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Example 1 Cengel 6-162

A heat pump with a COP of 3.2 is used to heat a perfectly sealed house.
The entire mass (air furniture etyc) is equivalent to 1200 kg of air. When
running, the heat pump consumes electric power at a rate of 5 kW. The
temperature of the house was 7 deg C when the heat pump was turned
on. If the heat transfer through the walls, roof etc is negligible, how long
will it take for the heat pump to raise the temperature of the entire
contents of the house to 22 deg C ?

q1 = COP*w 16.00 kJ/s m 1200 kg

dQ - dW = dU Cv 0.718 kJ/kg K
t*q1 = mCV*(T2-T1) COP = q1/w 3.2
w 5 kW
t = m*Cv*(T2 - T1)/q1 807.75 s T1 7 degC
13.5 min 280 K
T2 22 degC
295 K

Example 2 Cengel 6-155

A 2.4 m high 200 m2 house is maintained at 22 deg C by an air-
conditioning system whose COP is 3.2. It is estimated that the kitchen,
bath, and other ventilating fans of the house discharge a houseful of
conditioned air once every hour. If the average outdoor temperature is 32
deg C, the density of air is 1.2 kg/m3, and the unit cost of electricity is RM
0.50 per kW h, the amount of money "vented out"by the fan in 10 hours
h 2.4 m
mdot of air discharged per hours = Vhouse*Den_air 576.00 kg/h A 200 m2
System 0.160 kg/s Vol_house 480 m3
House Qdot = Rate of Heat discharged = mdot*Cp*(T2-T1) -1.608 kJ Den_air 1.20 kg/m3
Heat Pump q2 = -Qdot 1.608 T1 32 deg C
Electric Power w = -q2/COP -0.503 kW 305 K
T2 22 deg C
Electric Energy Discharged in 10 hours -18,090.0 kJ 295 K
Cp 1.005 kJ/kg K
Amount of money vented out 2.01 RM COP = -q2/w 3.2
Time 10 hours
36000 s
kW h = (kJ/s)*h = 3600 kJ Unit Cost per kW h 0.40 RM
1 kW h 3600.00 kJ
Unit Cost per kJ 0.0001111 RM

Check Den_air = P/R*T 1.18 kg/m3

Pa 1.00 bar
100.00 kN/m2
R 0.287 kJ/kg K

Example 3 Cengel 6-146

A typical electric water heater has an efficiency of 90% and cost RM500 a
year to operate at a unit cost of electricity of RM 0.40 per kWh. A typical
heat pump powered water heater has a COP of 2.2 but costs RM1200.00
more to install. Determine how many years it will take for the haet pump
water heater to pay for its cost differential from the energy saved.

Cost per year 500.00 RM

Chp =q1/w (Not Reversible) given = 2.20
Rate 0.40 RM/kWh
Electricity used in 1 year 1,250 kWh
4,500,000 kJ Installation Cost 1200 RM
Heat supplied at 90% eff = q2 4,050,000 kJ
Eff of electric heater 90%
Electricity for HP = w = q1/Chp 1,840,909 kJ
Cost per 3600 kJ 0.40 RM
Cost for HP power 204.55 RM Cost per kJ 0.000111111 RM

Savings per year 295.45 RM 1 kW h 3600 kJ

No of year to recover cost of HP installation 4.06 years

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