Homework 10 (Analog Communication: Modulation)

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Polytechnic University, Dept.

Electrical and Computer Engineering

EE3414 Multimedia Communication System I
Spring 2006, Yao Wang

Homework 10 (Analog Communication: modulation )

Reading Assignment:
• A. V. Oppenheim and A. S. Willsky, Signals and Systems, 2nd edition, Chapter 8, Sec. 8.1-8.3. Copies provided.

Written Assignment:

1. We want to transmit two sound signals, each with bandwidth 5 KHz over a channel operating in the range of (200KHz-
a. Draw the block diagram for the transmitter that uses amplitude modulation to multiplex these two signals.
Specify the necessary carrier frequencies for the two baseband signals.
b. Illustrate the spectrum of the signals before and after multiplexing (you can assume an arbitrary shape for the
spectrum of the original sound signals, e.g. rectangular or triangular within its bandwidth, but use different
shapes for the two signals)
c. Draw the block diagram for the receiver to demultiplex the two signals and bring back each signal to its
baseband. Specify the cut-off frequencies of any filter used.
d. Illustrate the spectrum of the signals after each step in (c ).

2. For the same two signals as in Prob. (1), we now have to transmit them within a channel operating in the range of (200-
a. Draw the block diagram for the transmitter that uses quadrature amplitude modulation to multiplex these two
signals. Specify the necessary carrier frequencies for the two baseband signals.
b. Illustrate the spectrum of the signals before and after multiplexing
c. Draw the block diagram for the receiver to demultiplex the two signals and bring back each signal to its
baseband (through QAM demodulation). Specify the cut-off frequencies of any filter used.
d. Illustrate the spectrum of the signals after each step in (c ).
e. Which method of multiplexing (that in prob (1) vs. that in Prob. (2)) is more efficient in channel usage?

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