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displace the existing chaperone, concepts applicable to all of the 27, 209–220
replacing the chaperone–adhesin assembly/secretion systems. 4 Linderoth, N., Simon, M. and Russel, M.
interaction with a subunit–adhesin (1997) Science 278, 1635–1637
interaction. E.T. Saulino, D.G. Thanassi and 5 Koomey, M. (1995) Trends Microbiol. 3,
Much information about secre- S.J. Hultgren 409–411
tion in Gram-negative bacteria has Dept of Molecular Microbiology, 6 Kubori, T. et al. (1998) Science 280,
emerged over the past few years, Washington University School of 602–605
but an enormous amount of infor- Medicine, 7 Ginocchio, C.C. et al. (1994) Cell 76,
mation is yet to be uncovered. We Box 8230, 660 Euclid Avenue,
8 Jacob-Dubuisson, F., Striker, R. and
are excited by the potential of the St Louis, MO 63110-1093, USA Hultgren, S.J. (1994) J. Biol. Chem. 269,
chaperone/usher system for fur- 12447–12455
thering our understanding of se- 9 Karlyshev, A.V. et al. (1992) FEBS Lett.
cretion and look forward to com- 1 Saulino, E.T. et al. (1998) EMBO J. 17, 297, 77–80
paring and contrasting this system 2177–2185 10 Labigne-Roussel, A.F. et al. (1984)
with the other assembly/secretion 2 Thanassi, D.G. et al. (1998) Proc. Natl. Infect. Immun. 46, 251–259
systems. We believe that continued Acad. Sci. U. S. A. 95, 3146–3151 11 Bullitt, E. et al. (1996) Proc. Natl. Acad.
exploration will reveal general 3 Bitter, W. et al. (1998) Mol. Microbiol. Sci. U. S. A. 93, 12890–12895

Treponema pallidum: doing a

remarkable job with what it’s got
Justin D. Radolf, Bret Steiner and Dmitriy Shevchenko

iscovered almost a century the inability to cultivate T. pallidum iron acquisition is a defining feature
ago, Treponema pallidum on artificial medium. T. pallidum of the host–pathogen relationship
subsp. pallidum, the syphilis- has long been known to lack nu- and that iron, which is highly se-
causing spirochete, continues to be merous biosynthetic and catabolic questered within the host, is essen-
an enigma. Well into the molecular capabilities3. The genomic sequence tial for bacterial metabolism4. Re-
era, there is still much debate con- has further refined this picture markably, T. pallidum appears to
cerning its composition and ultra- of it as a prokaryotic, metabolic forego the need for iron acquisition
structure and the nature of the im- ‘basket case’ and clarified pre- mechanisms because it lacks many
mune responses it evokes within the genomic metabolic studies that of the enzymes and proteins that use
mammalian host1. The T. pallidum relied on spirochete preparations iron or heme cofactors. Taken as a
genome was sequenced2 in the expec- contaminated with rabbit testicu- whole, the diverse metabolic de-
tation that the resulting treasure- lar material3. T. pallidum can uti- ficiencies documented by the gen-
trove of information would provide lize carbohydrates as its sole energy omic sequence support the idea
the tools to resolve these controver- source and lacks the tricarboxylic that the treponeme’s refractoriness
sies and, more importantly, expe- acid cycle and oxidative phospho- to in vitro cultivation results from
dite the search for a safe and effec- rylation pathways. In addition, it the absence of one or more vital
tive vaccine, which has long eluded is unable to synthesize fatty acids, nutrients from past media formu-
syphilis researchers. Although it is enzyme cofactors and most amino lations. Unfortunately, discovering
too early to tell, of course, whether acids. It is an axiom of microbial the missing ingredient(s) is no sim-
this impressive technological feat pathogenesis that the struggle for ple matter given the number of possi-
will yield the promised scientific bilities raised by the sequence and
breakthroughs, at the very least it has the fact that virtually every conceiv-
reinforced the notion that T. pal- J.D. Radolf* is in the Depts of Internal able nutritional supplement has
lidum plays by a very different set of Medicine and Microbiology; and already been investigated without
D. Shevchenko is in the Dept of Internal
rules compared with other bacterial Medicine, University of Texas
success5. Additional clues to solving
pathogens. The salient features of the Southwestern Medical Center, 5323 Harry the cultivation problem might
genome are summarized in Box 1. Hines Blvd, Dallas, TX 75235-9113, USA; emerge from comparisons of the
B. Steiner is in the Centers for Disease T. pallidum genome with those
A solution to the cultivation Control and Prevention, 1600 Clifton of two other minimalist, yet culti-
Road NE, Atlanta, GA 30333, USA.
problem? *tel: 11 214 648 6896, vatable, bacterial pathogens: Myco-
The primary problem confronting fax: 11 214 648 5476, plasma genitalium6 and the fellow
contemporary syphilis research is e-mail: spirochete, Borrelia burgdorferi7.
0966-842X/99/$ - see front matter © 1999 Elsevier Science. All rights reserved. PII: S0966-842X(98)01422-X



Box 1. The Treponema pallidum genome at a glancea

General features
• Circular chromosome of 1.138 Mb, 1041 predicted open reading frames (ORFs); lacks plasmids.
• Predicted biological roles for 577 ORFs (55%); 287 ORFs (28%) are novel genes.

