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Submitted To: Submitted By:

Mr Sumit Kumar, Aarushi Susovita

Assistant Professor, Bft/16/597

Although India ranks 6th in the number of billionaires per country, it’s also home to 1/3rd of
the world‟s extreme poor. The problems of hunger, ignorance, ill health, high mortality and
illiteracy are most acute in the rural areas of the country. The reason for this is not only the
shortage of resources but also the lack in planning process and investment pattern. The
government is working very seriously on these issues of poverty and upliftment of rural areas
but the efforts of Governments may not be just adequate to provide basic services to its
citizens. It is being increasingly recognized that progress and welfare of a society is not only
the responsibility of the Government alone, but many more stakeholders need to be involved
to attain the development goal. The corporate sector here plays a pivotal role in ensuring
private investment flows to those rural areas that have been left out of the development
process so far and also to work for sustainable development of rural areas in general. Over
the past few years, as a result of rising globalization and pressing ecological issues, the
perception of the role of corporates in the broader social context within which it operates, has
been altered. Early CSR reports often focused on philanthropy as a driver of CSR. That
notion has been supplanted by a broad commitment to protecting and improving the lives of
workers and the communities in which companies do business. CSR reports now typically
address issues impacting virtually every area of operations: governance and ethics; worker
hiring, opportunity and training; responsible purchasing and supply chain policies, and
energy and environmental impact. Today the definition of Corporate Social Responsibility
(CSR) has changed to operating a business in a manner that accounts for the social and
environmental impact created by the business and committing to develop policies that
integrate responsible practices into daily business operations, and reporting on progress made
toward implementing these practices. A widely quoted definition by the World Business
Council for Sustainable Development state that “Corporate Social Responsibility is the
continuing commitment by business to behave ethically and contribute to economic
development while improving the quality of life of the workforce and their families as well as
of the local community and society at large” (WBCSD, 1999).Thus, the meaning of CSR has
two fold. On one hand, it exhibits the ethical behaviour that an organization exhibits towards
its internal and external stakeholders. On the other hand, it denotes the responsibility of an
organization towards the environment and society in which it operates.

About the Aditya Birla Group

Madura Fashion & Lifestyle, a division of Aditya Birla Nuvo Ltd, is one of India‟s fastest
growing branded apparel companies and a premium lifestyle player in the retail sector. The
company‟s brand portfolio includes product lines that range from affordable and mass-
market to luxurious, high-end style and cater to every age group, from children and youth to
men and women. Madura Fashion & Lifestyle is defined by its brands — Louis Philippe, Van
Heusen, Allen Solly, Peter England and People — that personify style, attitude, luxury and
comfort. Madura Fashion & Lifestyle reaches its discerning customers through an exclusive
network comprising 1,703 stores, covering 2.2 million sq ft of retail space, and is present in
more than 1,500 premium multi-brand stores and 320+ departmental stores. Planet Fashion,
the multi-brand, apparel-retailing arm of Madura Fashion & Lifestyle, housing the company's
in-house and other brands, is the largest chain of stores of its kind in India.

