IAS Mains Sociology 2013

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セMュイ@ I I Pa pe r I

セ[IェアZ@ 250
f.tt.rffta セZ@ rft;r Fit
Ma xim um Ma rks : 250
Tim e allo wed : Th ree Ho urs

"« 1f.C1 f.ltot!RRsm セ@ セ@ C1iT t47rt'f!lcn rr? :

cprc1T JTRf C1iT 3"fff #
&USf ff セ@ f ?mT セ@ 3/R- セ@ c;Rl ff セ@ f I
セ@ 3TTO JlR f \ifJ セ@
w& 2ff CfiT !F' 'Q"fqw.n #i 3ff( # t 1 セ@ rft;r w.if #i 3ff( セ@ I
t ff "R" セ@ &US it Cfill-it-WT 1[C1i JlR セ@
J1R fi&r r 1 3/R- 5 3lf.tcrr4 t ff2lT arr<li
JRitq:; JrR /'lPT "#; Wn セ@ セ@ セ@ 1Jl[ tI 3/R- w rrTVl7l q;r セ@ セ@
セ@ ;mrR; [イ」セキ@ ff FcPn 7f2lT セ@
ff ffRi iifR セ@ セ@ -q;{
m #i 3ff( -:mt "JT{'af1{
セ@ W fcn<n セ@ セ@ I セ@ 1{l'a fr{ "#; 37firfi:m 3RT -
jArMセSヲH@ (<FJ... ift."Q".) セ@ "#;!]&-'[50 W 3#l;?r @セ
fcii8t 1flU l1{ ff ffRi 1Jl[ 3rf( W cnt{ Wn ;rtf firrM I
セL@ w セ@ FcPn セ@
1 セ@
m ゥヲセ@ if/1:rr, セ@ セ@ 3fwa: セ@
セ@ セ@ 7f2lT
I セ@ C/?TCT [イエヲセ@ aT "SIR "#; 3ff( cfit TfUFlT cfit セ@ 3ff(
JTRf "#; Yflif cfit TfUFlT 9hlflj87< cfit セ@ セ@ セ@
ff &Tif t $ §3l l fl! llT :m#; 3#r cnT Pll! (CiT! '« C/?TCT
セ@ I "3fl(- セ@

Qu est ion Pa per Sp eci fic Ins tru cti
tin g que stio ns :
ase rea d eac h of the foll owi ng ins tru ctio ns car efu lly bef ore atte mp
Ple bot h in HIN DI and in
re are EIG HT que stio ns div ide d in two SE CT ION S and prin ted
ns in all.
Can did ate has to atte mpt FIV E que stio ed
5 are com puls ory and out of the rem ain ing , TH RE E are to be atte mpt
Que stio ns no. 1 and
cho osin g at leas t ON E from each sect
stio n/ par t is ind icat ed aga inst it.
The num ber of mar ks car ried by a que
whi ch mu st be
mu st be wri tten in the med ium aut hor ized in the Adm ission Certificate d. No
Ans wer s Ans wer (QCA) Boo klet in the space provide
the cov er of this Que stio n-c um-
sta ted clearly on one.
in a med ium oth er tha n the aut hor ized
ma rks wil l be give n for ans wer s wri tten
cified, sho uld be adh ere d to.
Wo rd lim it in questions, wherever spe of a
ns sha ll be cou nted in chr ono logi cal order. Unless stru ck off, atte mpt
Att emp ts of questio the pag e left bla nk in the
stion sha ll be cou nted even if atte mpt ed par tly. Any page or por tion of
ans wer book mu st be clearly stru ck off.

'{S11JS A


Qt. Plklklfuta 'q"{ m&m R:cqf0141 rMエヲオャセ@ : Hセ@ R;cquft 150 セ@ "B 3lfucn セ@ セ@ セ@


(a) G\エセャゥ|jヲs@ CfiT セ@ セ@ -q セSQ@ <rm >rTN -q -a. u. SGャセヲサ」ッ@ セ@ 'EIIliiNlco ·

'§'t'IIU'""S<Sldl セ@ 311trn: 1R セ@ セ\ZヲャゥGei@ セSQt@ 1" - R:cxtuft cf})f)v: 1

(b) ヲエャゥ|jQセU@ cヲセ@ ゥZヲ」ャセh@ セ@ 'iW1\ セ@ Cfl@ セ@ セ@ セ@ cnT セ@ <t\Glv: I

(c) GXTQ|jャセifM[サI@ SPャェセヲエ\NGBゥ@ -q Bcol\l<"lico セ@ セ@ Gbャヲゥセ@ -q-{TPJf \エ|nゥセ@ I

