Sample Story: Collocation Learning

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• This 2-storey prefabricated building is installed in 4 phases.
• Phase 1 is the construction of foundation system and it has 4 steps. At first, the ground is excavated and the
supporting soil is compacted. In the second step, the lean concrete is poured and the concrete footings are
casted. In the third step, the column base plates are fixed and finally, the steel columns are
• At the second phase, the beams and bracings are first connected. Then, the concrete floor slabs are put in
place. In the third step, the upper-floor steel columns are erected and the roof panels is installed.
• Phase 3 is the construction of the building exteriors with 5 smaller steps. Starting with the construction of
corner units, we then fix the horizontal and vertical cladding panels. Later, the balustrade fixing plates are
assembled. At the last step, the roof insulation sheet is laid.
• The 4th and final phase is the finishing stage once the services are installed in the ceiling void before the
suspended ceilings are hung. The partitions are erected and followed with the floor finishes. Lastly, the
building is furnished and decorated.



Verb Noun Process
Fix Column base plate First

Erect Beam and bracing

Put in place Horizontal cladding Second

Lay Vertical cladding ThirH

Excavate Balustrade fixing plate inird

Cast Suspended ceiling Then

Install Steel column

Decorate Upper floor steel column Later

Construct Corner units

Connect with Partition Besides

Assembly Concrete slab

pply Roof decking Finally
Treat Weatherproof membrane
Finish Floor finished Last |y


1. Prefabricated (adjective): tiền chế
UK /ˌpriːˈfæb.rɪ.keɪ.tɪd/ US /ˌpriːˈfæb.rə.keɪ.t̬ɪd/
(informal prefab); (US also prebuilt)
2. install (verb [ T ]) : cài đặt
UK /ɪnˈstɔːl/ US /ɪnˈstɑːl/
3. excavate (verb [ I or T ]): khai quật
UK /ˈek.skə.veɪt/ US /ˈek.skə.veɪt/
4. compact (adjective): đầm
UK /kəmˈpækt/ US /kəmˈpækt/
5. Pour: đổ
UK /pɔːr/ US /pɔːr/
6. Cast:

UK /kɑːst/ US /kæst/
7. column base plates: tấm...
8. lean concrete: bê tông tươi
9. erect: thẳng đứng ( được dựng thẳng đứng lên)
UK /ɪˈrekt/ US /ɪˈrekt/
10. bracing: giằng
UK /ˈbreɪ.sɪŋ/ US /ˈbreɪ.sɪŋ/
11. put in place: đặt đúng chỗ.
12. upper-floor: sàn tầng trên.
13. roof panels: tấm mái.
14. Exterior: ngoại thất
UK /ɪkˈstɪə.ri.ər/ US /ɪkˈstɪr.i.ɚ/
15. corner units: đơn vị góc
16. horizontal and vertical cladding panels: tấm ốp ngang và dọc.
- Horizontal: Ngang (UK /ˌhɒr.ɪˈzɒn.təl/ US /ˌhɔːr.ɪˈzɑːn.t̬əl/)
- Vertical: Đứng- dọc (UK /ˈvɜː.tɪ.kəl/ US /ˈvɝː.t̬ə.kəl/)
17. Balustrade: lan can
UK /ˌbæl.əˈstreɪd/ US /ˈbæl.ə.streɪd/
18. Assembled: lắp ráp
UK /əˈsem.bəl/ US /əˈsem.bəl/
19. Insulation sheet : tấm cách nhiệt
UK /ˌɪn.sjəˈleɪ.ʃən/ US /ˌɪn.səˈleɪ.ʃən/
20. Laid : đặt ( đặt để nằm xuống)
UK /leɪd/ US /leɪd/
21. ceiling void: trần trống
22. suspended ceilings: trần treo
23. partitions: phân vùng (UK /pɑːˈtɪʃ.ən/ US /pɑːrˈtɪʃ.ən/)
24. furnished: trang bị (UK /ˈfɜː.nɪʃt/ US /ˈfɝː.nɪʃt/)
25. decorated : trang trí (UK /ˈdek.ə.reɪt/ US /ˈdek.ər.eɪt/)


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