Literature review
CSR is regarded as vehicle through which companies give something back to the society.
Khan and Atkinson (1987) conducted a comparative study on the managerial attitudes to
social responsibility in India and Britain. According to it most of the Indian executives agreed
CSR as relevant to business and felt that business has responsibilities not only to the
shareholders and employees but also to customers, suppliers, society and to the state. Some of
the surveys like,Corporate involvement in social development in India‟ by Partners In
Change (PIC)‟, Altered Image: the 2001 State of Corporate Responsibility in India Poll‟ by
Tata Energy Research Institute (TERI), Corporate Social Responsibility: Perceptions of
Indian Business‟ by Centre for Social Market (CSM), and „Corporate Social Responsibility
Survey, 2002, India presented jointly by the British Council, UNDP, Confederation of Indian
Industries and Price Water house Coopers have also highlighted the emerging Indian
participations in the CSR process. Another survey by TERI- Europe and ORG-MARG (2001)
in many cities in India revealed that more than 60% of the people felt that the companies
should be held responsible for bringing down the gap between rich and poor, reducing human
rights abuses, solving social problems and increasing economic stabilities. Centre for social
markets (2003) conducted a study in which it was found that social responsibility is seen to
be an important business issue within the sample firms, irrespective of firm size, age, sector,
location, primary purpose or legal status. A study on iron ore mining industry in Goa shows
that many large mining companies have their own initiatives towards environmental and
social development. However, a structured CSR policy and planning is missing especially
among the small and medium players in the industry (Conway, 2003). Arora and Puranik
(2004) reviewed contemporary CSR trends in India concluding that the corporate sector in
India benefitted immensely from liberalization and privatisation process, its transition from
philanthropic mindsets to CSR has been lagging behind its impressive financial growth.
Verma and Chauhan (2007) found that roads, pollution and power are the major concern of
corporate 2010 141CSR activities as compared to least concern area which is communication
and education. Another study by Dutta and Durgamohan (2009) found that education takes
the first place followed by health and social cause. Similarly, a survey conducted by CSM
(2001), the perception of companies towards various parameters of CSR has been brought
forward. The various dimensions of CSR valued by companies are national wealth,
employment, environment and social programme including health and literacy. In a survey of
CSR reporting in Asia Chapple and Moon (2005) found that nearly three quarters of large
companies in India present themselves as having CSR policies and practices. The EU green
paper (2001) identifies two main dimensions of companies implementing CSR an internal
dimension relating to practices internal to the company and an external dimension involving
Objectives of the study
 To study and understand the CSR initiatives being taken by the Aditya Birla Group
for rural development;
 To examine the corporates‟ approach to work and their mode of action for
implementation for CSR initiatives;
 To see the impact of CSR on socio-economic development of rural population of

The research methodology is based on web based research, reviews of print literature and
company media releases. For the purpose of analysis CSR initiatives for rural development
were classified under four heads:

 Sustainability

 Disability (empowering the physically challenged)

 Benevolent activities for the workforce

 Education

Corporate Social Responsibility Policy

For the Aditya Birla Group, reaching out to underserved communities is part of our DNA.
We believe in the trusteeship concept. This entails transcending business interests and
grappling with the “quality of life” challenges that underserved communities face, and
working towards making a meaningful difference to them.

Our vision is – “to actively contribute to the social and economic development of the
communities in which we operate. In so doing build a better, sustainable way of life for the
weaker sections of society and raise the country’s human development index”. (Mrs.
Rajashree Birla, Chairperson, Aditya Birla Centre for Community Initiatives and Rural

Implementation process
Identification of projects All projects are identified in a participatory manner, in consultation
with the community, literally sitting with them and gauging their basic needs. We recourse to
the participatory rural appraisal mapping process. Subsequently, based on a consensus and in
discussion with the village panchayats, and other influentials, projects are prioritised. Arising
from this the focus areas that have emerged are Education, Health care, Sustainable
livelihood, Infrastructure development, and espousing social causes. All of our community
projects are carried out under the aegis of The Aditya Birla Centre for Community Initiatives
and Rural Development.

Activities, setting measurable targets with timeframes and performance

Prior to the commencement of projects, we carry out a baseline study of the villages. The
study encompasses various parameters such as – health indicators, literacy levels, sustainable
livelihood processes, population data – below the poverty line and above the poverty line,
state of infrastructure, among others. From the data generated, a 1- year plan and a 5-year
rolling plan are developed for the holistic and integrated development of the marginalised.
These plans are presented at the Annual Planning and Budgeting meet. All projects are
assessed under the agreed strategy, and are monitored every quarter, measured against targets
and budgets. Wherever necessary, midcourse corrections are affected.

Organisational mechanism and responsibilities

The Aditya Birla Centre for Community Initiatives and Rural Development provides the
vision under the leadership of its Chairperson, Mrs. Rajashree Birla. This vision underlines
all CSR activities. Every Manufacturing Unit has a CSR Cell. Every Company has a CSR
Head, who reports to the Group Executive President (Communications & CSR) at the Centre.
At the Company, the Business Director takes on the role of the mentor, while the onus for the
successful and time bound implementation of the projects is on the various Unit Presidents
and CSR teams. To measure the impact of the work done, a social satisfaction survey / audit
is carried out by an external agency.

