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Ministry of Education and Sports

Lesson 1: Conversation Poland although we have different speech.
Learning Outcomes GLORIA: Well, I wish you a You will need:

By the end of this lesson, you should be wonderful stay in Kenya. • a pen/pencil
able to: MARIA: Thank you very much. • an exercise book

i) read the texts about holidays. Questions

ii) answer well questions about the text 1. How many people are talking in the
on holidays. A direct speech is the reporting of a
iii) write the answers in full sentences. speech by repeating the actual words
of a speaker. The actual words are put
You will need: ___________________________
between inverted commas.
2. Did Maria know where the post
• a pen or pencil office was? From the examples below, observe the
• an exercise book ___________________________ punctuation marks in the direct speech.
Introduction 3. From which country did Maria come? 1. He said, “I am a Ugandan boy.”
___________________________ 2. They say, “The sun rises from the
Conversation is a talk between two or East.”
more people. 3. My father asked, “Where was Peter
4. For how long is Maria staying in
Activity Nairobi? yesterday?”
___________________________ 4. “The milk has gone bad,” said John.
Read the conversation below and answer ___________________________ 5. “Nobert,” said Donah, “is a liar.”
the questions about it in full sentences. 5. Which place is Maria going to visit 6. “All latecomers, lie down!” shouted
after Nairobi? the teacher on duty.
MARIA:Excuse me. Could you direct me ___________________________
to the post office, please? Activity 1
GLORIA: Certainly. Go straight 6. What food is basically eaten in Write down six sentences in direct
along this road then turn left and Poland? speech.
you will see the building on your ___________________________
right. That is the post office. ___________________________ Lesson 3: If (3) Conditional
MARIA: Thank you very much. 7. What did Maria want Gloria to do for
her? Learning Outcomes
GLORIA: You are welcome. Where
are you from? ___________________________ By the end of this lesson, you should be
MARIA: I am from Poland. ___________________________ able to construct sentences using If (3)
GLORIA: Are you on holiday in 8. Why did Maria come to Kenya? in the present simple tense.
Kenya? ___________________________
___________________________ You will need:
MARIA: Yes, I am. I am staying
in Nairobi for four days and I will 9. Give the meaning of the following
• an exercise book
visit Tsavo National Park. word or group of words bolded in the
• a pen/a pencil
GLORIA: Are you enjoying conversation.
yourself here? (a) come across _____________ Introduction
MARIA: Oh, yes! Very much. _________________________
(b) delicious _______________ We use If (3) when we are imagining
Everybody I come across is good
_________________________ something that would have happened if a
and welcoming.
certain condition had been in place.
GLORIA: Everything here must be Lesson 2: Direct Speech
much different from Poland. Are
you enjoying the meals? Learning Outcome Step 1: Construct 2 sentences in the
MARIA: Yes, they are delicious. I present perfect tense
love the fish. We eat lots of fish in By the end of this lesson, you will be Example
able to construct sentences using direct
©National Curriculum Development Centre, 2020 1
i) Jumanyol has visited his relatives A B
in Busia. 1. If Diana had we would have held a
ii) Jumanyol has finished his remedial Step 1: The following words have been
played , debate.
lesson. written wrongly. Write them correctly.
2. If Akello had visit- we would have milked
ed Kisoro, the cows. stenp cleap yilhoad
3. If you had fetched you will miss the bus.
Step 2: What happens when you join Step 2: Read the story below
sentences (i) and (ii)
4. If you don’t wake our team would have Life in the Village
When Jumanyol visited his relatives up early, won the match.
in Busia, he had finished his remedial Though she liked the two days she stayed
5. If the schools had you would have gone
lesson. not closed due to with us. with her grandfather, Victoria complained
COVID-19, that life in the village was hard. Back at
The past perfect is formed when you
home in Gulu, she told her mother, “We
join sentences (i) and (ii) 6. If we had gone to she would have seen the
had supper at nine and didn’t go to bed
the farm, game park.
Step 3: If (3) is formed by using the until eleven o’clock. For an hour or two
past perfect tense in the if-clause and a we could not sleep at all. Hundreds and
would have with a participle in the main Exercise hundreds of mosquitoes kept buzzing in
clause. our ears and they bit us.” She continued,
Complete the following sentences “You know Mummy, I am interested
Read the following sentences correctly. in flowers. I collected not only flowers
1. If Owino had fetched water, he would Examples but also weeds. Grandfather, however,
have washed his clothes. did not approve of the idea of mixing
2. If Muhwezi had visited his uncle, he i) If Gabeya had visited weeds with flowers. He thinks weeds are
would have met his cousins. us before COVID-19 useless. I tried to make him change his
3. Okabo would have ridden his bicycle outbreak,.................................... mind but he refused to listen. He was
if he had repaired it. interested in playing musical instruments
If Gabeya had visited us before
4. If Sandra had rung us, she would .Every evening he played a drum, and we
the COVID-19 outbreak, she
have got the information about my each tried to play it. I found it a difficult
would have used a taxi.
birthday. instrument to play.”
ii) The police would not have
Step 4: Which is the ‘if-clause’ in the arrested them.............................. “Couldn’t you go to the nearest trading
sentences above? centre?” asked Victoria’s mother. “How
The police would not have many times a day does the bus to Koch
1. If Owino had fetched water (if- arrested them if they had arrived Goma run?”
clause), he would have washed his before the curfew time.
clothes. 1. If I had gone to Gulu,........................ “There is only one bus,” answered
2. If Muhwezi had visited his uncle .................................. Victoria, “and it doesn’t leave for Koch
(if-clause), he would have met his 2. She would have visited us if............... Goma until ten o’clock in the morning.
cousins. .......................................... Once on our way back, it could not climb
3. Okabo would have ridden his bicycle, 3. Bucu would have made for us a kite if. the hill until we decided to get off and let
if he had repaired it (if-clause). ..................................... it climb without us. I am very glad to be
4. If he had bought sanitizer back home in town again.”
Step 5: Which is the main clause in the
5. If they had asked us,......................... Questions about the story
sentences above?
1. If Owino had fetched water, he 1. What did Victoria complain about?
would have washed his clothes (main Lesson 4: Composition 2. At what time did Victoria go to sleep
clause). Learning Outcome while in the village?
2. If Muhwezi had visited his uncle, 3. Why didn’t Victoria’s grandfather
By the end of this lesson, you should be approve of mixing weeds with
he would have met his cousins (main
able to write a composition about the flowers?
3. clause).
holiday you never enjoyed. 4. What was Victoria’s grandfather
4. Kabo would have ridden his bicycle
(main clause) if he had repaired it. You will need: interested in?
5. If Sandra had rung us, she would 5. Where did Victoria and her parents
have got the information about my • an exercise book live?
birth day (main clause). • a pen/a pencil
• a free book Exercise
Step 4: Make sentences from the table
below. Write a composition of 100 words
about the holiday you never enjoyed.
Example If you are to write a good composition
In your composition include:
you will need to be able to imagine. Tell
1. If Mudondo had visited Kisoro, she
yourself the story silently before you • The place where you had your
would have seen the game park.
write the composition. holiday.
• Why you had holidays in that
2 ©National Curriculum Development Centre, 2020
place. A formal letter is written for the Imagine that an announcement has been
• Whom you spent the holidays following reasons: made giving the dates when schools
with. are set to reopen after the national
• What you did in the holidays. • Applying for jobs lockdown which was due to Coronavirus.
• Why you didn’t enjoy the holidays. • Applying for study vacancies Unfortunately, you are not sure when
• When making inquiries your school will be reopening.
Note: • Apologizing for offences
• Invitations Write a letter to your head teacher
In your composition, remember to asking him/her the date when your
include the title and paragraphs. school will reopen.
Activity I
You may use the following tips: Read the formal letter below and In your letter, inform him/her that you
are safe, healthy and ready to continue
Step 1: Choose the title of the composition answer the questions about it in full
sentences. with your studies. Use your school
you are going to write.
Step 2: List the words to be used while Muchwa Primary School,
(HEALTH TIP: Sanitise or wash your
writing the composition (on a draft page). P. O. Box 1994,
Ntungamo. hands frequently with clean water and
Step 3: Pair up the words that you will 6th March, 2020. soap to stay safe.)
use while writing sentences.
LESSON 6: Preparation for
Step 4: Write the sentences in their The Debate Coordinator, Examinations
correct order. Nyange Primary School,
P. O. Box 80, Learning Outcomes
Step 5: Write the final composition in Masaka. By the end of this lesson, you should be
your exercise book. Begin each sentence able to:
with a capital letter. Dear Sir/Madam, i) use language appropriate in
Use commas, full stops, and other Re: Invitation for A Friendly Debate preparation for examination.
punctuation marks well. I am writing to invite your school to have ii) construct sentences using ‘. . . or
else . . .’
Step 6: You should proofread to correct a friendly debate with ours.
the misspellings and misuse of words. The motion of the debate will be “Day You may need:
Schools Are Better than Boarding
Read your composition to others. • an exercise book
Schools”. It will take place on 11th
• a pen/pencil
March 2020, and will start at 2.00 pm.
It will last one and a half hours, so try to Introduction
(HEALTH TIP: Observe social keep time.
Mention two things which are supposed
distancing, stay home and stay safe!) to be done during this period of
Please inform your pupils to decide
Lesson 5: Letter Writing whether they will be proposers or quarantine.
opposers. Kindly let me know the side
Example: Staying at home.
Learning Outcomes you have taken as soon as possible.
Then mention what will happen if you do
By the end of this lesson, you should be I am looking forward to hearing from not stay at home.
able learn to: you soon.
i) identify the components of a Example: You may contract coronavirus.
formal letter. Yours faithfully,
Nsamba Charles Now write a sentence about what is
ii) know when formal letters are supposed to be done, including the
danger if it is not done.
iii) write a formal letter.
(Chairperson Debate Club)
i) Revise your notes, or else you will
You will need: fail your examinations.
a) When was this letter written?
• a book/sheets of paper/a b) Who was it written to? ii) You must revise your notes,
notebook c) Mention the motion for this debate. or else you will fail your
• a pen d) At what time will the debate end? examinations.
• a pencil e) Why did Nsamba Charles write this iii) You had better revise your
letter? notes, or else you will fail your
Introduction f) How is Nsamba Charles important in examinations.
A letter is a message that is written his school?
down or printed on paper. It is Join sentences in column A with those in
usually put in an envelope and sent to column B, using ‘or else’.
somebody. Activity 2

