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€) Now read the whole passage. When do children brains can't handle adult speech.

Children don't learn

start talking in longer sentences? to walk until their bodies are ready. Likewise, they don't
speak multi-word sentences or use word endings and
function words ('Mummy opened the boxes') before their

Why don't babies talk like adults? brains are ready.

'goo-goo' to talkative one step at a time
Kids go from The second is called the 'stages-of-language hypothesis',
which states that the stages of progress in child speech
it shouldn't depend on such patterns, but only on the

by Joshua Hartshorne are necessary
, ompletion of
in language
development. 0 W
A basketball player can't perfect his or her jump shot
A recent e-trade advertisement shows a baby speaking In before learning to (1)
2007, researchers at jump
Harvard (2) shoot. Similarly,
and University, who were
directly to the camera: 'Look at thi s,' he says, ' I'm a childrenthe
studying learn
multiply found
after they have way
a clever learned to add.
to test

free man. I go anywhere I want now.' He describes his This is the order in which children are taught - not the
them. More than 20,000 internationally adopted children
stock-buying activities, and then his phone rings. This reverse.
enter the US There's
each evidence,
year. Many forofinstance,
them no that
advertisement proves what comedians have known for don't
their usually
birth beginafter
language speaking in two-word
they arrive, and theysentences
must learn D

years: few things are as fu nny as a baby w ho talks like an until they've
English more or learned
less thea certain
same way number of sing
infants do -le that
is, c
adult. But it also raises an important question: Why don't In other words, until they've crossed that linguistic
by listening and by trial and error. International adoptees W
express themselves clearly like adults?
young children threshold,
don' the word-combination
t take classes or use a dictionary process
when doesn't
they areget
Many people assume children learn to t alk by copying going. their new tongue and most of them don't have a
In other words, they listen to the words
what they hear. well-developed
The differencefirst language.
between these of theseisfactors
Alltheories make
this: under
the situations in which they use them and
adults use and them an ideal population in. which to test these competing N
the mental-development hypothesis, language learning

imitate accordingly. Behaviourism, the scientific approach hypotheses abouton
should depend howthelanguage
child's ageis and
level of mental

that dominated American cognitive science for the first development when
Neuroscientists Jessehe or she starts
Snedeker, learningand
Joy Geren a language. N
century, made exactly this argument.
half of the 20th UnderShafto
Carissa the stages-of-language hypothesis,
studied the language however,
development of
27 c hildren adopted from China between the ages of
However, this 'copycat' theory can't explain why toddlers

aren't as conversational as adults. After all, you never
two and five years. These children began learning English
at an older age than US natives and had more mature
@ hear literate adults express themselves in one-word
brains with which to tackle the task. Even so, just as
'bottle' or 'doggie'. In fact, it's easy for
sentences like with American-born infants, t heir first English sentences
scientists to show that a copycat theory of language consisted of single words and were largely bereft of
acquisition can't explain children's first words. What is fu nction words, word endings and verbs. The adoptees
hard for them to do is to explain these first words, and then went through the same stages as typical American-
how they fit into the language acquisition pattern. born children, albeit at a faster clip. The adoptees and
Over th e past half-century, scientists have settled on native children started combining words in sentences
two reasonable possibilities. The first of these is called when their vocabulary reached the same sizes, f urther
the 'mental-developmental hypothesis'. It states that suggesting that what matters is not how
one-year-olds speak in baby talk because their immature old you are or how mature your brain is, but th e number
brains can't handle adult speech. Children don't learn of words you know.
to walk until their bodies are ready. Likewise, they don't This find ing - that having more mature brains did not help
speak multi-word sentences or use word endings and the adoptees avoid the toddler-talk stage - suggests th at
function words ('Mummy opened the boxes') before their
babies speak in babytalk not bec ause they have baby
lts? brains are ready. brains, but because they have only just started learning
time The second is called the 'stages-of-language hypothesis', and need time to gain enough vocabulary to be able to
which states that the stages of progress in child speech expand their conversations. B efore long , the one-word 0 N
are necessary stages in language development. stage will give way to the two-word stage and so on. h
A basketball player can't perfect his or her jump shot Learning how to chat like an adult is a gradual process. a
before learning to (1) jump and (2) shoot. Similarly,
But this potential answer also ra ises an even older and E
children learn to multiply after they have learned to add.
more difficult question. Adult immigrants wh o learn a
This is the order in which children are taught - not the
second language rare ly ac hieve the same proficiency in
reverse. There's evidence, for instance, that children
a foreign language as th e average child raised as a native
don't usually begin speaking in two-word sentences
speaker. Researc hers have long suspected there is a
an until they've learned a certain number of sing le words.
'critical period ' for language development, after which
n't In other words, until they've crossed that linguistic
it cannot proceed w ith full success to fluency. Yet w e
threshold, the word-combination process doesn't get
do not understand this criti cal period or know why
1t ends.
The difference between these theories is this: under
nd the mental-development hypothesis, language learning
ch should depend on the child's age and level of mental "
adapted from Scientific American: Mind Matters
development when he or she starts learning a language.
Under the stages-of-language hypothesis, however,

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