(d) BlliiNl<:fl qf{ctd'"i セ@ セ@ セ@ セ@ -q セ@ セ@ SllcmfT1<t\ セ@ -q-{f&ff \エ|gャセ@ I

(e) -qftcm: -q GヲャゥeiBセ」ッ@ sQセTエ@ COT セャ\[iサu@ ヲ」ャセエZAoi@ \エ|gャセ@ I

Write short notes on the following : (Each note should not exceed 150 words)

(a) "Sociology emerged in Europe and flourish ed to begin with on social

reformis t orientat ion in the U.S.A." - Comme nt. · 10

(b) Compar e and contrast Sociology with Anthropology. 10

(c) Criticall y examine positivis tic approac h in sbciological studies. 10

(d) Examin e science and technology as agents of social change. 10

(e) Analyse the contemp orary trends in family with example s. 10

Q2. (a) BI41Nico mcq セ@ lil5ll<"lico セ@ セ@ (:ftm3TI CfiT ヲ」ャセエZッ@ 」ヲIzゥャセ@ 1

Cb) \エセTQ|jヲU@ セ@ Slcol4ctlcn セ@ セ@ Gbャヲセ@ -qff&n 」ヲInQセ@ 1

(c) qヲ、セQb」ッ@ セヲ、」ッエャ\[@ セ@ >rp9 <1&fUIT COT ヲ」ャセエZッQ@ 」ィIgャセ@ 1

(a) Analyse the limitatio ns of quantita tive methods in social research . 20

(b) ·Critical ly examine the function alist traditio n in Sociology. 20

(c) Analyse the salient features of historica l materia lism. 10

セ@ セ@ セ@ セ@ セ@ 3fu: セ@ セ@ cfiT セ@ 」ヲ^hセq|@ I
Q3. (a) GセM@ セ@ セ@

セ@ |ゥヲNセ@ "tfts セ@ <flJIC!:Iofl Cf>T HQャヲゥセ@ セj|エZカH@

(b) 'SicllChlc-lOiCh セ[アャZヲsエゥcjiAG@
<ilNlQ\ I

(c) セ@ Hセᄁエャ\ZAゥI@ セM@ セ@ セ@ セ。[イオゥt@ cfiT セFQ@ <ilNlQ\ I

with refe renc e to the

(a) Com pare Kar l Mar x with. Emi le Dur khei m 20
fram ewo rk of 'divi sion ofla bour '.
. Mea d to 'symbolic
(b) Crit icall y anal yse the cont ribu tion s of G.H 20
inte ract ioni sm'.
acy. 10
(c) Exa min e the salie nt feat ures ofW eber ian bure aucr

ftll41Nl(;f) @セ セ@ セ@ セ@ セ@ cfiT :!Ui セ@ ヲNエセgャッ@ •
Q4. Ca) セ@ M セ@ セ@ «JqiRCf)
q;&fd<:Ji N>B >fCf)T\ (C\qiaf(d ® セ@ ? m
. ( . ) セ@ wfO<:Jicfl qfh!G'"fl セ@ ? キヲゥセ@M 1:ftl&lUI <ilN1V> fcfi
(b) Cf<n nHjo」ゥセャ@
q;) セ@ セ@ セ@ 'CRdl セ@ I
m\jZ」ゥセャ@ セ@ セ@ wiセ@

(c) セヲエ\Zj@ sャG、セ@ セ@ セ M Zイゥヲ@ セ@ セ@ セ@ セFQ@ <ilNlQ\ I

ifica tion undergo ing·

(a) How are open and closed syst ems of strat
ical social orde r in
tran sfor mati on in the eme rgen ce of new hier arch 20
soci eties ?
y exam ine how does
(b) Is patr iarc hy a univ ersa l phen ome non ? Crit icall 20
patr iarch y affec t sexu al divis ion of labo ur in soci
ry democracy. 10
(c) Exa min e the role of pres sure grou ps in parl iam enta


