Model Test 1

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Baskaran : What time is your flight to Johor?

Izak : 4.00 in the evening

1 Izak is going to Johor by

A car B LRT
C train D plane

AM: Isolated thunderstorm in Kota Bharu. Windy over coastal areas in

east Terengganu. Isolated rain over coastal areas in Pahang.

PM: Cloudy over Melaka, Negeri Sembilan and Johor. Isolated rain in
Selangor and Perak at night.

2 The weather forecast shows that rain will fall in

A Pahang and Johor B Kota Bharu and Johor
C Selangor and Pahang D Terengganu and Negeri Sembilan

3 The sign above is placed on the road to show that

A a vehicle has broken down
B there is a police road block
C workers are repairing the road
D a landslide has occurred nearby


4 How many thieves were caught by the police?

A Two B Three
C Four D Five

©Arah Pendidikan Sdn Bhd 1 English Form 1

Model Test 1
Please be informed that Axis Telcom Sdn Bhd does not organise or
authorise any SMS contest. Do not believe or respond to messages that say
you have won money. We urge our subscribers to be on the alert.

5 The message from Axis Telcom warns its clients

A not to be cheated B to be responsive
C to believe the message D not to organise a contest

1970 2007
Teenagers listen to the radio. Teenagers listen to MP3 and CD
Students go to the library to look for Students surf the Internet for
information. information.

6 The table shows that teenagers in 2007

A have rich parents B prefer CDs to the radio
C can afford the latest technology D are more technologically advanced

7 From the table, students in1970

A loved to go to the library B were more hardworking
C did not have access to the Internet D did not have electrical products

Tan : I don’t think I will be joining you for camping this weekend.
Shah : Why? It will not be fun without you.
Tan : I’m sorry. It’s my grandpa’s birthday and he wants all of us to be there.

8 From the conversation, we know that Tan

A will celebrate his grandpa’s birthday at home
B has to attend his grandpa’s birthday
C will go camping with Shah
D does not like camping

9 Shah will probably be __________ .

A angry B happy
C excited D disappointed

10 The sign means that

A nobody can cut the grass
B no one is allowed to keep the grass
C there must not be any grass around
D no one is allowed to step on the grass

©Arah Pendidikan Sdn Bhd 2 English Form 1

Model Test 1

Questions 11 – 18

Each question in the text below refers to a numbered blank. For each question, choose the best
answer from the options A, B, C and D to fit the numbered blanks.

Form One students are usually obedient. __11__ follow orders and instructions closely. They
are afraid to __12__ the school rules. In other words, they are normally well-behaved.

By mid-year, they would have become accustomed to the new school culture. If the school
has __13_ discipline problems, chances are that the form one students, __14_ the boys, would be
negatively influenced. __15__ upper secondary students breaking and defying the school rules will
make these lower secondary students realise that they can do the same. By the end of the year, some
of them would have learned __16__from these older boys.

When these students reach Form Four, there is a sudden change __17__ them. They are not
only physically bigger and stronger but they are also more daring and rebellious. They feel that they
are already ‘matured’ and therefore would not be too happy to follow rules and regulations. They
want to be treated like __18__ but at the same time they do not want to obey the school rules. They
dislike orders. They expect teachers to respect them as adults but they do not realise that respect has to
be earned.

11 A He B We
C They D Them

12 A break B broke
C broken D breaking

13 A much B more
C most D many

14 A particularly B only
C also D and

15 A See B Saw
C Seen D Seeing

16 A tricks B values
C lessons D traditions

17 A at B in
C on D with

18 A adults B toddlers
C children D teenagers

©Arah Pendidikan Sdn Bhd 3 English Form 1

Model Test 1

Questions 19 – 21

Read the conversation below and choose the best meaning for the phrases underlined.

Mr Ram : It looks like nobody is going to show up. (19)

Razman : Hold on, sir. Maybe the students will turn up (20) a bit later?
Mr Ram : I don’t think so, Razman. You are the only one here. Maybe they are not
interested in the trip.
Razman : Perhaps this rain is keeping them away.(21)
Mr Ram : Alright. We will wait for another hour.

19 show up
A join B be gone
C perform D be present

20 turn up
A run B come
C go off D be late

21 keep them away.

A locking them up B making them go elsewhere
C causing them to go away D preventing them from coming

Questions 22 – 24

Read the conversation below and choose the best meaning for the phrases underlined.

