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& Discrimination
OCN Level 2
Booklet 1

Name: Jude McGrotty

Group: __________________
Date: ________

Assessment Criteria

AC 1.1 Describe what is meant by the term Prejudice

Prejudice is the act of judging a person before meeting or getting to know them. This judgement could
be on race, religion, gender, sexuality, age, disability, political views etc.
Describe what is meant by the term Discrimination

Discrimination is when someone acts on their prejudice, by attempting to hurt or disturb someone because
of their background, it could range from verbal abuse to assault to destruction of property to theft.

AC 1.2 Explain THREE stereotypes linked to prejudice.

Prejudice stereotypes:
Example 1:

Believing that women are less capable of a certain task than men are.
Example 2:

Believing that someone should have less rights and responsibilities due to a disability

Example 3:

Believing all Muslims people are coming to the west to become terrorists

Explain THREE stereotypes linked to discrimination.

Discrimination stereotypes:
Example 1:

Donald Trump trying to pass a ban on Muslim people from entering the United States.
Example 2:

Committing arson on the property of migrants from less developed countries to send a message that they
have to move out.

Example 3:

Denying a disabled person a job due to their disability when it doesn’t affect their ability to do the job.

Learner Signature: ______________________________ Date: ______________________

Assessor Signature: _____________________________ Date: ______________________

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