Report For Ins1015

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A report on the process of

studying online
Prepared by: Vu Thi Khanh Huyen
A student from: IB2018C
Prepared for: INS1015

April 20, 2020

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Table of Contents


1. Purpose....................................................................................................................................4

2. Scope........................................................................................................................................4

3. Sources.....................................................................................................................................4


I. Data collection.........................................................................................................................5

II. Data Analysis..........................................................................................................................5

CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS.......................................................................10


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This report related to the online studying process at VNU-IS. The investigation was done by a
survey questionnaire. The main findings were that online classes were organized during the
Covid-19 pandemic by VNU-IS.
It was concluded that online learning provided many benefits, but online learners faced some
difficulties. In addition, the survey showed that students had many ways to improve the quality of
online learning better.

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1. Purpose
The purpose of this report is to survey the process of studying online VNU-IS students
have been going through.

2. Scope
The report was made to collect the opinions of students about their online classes. It does
not examine for learners because they only need to choose the answers which are suitable
for themselves in an objective way.

3. Sources

The information for this report was gathered from the following sources:
 Questionnaires
 The Internet

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I. Data collection

In order to find out the students’ evaluation of online learning, the survey was conducted by
means of Google Forms.
Questionnaires were delivered to 25 participants on April 25th. It took the participants 5-10
minutes to finish their surveys. Right after that, 6 questionnaires were collected by the researcher.

II. Data Analysis

1. How many subjects do you have to study online?

The chart describes the number of subjects that students have to study online (“none”, “1-3”, “4-
6”, “7-9”, “10 or more”). It is clear that the majority of students choose to study 4-6 subjects
4-6 subjects are the largest group (80%), follow by 7-9 subjects (16%), 10 or more subjects (4%).
None and 1-3 make up 0% of the subjects, respectively.

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2. What advantages does online learning bring to you?

When receiving survey questions about the benefits of online learning. A large group (96%)
prefer time-saving to other advantages of studying online. Not only does eliminating the
need to commute save money, but it also saves everyone time. Students only need to
prepare the content and then share it with different groups at any time necessary. Being on
time is received the second-highest vote of 56%. It proves that learners can study with any
device that is connected to the Internet in order to enter the classroom. A small number of
participants choose to improve your technical skills (44%) and interact with teachers easier
(32%). Because online learning method is quite new to students.

3. What difficulties are you facing with online learning?

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Most students have an unstable connection (68%). As online learners, students can access class
wherever they have a connected device, but a strong internet connection is required. Low
bandwidth and weak internet can affect how quickly they can connect and participate in class.
While experience has shown that online students are forced to become more self-disciplined,
those that remain unengaged could be a challenge as their activities cannot be monitored in class.
Students will be more likely to lack interaction and concentration with lessons and with other
students. That’s why the lack of interaction has the second-highest vote of 64% and easy
distraction has the third-highest vote of 60%. The smallest group (56%) choose inconvenient
teamwork. Since students don’t have to be physically present in a classroom, it might be more
difficult (or nearly impossible) for them to get in touch with other learners.

4. Some ways to improve the quality of online classes?

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The chart describes some ways to improve the quality of online classes such as: overcome
technical problems/difficulties, manage time effectively, join a study group, prepare class
materials, and other options. Most students choose to prepare class materials (68%) because it
helps them to focus on the lecture. Other students decide to manage time effectively (60%) to
establish daily routines. Overcoming technical problems/difficulties and joining a study group
make up 52% and 32% of the responses, respectively. A minority of students choose other
options to stop studying online and continue studying offline (4%).

5. Are you satisfied with online classes?

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When asking about the level of satisfaction, a majority of responses are average (48%), follow by
satisfied (32%), dissatisfied (12%). It is obvious that the percentage of students satisfied with
online learning is higher than those who are dissatisfied. Very satisfied and very dissatisfied only
account for 4% of the responses, respectively.

6. In your opinion, should we continue studying online after the Covid-19 pandemic?
Why or why not?

When conducting a survey about online learning after Covid-19, almost a majority of responses
have the same answers that we shouldn’t continue studying online. Online learning is a
temporary solution during a pandemic. We should go to school because we can learn better
when we have direct contact with friends and the lecturer.
A few answered that they wanted to learn online because of the efficiency it brought, such as
saving money and time.

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If any conclusions may be drawn from this report, they are, perhaps, as follows:
 A large number of participants accepted the online learning process as an alternative
during the Covid-19 pandemic.
 Online learning has both advantages and disadvantages, but it will also bring a major
process to the future of education.

In light of these conclusions, I recommend that we should combine both online and offline study.
Offline learning is better for teamwork, presentations, interaction. Online learning is cheaper,
takes less time, and allows for self-paced learning. If you do not understand anything while
studying in school, you can ask teachers on online systems.

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Hi, I am Vu Thi Khanh Huyen from IB2018C. This questionnaire is designed to support my
subject (English for Academic Purpose 2). It will take about 5-10 minutes to finish. Thank you
for your responses.
1) How many subjects do you have to study online?
A. None
B. 1-3
C. 4-6
D. 7-9
E. 10 or more
2) What advantages does online learning bring to you? (you can choose more than one
A. Be on time
B. Time-saving
C. Interact with teachers easier
D. Improve your technical skills
E. Other. Be specific….
3) What difficulties are you facing with online learning? (you can choose more than one
A. Easy distraction
B. Inconvenient teamwork
C. Unstable connection
D. Lack of interaction

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E. Other. Be specific…..
4) Some ways to improve the quality of online classes? (you can choose more than one
A. Overcome technical problems/difficulties
B. Manage time effectively
C. Join a study group
D. Prepare class materials
E. Other. Be specific….
5) Are you satisfied with online classes?
A. Very satisfied
B. Satisfied
C. Average
D. Dissatisfied
E. Very dissatisfied
6) In your opinion, should we continue studying online after the Covid-19 pandemic? Why
or why not?


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