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ISS0065 Control Instrumentation Lecture 9

1 Advanced control methods

Limitations of the simple SISO PID controller caused by:

• system nonlinearities;

• simplicity of the control algorithm.

How to achieve a better performance?

• Linearize the control loop

• Change the structure: cascade control, selective control, feedforward control.

1.1 Linearization
Control loop has nonlinearities

thermal object

+ e u(%) U(V) T(oC)

SV PID Actuator Object Sensor



• Temperature sensor Utp = F (T )

linearized by block F −1 inside the controller: T = F −1 (Utp + T0 ).

• Thermal object ∆T (◦ C) ≈ P (W ), T = T0 + c · U 2

U - voltage RMS (Root Mean Square).

Approach: process can be linearized by using suitable actuator!

If actuator characteristic is URM S = kac u, then u → T is linear.

K.Vassiljeva 1 2015

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