©National Curriculum Development Centre, 2020 3

A B By the end of this lesson, you should be our signatures and to
able to: organize examination
1. Study the you will not know when
timetable the examinations begin. i) use language appropriate to
preparation for examination. MADINAH: That’s good. I think they
2. You must your paper will not be
ii) read and comprehend texts will also tell us the time allowed for each
follow the marked. related to preparation for paper.
instructions examinations.
JUMA: You are right. Let’s go and
revise our notes. I hope
3. You had you will not be allowed the teachers have set easy
better pay to write examinations. You will need: questions.
fees • examination timetables
• a pen SAM: I also pray so, because I really
• an exercise book or notebook want to achieve my target.
4. Enter the you will miss the exam-
e x a m i n a - inations. MADINAH: Indeed, as candidates, we
tion room need to work very hard, or
early else we won’t achieve our
Read the conversation below carefully
and answer the questions after, in full targets.
5. Candidates their results will not be sentences.
must write returned. JUMA: Let’s go and revise.
their names SAM: Good morning my friends.
on exam-
ination pa- JUMA: Good morning, Sam.
pers Activity 1
MADINAH: Good morning, Sam.
a) How many people are taking part in
Follow-up Activity SAM: I hope you have read the the conversation?
examination timetable. b) When was the examination going to
Rewrite the following sentences using ‘. . begin?
. or else . . .’ JUMA: Examination timetable! c) Where was the timetable displayed?
d) What took place after lunch?
1. If you don’t wash your hands, you MADINAH: I have. We are going to
e) Mention one thing which is talked
will catch diseases. begin the End of Term
about during the briefing.
2. You will not get what you want Examinations tomorrow.
unless you speak politely.
3. The cows will not produce enough JUMA: What! I didn’t know. Where
milk if you don’t feed them well. was it displayed? Activity 2
4. Wash your clothes if you don’t SAM: It is on the noticeboard, but I also Write a letter to the deputy head
want to look like the odd man out. have a copy in my bag. teacher at your school requesting him/
5. Sharpen your pencil if you want it
her to give you a copy of the examination
to draw nice pictures. MADINAH: Don’t worry, Juma. We
timetable for Midterm One. Ask him/
are going to have a briefing today after
her whether the school will provide the
candidates with answer sheets during
(HEALTH TIP: Sanitize or wash your SAM: What do you think the teachers the Examination or will the candidates
hands frequently with clean water and will talk about? carry their own. Use your school
soap to stay safe.) address.
JUMA: My elder sister told me that they
LESSON 7: Preparation for will guide us on how to (HEALTH TIP: Sanitize or wash your
Examinations follow the instructions, how hands frequently with clean water and
to write our index numbers, soap to stay safe.)
Learning Outcomes

Primary Seven 2. describe the forces responsible for Materials you will need
the formation of the rift valley.
LESSON 1: The Rift Valley 3. identify some of the lakes and Pens, pencils, notebook and P7 SST
mountains found along the rift textbook if possible
By the end of this lesson, you should be valley.
1. give the meaning of rift valley. Introduction