Transcription and translation

• Genes for a, b and b9 core RNA polymerase subunits.
• Five sigma factors (s24, s28, s43, s54 and s70); lacks s38 (rpoS) and s32 (heat shock).
• 44 tRNA synthetase genes; lacks glutaminyl-tRNA synthetase.
• Two ribosomal RNA operons with typical (16S-tRNA-23S-5S) eubacterial organization.

DNA replication, repair, recombination and restriction/modification

• a, b, e, g and t subunits of DNA polymerase III.
• Types I and II topoisomerases; lacks type IV topoisomerase.
• DNA adenine methyltransferase.
• Major pathways of uvr excision repair and mutL/mutS mismatch repair.
• recF recombination pathway; lacks sbcB, recB, recC and recD.
• No recognizable systems for DNA restriction/modification.

Regulatory functions
• Two response-regulator two-component systems.
• Several putative transcriptional repressors.
• Potential phosphorylation-based regulatory system involving orthologs of PtsI, Hpr, PtsK and PtsN.

Metabolic pathways, transporters and other cellular processes

• Lacks pathways for synthesis of fatty acids, nucleotides, enzyme cofactors and most amino acids.
• Uses ribonucleotide diphosphate reductase to reduce ribonucleosides to deoxyribonucleotides.
• Contains all of the enzymes for glycolysis; lacks genes for the tricarboxylic acid cycle and oxidative phosphorylation pathways.
• Lacks genes to use amino acids and fatty acids as energy sources.
• Encodes genes for 18 distinct ATP-binding cassette (ABC) transporters with specificities for amino acids, carbohydrates,
cations and thiamine.
• Lacks a phosphoenolpyruvate:phosphotransferase system.
• Lacks a recognizable system for phosphate uptake.
• Lacks genes for superoxide dismutase, catalase or peroxidase.

Motility and chemotaxis

• 36 genes encoding proteins involved in flagellar structure and function.
• Two copies of the flagellar motor switch protein, FliG.
• 13 chemotaxis proteins with putative specificity for amino acids or carbohydrates.

Cell envelope
• Complete pathway for synthesis of peptidoglycan.
• Complete machinery for protein export and lipid modification of proteins.
• 22 putative lipoproteins.
• 12 paralogs (Tpr proteins) with sequence relatedness to the major sheath protein (Msp) of Treponema denticola (three are
full-length proteins with amino-terminal export signals).
• Orthologs for OmpH of Yersinia enterocolitica and Omp85 of Neisseria gonorrhoeae.
• Lacks recognizable protein secretory machinery.
• Lacks a pathway for lipopolysaccharide biosynthesis.

Virulence determinants
• Five putative hemolysins/cytotoxins.

Adapted from Ref. 2.

The genome and the quest for reactivity of these proteins with the thologs for highly conserved outer
outer membrane proteins anti-treponemal antibodies in syph- membrane proteins of enteric
The outer membrane of T. pallidum ilitic serum11, has frustrated efforts Gram-negative bacteria, such as
differs from those of Gram-nega- to characterize these entities via porins, further underscoring the
tive bacteria in that it lacks lipo- conventional molecular methods, compositional differences between
polysaccharide (endotoxin) and con- including outer membrane iso treponemal and Gram-negative bac-
tains a much higher lipid : protein lation1,12. The genomic sequence has terial outer membranes. However,
ratio8. The paucity of proteins in the opened up new avenues in the quest it does contain orthologs for the
T. pallidum outer membrane9,10, for rare outer membrane proteins1. lesser known OmpH of Yersinia en-
coupled with the ostensibly poor T. pallidum does not contain or- tercolitica and Omp85 of Neisseria



