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Running head : Ethical and legal principles on British Airways


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Table of Contents
Ethical and legal principles on the business of British airways...................................................2

Legislations in the airline industry..............................................................................................3

Critical reflection.........................................................................................................................3

Employment laws........................................................................................................................5


1 Ethical and legal principles on British Airways

Ethical and legal principles on the business of British airways

The business environment that exists in the organization is comprised of various diverse

elements and have impacted by various factors. Some factors contribute to the regulation in the

organization while other factors are not. The process of decision making on an organization

heavily relies on adequate methods that need to achieve maximin profiting with the business

environment that exists in the business environment ( Alder and Wilkinson 2016). It is necessary

for the implementation of adequate decisions and strategies and implemented them quickly as

there is a rapid change in the business environment. The business environment that exists in

British Airways is examined for factors that regulate the organization. That organization is

established on the social agreement that exists between stakeholders object to make collective

efforts for achieving a single goal of the organization (Kapoor 2015). The factors of the

environment regulate the decisions and policies in the business organization; however, the
2 Ethical and legal principles on British Airways
business environment remains separated from the organization. The target of British airways is to

guarantee that the activities concerned businesses to meet the necessitates of different

stakeholders. The company of British Airways has various stakeholders such as Company

employees, company shareholders, customers, society. British Airways as an organization has

several Corporate Social Responsibility towards the local community, stakeholders,

environment, and customers. The company required to follow legal and ethical considerations for

the purpose of meeting the necessitates that are executed in its operations. British Airways to

fulfill thew responsibilities has formulated wide strategies that are regarded during the process of

decision making of the company in the process of every business. In order to ensure that the

organization is fulfilling the ethical obligations, it has to develop a set of conduct that required to

be abiding by managerial personnel and employees of the company. The company also relies on
fulfilling the liabilities above the regulation and thus the company engages in the practices of

self-regulation of the airline business.

Legislations in the airline industry

The resources in the commercial environment have a grade of control on the economic

condition of the organization. British Airways is not an exception to legislation as the

organization should engage in the program of budget allocation as per the requirement of

resources for the operations of the company (Alghamdi and Beloff 2015). British airways engage

in the strategy of cost-cutting which includes reduction of quantum of flights to its destination

which generates a contributing flight package that is budget-friendly for attracting the customer

in addition to that for improvement of occupancy and booking status of the flight. There is a

number of regulatory bodies in the United Kingdom to control and administer civil aviation. The

3 authority of civil
Ethical and legalaviation is liable
principles for the
on British safety, economic and protection of the consumer in the
aviation regulatory policy. It is advised by the authority of civil aviation to the government of

United Kingdon on the issues of aviation that made the representation of the consumer on

scientific and economic research and also made the production of statistical information. The

principle pieces of laws are the Civil Aviation Act, 1982 and Air navigation Order, 2009 that had

an application in operators, aircraft, design and maintenance organizations in addition to that

commercial transport personnel.

Critical reflection

The contract law has a significant impact on businesses due to the fact that businesses

provide either products or services that have to resell, purchase or to render services. The

business of British airways has faced issues from elements like information, globalization and

technology, cultural and social factors, political factors. In order to meet the challenges, a clear
strategic approach is very important for the company (Kapoor 2015). The clear strategy involves

that the company will depend on the benefit of sustainable competitiveness. The strategy actually

develops goals and missions for the organization. To develop efficient strategy several factors

required to be considered, such as present analysis, environment analysis, opportunities,

weakness, strength through which there is the development of the strategy (Boase 2018). The

objective of British airways is various objectives and goals both for the long term and short term

in the global market. The regulatory and legal framework of tourism and travel covers various

aspects that are based on different parties who are involved in it. It comes under the ambit of The

Travel Act, 1985, The Tourism Act, 1969, The Package Tour Regulations, 1992 (Saeidi et al.

2015). There are sea laws, surface laws and air legislations in connection to the passenger

carriage with the regulatory and legal framework. There is the consequence of guidelines of

safety, health and security laws on the tourism and trade sector. It comes under the laws that are
4 Ethical and legal principles on British Airways
connected to contract and equality legislation in relation to the customers of tourism and trade.

Customers in airways are safeguarded under the legislation that sa=feguards the customer's

interest. The legislation and ethical principles in tourism and travel organization is Corporate

social responsibility with the aim to make a contribution to the progress of the society (Wali,

Amadi and Adanne 2015. The legislation concerned with safety, health and security put

emphasis on probable hazards in the tourism and travel sector that ensuring the minimization of

the peril of accident. The primary aim is to ensure safety in every aspect of the world

environment. The Equality Act, 2010, puts the focus on the treatment of employees and citizens

equally without any discriminatory practices. The discriminations that are covered by the laws

are direct, indirect, perceptive. Harassment and Disability discrimination. There is separate

legislation for the protection of data and maintain the confidentiality of customer sin British
airways (Vertigans and Idowu 2017). The regulations relating to cybersecurity comprises of

those directives that protected the computer system and information technology to protect the

organization from cyber attack. The Employer laws are the regulations that guide the

relationships between employees and employers.

Employment laws

The employment laws are formulated for covering the issues which include

discrimination, fair pay, employee privacy, and workplace safety. Employment laws are

formulated to safeguard the employee’s rights and cover the aspect of the relationship between

the employer and employee (Ortas et al. 2015). It regulates the conditions and contracts of

employment, employee treatment, payment of employees and transfer of business and takeovers.

The employment laws applied in case of breaches or maladministration in the organization.

5 EthicalThus
and it
canprinciples on British
be concluded Airways
that British airways as corporate and leading airlines ought to

guarantee that it develops the ethical codes. The ethical codes contribute to the establishment of

duties and roles in attaining the goals of the business.


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6 Ethical and legal principles on British Airways

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Wali, A.F., Amadi, C. and Adanne, H., 2015. Corporate social responsibility practices and

marketing performance: a comparative study. IOSR Journal of Business and Management, 17(1),


7 Ethical and legal principles on British Airways

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