4 ©National Curriculum Development Centre, 2020

In this lesson, you will learn about the Introduction
Great African Rift Valley. A rift valley
is a long depression with steep sides In this lesson, you will learn about the
called escarpment which was formed as economic activities people who live Introduction
a result of faulting. There are four arms along the rift valley areas do. You will In this lesson, you will learn about
of this Great African Rift Valley namely; also learn about the importance the rift coastal plains, features found within a
Ethiopian rift valley, Western arm, valley. You will also learn about some coastal plain, values of coral reefs and
Eastern arm (East Africa rift valley) and problems caused that the people who different economic activities carried out
Malawian rift valley. There also are lakes live along the rift valleys face. within a coastal plain.
and mountains along the rift valley.
Step 1. Observe the economic activities Step 1. Observe the landforms in your
Step 1. Look at the landform around that people who live in your community environment and try to describe their
your local environment and tell us about are carrying out. Now use those nature in terms of height and depth.
the height and depth. examples to suggest some economic
activities carried out in rift valley areas. Step 2. Look at the land in your local
Step 2. Describe what you think a rift environment and try to describe it.
valley looks like. Compression force and Step 2. Look at the landform around
tensional forces are the ones responsible your environment and try to find out Step 3. Try to explain the general look of
for the formation of the rift valley. the uses of land forms to the people in the coastal plain by giving examples of
your community. With that information features found within the coastal plains.
Step 3. Give some of the lakes and from the uses, tell us the importance of
mountains that are found along the rift rift valley lakes to the people who live Step 4. Give some of the problems faced
valley. around it. by the people who live in the coastal
Step 3. Give some of the problems that
people in your community face as a
Summary notes result of the landforms in your area.
Summary notes
The Great Rift Valley is the longest rift
valley in the whole world with the total A coastal plain is a narrow zone between
length of 72,000km. It starts from Syria Summary notes the sea and land. The coast of East
and ends at Port Beira in Mozambique. Africa is made up of the coastal plain
The characteristics of rift valley are: Rift valleys have some other features while the coast of West Africa is made
which include lakes, block mountains and up of the lagoon lakes. Some areas of
1. They are deep with steep escarpments. These features provide East Africa coastline have corals. Corals
escarpment. different activities for the people, for were formed from tiny sea creature
2. There are lakes such as; Lake example, they attract tourists who bring called Polyps. Corals have limestone
Albert, Edward, Kivu, Tanganyika, foreign income; fishing grounds which which is used in making cement. They
Rukwa, Natron, Turkana and give us fish; mining of minerals found attract tourists which brings foreign
Baringo. in some rift valley lakes such as crude exchange. The economic activities
3. There mountains such as; Mt. oil in Lake Albert and Lake Turkana. carried out in coastal plains include;
Rwenzori, Ulunguru, Usambara People who live along the rift valley also fishing, tourism, mining, farming and
and Mt. Pare. face some problems like poor transport lumbering. One of the main problems
network, steep sides which lead to soil caused by corals is that they make water
erosion. transport difficult.
Follow-up activity Follow-up activity Follow-up activity
1. Try to describe the rift valley. 1. Identify any one rift valley lake 1. Describe a coastal plain.
2. Suggest three lakes found in the found in Rwanda. 2. Suggest some of the material used
rift valley. 2. Find out one way in which the for building which are got from
3. Identify any one mountains in the Western arm of the rift valley is coastal plains.
rift valley which is not in Uganda. politically important to Uganda 3. Identify some of the work people
and the Democratic Republic of who live in your environment do to
LESSON 2: Rift Valley Congo. get money.
3. Suggest ways in which people who 4. Copy the summary notes in your
By the end of this lesson, you should be live along the rift valley can solve notebook.
able to: the problem of soil erosion.
LESSON 4: Savanna Vegetation
1. suggest some of the economic LESSON 3: Coastal Plain
activities carried out in rift valley
areas. By the end of this lesson, you should be
2. identify some of the values of rift able to: By the end of this lesson, you should be
valley lakes. able:
3. find out some of the problems 1. give the meaning of coastal plain.
caused by rift valleys in the areas 2. describe the coastal plain. 1. describe Savanna vegetation.
where it is found. 3. suggest some features that are 2. identify the main activities that
found within the coastal plain. are carried out in Savanna area.
4. identify some of the economic 3. give the major types of Savanna
activities carried out in this area. vegetation found in Africa.
Materials you will need
Pens, pencils, notebook, P7 SST textbook
if possible. Materials you will need Materials you will need
Pens, pencils, notebook, P7 textbook if Pencils, pens, notebook and P7 textbooks
possible. if possible.
©National Curriculum Development Centre, 2020 5
climatic zones found in Africa. We will
also learn about factors responsible for
Introduction Introduction the differences in the climatic regions.
In this lesson, you will learn about In this lesson, you will learn about the Step 1: Find out the different climatic
Savanna vegetation in Africa. You will tourism industry that is common in the regions that are found in Africa.
learn the characteristics of Savanna Savanna grassland; meaning of tourism;
vegetation, types of Savanna vegetation, why it is called an industry; its importance, Step 2: Name the climatic regions in
economic activities carried out in Savanna problems and solutions to the problems Africa.
vegetation and the areas of Africa that mentioned.
experience Savanna vegetation. Step 3: Give reasons why these zones
Step 1: Give the meaning of tourism. are different.
Step 1. You will learn that the Savanna
vegetation is the type that covers most Step 2: Identify some of the reasons why
parts of it is called an industry and compare it to
any industry in your local environment. Summary notes
Step 3: Give some of the values of an Africa has different climatic zones
Step 2. You will identify the different industry to the people in an area. because of different factors like such
activities that people in places with a lot as altitude, distance from major water
of grass do. Step 4: Give some of the problems faced bodies, relief and human activities.
by the tourism industry. The zones include equatorial, tropical,
Step 3. You will find out the different Mediterranean, desert, semi-desert,
types of Savanna found in Africa and temperate and montane.
their location.
Summary notes Follow-up activity
Step 4. You will find out why animal
rearing is common in this area. Tourism is a business where service or 1. Give factors responsible for
facilities like accommodation and food the different climatic zones of
to tourists are provided. It is called Africa.
an industry because it is a source of 2. Name the different climatic
Summary notes employment for people and revenue to zones of Africa.
the government. 3. Copy the summary notes in your
The largest part of Africa is covered by notebook.
Savanna vegetation. It has thick grass and It is called a trade because it involves
scattered trees. It is suitable for animal payment of services. Problems faced in this
rearing. The other types of Savanna industry are poaching, animal diseases,
vegetation are Savanna woodland and dry shortage of water, fire outbreaks and LESSON 7: Equatorial Climatic Zone
Savanna. The economic activities carried poor transport network. People carry out By the end of this lesson, you should be
out in Savanna vegetation are tourism, poaching to get meat, ivory, hides and able to:
animal rearing, crop growing and bee skins.
keeping. Woodlands are found in parts of 1. find out the areas that make up
central Tanzania, Malawi, Mozambique Follow-up activity Equatorial climatic region of
and Zambia. Africa.
1. Give the meaning of tourism. 2. name the main economic
Follow-up activity 2. Why is tourism called an invisible activities in this area.
trade? 3. draw a graph and table showing
1. Identify why trees in Savanna 3. Identify any tourist attractions in equatorial climate.
vegetation shed their leaves. your area.
2. Give reasons why Miombo 4. Point out any problems faced by
woodland is not good for human the tourism industry. Materials you will need
settlement. 5. Give the importance of the tourism
3. Find out from an adult why Savanna industry to your country. Pens, pencils, ruler, notebook and SST
grassland is suitable for animal textbook if possible.
rearing. LESSON 6: Different Climatic Zones of
4. Mention other economic activities
carried out in these areas.
By the end of this lesson you should be
LESSON 5: Tourism Industry able to: In this lesson, you will learn about the
By the end of this lesson, you should be climatic zones in Africa and mainly the
1. locate different climatic zones Equatorial zone. This climatic zone is
able to: of Africa. found in 5o to 10o N and 5o to 10o S of the
2. give factors responsible for Equator. It receives rainfall throughout
1. explain the meaning tourism. different climatic regions.
2. give reason why tourism is called the year. There are major economic
an industry. activities carried out in this zone.
3. identify some of the values of the
tourism industry. Materials you may need Step 1. Try to name the area that
4. find out some the problems faced experiences this type of climate in
by the tourism industry. Pens, pencils, notebook and P7 SST. Africa.
textbooks if possible
Step 2. Find out the main economic
activities carried out in this zone.
Materials you will need
Introduction Step 3. Draw a table showing this
Pens, pencils, notebook and textbooks (if climatic zone.
possible). In this lesson, you will learn about
6 ©National Curriculum Development Centre, 2020
Summary note Equator. The economic activities carried guardians the areas in Uganda that
out in this tropical climatic region include experience dry condition. The countries
Equatorial climatic zone is found 5o to 10oN cattle keeping, tourism, crop cultivation, in Africa that have desert-like climate
and 5o to 10oS of the Equator. It receives human settlement and bee keeping. are: Libya, Egypt, Tunisia, Morocco,
rainfall throughout the year because Sudan and Mauritania.
the sun appears overhead the Equator Follow-up activity
throughout the year. This is because of
high evaporation rate throughout the 1. Simple table for tropical climate.
year. The region is described as hot and Summary notes
wet throughout the year. Desert climatic region is described as
Follow-up activity hot and dry throughout the year. The
average temperature ranges to about
1. Name countries that are found in 50oC during day and 4oC during the night.
this region in Africa. Deserts lack rainfall because they receive
2. Find out the economic activities dry wind that carries no moisture. People
carried out in this area. in the desert build houses with flat roofs
What type of climate is shown in the to prevent strong wind from blowing their
3. Copy the summary notes in your above table?
notebook. roofs off. Desert areas do not have cloud
1. Which month has the highest cover to absorb heat during the day so as
LESSON 8: Tropical Climate amount of rainfall received? to send it back to earth in the night. They
2. What was the lowest temperature have clear skies and a lot of storms which
By the end of this lesson, you should be recorded? gather forming sand dunes.
able to: 3. Calculate the temperature range? Follow-up activity
4. Copy the summary notes in your
1. give the meaning of a tropical notebook.
climate. 1. Describe the desert climate.
2. describe tropical climate. 2. Suggest how crop farming is made
3. try to name economic activities LESSON 9: Desert Climate possible in this region.
carried out in this zone. 3. Give some of the reasons why
By the end of this lesson, you should be people in the desert lack rainfall.
able to: 4. Write in your notebook the
summary notes.
1. give the meaning of desert climatic
Materials you will need zone.
Pens, pencils, notebook and textbook if 2. describe desert climate.
possible. 3. suggest some economic activities LESSON 10: Mediterranean Climatic
carried out in this zone.
4. identify countries that experience Zone
this type of climate in Africa. By the end of this lesson, you should be
Introduction able to:
In this lesson, you will learn about the 1. give the meaning of the
tropical climatic zone. This region lies Materials that you will need Mediterranean climatic zone.
between 5oto 10o N of the Equator. The 2. try to describe Mediterranean
zone is located between the Tropic of Pens, pencils, notebook and textbook if region.
Cancer and the Tropic of Capricorn. The possible. 3. suggest some of the economic
rainfall decreases as one moves away activities carried out in this zone.
from the Equator. 4. locate the areas that experience
Introduction this type of climate.
In this lesson, you will learn about the
Step 1. Observe the condition of weather desert climatic region. Desert climate is Materials you will need
in your local environment and describe it found in the Tropic of Cancer and Tropic
in terms of temperature. of Capricorn. This region is very hot Pens, pencils, notebook and textbooks
Step 2. Look at wind and clouds in your during the day and very cold during the
local environment and write about their night. The average temperature goes to
movement. about 50 o
C during the day and 4oC during
the night. Introduction
Step 3. Suggest different activities In this lesson, you will be learning about
people do during the windy weather. Step 1. Suggest the temperature of the
day time at around 2:00pm. the Mediterranean climatic zone. This
region is described as hot and dry summer
Step 4. Suggest some of the problems Step 2. Try to find out some of the and cool and wet winter. Westerlies wind
faced by the people due to strong wind in economic activities carried out by the is responsible for Mediterranean climatic
your local community. people who live in this zone in Africa. Citrus fruits grow in this
type of climate in Uganda. region.
Summary notes
Step 1. Mediterranean climate is
The tropical climatic zone covers the Step 3. Identify any one way in which described as having hot and dry summer
largest part of Africa. This lies between climate influences people’s ways of living. and cool and wet winter.
10o to 15o N and 10o to 15o S of the Equator. For example, people
This zone is located between the Tropic living in deserts wear turbans to Step 2. Mediterranean climate favours
of Cancer and the Tropic of Capricorn. protect their heads from strong sun and the growing of citrus fruits and other
This region has one long rain season heat. crops such as
and one short dry season. The rainfall
decreases as one moves away from the Step 4. Try to inquire from your parents/ wheat, oat and barley.
©National Curriculum Development Centre, 2020 7
Step 3. The countries in the northern Step 3. You can now find out the different i) The trees have broad leaves.
tips of Africa and southern Africa which types of natural vegetation in Africa e.g. ii) The trees form layers called
experience this type of climate are: Libya, Equatorial/tropical rainforest, Savanna, canopy.
Tunisia, Algeria, Morocco and South grasslands, Montane vegetation, Desert, iii) The trees have hard wood.
Africa. Semi-Desert, Mediterranean, Temperate
and Mangrove. Can you suggest examples of hard wood
Summary notes trees found in your local area? Other
Follow-up activity examples include; Mvule, Mahogany,
Mediterranean climatic zone of Africa Ebony and Rose wood.
temperature ranges from 12oC to 24oC. 1. Move around your local environment
The rainfall received throughout the and identify the trees that were Follow-up activity
year is between 36mm and 750mm. The planted by people and those which
characteristics of Mediterranean climate have grown naturally. You can also 1. Describe the colour of most trees
are: find out their local names. you see in the community during
2. Draw at least one tree species that the different seasons.
i) Hot and dry summer. grows in your local area. 2. Give a brief description of the trees
ii) Cool and wet winter. 3. Draw a map of Africa showing found around your community.
iii) Citrus fruits like oranges, lemons, different vegetation zones. 3. Explain how trees are grown in
tangerine, apple and pears are 4. List the planted and natural your local area.
grown; livestock farming (sheep vegetation. 4. Copy in your notebook the summary
and goats rearing) and tourism is notes
carried out. LESSON 12: Equatorial Vegetation
LESSON 13: Desert and Semi-Desert
Follow-up activity By the end of this lesson, you should be Vegetation
able to:
1. Describe the Mediterranean By the end of this lesson, you should be
climate. 1. locate on the Equatorial able to:
2. Suggest crops which are grown in vegetation/tropical rainforest on
this region. the map of Africa. 1. give the meaning of desert and
3. Identify some of the animals kept 2. give example of trees found in semi-desert vegetation.
in this region. Equatorial vegetation zone. 2. describe the desert and semi-
4. Copy the summary notes in your 3. identify countries where desert vegetation.
notebook Equatorial/tropical rainforests are 3. identify some of the trees that
found. grow in this area.
LESSON 11: Location and Names of 4. list the importance of Equatorial/ 4. explain how farming is made
Vegetation of Africa tropical rainforest. possible in this area.
By the end of this lesson, you should be Materials you will need Materials you will need
able to:
Pens, notebooks, pencils and SST textbook Pens, notebooks, pencils and SST textbook
give the meaning of vegetation.
1. if possible. if possible.
write the types of vegetation.
list the types of natural vegetation. Introduction
3. Introduction
draw the map of Africa showing
different vegetation types. In the last lesson, you learnt about types In this lesson, you will learn about
of vegetation and examples of natural Desert and Semi-desert vegetation.
Materials you will need vegetation. Today you will learn about Desert and Semi-desert is a dry area.
Equatorial vegetation which is also Desert vegetation is found in hot and
Pens, pencils, notebooks, Atlas and an called Tropical rainforest and where it is dry climatic regions of Africa. It has very
SST textbook if available. located. little vegetation. There are thorny trees,
bushes and shrubs. Desert areas have
Introduction Step 1. Observe the plants in your local short and rough grass. The trees there
environment and describe the colour of have thick barks and thin leaves.
In this lesson, you will learn about most vegetation.
the vegetation of Africa. You will look What do you think helps these trees to
at the meaning of vegetation, types Step 2. Look at the trees found around survive in desert areas?
of vegetation, and types of natural your local environment and tell us about
vegetation found in Africa and draw a their height and size. Most trees within Step 1. Observe the plants in your local
map of Africa showing different types this region are tall and ever green. environment and describe their nature in
vegetation. terms of growth.
Step 3. Describe the types of forest found
Step 1. Move around your local in your area. Use this experience to relate Step 2. Look at the trees found around
environment and name the trees, grass, it to Equatorial/tropical rainforest. your local environment and tell us about
flowers and crops that you see in your their height and size.
local environment and the community. Step 4. Think of how useful the trees that
How would you define vegetation? you have seen in your environment are to Step 3. Explain what you think desert
people, animals and birds. vegetation looks like; use an example of
Step 2. Do you remember what you learnt vegetation in your local area especially
about vegetation in P6 last year? Try to when it a dry season.
group the vegetation into two categories
that is, natural and planted vegetation Summary notes Step 3. Look at the types of plants that
and then give the meaning of what natural can easily survive during dry season and
and planted vegetation is. While natural Equatorial vegetation is described as suggest ways in which such plants get
vegetation is the plant cover of an area ever green throughout the year. The water during dry period/drought.
that grows on its own, planted vegetation region receives plenty of rainfall as well.
grows with the care of people. This kind of vegetation has some common Step 4. Give some of the problems faced
characteristics which include; by the people in your community during
8 ©National Curriculum Development Centre, 2020
the dry season or drought. with plenty of salty water at the coast of help to trap mud and other deposits
Africa. The trees provide hard wood which entering the sea or ocean. They are a
Summary notes are waterproof used to build boats and source of food for fish.
ships. This type of vegetation provides
Desert and semi-desert climate zone breeding places for fish and mangrove Follow-up activity
is described as hot and dry. This area roots help to trap mud and other deposits
receives little rainfall and has high entering the sea or ocean. They are a 1. Try to find out the types of
temperature throughout the year. The source of food for fish. Mountain vegetation found in
following are some of the areas in Africa different altitudes.
which experience desert climate; Libya, Follow-up activity 2. Identify areas in Africa where this
Morocco, Egypt, Mauritania, Angola, vegetation is experienced.
Chad, Mali, Sudan and South Sudan. The 1. Identify the importance of swamps 3. Draw an illustration showing
most common activity in this area is cattle to the community. Mountain vegetation.
keeping, mining and tourism. The trees 2. Find out from elders the products 4. Copy summary notes in your
have waxy bark, long roots that absorb that are got from swamps. notebook.
water deep underground; they have 3. Think of some of the reasons why
thick bark and thin leaves. Trees include people drain swamps in Uganda LESSON 16: Temperate Vegetation
Cactus, Baobab, and Acacia. Desert and today.
semi-desert areas receive little rainfall By the end of this lesson, you should be
throughout the year. able to:
LESSON 15: Mountain/Montane
Follow-up activity 1. identify areas that have this types
By the end of this lesson, you should be of vegetation in Africa.
1. Describe desert vegetation. able to: 2. locate this vegetation region.
2. Suggest trees that grow in the 3. identify some economic activities
desert region. 1. describe the Mountain/Montane carried out in this zone.
3. Give some of the reasons why vegetation.
people keep cattle in your areas. 2. identify areas in Africa that
4. Write in your notebook the experience this type of vegetation. Materials you will need
summary notes. 3. draw the illustration showing
Mountain/Montane vegetation. Pens, pencils, SST textbooks if possible,
LESSON 14: Mangrove Vegetation notebook
Materials you will need
By the end of this lesson, you should be Introduction
able to: Pens, pencils, SST textbook, if possible
In this lesson, you will learn about
1. describe the Mangrove vegetation. Introduction temperate vegetation which grows in
2. locate areas where Mangrove temperate climatic zone. It is commonly
vegetation are found in Africa. In this lesson, you will learn about found in South Africa. It is called Veldt
3. Give the importance of Mangrove Mountain vegetation and examples of and it is-sub divided into low and high
vegetation. crops grown in this vegetation zone. veldt. The economic activities carried out
You will learn how altitude affects the are mainly farming and tourism.
Materials you will need vegetation distribution. You will identify
some uses of bamboo to both people and Step 1. Study the map of Africa and
Pens, pencils, notebook and P7 SST animals found in this region. locate areas where temperate vegetation
textbook, if possible. is found in Africa.
Step 1. You will try to describe the types
of vegetation that grow around mountain Step 2. What do you think the word
areas. temperate means? Temperate vegetation
Introduction zone has mainly grasses covering large
Step 2. Identify the areas in Africa that areas.
In this lesson, you are going to learn about experience this type of vegetation.
the Mangrove vegetation. Mangrove Step 3. Now you can learn about some
vegetation has tropical trees that grow Step 3. Describe the types of vegetation of the characteristics of this vegetation
along the coastlines of Africa on muddy that grow in different altitudes. zone. The grass species found in the area
floods. are of the same kind. You find few short
Summary notes trees and shrubs. There is short and
Step 1. Describe this type of vegetation. ever green grass during spring and early
It is found in areas along the coast with This type of vegetation that grows on summer.
plenty of salty water. mountainous areas is found in places
like around Mt Rwenzori, Mt Elgon and Step 4. Find out the suitable activity that
Step 2. Look at the swamps and try to Mt Kilimanjaro. Other parts of Africa can be done in an area with plenty of
compare with the Mangrove vegetation. where this type of vegetation is found are grass.
This type of vegetation grows at the coast Drakensberg mountain in South Africa,
of Africa (coast of East Africa and West Atlas mountain in Morocco, and Ethiopian Summary notes
Africa). highland in Ethiopia. Vegetation grows
according to change in altitude. It varies Temperate vegetation grows in temperate
Step 3. It is important to note that from the peak of the mountain to the climatic zone. Maize is the major crop
Mangrove vegetation has some bottom. Common trees found in this area grown in the High Veld of South Africa.
similarities with swamp vegetation. include: Cedar, Spruce, Pine, Bamboo, The main economic activities carried out
and Fir. What is the use of bamboo trees in the Lower Veld are: dairy farming,
to people in your community? ranching, sheep rearing and goat rearing.
Summary notes Bamboo is used for construction of Follow-up activity
houses; it is eaten as food; it is used to
Mangrove vegetation has strong roots make furniture; for human activities 1. Find out the areas in Africa that
that grow above the ground in the area including farming and tourism. have temperate vegetation.
©National Curriculum Development Centre, 2020 9
2. Describe the characteristics of possible olive and oak.
temperate vegetation zone.
3. Identify some of the economic Introduction Step 4. Suggest some of the activities
activities carried out in this that you think can be done in an area with
region. In this lesson, you will learn about trees that have short and thin leave.
4. Copy the summary notes in your Mediterranean vegetation, the parts of
notebook. Africa where it is located, the types of Summary notes
vegetation found there and some human
LESSON 17: Mediterranean Vegetation activities carried out in this vegetation Mediterranean vegetation is found in the
zone. Mediterranean climatic zones of Africa.
By the end of this lesson, you should be The characteristics of this vegetation
able to: Step 1. You will be expected to locate the zone are: the plants have long and wide
part of Africa that has Mediterranean spread roots. Trees in this zone shed off
1. identify parts of Africa vegetation. Study the map of Africa their leaves during the dry season.
which have Mediterranean showing vegetation and point where
vegetation. the Mediterranean vegetation is found. Follow-up activity
2. describe the characteristics of Identify the countries that experience
such vegetation in Africa. 1. How can we describe the
Mediterranean vegetation. Mediterranean region?
3. identify some trees in this zone. 2. Try to name some of the crop trees
Step 2. Think about the type of vegetation
Materials you will need that can be found in this region and give that are grown under citrus fruits.
its characteristics. The common tree 3. Name the region in South Africa
Pens, pencils, notebook, SST textbook if species include; pine, cedar, fir, cypress, that has this vegetation.