Collaborative partnerships are formed with the Government, the District Authorities, the
village panchayats, NGOs and other like-minded stakeholders. This helps widen the
Company’s reach and leverage upon the collective expertise, wisdom and experience that
these partnerships bring to the table. In collaboration with FICCI, we have set up Aditya Birla
CSR Centre for Excellence to make CSR an integral part of corporate culture. The Company
engages with well established and recognised programmes and national platforms such as the
CII, FICCI, ASSOCHAM to name a few, given their commitment to inclusive growth.

A specific budget is allocated for CSR activities. This budget is project driven.

Information dissemination
The Company’s engagement in this domain is disseminated on its website, annual reports, its
house journals and through the media.

Management Commitment
Our Board of Directors, our Management and all of our employees subscribe to the
philosophy of compassionate care. We believe and act on an ethos of generosity and
compassion, characterised by a willingness to build a society that works for everyone. This is
the cornerstone of our CSR policy. Our Corporate Social Responsibility policy conforms to
the Corporate Social Responsibility Voluntary Guidelines spelt out by the Ministry of
Corporate Affairs, Government of India in collaboration with FICCI (2009).

The Study
The focus of the organization is on the all-round development of the communities around
their plants which are located mostly in distant rural areas and tribal belts. All the Group
companies: Grasim, Hindalco, Aditya Birla Nuvo and UltraTech have Rural Development
Cells, which have the mandate of coming out with plans and policies for the development of
the area concerned for the benefit of the communities. They are working in partner with
development are government bodies, district authorities, village panchayats and the end
beneficiaries — the villagers. The Government has, in their 5-year plans, special funds
earmarked for human development and they recourse to many of these. At the same time the
group is in network and collaborates with like-minded bilateral and unilateral agencies to
share ideas, draw from each other's experiences, and ensure that efforts are not duplicated.

The geographic reach, annual spends: The footprint of this community work straddles
3,000 villages across the length and breadth of our country. We reach out to more than 7
million people annually. Over 60 per cent of these live below the poverty line and belong to
scheduled castes and tribes. The Group spends in excess of Rs.250 crore annually, inclusive
of the running of 18 hospitals and 42 schools. The Group transcends the conventional barriers
of business and reaches out to the marginalised as a matter of duty and to bring in a more
equitable society.

Focus areas of the Organisation: To achieve their responsibility of CSR, the Aditya Birla
Group promotes corporate social responsibility initiatives focused on four main areas:

 Sustainability
 Disability (empowering the physically challenged)
 Benevolent activities for the workforce
 Education

Initiatives in the area of sustainability include rural employment generation schemes. The
company employs rural youth who have completed their fifth standard, training them in
tailoring and other aided activities for three months. Madura Fashion & Lifestyle recruits
heavily from villages. As part of enhancing the livelihood of villagers and also bring in
women empowerment, the company regularly conducts door to door campaign at villages to
encourage women to come and work. Apart from these constant initiatives, Madura Fashion
& Lifestyle and its employees regularly respond to national tragedies such as Flood and
Earthquake Relief, going to the affected areas to help people. Adithya Birla Group
programmes are aim at provided that livelihood in a close by appropriate and eco-sustainable
manner through Self-Help Groups (SHGs)-Micro-finance to the farmers and women,
Incorporated agriculture development, Integrated livestock activity, Watershed management,
Micro-enterprise development, Vocational training and Skill development throughout Aditya
Birla Technology Park for included training programs and VT centers at the majority in

association of our industrial plants.

Disability (empowering the disabled and the physically challenged):

Madura Fashion & Lifestyle has partnered with the Leprosy Rehabilitation Centre in
Sumanahalli, Karnataka. The Sumanahalli Society, run by an NGO, has a sewing unit where
half the employees are cured leprosy patients, and the remaining employees are HIV/AIDS
patients and/or physically challenged. The inhabitants of the Centre earn their subsistence
through sewing for Madura Fashion & Lifestyle. All leftover fabric and accessories are
provided to the unit for conversion into garments. The inhabitants are paid the cost of

conversion. The finished goods are sold to employees and their families. The scheme is

mutually beneficial, and not charity. The company employs nearly 100 physically challenged
people in its factories. A four-week training programme is conducted by the Association of
People with Disability (APD) and the cost of training and stay is absorbed by the company.
In addition, the company works to rehabilitate the visually impaired.