l]lUS B


Q Q5. Rh"lR1R9d "tR セ@ QcqfUI<!li f21Rgq: : Hセ@ QcqoA 150 セ@ セ@ セ@ cfiT -;nff W;:ft
(a) セ@ -ij セ@ セ@ セQTnャcヲゥ@ セ@ セ@ 3iqClNfd QT 'lfR 3fu: m セ@ セ@ "CfiT B141NlCfi
セ@ セ@ 3iqClNfd ・ョサセ@ -ij セ@ セ@ chlNl<J> I
(b) セQTnャcヲゥ@ SゥセHGh@ -CfiT セ@ chlNlQ\ I fii41NlCh qftCld'i -ij セGエャゥ|cTI@ SゥエセGhャ@
"ch1" セ@ CfiT セ@ ヲ」ャセGゥ@ chl Nl q: I
(c) ''FcmH セ@ qm dlf(f;Cfi セ@ セ@ セ@ セ@ ュセ@ セ@ セ@ セ@ セ@ 1ffi1 dlf(f;Cfi
セ@ セ@ セ@ ヲrMセ@ ュセ@
1"- QcquA chlNllJ> I セ@
(d) fCI Cfi iセ@ \JI ""4 セ@ セ@ セ@ 141 Nl Ch 3WTI41 "ch1" lffi&n chl Nl lJ> I
(e) jHセエG[サoi@ セ@ セ@ セ@ Cld4H m -q セ@ セ@ CfiT ヲ」ャセXッQ@ chlNlV, I
Write short notes on the follow ing: (Each note should not exceed 150 words
. 10x5= 50
(a) Distin guish betwe en people being sociall y exclud ed and people exclud ing
thems elves sociall y in societies.
(b) Define social movem ent. Elucid ate the role of reform ist movem ents in
social chang e.
(c) "Science has empir ical means to logical ends and religio n has
non-em pirical means to logical ends." - Comm ent.
(d) Exam ine the social dimen sions of displa cemen t induce d by develo pment
. 10
(e) Analy se the gende r bias in the presen t society with examp les. 10

Q6. (a) f!I41NlCh ᆱrutセ@ ヲ」ャセXッQ@ セ@ >rWT -q セ@ l1Tcffi CJm セ@ セ@ セ@ セ」ョャッ@ -q CF.IT
セM 3M'R セ_@
(b) セ@ セ@ m "tR セ」ヲエcィ|PQ@ セ@ セQTnャcィ@ m "ch1" -qft&n ch1N1q: 1
(c) Cld4H m -ij アャサセコョ@ (qRBlR<!l'i) セQTnャcィM@ cfiT siセmcヲゥ\Q@ cfiT -qft&n
chlNlV, I
(a) How do Karl Marx and Max Weber differ in terms of their analys is of
social stratif icatio n ?
(b) Exam ine the social impac t of global ization on labour and society.
(c) Exam ine the releva nce of Parso nian Social System in the presen
SI'JIIdSI セM」ッャ@ "lffiln: セ@ mTm セ@ セ@ ? ャゥ⦅セicヲIB@
Q7. (a) "l!llft:Ch m セ@ "SI'"Cf)"R

ch1NlQ\ I

セ@ fllliiNlCfi セ@ -q 4ftClctofi セ@ 'h<?lfq(C'q セ@ セ@ "4furn: -q 3eJ4liH

(b) セDZj[@
S1 セIBヲエ@ セャ@ セ@ "CfU&n ch1 Nl Q\ I
(c) SI'JIId::l .q- •wlft:Cfi m セ@ セ@ セ@ Bbャヲエセ@ W&TT ch1NlQ\ I

cy mut uall y rein forc e

(a) Eva luat e how . do civil soci ety and dem ocra 20
each othe r.
fami ly as a resp onse
(b) Exa min e the eme rgin g tren ds in mar riag e and 20
to the chan ges in econ omic and soci al orde r.
ocra cy. 10
(c) Crit icall y exam ine the role of civil soci ety in dem

セ@ セ@ セ@ セ@ セ@ <RTCiT col ᆱQセサP@ セ@

Q8. (a) fllliiNlCh 4ft:Cld"l セ@ セ@
ch1MQ\ I

セ@ SセQサP@ セ@ セ@ セ@ ft IJ:i 1N1Ch qftqJ"J セ@ fl i:q:;fdq:; mo.<;1;:Ji "ch1"

Bbャヲエセ@ Wlffi ch1 Nl Q\ I -

(c) セ@ wf セcot@ SlfdclleJ セ@ ? R;cqon ch1N1t; 1

by soci eties unde rgoi ng
(a) Illus trate the conf licts and tens ions expe rien ced 20
soci al chan ge.
al chan ge with suita ble
(b) Crit icall y exam ine the cult ural theo ries of soci 20
exam ples .
(c) Is relig ion anti thet ical to scie nce? Com men t.