Primary Seven (P7) minute and bring it close to the pieces
of paper again.
Uses of electricity
Before we start our lesson, do not forget that
COVID19 is a disease affecting every country Electricity as a source of energy is used
in the world: by different devices which convert it Activity 1
from one form to another. The following
To protect yourself from COVID-19; devices enable us to use electricity. Fill in 1. What happens to the pieces of paper
the gaps in the table below. the first time a pen is brought close
• Stay at home. to them?
• Keep a distance of at least 1 metre from 2. What happens the second time a
other people. pen is brought close to the pieces of
• Wash your hands very well with soap and
water regularly. 3. Explain the reason for the change in
• Do not touch the soft parts (eyes, nose,
behaviour of the papers in the two
mouth) because the virus can pass through
Types of electricity (current, static) activities.
these to enter the body. There are two types of electricity. All devices that use batteries, dry cells, or
• Do not to spit anywhere. These are static electricity and current
Cover your mouth with a tissue when cough- hydro electricity use current electricity.
• electricity.
We earlier learnt that electricity is caused Sources of electricity
• Use a tissue for your nose when sneezing. by charges. Static electricity is caused by
charges that are stationary (not moving) Identify and draw the source of
while current electricity is produced by electricity for the following devices
LESSON 1: Electricity moving charges.
Electricity as a form of energy Experiment to show the presence of
static electricity
There is a time when a watch/clock/radio
which uses batteries or cells, reaches a 1. Tear a piece of paper into very small
point and stops working. If you need to pieces.
use a fan or kettle, it has to be plugged
into a socket and power switched on for 2. Place these pieces of paper on a flat
it to work. All these devices use a form surface.
of electricity as their source of energy.
Without electricity, none of these can 3. Bring a pen close to the small pieces
work. Electricity is a form of energy of paper.
produced by charges. 4. Rub the pen in your hair for about one