Madura Fashion & Lifestyle is working toward the holistic development of the Kasturba
Gandhi Balika Vidyalaya at Channapatna. Uniforms for the students have been stitched and
handed over to the school. The company has also funded the uniforms for children in
Ramanagaram. The team is also working on upgrading the education standards in villages
around Annekal. As part of these 16 schools and Anganwadis have been identified where the
organisation will be working closely to enhance the quality of teachers and infrastructure.
Among other initiatives, the organization is also working on the projects named below
Lighting the Lamp of Knowledge Helping Vidya write 1,800 villagers treated at eye camp
held near Bangalore by Madura Fashion & Lifestyle.

Social causes

In Social Change, the company is enthusiast and support, Dowry-less mass marriages,
Widow re-marriage, Social security and insurance, Sports and culture, Women empowerment

Infrastructure development

In the Infrastructure Development, the company is endeavord to situate necessary services

that form the foundation of sustainable growth throughout Community centers, Village
Schools, Hospitals and health care centers, Roads, Home for the homeless, Rural
electrification facility, Modern irrigation facility and water storage tanks etc.

In the Infrastructure Development, the company is endeavord to situate necessary services

that form the foundation of sustainable growth throughout Community centers, Village
Schools, Hospitals and health care centers, Roads, Home for the homeless, Rural
electrification facility, Modern irrigation facility and water storage tanks etc.

CSR activities of subsidiary companies of Adithya Birla Group

Hindalco Industries Limited
Established in the year 1958, Hindalco specially made its aluminium facility at Renukoot
in1962 Uttahar Pradesh east. Later, acquirement and mergers with Indal, Birla Copper, the
Nifty and Australia’s Mt. Gordon copper mines, make stronger the company's point in value
added alumina, copper products and aluminum with vertical combination throughout access
to captive copper consider. In the year 2007, the acquisition of Novelis Inc., a leading
manufacturer international level in can recycling and aluminum rolling, marked a important
landmark in the history of the aluminum company in India. Among, Novelis under its fold up,
Hindalco ranks amongst the international top five aluminum major manufactures, as an
included producer with low cost alumina and aluminum amenities joint with high end
progressing facilities and a global marks in 13 countries. Its consolidated earnings for the
year Financial Year 2013 was US$14.8 billion (Rs.80,193 crore).

Health care

 Medical camps: Taking mobile medical camps and ambulance service to rural remote
 Health facilities: Setting up well equipped hospital and professionally managed health
centers at so many locations;(ii) Regular health camps: the company is focusing on
Mother and child care, providing family planning, and specialized medical camps for
eye care and for cataract, coordinating regular pulse polio immunization drives and
promoting the awareness, prevention and treatment of water-borne diseases, malaria,


The company is working in

 Balwadis: Providing for the primary education facilities to underprivileged children

 Adult literacy: Given that formal, informal classes and active sustainable support to
the government's mission to improve literacy levels of rural
 Merit scholarships Schemes: Support to poor female students for educational
 Educational support: Contributing textbooks, uniforms, classroom equipment and
undertaking school building construction with maintenance.

Skills training and capacity building

The Aditya Birla Rural Technology Park (Muirpur, Uttar Pradesh, India): Runs training
programmes in diesel over 70 centers, hand pump repair, electrical repair, tailoring,
beekeeping, agriculture-related programmes, knitting and encouraging own employment
throughout projects of income generating; (ii) The Yashogami Skills Training Centre
(Radhanagari, Tarale, Maharashtra, India): Trains women in skills such as fashion design,
tailoring, rexine handicraft, food processing, lamination, electronics assembly, pottery,
zardozi, papier mache, rangoli, fabric design and jewellery design.