fP""II \J"PH I f?l

Paper- 11

w::rrr . m fゥセ@
3fCfj : 250
Maximum Marks: 250
Time Allowed : Three Hours

セ@ <F セ@ セ@ iT m frl8f?!Rola セ@ セ@
<flT Ull'iqcf'fi
-q?;.· I

セ@ it Ft'l1<ffi セ@ 1l"lZ セ@ セアイ@ CfQ セ@ セ@ セ@ G);:ff セZュ@ it WT セ@ セi@

セ@ .3ITO (8) 1JV1 it
we1r2ff 」fセ@ Cfi(1 m Ti;:ff cF; 0m セ@ セ@ 1
"' セ@ セ@ Ti'i" セ@ セ@ cfR セ@
Ti'i" セ@ 1 セ@ 5 3lRcrr:f セ@ I ffl セ@ it セ@ セ@ セ@ セ@ Cfll1 Cfll1 if;
セ@ Ti'i" iセ@ if; 3fcf> Ti'i" if; セ@ it セ@ セ@ I

"Sfctw--q;r ゥエ セ@ 11TUP1 ゥエセ@ fffi.cr;:rr セ@ 6 セアイ@ セ@ セ@ Hqオ・ウエゥッョM」ュa ョ キ・イIセ@ウ it セ@

セ@ "Cf{ セ@ セ@ セ@ 6I セ@ 11TUI11 if; 31c1i<n 3RT 11TUI11 it fuif .m セ@ eFt 3fcf; セ@ WI
セM[ZヲャG@ cF セ@ セ@ fcl:;ir Tfit セ@ mT "* SAQセ@ セ@ セ@ I

fiRm:r it piセ@ \1lW1T I セ@ C!1li 1l"lZ Ti'i" if; セ@ eFt セ@ Pl'i"Cft it fW:rr セ@ セ@ セ@
Ti;:ff if; セ@ セ@
セ@ 31ifucF セゥヲ@ セ@ ャヲセzN@ mI PwMセ@ if m
セit@ if; 3Nr 31l1l:: セ@ セ@ ill \3it/R セ@

セ@ セ@ CflTC セ GゥBt@ セ@ セ@ I


Please read each of the followin g instruct ions carefull y before attempt ing question
and in ENGLIS H.
There are EIGHT question s divided in Two Sections and printed both in HINDI
Cand idate has to attempt FIVE question s in all.
be attempte d choosing at
Question no. 1 and 5 are compuls ory and o ut of the remainin g, THREE a re to
least ONE from each section.
The number of marks carried by a question/ part is indicated against it.
must be stated clearl y
Answers must be w ritten in the med ium authorized in the Admissi on certificate which
booklet in the space provided . No marks wi ll be given
b n the cover of t his Question -cum-An swer (QCA)
for answers written in medium ot11er than the authoriz ed o ne.

Word lim it in question s, whereve r spec ified, shou ld be adhered to.

of a question shall
Attempts of question s shall be counted in chronolo gical order. Unless struck off, attempt
in the answer book must
be counted even if attempte d partly. Any page or portion of the page left blank
be clearl y struck off.




Q. l. f.H=-tR:iROJd if it セ@ TR, ヲゥセ i |jQqiPエBlャ@ Mアヲオエセ@ it セ@ R:UlfUILll f<1Roltz, m セ@

150 it 31fuq;- セ@ if ";[ if
Write short notes with sociological perspective on the following in not more than \
150 words each :- JOxS=SO

Q. l (a) 3lfl セ@ セ@ S1RlYIRd 'Cflf' eFT m'l1fiS!T I

Andre Beteille,.s definition of class. 10
Q. l(b) qjQ'i:11,41Cf1zo, セュ@ セ M tZjセN@ セ」ュZイ@ <FT 3lCfm\UTT 1

M.N. Srinivas's concept of westernisation. 10

Q. 1(c) セ@ \fll"l RJ ill I セヲ@ Cfi1 セオ\ヲャ@ StrIHQセ@ I

Satya Sodhak movement of Mahatma Jyotiba Phule. 10

Q. l(d) 'Bffif 'B セ@ セ@ 'B cpf I

Classes in agrarian society in India. 10

Q.l(e) セ@ セ@ Cflf 1
Other Backward Classes. 10

Q. 2. pエZ]Mヲオrッ ゥ セZj@ セ@ セ@ セ@ セ@ m セ@ 200 セ@ it 3lftrcf> tf>T -;::r if

Answer the following questions in not more than 200 words each : - 20+20+10=50

Q. 2(a) セ@ ・fエセ@ _it bセ@ 'g, R1'f 'Cf1RUT ';Jf"1"11Fdl:11 セ@ \il•Hi.<.CLJI it セュ@ セ@ セ@ セ@ :g ?
What are the features that distinguish tribes from the rest of the population ? 20