10 ©National Curriculum Development Centre, 2020

Summary them. Examples of conductors careful when dealing with electricity.
include metals like; copper, When you touch a naked wire that is
Electricity can be produced from aluminium, silver, iron, mercury, carrying electricity, the current will pass
different sources. These include; etc. Water and carbon (graphite) through you into the earth. This will kill
1. Dry cell; any system that changes also conduct electricity. your body cells and you can die. So, there
chemical energy into electrical should be an insulator between you and
energy. Conductors are used for; any wire. This is why wires are insulated.
2. Batteries; a group of cells
connected together. i) making circuits in devices The table below shows the safety practices
3. Solar panels; a system that changes ii) overhead transmission of we should take when using electricity.
energy from the sun into electrical electricity
energy. iii) wiring in houses
4. Generators; a device that changes
kinetic energy into electrical Insulators are materials which do
energy. not allow electricity to flow through
them. Examples of insulators
include rubber, glass, plastic and
dry wood.

The dry cell Importance of insulators

Study the diagram below and refer to it i) They protect electricity users from
as you read about dry cells. electric shock.
ii) They prevent short circuits when
A dry cell changes chemical energy into
electrical energy. It consists of two ends
(terminals). One end has a positive charge
while the other has a negative charge. Safety precautions in handling
There are chemicals inside the dry cell electricity and electrical appliances
that react to produce electricity. Complete the table and present this to
your teacher of Science when you go back
to school
Read the following advert by UMEME
Follow-up activity
Dear Client, now that the rain season is The picture below is of the back side of
here, you need to protect yourself and an electrical device. Use it to answer the
questions that follow
your loved ones from the dangers of
electrocution. Observe the following;
• Ensure that your houses
are connected by qualified
• Ensure that there are no naked
wires in your house.
• Ensure that children don’t touch
naked wires with wet, bare
• Do not use metallic materials as
The metal cap is the positive terminal. It cloth lines (for spreading clothes 1. Identify the country in which the
covers the carbon rod. to dry) above device was made.
2. Identify the company that made
The Zinc container is the negative the device.
terminal. Thank you.
3. State the voltage range that the
above device can use.
The ammonium chloride and zinc are 4. If a similar device was labelled
the chemicals that react to produce Activity 2 95W, explain which of the two you
electricity. Explain the term electrocution. would prefer to buy.
The manganese IV Oxide acts as a Mention one action you can take when 5. Identify one safety measure stated
depolariser. This helps to remove bubbles you see naked wires in or outside t the for the above machine.
of gases produced in the cell. house.
Mention any two materials you can use as
Conductors and insulators
cloth lines.
Materials can be classified into two
according to whether they allow
electricity to flow through them or not. Electricity is very useful but it can also
They are either conductors or insulators. be very dangerous. Electricity can cause
death through electrocution. Electricity
Conductors are materials that can cause fires that can destroy property.
allow electricity to pass through This therefore means we need to be
©National Curriculum Development Centre, 2020 11
SET CONCEPT 5. W is a set of all odd numbers
between 70 and 80
6. X is a set of all Prime numbers.