Alicia : Stop crying, Carol. Nurin and I told you not to trust Patty but you did not listen
to us. Let this be a lesson to you. In future, look before you leap. (22)
Nurinl : Yes, Carol. It is no use crying over spilt milk. (23)
Carol : I should have listened to both of you. How could Patty be so mean?
Alicia : Never mind. I am sure you have learned a lesson.
Carol : Yes, indeed. Once bitten, twice shy. (24)

22 look before you leap

A look around carefully first
B look around before jumping
C make a decision and then think about it
D think carefully before making final decisions

23 no use crying over spilt milk

A no use regretting over what has happened
B no use crying over or thinking about an incident
C no point crying when there is no more money
D no point thinking about what has happened

24 Once bitten, twice shy

A I won’t think about it again.
B I won’t repeat the same mistakes.
C I won’t be shy to try all over again.
D I won’t beat the person for her mistake.

©Arah Pendidikan Sdn Bhd 4 English Form 1

Model Test 1

Questions 25 -28 are based on the following advertisement.


2 days 1 night
Learn about the various species of flora and fauna. Enjoy the clear and refreshing waterfall,
streams and rivers. Participate in a host of activities like kayaking , rafting, camping and
cooking. It’s an experience your kids will always treasure!

• Open to children aged 13 – 15 years only

• Places are limited – First come, first served
• Payment upon confirmation

Trainers and guides will be assigned to each group to ensure safety. Your children will be in
safe hands.
Programme: Day 1 Day 2:
8.00 am – Registration at Park Mall 7.00 am – Jogging, dinner
10.00 am – Depart for Nature Park 9.00 am – Kayaking, rafting, exploring
12.00 noon – Arrive at destination 1.00 pm – Lunch
1.00 pm – Lunch 3.00 pm – Jungle trekking
– Activities (camping & cooking) 5.30 pm – Home
7.00 pm – Dinner
– Self Expression

25 Who will be able to participate in the programme?

A Teenagers
B Veterans
C Anyone
D Adults

26 Which of these activities will the kids probably do at the park?

A Singing
B Dancing
C Swimming
D Essay writing

27 How long will it take to reach the Pahang Nature Park?

A Four hours
B Two hours
C Two days
D One night

28 Self Expression probably means

A boasting about oneself
B stating one’s achievement
C asking and answering questions
D talking about one’s experiences

©Arah Pendidikan Sdn Bhd 5 English Form 1

Model Test 1
Questions 29 – 34 are based on the following passage.

When Pauline received a letter to say that she was selected to join the National
Service, she was thrilled. She hoped she would be sent to Sabah or Sarawak.
Instead she was asked to report at Kem Bina Semagat in Kuala Kubu Baru,
Selangor. She was disappointed but when she heard that there were also trainees from
Kelantan, Terengganu, Sabah and Sarawak, she cheered up a bit.
Pauline said that National Service gave her a chance to make friends from various
backgrounds. She felt that her knowledge in geography and history had been useful during
her training in the camp.
What was most challenging to her were the physical activities like flying fox,
rappelling, night trekking and kayaking which she learned in the Physical Module. From the
Nationhood Module, she discovered more about Malaysia’s ruling system. In the Character
Building Module, she learnt to understand herself and others better. The most enjoyable
module was the Community Service where she and all the trainees helped out at a disabled
centre. They also cleaned up the rivers.
The National Service gave her a chance to understand other races and cultures.
Although she had learned about other races from books, living with them in the camp made
it more interesting. She learned to be patient and tolerant as well as understand other
people’s beliefs. She believes the three months at NS has given her invaluable lessons
about life which she can never find in a book.

Adapted from Sunday Star, May 7, 2006

29 Why was Pauline disappointed?

A She did not like Kem Bina Semangat.
B She was sent to a camp in Terengganu.
C She was not sent to the state she wanted.
D She could not work with other trainees.

30 What did she say about National Service?

A She liked cleaning up the rivers.
B She had the opportunity to socialise.
C The activities were too challenging for her.
D She was able to show off her geography knowledge.

31 How did she find the physical Module?

A Taxing B Boring
C Exciting D Fascinating

32 Knowledge about Malaysia’s ruling system is from the ___________ Module.

A Physical B Nationhood
C Character Building D Community Service

33 The National Service experience has

A given her a place in a camp
B made Pauline a more exciting person
C made Pauline more patient and tolerant
D given her chances to widen her knowledge from books

34 The word invaluable can be replaced with

A cheap B costly
C priceless D very expensive

©Arah Pendidikan Sdn Bhd 6 English Form 1

Model Test 1

Questions 35 – 37 are based on the following poem.


