beauty and nail salons is taken as 20 CFM/ person

Method -2

V x AirChanges Per Hour

Fresh Ai r ( CFM )=
V- Volume in ft3
Air Changes per Hour from chart
Fresh Air is calculated by both method but selected which is maximum.

Heat gain through wall

Heat gain = Area (ft2) x U value of wall x Equivalent temperature difference

Q= UA (∆T)
Calculate heat gain through each exposed wall as per orientation
Calculate heat gain through each partition wall as per orientation
U= Depends upon type of wall (BTU/hr0Fft)
For exposed wall -0.34
For Partition wall- 0.4
Partition wall: Not expose to sun & air- conditioning area.
A= area of exposed wall or a partition wall (ft2)
∆T= Equivalent Temperature Difference (Outside temperature of wall- inside Temperature of

Heat gain through glass

Heat gain = Area (ft2) x U value for glass x Equivalent temperature difference
Q= UA (∆T)
Calculate heat gain through each exposed glass as per orientation
U= Depends upon type of glass
Double pane glass: 0.38
Single pane glass: 0.56
A= Area of glass ft2
∆T= Outside and inside temperature difference of glass
Calculate heat gain through each partition glass (Not exposed to sun & and air-conditioning area)
U value for partition wall is 1.13

Heat gain through ceiling and floor

Find out weather slab of air conditioning area is directly exposed to sun or not
1) For Roof
Heat gain = Area (ft2) x U value of roof x Equivalent temperature difference
Q= UA (∆T)
U= for underdeck insulation-0.12
Without insulation- 0.54
A= Area of roof in ft2
∆T= Outside and inside temperature difference of floor

For ceiling
Heat gain = Area (ft2) x U value of ceiling x Equivalent temperature difference
Q= UA (∆T)
U= 0.4 (If above floor is not AC)
0 (If above is A/C)
A= Area of ceiling in ft2
∆T= Outside and inside temperature difference of ceiling

2) For Floor
Heat gain = Area (ft2) x U value of floor x Equivalent temperature difference
Q= UA (∆T)
U= 0.4 (If above floor is not AC)
0 (If above is A/C)
A= Area of floor in ft2
∆T= Outside and inside temperature difference of floor

Sensible heat gain through Fresh Air and Occupancy

1. Fresh Air :

Heat Gain = Fresh Air Quantity (CFM) x Bypass factor x Sensible air constant x Equivalent
temperature difference
Q= CFM x BF x K x ∆T
B.F= Bypass factor
0.1 to 0.15 for office (4 Row coil)
0.15 to 0.25 for Retail (3 Row coil)
0.05 to 0.1 for Auditorium (6 Row coil)
K= Sensible air constant -1.08
∆T- Outside and design inside temperature difference

2. Occupancy / Internal Heat :

Heat Gain = No of Person x Sensible heat of each person

Q= N x Qs/Person
Sensible heat of each person from ASHRAE handbook
E.g. Office worker = 245
Factory worker = 380

Sensible heat gain through Equipment and light

1. Light
Heat Gain = Light load (watt) x Total Area x 3.41
Q= L x A x 3.41
Lighting Load is taken from ASHRAE Handbook
1 to 1.5 w/ft2 for office
2 to 4 w/ft2 for Retail shop
3 w/ft2 for school

2. Equipment
Heat Gain = Equipment Load x No of Equipment x 3.41
Q= EL x N x 3.41
Electrical Load from ASHRAE Handbook

Latent heat gain

1. Fresh Air:
Heat gain = Fresh Air Quantity (CFM) x Bypass factor x Latent Heat Constant x
Equivalent Specific humidity difference
Q= F.A x B.F x K x ∆w
F.A= Fresh Air (CFM)
B.F = Bypass factor
0.1 to 0.15 for office (4 Row coil)
0.15 to 0.25 for Retail (3 Row coil)
0.05 to 0.1 for Auditorium (6 Row coil)
K= Latent air constant -0.67
∆w- Outside and design inside specific humidity difference

2. Occupancy ( Internal Heat):

Heat Gain = No of Person x Latent heat of each person
Q= N x QL/Person
Latent heat of each person from ASHRAE handbook
E.g. Office worker = 205
Factory worker (heavy) = 620

Room Total Sensible Heat (R.T.S.H)

R.T.S.H = Wall Heat Gain + Glass Heat Gain +Ceiling Heat Gain + Floor Heat Gain +
Fresh Air Heat Gain + Occupancy Heat Gain + Equipment Heat Gain+ Light Heat

Effective Room Total Sensible Heat load

E.R.T.S.H= R.T.S.H x 0.15 (F.O.S = 15%)

Room Total Latent Heat (R.T.L.H)

R.T.L.H = Fresh Air Latent Heat Gain + Occupancy latent Heat gain

Effective Room Total Latent Heat Load:

E.R.T.L.H= R.T.L.H x 0.15 (FOS= 15%)

Effective Room Total Heat Load (E.R.T.H.L)

E.R.T.H.L= E.R.T.S.H + E.R.T.L.H

E.R.T . H. L
Ton of Refrigeration (TR) =

Effective Room Total Heat Load:

Heat gain = Fresh Air Quantity (CFM) x Difference in enthalpy of outside and inside
air x 4.5 x C.F
Q= F.A x (ho-hi) x 4.5 x C.F
C.F = contact factor -0.85

Effective Room Sensible Heat Factor

E. R.S. H .L
E.R.S.H.F = E . R . T . H . L

Calculate ADP based on inside and outside condition using Psychometric Chart


Sensible Heat Load

Qs =1.08 x CFM x ∆T
Latent Heat load
QL= 0.68 x CFM x ∆w

Crack length ( ft ) x Leakage rate


Leakage Rate = 14 for Window

13 for frame

Sensible Heat Load

Qs =1.08 x CFM x ∆T
Latent Heat load
QL= 0.68 x CFM x ∆w

CFM = Crack Length x 0.37 (window)

= Crack Length x 0.5 (Residential door)
= Crack Length x 0.1 (Non Residential door)

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