gonorrhoeae. Undoubtedly, the big- Trends in Microbiology

gest surprise from the sequence is
that T. pallidum also contains a Msp 58.3 (56.2) kDa
family of 12 paralogs [designated
Tpr (T. pallidum repeat) proteins]
TprA 28.7 (25.6)/66.8 (63.7)∗ kDa
with sequence relatedness to the
major sheath protein (Msp) of the TprB 71.1 kDa
cultivatable oral spirochete Tre- TprH 76.1 kDa
ponema denticola13. The number TprK 55.5 kDa
and sequence variability of these TprL 56.5 kDa
proteins, compared with the single-
copy Msp of T. denticola, have in-
vited speculation that they comprise TprC 64.7 kDa
a system for antigenic variation that TprD 64.7 kDa
contributes to the relapsing nature TprF 39.3/43.7∗ kDa
of syphilis. However, this sugges- TprI 66.5 kDa
tion should be treated with caution.
Examination of the Tpr sequences
TprE 81.5 (79.3) kDa
reveals that all but four lack poten-
tially cleavable amino-terminal sig- TprG 81.3 (79.0) kDa
nal peptides and that one of these TprJ 81.4 (79.1) kDa
four sequences is likely to be trun- Fig. 1. Export signals of the family of Treponema pallidum repeat (Tpr) proteins. The 12 pro-
cated by a frameshift (Fig. 1). teins are arranged into sequence-related subgroups. The major sheath protein (Msp) of
Although one could postulate a Treponema denticola is shown for comparison. The black boxes at the amino-termini of TprA,
series of recombinational events TprE, TprG and TprJ represent potential signal peptides. Unfilled boxes in TprA and TprF indi-
cate the portions of the respective open reading frames downstream from the frameshifts.
analogous to those occurring in Predicted molecular masses are shown at the right of each protein. The molecular masses
other systems for antigenic vari- shown in parentheses for TprA, TprE, TprG and TprJ are those predicted for the putative mature
ation, studies thus far indicate that (i.e. processed) proteins. The asterisks indicate the molecular masses predicted for the TprA
the tpr genes are highly stable on and TprF proteins without frameshifts.
repeated passage14. Nevertheless,
the fact that only a minority of the
Tpr proteins is likely to be surface into the host environment. Thus, (Schell, R.F. and Musher, D.M., eds),
exposed should simplify efforts the sequence confronts us with the pp. 57–70, Marcel Dekker
to evaluate their effectiveness as realization that the enigma of 4 Payne, S.M. (1993) Trends Microbiol. 1,
inducers of protective immunity. T. pallidum is actually twofold. It 66–69
not only points to our need for 5 Jenkin, H.M. and Sandok, P.L. (1983) in
Syphilis pathogenesis – the new physiological paradigms to Pathogenesis and Immunology of
unsolved riddle explain how this unorthodox bac- Treponemal Infection (Schell, R.F. and
Musher, D.M., eds), pp. 71–98, Marcel
Since the recognition of venereal terium copes with the demands of
syphilis as a distinct clinical entity life within a hostile host milieu but 6 Fraser, C.M. et al. (1995) Science 270,
in the late 15th century, physicians it also points to the enormous gaps 397–403
have marveled at, and been baffled in our understanding of the dis- 7 Fraser, C.M. et al. (1997) Nature 390,
by, its protean manifestations15. Un- tinctive, yet highly successful, 580–586
raveling the genetic basis for the re- brand of human parasitism em- 8 Radolf, J.D. et al. (1995) Infect. Immun.
markable invasiveness and complex ployed by this bacterium. Many of 63, 4244–4252
tissue tropisms of this bacterium15 the solutions to these biological 9 Radolf, J.D., Norgard, M.V. and Schulz,
is the ultimate objective of patho- conundrums are likely to reside in W.W. (1989) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci.
genesis-related research. Perhaps the .40% of the genome that con- U. S. A. 86, 2051–2055
the greatest disappointment of the sists of functionally uncharacter- 10 Walker, E.M. et al. (1989) J. Bacteriol.
genomic sequence is how little in- ized genes. The development of ex- 171, 5005–5011
sight it provides into the parasitic perimental strategies to decipher 11 Cox, D.L. et al. (1995) Mol. Microbiol.
strategies used by this spirochete. this information and integrate it 15, 1151–1164
12 Shevchenko, D.V. et al. (1997) Infect.
Although T. pallidum does con- into a coherent picture will be the
Immun. 67, 4179–4189
tain open reading frames (ORFs) new frontier for syphilis research. 13 Fenno, J.C. et al. (1997) J. Bacteriol.
encoding putative hemolysins/ 179, 1082–1089
cytotoxins of uncertain pathogenic 14 Pillay, A. et al. (1998) Sex. Transm. Dis.
significance, it does not contain 1 Radolf, J.D. (1995) Mol. Microbiol. 16, 25, 408–414
orthologs for any well-known 1067–1073 15 Tramont, E.C. (1994) in Principles and
virulence factors. Also lacking are 2 Fraser, C.M. et al. (1998) Science 281, Practice of Infectious Diseases
the components of a secretory 375–388 (Mandell, G.L., Bennett, J.E. and
apparatus, which would be needed 3 Cox, C.D. (1983) in Pathogenesis and Dolin, R., eds), pp. 2117–2133,
to deliver virulence determinants Immunology of Treponemal Infection Churchill Livingstone


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