Q. 2(b) ';Jf"1"11R'J4[' '<t セ@ "ii 1"11cfl'"1·d l セ@ セ\サIcヲャHui@ 1f<: fV:qufi セi@

Write a note on ethnicity and integration in the context of tribes. :20

How does the new Forest Act affect tribals ? 10

Q. 3. f."'t:=-tfc:iRotli セ@ セ@ セ@ fuRoll!J m セ@ 200 セ@ it 31fuCfi tf>T -., m

Answer the following questions in not more than 200 words each : - 20+20+10=50

What are the main features of Dr. B.R. Ambedkar's views on annihilation of caste ?


Q. 3(b) セ@ セ@ cfi 'mm セ セサ\Z」エ^QcヲャG@ CfiT セ@ セ セ@ セi@
Critically evaluate Louis Dumont 's Homo Hierarchicus . 20

Q. 3 (c) セM "Q;l. l')n f1 ct 1fl セ@ -g'li"TCfi セ@ セオイ@ 3fCfm0'TT cfi セ@ cFt";:f-YQセ@ セ@ ? m -cF \ャ_ti セ@
cp) セ@ if セ@ fcRr;:fl Mァセ@ セ@ ?

What are the features of M.N. Srinivas' concept of dominant caste ? How effective is it
in understandin g to day's rea lity ? 10

Q.4. f.'P•:rtfuRota セ@ セ@ '3"m fuRolq:, \ilT セ@ 200 セ@ if セ@ CfiT -;:r if

Answer the following questions in not more than 2_00 words each : - 20+15+15=50

Q. 4(a) 'l1T«f if 3flq'tll ftCfl セ@ 314l Y'tllftCfl セ@ HセI@ if Cfm 3FCIT セ@ ?

Distinguish between formal and informal sectors in India. . - 20

Examine the influence of industrialisation on caste. 15

Q. 4(c) セ@ limcrrf cF セ@ C'fe:rriT セ@ セ@ セ@ 1

Discuss the salient features of Indian middle class. 15

セ M セ@


Q.5. f.il""1R1Rota セ@ f"2:cqfU ill'f fftRol tJ>. I セ@ '3"m HBャg i |ャゥセ ャヲB[ゥ ャ ャ@ wセ@ if if I Hセ@ '3"m セ@
100 セ@ if if ) :-
Write notes on the following. Your answer should have a sociological perspective. (Maximum
length of answers : 100 words each) :- 10 X5=50

Q. S(a) 4't1ctl>TfL! £il \i111Q I

Five Year Plans. 10

Q . 5(b) セ@ lliUT セ@ mR'rrT u| セ ェャサ@ "llTttT セi@

Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme. lD

Q. S(c) セ@ セゥヲオ@ I

Green Revolution. 10

Q. S(d) セi@
Child Labour. 10

Q. 5(e) bitMセ@ セlAt」ヲ@ I

Sex Ratio. 10


Answer the following questions in not more than 200 セッイ、ウ@ each : - 20+15+15=50

Bring out the main features of farmers' movements in Modem India. 20

Discuss the sociolo gical aspects of movements for separate States. 15

Q. 6(c) セN@ セ@ ュセ@ (T2:IT 3ltll11'1dl cf> セZュ@ eFT C<:!T@TI セ i@
Explain the inter-linkages between poverty, deprivation and inequality. 15

Answer the following questions in not more than 200 words each : - 15+20+15=50

Q. 7(a) · """l"rrD if セ@ ゥヲ B アヲU セ G サ@ 1f{ セmエs i oi」wヲャ@ fV:t:rufi セ i@

Write an analytical note on slums in cilies. 15

Discuss the problems of working women in Indi a. 20

What are the main causes of female mortality in India ? 15

Q .8. piセ@ ft1 Rot ct >nFlT cfi セ@ ft1 Rot cz, \i{T セ@ 200 セ@ セ@ 3lfucJ; q;r 1 it
Answer the following questions in not more than 200 words each : - 15+20+ 15=50
Q. 8(a) 'l1RCl it 9\Jl ld ?l eFT e=rfcr it エQセYfᆪャ 」エゥ、 ャ@ eFT セ@ CfiT ヲ\GQセm is iセ i@ セ i@
Analyse the rol e of communali sm in undermining democracy in ·India. 15

What is the Dalit movement ? Examine the issues highlighted by it. 20

Discuss the salient features of right to education. 15


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