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1. What metaphysical principle enables humans to know reality as it is?

A. Identity B. Causality C. Primacy of existence D. Excluded middle

2. If the statement, “All teachers are not materialistic” is true, what other statements below are
I. Some teachers are not materialistic
II. No materialistic being is a teacher
III. Some non-teachers are non-materialistic
IV. Some non-materialistic beings are teachers
V. All materialistic beings are non-teachers
VI. Materialistic teachers are unhappy
A. I, III, V, VI B. I, II, IV, V C. II, III, IV, VI D. III, IV, V, VI
3. Which kind of logic is described as reasoning using Hume’s thesis-antithesis-synthesis process?
A. Dialectics B. Experimental C. Inductive D. deductive
4. In ethics, what is the meaning of the Golden Mean according to Aristotle
A. In order to achieve happiness, men must act moderately
B. Men should aim for extreme virtue such as rashness and timidity
C. Character virtues tend to be supported by excess
D. A temperate man doesn’t enjoy abstinence itself
5. When is an act a moral or a good act?
I. With Knowledge
II. Good circumstances and intentions
III. Instinctive
IV. With voluntaries
V. In accord with Eternal law
VI. with Freedom
A. I, II, III, IV,V B. II, III, IV, V, VI C. III, IV, V, VI, I D. I, II,IV, V, VI
6. “No person is not a subject of human rights and Some persons are not subjects of human rights”
What judgment is acceptable here?
A. The second statement is valid and true
B. The first statement is false
C. The second statement is valid and false
D. The first statement is supported by the 2nd statement
7. Teacher Ana believes in Deontological Ethics. How will she judge the rightness or wrongness of
her pupil’s actions? She will base on
A. The motive/s of the action C. The nature of act itself
B. The consequence/s of the action D. Her religious beliefs
8. Plato’s posited that if the man knows what the good life is, he will not act immorally. Thus, evil is
due to lack of knowledge. The logical consequence of this viewpoint will be
A. Self-determination morality C. Authoritative and objective morality
B. Emotivism D. Hedonism
9. “They are often seen together, they must be lovers. “This is an example of what fallacy?
A. Hasty Generalization B. Composition C. False Cause D. A Fortiori
10. “To be repaired: a VHS of an old man with a broken head. “What fallacy was committed?
A. Equivocation B. Composition C. Amphiboly D. False Analogy
11. “My teacher said that I should marry Richard, therefore, I will.” The fallacy committed in this
argument is?
A. Ad Authoritatem B. Ad Populum C. Ad Vericudiam D. Ad Ignoratiam
12. “Why will I trust him, he didn’t even have a master’s degree.” This argument is
A. Valid B. Ad Populum C. Ad Hominem D. Ad Baculum
13. A paper when burned becomes ash. Why is it that a four year old child when taught Algebra may
not learn it?
A. Because learning should concentrate on the basic knowledge
B. Because learning must be useful and relevant
C. Because learning is the actualization of the child’s potentials
D. Because learning must be based on actual experience
14. “I’ll pay for your tuition provided that you’ll be my mistress.” Why is this argument wrong?
A. Appeal to Advantage C. Equivocation
B. It’s practical though immoral D. a fortiori
15. What situation/s show/s why naïve realism cannot be the sole criterion of truth?
A. What looks like an apple, taste like apple, smells like apple feels like apple is an apple
B. What looks like a girl, acts like a girl, feels like a girl is a girl
C. What the majority thinks and feels to be the truth must be true
D. What is learned by doing is better than what is learned from books
16. “If teachers Abi uses the showing methodology, then she is a traditional teacher; but she is a
traditional teachers; therefore, he uses the showing methodology.” What type of inferential
thinking is this?
A. Valid Conditional B. Valid Disjunctive C. Invalid Conditional D. Invalid Disjunctive
17. The Ethical theory that holds that pleasure is the sole good and that to live pleasantly without
suffering from any of the undesirable effects of such living is the sole purpose of life according
A. Utilitarianism B. Hedonism C. Platonism D. Cynicism
18. The view of an action is right in so far as it tends to produce the greatest happiness for the
greatest number and that the consequence of a given action determines the rightness or the
wrongness of an act not the motive for which it was done comes from
A. Utilitarianism B. Hedonism C. Platonism D. Cynicism
19. As a teacher, you believe that good preparation leads to efficient and relevant learning. From
what metaphysical axiom is this based?
A. The whole is the summation of all its parts C. The law of causality
B. The law of Identity D. The law of potency and act
20. In this conditional syllogism, “If the dentist is not skillful, he will cause his patient much pain”,
what minor premise is needed to have a valid conclusion?
A. But the dentist is skillful
B. But the dentist did not cause his patient much pain
C. None. Every possible premise is invalid
D. But the dentist caused his patient much pain
21. “The order in the world owes its origin either to mere chance or to an intelligent designer; but
the order in the world is not due to mere chance; therefore, it must be due to an intelligent
This syllogism is
I. Valid Conditional
II. Valid Disjunctive
III. Invalid Conditional
IV. Invalid Disjunctive
V. An argument for God’s existence
VI. A self defeating argument
A. I and V B. II and V C. III and VI D. IV and VI
22. “He either violated the law , or else he was arrested unjustly; but he did violate the law;
therefore , he was not arrested unjustly.” This is an example of what argument
A. Valid disjunctive B. Invalid Categorical C. Valid Conjunctive D. Valid Conditional
23. “If you have acute high blood pressure then you are very sick; But you do not have acute high
blood pressure; Therefore, you are not very sick.”
I. Valid
II. Invalid
III. Conditional
IV. Categorical
V. Hypothetical

Which best describes the syllogism above?

A. I,III, and V B. II, III and IV C. II, III and V D. I, IV and V
24. “Every vegetable is nutritious; but _______________; therefore, No microorganism is
nutritious.” What minor premise is needed to make this a valid syllogism?
A. No nutritious thing is a micro-organism
B. Some micro-organisms are not vegetable
C. No micro-organism is a vegetable
D. Every micro-organisms are vegetables
25. What would be the logical conclusion if we follow George Berkeley’s tenet, “To be is to be
perceived” or “Esse est percipili”?
A. Realism B. Empiricism C. Idealism D. Skepticism

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