Matchpoint - Self-Paced Training: Session 8 - Workflows (Hands-On)

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MatchPoint – Self-Paced Training

Session 8 – Workflows (Hands-on)

July 2013 | Colygon AG

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Task 1: Create a simple Workflow

Business View
Head of IT Support: “Hey guys. We get a lot of support requests every day and we currently have no
system in place, which tracks of all these. Do you think you could create a list for us where we could
track this? It would be perfect if we could have 3 states per ticket:

 “Open” (we got the ticket, but nobody is working on it yet)

 “Processing” (somebody is working on the ticket)
 “Closed” (the ticket has been processed).

That way it would be easy for us to have an overview of what still needs to be done.”

Technical View
We will implement this request by using the “MatchPoint Workflow Kit”. In order to be able to do this, we
need to ensure the corresponding feature is enabled on the site collection.

 We can then create a WorkflowConfiguration. We will need three States: Open,

Processing, Running.
 We need to add a NewItemTrigger so that the workflow is initiated once a new item (a new
ticket) is added.
 We can define a DataGridConfiguration to display the open tickets. Using the
ShowCustomContextMenu option enables us to process the workflow from here.

Test the workflow by adding a new item to the list and click through the different states in the context

Key Facts
 In order to save your time we already created the SupportTickets-list for you. You can find it
The list has following fields:
o Title (Single Line of Text, required)
o Description (Multiple Lines of Text, required)
o RequestedBy (Person, required)
o AssignedTo (Person, required)

 Start by adding the states to the workflow and the NewItemTrigger.
 The basic flow can be implemented by adding UserTransitions to the States.
 You can then test if the workflow is initiated when a new item is added by adding a new item to
the list.
o Be sure to enable the site collection feature “MatchPoint Workflow Kit” before trying
o Be sure to enable tags on the list. This can be done by choosing “Edit Tags” from the
settings-section in the ribbon of list.
 When creating the DataGridConfiguration, you can add the ListAction to display an add-
link as well as Title column, where you can enable the ShowCustomContextMenu. Use the
UrlPrefix to enable the workflow only on the SupportTickets list. Page 2 of 3
Solution Explanation
You can find a sample solution file in the contents of this session:

 Workflow Configuration: 08_WF_SupportTickets.xml

Task 2: Add conditions to the Workflow

Business View
Two weeks later – Head of IT Support: “We often have the case that we receive a support request but
don’t get enough information in the initial request. We then need to return it to the requesting person.
We will do the communication via e-mail, however we would like to track this in our workflow. When we
are in the processing state, we would need to choose whether the ticket can be closed or if we need
additional information from the requestor.

Technical View
According to the requirements, we need an additional State (“Additional Infos”). We can add an
additional UserTransition to the “Processing” State. This enables the user to choose what the next
state should be.

You can also try to fulfill following requirements:

 The “Assigned to” user should be either the IT guy who chose the “Processing” state or the
“Creating User” which added the list item.
 You can play around with other available actions to further enhance the workflow

Solution Explanation
You can find a sample solution file in the contents of this session:

 Workflow configuration: 08_WF_SupportTickets_Advanced.xml

Thank you for attending the MatchPoint Self-Paced Training.

Please feel free to send us your feedback, regarding questions, experiences,

comments, concerns or improvements.

You can contact us under following e-mail address: Page 3 of 3

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