Women's empowerment

 Self-Help Groups (SHG): These programmes engage over 11,000 rural women
around Hindalco units;
 SHG activities: Micro finance and micro credit schemes, oil-processing units,
entrepreneurship building, horticulture, tailoring centres, nutrition gardens, diesel
hand pump repair, mushroom cultivation, vermi compost production, food processing,
 Awareness building: Health and sanitation, literacy drives, family planning and micro
finance facilitating government loans for small-scale enterprise(SSEs) and rural
insurance schemes;

Agricultural support

The company is stressing on (i) Irrigation schemes: Land brought under irrigation with
improved yield and multi-cropping methods (ii) Watershed development: Hydel towers,
wells, drainage canals, check-dams, harvest tanks and pedal pumps (iii) Training: Train local
farmers in advanced agricultural techniques for good crop yield, introducing lac farming,
post- crop harvest technology with safe grain storage space throughout an included
systematic pest-management system, horticulture and kitchen gardens, floriculture, changing
from mono to multi cropping patterns and giving out of high-yield seeds.

CSR Initiatives of Grasim Industries Limited

Health Care

More than 41,112 villagers were medically checked and those troubled treated for their
illness. From 26 schools 2,359 students benefited from health check up units. At eye camps
conducted 2,414 cataract performed operations and 1,179 people were supplied with
spectacles for better eye sight. Aditya Cement (Chittor) is honoured to be first Industry in that
area to successfully completed each year 4,065 surgery at Mega Eye Surgery Camps oranged
by company. 176 patients detected with tuberculosis were taken treatment and cured. To gave
free ECG facility for rural areas from more than 100 patients. These camps put the happiness
back in the life of 260 children throughout cleft-lip surgery. On the artificial limb fitment
medical Camp 170 physically harmed persons were supplied with artificial limbs fitment.
Indian Red Cross Society in collaboration with the camps of blood donation were organized
241 donors participated at the a range of plants. Oral health care was provided with 457
persons. An MOU has been signed among Jan Kalyan Tryst and Gujarat State AIDS Control
Society, Kharach to start off a Counselling integrated and testing Centre at Jan Kalyan
Hospital for AIDS/ HIV testing and counselling. Provided of safe drinking water in the
course of water filter plants and In 16 villages water storage tanks was constructed. On the
hospitals runs by Company at its various industrial plants, more than 2.7 lacs of people are
given medical treatment at very subsidized rates.

Mother and baby Care

Vaccinated 48,754 kids against to polio, 3,464 kids against other diseases including Hepatitis,
BP. Family planning awareness programme campaigns with free distribution of condom was
issued and undertaken in 25 slums in Nagda. 2,268 have go for for family planning
operations. Special care intended for lactating was provided for pregnant women, covering
26,000 women. Prenatal and post natal care and nutrition programs were accorded by 776


Due to the companies effort , the dropout rate has been reduced drastically from 40per cent to
15 per cent in Nagda area. More than 575 children were joined at Balwadis. 1,845 children
are presently learning in Balwadis run by the company. Kasturba Gandhi Balika Vidyalaya,
hold by Kagina Jan Seva Trust at Udgi, Selam is given that quality of education and shaping
the life of 100 girl children’s from rural areas. 560 children from various schools participated
in ‘Pratibha Karanji’, a programme that identifies and supports talent of the rural school girl
children. On Kagina Industrial Training Centre, recognized by Government of Karnataka,
department of employment and Training, this year 102 students have been skilled in a variety
of trades such as electronic, electrical, fitter and Mechanic and were successfully located. At
the Rural Development Centre of Aditya Cement, imparted basic training in computers to
strengthen computer literacy by 72 girls. Capacity building and training was taken on up for
104 literacy adult trainers. The Bal Sanskar Kendras at Birla Cellulosic are rising in number
every year and presently has 340 children enrolled. Midday meals are being given to all the
school children’s in the locale work by the Government with corporate active participation.