Materials that you will need are Activity

Pen, an exercise book, geometry set Get a pen and a paper, list down some of
cups. the items found at your home. Name this
set H. How many members has set H?
INTRODUCTION Example 2: Set K is a set of multiples of
“Stay at home, life is important” 3 less than 10.
You are welcome to this interactive
learning of finite and infinite sets. In How many subsets can you get from set
Primary five and six you learnt about K?
different types of sets. Look into your SUBSETS
geometry set. How many members can In this lesson, you will learn to 1st Identify the multiples of 3. K = {3, 6,
you count? Ask somebody near you to 9}
identify more items round your home that i) Form subsets from finite set
Every element of the set forms a subset.
form up sets. ii) Derive the formula for finding
Therefore the sets with one element {3},
the number of subsets.
A set of cups, a set of glasses, a set of {6}, {9} as subsets of set K.
iii) Apply the formula to find
forks etc. number of subsets. Sets with 2 elements {3, 6}; {3, 9}; {6, 9}
Write down a set of letters in the word MATERIALS NEEDED are subsets of set K.
corona. Count the members in that set.
Pen, book, beans Empty set { } is always a sub set of any
How many have you got? So you can
set. So it is also a subset of set K.
count the members of that set and finish
them. We call it a finite set. A finite set is INTRODUCTION
Mother set is always a sub set {3, 6, 9}
a set whose members can be counted and In primary six you learnt about universal
finished. Another example of a finite set set which is a mother set. Today you are Total number of subsets of set K = 8.
is a set of cups in your home. going to learn about subsets which are
Get a piece of paper, write numbers from got from the mother set or universal.
1, 2, 3, 4,5, ___ ___ and continue to see Example 1: A set with only three members had 8
how far you can write them down. How subsets. If the mother set had more
many numbers have filled the paper? You Pick a cup of beans from the store. numbers, it means we would get more
have written large numbers that cannot Separate these beans according to their subsets. There is a n alternative way of
fill the paper so when a set has elements colors. For example if my cup had yellow, finding the number of subsets without
we can never finish counting, it is called brown and white beans they can be having to list each the subsets. The table
an infinite set. An example of an infinite separated as shown. below is very helpful. Kindly look at it.
set is a set of square numbers Q = {1, 4,
9, 16, 25, 35, 49, …….}

Members of set Q

Q = {square number}

= {1, 4, 9, 16, 25, 36, 49, __, __}

How many groups of different beans have
Exercise you formed from a big set (cup)? The
groups formed are subsets of a set of
State whether each of the sets below is
beans you originally had in a cup.
Finite or Infinite sets.
A subset is a small set formed from a big
1. P is a set of all even numbers
set as shown in the figure below.
2. M is a set of all multiples of 5

3. A is a set of counting numbers This simply you can find the number of
subsets for any set given the number of
4. N is a set of all factors of 6 members. To get the number of subsets,
12 ©National Curriculum Development Centre, 2020
first count the number of element in the Example 1: 25 people attended James’ Number of people who had COVID
set. Then use the formula 2n. where n is graduation Party. 15 people ate Rice, 16 19 only = 15 – x but X = 8
the number of elements in a given set. ate matooke and x people ate both Rice
and matooke. 2 people missed the food. So 15 –x = 15 -8 = 7 people.
Represent the information on a Venn Number of people who had malaria
1) Given the set Y= {C,O,V,I,D}. diagram only = 16-x but x = 8
a) Write down the different subsets
for set Y. So 16 – 8 = 8 people.
b) State the number of subsets for set
2) T is a set of the first 3 whole numbers Practical Activity: Get 2 pieces of
a) Write down the members of set T. paper. On one piece, write the names
b) Write down the subsets of set T of animals that live on land and on the
3) H is a set of square numbers between i) How many people ate both? other write the names of animals that
8 and 20. To solve this questions, you add leave in water. Make two sets with
a) Write down the members of set H and equate all the values inside animals that live in water only, land
b) List the subsets of set H the set to the total number in only and those that live both on land
the universal set. and in water.
15- x + x + 16 – x + 2 = 25
2. Use a formula to find the number of 15 + 16 + 2 + x – x- x = 25 Exercise
subsets in the following sets 1. 50 pupils in a class were
15 + 16 + 2 + x – x - X = 25 asked their favorite soda. 29 pupils
i) P = {C,O,R,O,N,A} 33 – X = 25 liked Coco-cola (C),
ii) W = {4, 5} 33 – 33 – X = 25 – 33 24like Fanta (F) and D pupils
-X = -8 like both coco-cola and Fata. At
iii) K = {0, 1, 2, 3, 4} -1 -1 least each pupil
X = 8 people liked one of the two.
iv) X = {P, Q, R}
Represent the given information
8 people ate both rice and on a Venn diagram.
Number of people who ate Rice Find the number of pupils
only = 15 –x who liked
USE OF VENN DIAGRAMS But x = 8 so 15 – x = 15 -8 = 7 i. Both sodas
people ii. Fanta only
In this lesson you will learn how to
=8 people iii. Coca-cola only
i) Represent information on the ii) How many ate matooke only?
Venn diagram
Example 2: 2. In a village there are 50 farmers
ii) Solve mathematical questions
involving Venn diagram who grow maize. During the harvesting
Materials needed
32 farmers sell fresh maize and 20
Pen, a paper farmers sell dry maize while T farmers
sell both fresh and dry maize while 4 of
the farmers do not sell any of the two
At Kavule hospital, 25 people
In primary six you learnt how to represent
attended malaria checkup. 15 Represent the information above on a
the intersection and union of sets on Venn
were found with COVID 19, 16 Venn diagram.
diagrams. In this lesson you are going to
were found with malaria and X
learn more about using Venn diagrams to PROBABILITY
people had both diseases. 2 people
represent information.
were did not have any of the tow
In this lesson you will learn to work out
The figure below shows the meaning of diseases.
the probability of events
the different regions for sets P and Q. i) Represent the above
information on the Venn Materials needed
ii) How many people suffered Pen, a paper, coins, die
from both diseases?
8 people suffered from both
When you toss a coin, you will get a
head or a tail. What you are going to get
©National Curriculum Development Centre, 2020 13
cannot be determined before the coin is Numbers on the die that are How many bricks would Peter need to
tossed. In the same way, If you roll a die composite are 4 and 6. The there make a similar shape with
will obtain 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 or 6. Probabilities are two chances of getting a
are associated with experiments where composite number. i. 4 rows
the outcome is not known in advance or iii) Probability of getting a composite ii. 5 rows
cannot be predicted. Probability measures number = What is the relationship between the
the chances of an event happening. number of bricks peter needs to make
complete rows (row 1, row 2, row 3, ….
The chance of an event happening is When determining the probability of Row 5)
called probability. events that have a number of events, the
formula for finding the probability is
Probability of an event is given by Introducing sequences
the formula
Probability of an event =
The number of bricks needed for each
of the rows to be complete has a
Activity relationship. This is what makes the
sequence. To find the next number
For example, a coin has two sides. 1) In basket there are 8 red pens, 4 in a sequence you need to find this
Therefore the total number of possible blue pens and 7 black pens. What relationship. It can be obtained by
outcomes is 2. The chance of getting a is the probability of choosing a adding, subtracting, multiplying or
head is 1. A die has six sides. The chance blue pen from the basket? diving. The example below shows a
of getting any of the sides is 1. The total 2) A class has 15 boys and 18 girls. A sequence where to find the next number
number of possible chances is 6. student is picked at random. What you add 2 to the previous umber.
is the probability of picking a (i)
a. Girl
b. Boy
1) A die has six faces numbered 1 to 6. 3) A crate of soda has 8 bottles of
Calculate the probability that:- Mirinda, four bottles of mountain
dew and the rest are Pepsi cola. If (ii) Find the next two numbers in the
a bottle is picked at random, what sequences
i) A five will show up is the probability of picking a
ii) A prime number will show a. Mirinda 1, 3, 5, 7, ___, ___, ___.
up? b. Mountain Dew
iii) A composite number will Identify the type of numbers then fill in
c. Pepsi Cola
show up? the next numbers two numbers.

i) A five is one side of the die. All The given numbers are odd 1, 3, 5,
the six sides have equal chances NUMBER PATTERNS AND SEQUENCES 7, 9, 11, 13
of appearing. Therefore a five has As you do this lesson, you need a pen,
one chance out of six. Six is the book, bricks
total number of possible outcomes Exercise
since any of the sides can show up. INTRODUCTION
Find the next 2 numbers in the sequence
Many patterns occur in our daily life.
You observe this when you look at the 1. 0, 2, 4, 6, ___, ___.
clothes you put on, animals like giraffe 2. 1, 4, 9, 16, ___, ___.
and zebras also have patterns on their
skins. In this lesson you are going to 3. 1, 8, 27, 64, ___, ___.
learn about patterns and sequence with
A prime number is a number that has 4. 27, 9, 3, 1, ___, ___.
whole numbers.
only two factors. That is one and itself.
The prime numbers on the sides of a die Try out this activity practically. 5. 100, 81, 64, 49, ___, ___.
are 2, 3, and 5. The number of chances of
getting a prime number is 3. Peter arranged his bricks in the order
you see below.
Probability of getting a Prime NUMBERS
Row 1
number =
ii) A composite number is a number Row 3
Pen, paper, sticks and counters you can
that has more than 2 factor. How many bricks did peter use to make get from environment.
this shape?
14 ©National Curriculum Development Centre, 2020
INTRODUCTION and 7 Divisibility test for 8
iii. Write down all the numbers that
In Previous class you learnt about remain uncrossed. A number is divisible by 8 number
numbers. In this lesson you are going iv. Write down the numbers that are formed by last 3 digits divisible by 8.
to learn more on some other types of crossed.
numbers. Check whether these numbers are
v. Un crossed numbers are Prime divisible by 8
Even and odd numbers numbers and crossed ones are
composite numbers.
Collect the following number of sticks
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 make pairs from Prime numbers have only 2 factors 1 and
these sticks. itself e.g 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, -------