To-morrow, and to-morrow, and to-morrow,

Creeps in this petty pace from day to day
To the last syllable of recorded time,
And all our yesterdays have lighted fools
The way to dusty death. Out, out, brief candle!
Life’s but a walking shadow, a poor player,
That struts and frets his hour upon the stage,
And then is heard no more; it is a tale
Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury,
Signifying nothing.

William Shakespeare

35 Which of the lines tells us that life passes by slowly?

A Creeps in this petty pace from day to day
B To the last syllable of recorded time
C The way to dusty death
D Signifying nothing

36 Who struts and frets on the stage?

A The poet
B An actor
C The idiot
D The shadow

37 What does the persona think of life?

A Life is full of shadows and poor players.
B Life is full of sorrow and misery.
C Life is full of creeps and fury.
D Life is innocent.

©Arah Pendidikan Sdn Bhd 7 English Form 1

Model Test 1
Questions 38 – 40 are based on the extract from the short story The Pencil.

“Don’t worry, Zahid. I’ll look into the matter. But if Dolah is guilty, what will you do
to him?”
“Nothing, sir. I just want Mr Jamal to know that the pencil was mine, not Dolah’s.”
“Okay. You may return to your classroom.”
After the boy had left, Mr Berahim went to see Mr Jamal. They talked about the

38 What did Mr Berahim mean when he said he will look into the matter?
A He would punish Dolah.
B He was going to scold Mr Jamal.
C He would help Zahid find the pencil.
D He would investigate Zahid’s claims about the pencil.

39 From the conversation between Zahid and Mr Berahim, we know that Zahid is not
______ boy.
A a clever
B a stubborn
C an innocent
D a revengeful

40 Why do you think Mr Berahim went to see Mr Jamal?

A To ask Mr Jamal to punish Dolah
B To scold him for punishing Zahid
C To ask him why he punished Zahid
D To find out the truth about the incident

©Arah Pendidikan Sdn Bhd 8 English Form 1

Model Test 1
SECTION A: Guided Writing
[30 marks]

You are the secretary of the English Language Club. Recently, the club went on a camping trip. As
the secretary of the club, you have to write a report about the trip.

Use the notes given below to write your report.

Before the trip:

• Booked bus for 30 students

• Collected fees
• Met at school
• Left at 7.30 am

During the trip:

• Divided into groups

• Pitched tents
• Looked for firewood
• Cooked, had a campfire
• Swam
• Went jungle-trekking

After the trip:

• Cleaned up
• Checked area
• Reached school in the evening
• Parents waiting

When writing your report:

• you may use all the notes given

• elaborate on the given notes to make it more interesting
• make sure it is not less than 120 words

©Arah Pendidikan Sdn Bhd 9 English Form 1

Model Test 1
SECTION B: Summary
[10 marks]

Read the passage below and answer the question that follows.

Students and teachers celebrate Teacher’s Day on 16 May every year. On this day, there
are no lessons at all. Students and teachers get together and have as much fun as they can.

Students who want to show their appreciation to their teachers usually give them gifts.
The gifts or presents can be in any form. Some students give flowers like roses and carnations.
Some give cards while others give chocolates, cakes or fruits. Some teachers even receive
expensive gifts like brooches, books or pens.

The students give such gifts because they want to show their appreciation to the
teachers. They feel that it is one way to express their thanks to devoted teachers. On that day,
students also play games with the teachers. Games are organised by the students. They sing,
laugh and compete with each other. Some students put up plays to entertain the teachers. It is a
day of fun for both students and teachers.

Write a summary on what the students do on Teacher’s Day.

Your summary must:

• not be more than 60 words, including the 10 words given below
• be in continuous writing (not note form)
• be written in one paragraph

Use your own words as far as possible without changing its original meaning.
Begin your summary as follows:

Students and teachers celebrate Teacher’s Day on 16 May because…

SECTION C: Short Stories

[10 marks]

Short Stories
1 The Pencil - Ali Majob
2 Of Bunga Telur And Bally Shoes - Che Husna Azhari
3 How Dalat Got Its Name - Heidi Munan

Choose one of the short stories, then explain which event you like.
Give reasons for your answer.

Your response should be:

• not less than 50 words
• in continuous writing (not note form)

©Arah Pendidikan Sdn Bhd 10 English Form 1

Model Test 1

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