Sustainable livelihood

Agriculture programmes keep up a two way force reducing and enhancing productivity of the
monsoon dependency. Through company initiatives over 6,000 farmers gained. Organic
farming and sustainable living is appropriate a way of life with the building and taking up of
biogas 100 units were created in the present year. Vaccinated 19,282 in animal husbandry
camps and treated 320 animals. Dairy at Nagda, 18 milk collection centres are maintained
supplemented and providing additional income to thousand rural families. Water harvesting
structures were 8 created and the existing ones were maintained and repaired to sustain more
than 50,000 individuals. 1,885 persons attended a variety development of skill and
occupational training courses to improve employment opportunities.

Women Self-Help Groups

Tailoring training centres particularly catering to single mothers, scheduled castes physically
challenged and weaker sections women from the society has allowed over 1,535 women a
livelihood for themselves. Subsidized rates of has been provided several stitching machines.
Company formed 211 SHGs formed and empowered 2,550 women throughout savings,
income generation and skills training. On Ansuya Mahila Atma Gaurav Kendra, operations at
Kharach, 210 women have been trained in the year 2012-13 in embroidery, tailoring and
knitting skills.

Infrastructure development

Company has supported infrastructure development throughout the repair and construction of
easy approach roads situation up drinking water, troughs structures, health centres and
amenities for the underserved community, as well as construction of less cost toilets. Further
43% of water stored in the 4 dams build by the company at Nagda, that was used for forming
and other social purpose for the township and rural community development. Under the 12th
finance commission company born 20% of the total cost was to create 3 village
infrastructures around Kharach. In joint venture with district administration and Company
build 1,023 toilets for BPL families for Arneeyapant Panchayat, Chittor. A bus stand to
provide support and service to more than 2,500 villagers around Khor was build. The Jal
Nirmal venture, carried by the World Bank was completed for around Malkhed with 2 Gram
Panchayats covering 10 villages.

CSR Initiatives of Aditya Birla Nuvo Group

Health Care

Rural medical camps ranged for general health checkups 42,382 rural people were checkup.
The company’s hospitals treatment extends to those who suffering with serious disease. Intra-
ocular lens surgery benefited by 1,488 cataract enduring at Renukoot, Veraval, and
Jagdishpur. 9,000 patients attended the Companies skin care centre at Jagdishpur. Over 5,000
lorry drivers, migrant workers and helpers were sensitized to the dangers of AIDS/ HIV.

Mother and Child Care

Company was administered 3.9 lakh polio doses of vaccination to children at Hi-Tech
Carbon, Gummidipoondi; JayashreeTextiles, Rishra; Indo Gulf Fertilizers, Jagdishpur;
Renukoot; Aditya Birla Insulators, Halol and Indian Rayon, Veraval. Over 885 couples have
been opted for family planning and socially responsible parenting at Veraval. More than 5.3
lakh hopeful mothers were given pre and post biological care at Indo Gulf Fertilizers,
Jagdishpur. Almost 3 lakh children were immunized against tuberculosis, tetanus, diphtheria
and measles.


Company encourages to the education of the girl child. In the year 2012-13 were able to
influence the 725 girl’s parents who had dropped out from village schools to get back to their
education. These girls have been enlisted at the 8 Kasturba Gandhi Balika Vidyalaya
supported by corporate. On the Aditya Birla primary school (Renukoot), 160 tribal children
getting free education. Books, uniforms, and bags have been issued to 3,641 kids in the rural
villages in nearness to our plants. At Gummidipoondi and Veraval, 200 students were trained
in Office applications software (MS Office and Tally). Adult education centers at
Gummidipoondi, Veraval and Jagdishpur carry on providing informal education training to
217 adult women.

Safe drinking water and sanitation

The good drinking water project implemented throughout the fitting of the reverse osmosis
plant in 14 government primary schools and high schools in Tamil Nadu, 9,547 children have
access to clean drinking water. Over 244 hand-pumps were installed at plants of the
Companies. The Nirmal Gram Puraskar 2009-10 taken a prestigious award. Nationwide
award has been conferring upon S. R. Khangittai, Tamil Nadu our model village. More than
200 individual household toilets were build in Papamkuppam and S. R. Khangittai, Tamil
Nadu. Vending sanitary machines in 6 government secondary schools installed by us at
Gummidipoondi, have been resulted in increased attendance of girls at schools.