Write number of sticks that leave a Composite numbers have more than 2
factors e.g 4, 6, 8, 9, 10, ------- 5792 is divisible by 8 since number
remainder when paired and those that
formed by last 3 digits is divisible by 8.
do not. EXERCISE
9456 is not divisible by 8 since the
Fill in the table. 1. Write down the prime numbers number formed by the last 3 digits is not
less than 30. divisible by 8.
Number of sticks that Number of sticks that
leave a remainder do not leave a remain- 2. Find the difference between the Hence a number is divisible by 8 when a
when paired der when pared 8th and 11th composite numbers. number formed by last3 digits is divisible
by 8.
3. Set W = {numbers which are both
Numbers that leave a remainder when composite and prime}. Find n (w).
divided by 2 (pained) are odd numbers.
4. Set t = {even prime numbers}
Numbers that do not leave a remainder
when divided by 2 (paired) are Even Find n (t)
DIVISIBILITY TEST Divisibility test for 9
By the end of this lesson A number is divisible by 9 if the sum of
its digits is divisible by 9.
You will test for divisibility of6
(ii) 8 (iii) 9 (iv) 10 Check these numbers by dividing them
(v) 11 by 9.
Materials needed

When you multiply a whole number by 2 Pen, a paper, counters

and add 1 you get an odd number.
Prime numbers and composite numbers
A packet of sweets has many sweets. If Hence a number is divisible by 9 when
In the next exercise you are going to you want to share these sweets equally the sum of its digits is divisible by 9
identify the prime numbers between 1 between you and your brothers and (Multiple of 9)
and 100 using the table of values shown sisters, what is the quickest way to deal
with this challenge? How do you make sure Divisibility test for 10.
that the sweets are equally distributed?
A number is divisible by 10 when it ends
Use of divisibility tests helps overcome in with digit 0.
such challenges. This topic is not new
because in primary 6 you did divisibility Divisibility test for 11.
tests for 2, 3 and 5.
A number is divisible by 11 if the sum of
A number is divisible by another number its digit pairs is divisible by 11.
if the quotient is a whole number and
Check these numbers by dividing them
there is a zero remainder.
by 11. 11111, 676390
Divisibility test for 6

A number is divisible by 6 if it is a
multiple of 2 and 3 or divisible by both
Instructions. 2 and 3. Check these numbers whether
they are divisible by 6.
i. Cross out numbers from 1 to 10 a A number is divisible by 11 when the sum
part from 2, 3, 5 and 7. of the digit pairs is divisible by 11. Or a
20 36 75 144 104 204 multiple of 11.
ii. Cross out all multiples of 2, 3, 4, 5
Exercise The number 1010two has been written the sum is more than 1, you divide the
above showing the place values of each sum by 2 and write the remainder in that
1. Which of these numbers are digit. place value and carry what you get in the
divisible by 6? 102, 295, 447, 1788, next place value. Follow through these
14569 Whenever we have more than 1 we start examples.
another column
2. Which of these numbers are
divisible by 8?

1332, 98460, 48648, 320656, 313464 Example:

3. Which of these numbers are Change 11two to base ten

divisible by 9?
This is similar to what you learned in
6516, 8024, 16812, 93860 Primary six about converting from one Example on subtraction: When
base to another. For this example let us subtracting we take the place value
4. Which of these numbers are start by drawing a place value table for knowledge as the key.
divisible by 11? base two.
13437, 11122, 22344, 276155, 107415


There are 82 members in a choir standing

in rows as they perform drama against
COVID 19. Can the singers be able to
stand in 6 equal rows? Activity: Change 1010two to base ten.
1. Draw a place value table for base
2. Match the digits in the table
BASE TWO 3. Multiply the digits with the
respective place value
Materials needed 4. Add the products to get the
Pen, an exercise book, a ruler, required answer
counters. These can be bottle tops,
sticks, straws or anything else from Exercise 5. The number of people who washed their
your environment. hands with a sanitizer were 11101two on
Write down the place value of each digit Monday and 1001two on Tuesday. How
INTRODUCTION in the following: many did the washing on the two days?
Give your answer in base two.
There are some things we buy in pairs.
Can you think of any? Dry cells, shoes and Activity
socks are some of the items sold in pairs. Change the following to base 10
Grouping in twos is a system of counting Draw an abacus with 5 spikes in base 2
called base two (binary system) Let us and label the place value.
learn about base two. Base two uses only
2 digits 0 and 1. Our usual base ten uses i) Uganda has experienced 1001two
ten digits 0-9. victims of corona various. How MULTIPLICATION OF NUMBERS IN
many people were affected? BASE TWO.
Comparing base two with base ten
Materials needed
ADDITION AND SUBTRACTION OF Pen, a book, a ruler counters of any kind
BASE TWO NUMERALS. from the environment
Materials needed INTRODUCTION
A pen, an exercise book, a ruler, counters Multiplication of numbers in base two is
of any kind within your environment. done normally like in base ten. But when
adding and the sum is more than 1 divide
and regroup to another place value.
In Primary six we wrote numbers in base
five, the process of counting in base 5 is
similar to that of counting in base ten.

When adding numbers in base two and

When changing other base numerals = 200 where a small letter comes after
to base ten, we need to consider the a larger letter, its value is added. For
place values of the given digits in that example LX = 50 + 10 = 60
numeral. This is similar to what we have
already done by changing numbers from When a small letter comes before a large
base two to base ten. letter, it’s value is subtracted CM=1000
– 100 = 900. A single letter cannot be
Let us start by changing 214seven to base written more than 3 times. E.g 400 is
ten. written as CD not CCCC.

Draw a place value table for 214seven Converting from Roman Numerals to
Hindu Arabic numerals:

When changing from Roman numerals to

Hindu Arabic numerals, it is advisable you
first separate the Roman numeral letters
and then add later.


Convert LXX to Hindu Arabic numerals

We multiply the digit with its respective LXX = L + XX

place value then add to get the
= 50 + 20
equivalent of that numeral in base ten.
VERSA. Convert MCMXLII to Hindu Arabic
Change the following to base ten
Move around you compound and collect
50 stones or sticks 50. Make groups = 1000 + 900 + 40 + 2
of 8 stones. How many groups have = 1942.
you made? The number of groups is
accompanied with by the remainder. The Write 287 in Roman numerals
answer gives you the equivalent of 50
in base ten to base eight. Today you are 200 + 80 + 7
going to learn changing numbers from
base ten to other bases and vice versa. ROMAN NUMERALS
When changing numbers from base ten Materials needed
to other bases, you divide the numeral in
base ten by the number of the base you pen, book, wall clock Exercise
want to change to.
INTODUCTION Change the following Roman numerals to
You record the remainders starting from
In primary six, we learnt about Roman Hindu Arabic numerals.
the one you wrote last.
Numerals. We were able to write numbers 1. XXXIV 2. XCVIII
For example, let us convert 155ten to in Roman numerals. In this section, 3. CMLXX 4. MDLIX
base six we shall add on to what we learnt and 5. CMLXXII 6. XLIX
convert Roman numbers to the Hindu
We divide 155 by 6 -Arabic system and vice versa. Change the following numbers to Roman
155 ÷ 6 = 25 rem 5 The Roman numerals uses 7 letters. These
are I, V, X, L, C, D, M 1. 92 2. 273
Divide 25 by 6 25 ÷ 6 = 4 rem 1
3. 547 4. 1278
Since 4 is less than 6, we can stop there I V X L C D M 5. 1999
and write our answer starting with 4 1 5 10 50 100 500 1000
6. Uganda discovered the first victim
backwards to get 415six
We keep changing the order of these of COVID 19 on XVIII –III-MMXX. Write
Therefore, 155ten = 415six seven letters to get other values in Roman the date in Arabic numerals.
numerals. When a letter is repeated more
Changing numbers to base ten. Activity
than once, it is added. e.g cc =100 + 100

©National Curriculum Development Centre, 2020 17

The numbers in the circles represent the
positions of the letters of alphabet. Find
the corresponding letters to the circles
and hence find the sum in Roman numerals

The total gives us the product of 34526

and 247.

In primary six, you did operations on Exercise

whole numbers. You multiplied numbers,
added, wrote numbers in expanded form, 1. 2314 x 859 3. 3614 x 215
learnt about place values and many more. 2. 6543 x 412 Example 2:
Now that you are Primary Seven, you will
be doing much more and working with 4. A bicycle costs sh.257,500. How 112 chairs cost sh. 41936048 altogether.
bigger numbers as well. much do 214bicycles cost? How much does one chair cost?

MULTIPLYING WHOLE NUMBERS BY 3 5. There are 14500 villages in U.S.A. To get the cost of one chair, one has to
DIGIT NUMBERS If there are 425 victims of COVID 19 in divide sh. 41936048 by 112.
each village, how many nails are there? Let us start by listing down the multiples
When multiplying numbers, first expand
the small number which is being multiplied Activity of 112
by the big one according to values.
112, 224, 336, 448, 560, 672, 784, 896,
Multiply each of the value by big number Look around your home you could be
and then add up all the products in order having some goats, cows and hens or
to get the final answer. ducks. Get a pen and record the number
of each category. What is their total
For example, evaluate 34526 x 247 number of legs?
Expanding 247 = 200 + 40 + 7
Multiply 34526 by 200 DIVISION OF WHOLE NUMBERS BY 3


Pen, a box, a ruler, some counters of any


Mr. Ouma has sh. 1,575,000 and wants

to buy desks which cost sh. 45,000. How
many desks will he be able to get? To
solve this challenge, Mr. Ouma will need
Multiply 34526by 40
to know how many times sh. 45,000 is
contained in sh. 1,575,000. Hence he has
to divide. So in this lesson we are going Exercise
to look at division of whole numbers.
1. 6299514 ÷ 234

2. 5,737,500 ÷ 450

3. 9,053,352 ÷ 322
Multiply 34526 by 7 4. Pauline sold eggs from father’s
Example 1: 4298400 ÷ 120 poultry farm and earned sh. 2812500. If

there were 450 trays sold, how

much was each tray.

5. A fashion designer was paid sh.

5,891,875 for 625 dresses. How much

does each dress cost?

Step 2 Add all the products
18 ©National Curriculum Development Centre, 2020
Get 20 litres of water, mixed it with 5 = (7 x 100000) + (8 x 10000) + 300 x
litres of waragi to make sanitize for 5 100) + (2 x 10)
doors. How many litres of sanitizer does Some simple rules to follow
each door get? =700,000 + 80,000 + 300 + 20
Rule 1: When you multiplying numbers of
= 780,320 the same base, we add the power only.
For example
EXPONENTS 43 x 4 3 = 4 3+ 2
Now that you have done expansion,
INTRODUCTION you can try these numbers. = 45

Scientists use a scale that registers the Expand; Rule 2: A number written without any
strength of the earth quakes. The scale power has power 1.
1. 972 4. 79264
increases in power of ten. The register 2 = 21
of 2.0 is ten times the register of 1.0 and 2. 7924 5. 47256497
that of 3.0 is 100times that 1.0. In this 5 =51
lesson we are going to look at powers of 3. 36516
ten. Examples:

Count the number of notes you can use 1) Find the value of: 83
What number has been expanded to
to buy a sanitizer of sh. 78,560
give? The base is 8 and the index is 3 so, multiply
8 by itself 3 times 8 x 8 x 8 = 512
Money Number of notes Total value 1. (4 x 104) + (2 x 103) + (9 x 101) + 1 x
10,000 7 Sh. 70,000 101) + (7 x 100) 2) Simplify 7 x 7 x 7 x 7
1,000 8 Sh. 8,000 In this question, the base is 7 and it
2. (3 x 103) + (6 x 102) + (5 x 101) + (0 x is being multiplied by itself 4 times so
100 5 Sh. 500 100) 7 x 7 x 7 x 7 = 74
10 6 Sh. 60
3. (6 x 104) + (2 x 103) + (6 x 102) + (8 x Exercise:
1 __
101) + (3 x 100)
To expand numbers one needs to find Find the value of:
the value of each digit in the number by 4. (7 x 104) + (2 x 103) + (6 x 102) + (8 x
using powers of ten. Sometimes we can 101) +(3 x 100) 1. 54 3. 44
use exponents to expand numbers.
2. 63 4. 33


Below is a table for exponents (powers INTRODUCTION
of ten) 1. 3 x 3 x 3 x 3 x 3 4. 46 x 42
You have covered something to do with
square numbers in P.6 e.g 2. 6 x 6 x 6 5. 24 x 27
Number Exponent (power) You read as

10 10 = 101 10 exponent 1 i) 1=12 iii) 9 = 32 3. 9 x 9 x 9 x 9 6. 510 53

100 10 x 10 = 102 10 exponent 2
ii) 4 =22 iv) 16 = 42 7. 70 x 710
1000 10 x 10 x 10 = 103 10 exponent 3
An index tells us how many times you Activity
10000 10 x 10 x 10 x 10= 104 10 exponent 4
have to multiply a number by itself. It 1. Suppose that X represents the
Expand 49,647 is always written at the top right of the number of times you entered 3 as
number. An index is sometimes called a a factor. Find the value of x that
(power). The number to which you write makes the statement true 3x=27.
an index is called the base. 2. Write COVID-19 in full


= 4 x 10,000 + 9 x 1000 + 6 x 100 + 4 x NOTATION)
10 + 7 x 1
= 4 x 104 + 9 x 103 + 6 x 102 + 4 x Reading of indices
Imagine you are asked to write down
10 + 7 x 100
We read power of 2 as squared e.g 3 is the distance from the Earth to the sun

What number has been expanded? three squared how would you feel? There are about
60,000,000 people in Uganda. These
(7 x 105) + (8 x 104) + (3 x 102) + (2 x The Power of 3 is read as cubed e.g 43 is are large numbers. So in this lesson we
101) four cubed shall learn how to write big numbers in
©National Curriculum Development Centre, 2020 19
standard form. Standard form allows power of 10 and the number of places the shall continue dividing but this time using
us to express a very small or very large decimal point in 9.3 is moved to the right? any prime number that is a factor of the
number in a compact form. number we have.

Examples 9 ÷ 3 = 3.
Write 19,000,000 in standard form. 3÷3=1
Write 19,000,000 is the same as 19 To express 36 as a product of its prime
million In Primary six you learnt about types factors we multiply all the factors we
of numbers do you remember some? have used. Make sure is a factor has been
So 19m = 19 x 106 Get out your book to remind you if you used more than once, it is multiplied for
have forgotten. In this lesson, we shall the same number of times. We shall have
But 19 = 1.9 x 10 be making use of prime numbers. Prime 36 = 2x2x3x3 = 22 x 32
So 19m = 1.9 x 10 x 106 factorization is aimed at writing any
number as a product of its prime factors. Let us do the same question using an
alternative approach with minimum
= 1.9 x 107
Remind yourself the following explanation.
1.9 x 10 is the standard form of

19,000,000. It is also sometimes called i) A prime number is a number that

scientific notation. has only two factors. 1 and itself.
Examples of prime numbers are 2,
3, 5, 7, 11, ….
What you need to know about standard form ii) A factor is a number that divides
into another number exactly
1. It takes the form A.B x 10n
2. Where A and B and numbers from 1 to 9.
without leaving a remainder. For
3. n is the power of ten. n can be positive or example, 8 ÷ 2 = 4; 8 ÷ 4 = 2; 8
negative number. ÷ 2 = 4, 8 ÷ 1 = 8. In these three
examples, the factors of 8 are 2, 4
Example 2 and 8. 8 ÷ 3 = 2 rem2. In this case
3 is not a factor of 8.
Write 48,000,000 in standard form
This is the same as 48million.
Express 36 as a product of its prime
Express 48m as a product of powers of 10 OR
48 x 106
To do this question, we are going to apply Therefore 36 = 2x2x3x3 = 22 x 32. This is
Write the expression 48 x 106 in form of the same as Prime factorization.
(A.B x 10n) a number of skills we learnt in primary
six. These are;
=4.8 x 10 x 10 6
i) Knowledge of prime numbers
=4.8 x 107
ii) Use of divisibility rules
iii) And expressing a number in power 1. Prime factorize the following and
So you have written 48,000,000 in form. write the prime factors in multiplication
standard form as 4.8 x 107
(i) 72 (ii) 56
The smallest prime number is 2 and 36 is
Write the following in standard form (iii) 48 (iv) 24
divisible by 2
1. 456 4. 30,657,000 36 ÷ 2 = 18. 2. Prime factorize the following and
write the prime factors in power form
2. 7464 5. 2,163,423 Since 18 is also divisible by two, we shall
continue to divide until we cannot divide (i) 60 (ii) 100
3. 87,000,000 6. 89,500,006 (iii) 90 (iv) 140
it any further.
Activity 18 ÷ 2 = 9. (v) 24 (vi) 180
(vii) 210 (viii) 200
Write the number represented by 9.3 x 9 is not divisible by 2. The next prime
104. What is the relationship between the number is 3 and 9 is divisible by 3. We

National Curriculum
Development Centre ,
P.O. Box 7002,

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