To support agriculture and conserve water, check dams, 67 ponds, and bore-wells were build.
At Jagdishpur, the reformation of 110 primary schools and helping the setting up of the mid
day meal kitchen at Veraval has involved more children to schools. The setting up of 59
lamps of solar at schools in Renukoot has been a boon to students. A community hall was
constructed at Gummidipoondi, community health centers at Rishra and Renukoot and a
75,000 liter storage tank at Veraval with sufficient pipelines to the villages have been
provided a welcome break in these critical rural areas.

Sustainable livelihood

At Jagdishpur, 43 students trained at the Birla Shaktiman professional education Centre,

More than 30 leprosy healed patients have been reformed. They have been included into the
normal. All of them have taken to dissimilar trades to a sustainable livelihood. Somewhere
else in Gummidipoondi and Jagdishpur, Bangalore, over 110 women skilled by company had
set up zardosi, tailoring, embroidery and provision stores. To support sustainable forming at
Veraval, 17 farmer attention groups covering 160 farmers have been formed throughout a
robust connection with the forming technology management Agency (ATMA). On Renukoot,
150 farmers have been educated in advanced agricultural practices. Company connected
7,500 women throughout 500 SHGs 2012-13 in their efforts towards women empowerment.
This program has been take on at all the units of companies.

Statisical representations of csr activities


Medical camps
Children against polio
Provided solar lamps
Midday meals everyday
Operates schools
Skill training

Awards and Recognitions

 Assocham Award for CSR Excellence Birla White (UltraTech Cement Limited),
 FICCI Excellence CSR Award Hindalco Industries Limited (Renukoot): 2000 to 2002
 The Aditya Birla Group has won the Asian CSR Awards six times, since its inception
– 2002 Hindalco; 2005 and 2009 Grasim; 2010 and 2013 UltraTech and now in 2016 Indian
 The Aditya Birla Group has won the Asian CSR Awards six times, since its inception
– 2002 Hindalco; 2005 and 2009 Grasim; 2010 and 2013 UltraTech and now in 2016 Indian
 The Asia Sustainability Reporting Awards, organized by CSRWorks Events, a unit of
CSRWorks International, honoured Birla Carbon.
 Indian Chemical Council’s Award for Social Responsibility for Indo-Gulf Fertilisers.
 The Asia Sustainability Reporting Awards, organized by CSRWorks Events, a unit of
CSRWorks International, honoured Birla Carbon.

 Environmental Management Award.
The Golden Peacock Award, instituted by the Institute of Directors, has been conferred eight
times on the Aditya Birla Group companies.
 FICCI Excellence CSR Award Hindalco Industries Limited (Renukoot): 2000 to 2002
continuously. UltraTech: Vikram Cement, 2012, 2013. UltraTech: Narmada Cement
(Jafarabad), 2015.
 TERI CSR Excellence Award UltraTech Cement Limited, 2009.
 Indian Rayon’s effective Environment Management System earned them the Golden
Peacock Environmental Management Award.
For carrying back and continuing the general balance in the economic development and
social field it is evidenced to think intensely and act sensibly about CSR. All corporate
houses be indebted social responsibility towards the society, national and international in
common which give it with all material, natural resources and human. In view of the long
term sustainable growth and following the CSR norms, planning new policies and
implementation effectively is UN predictable to bring out and sustain a equilibrium among
society, corporate world, current generation, future generation and nature. As much as the
Adithya Birla Group is concerned, it has a long way in fulfilling its responsibility and duty
towards the nation and the society. It has achieved the masses to raise their lives, to take care
for their dreams and to sharpen their skills mitigating the declaration of the founder .We do
not state to be more generous, unselfish and more charitable. Although, we ongoing to work
on straightforward business philosophy.
 Bassen, Alexander, Jastram, Sarah, Meyer, Katrin (2005), Corporate Social
Responsibility. A definition, in: zfwu 6/2, Hamburg, page 231-236, here page 231 and
 Bowen, Howard (1953). Social responsibility of the businessman, New York, pages 6,
 KPMG & ASSOCHAM (2008), “Corporate Social Responsibility-Towards a
Sustainable Future”,A White Paper retrieved on 30th March 2009 from

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