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1.1 Demolition Work
Any incidental to or connected with the total or partial dismantling or razing of a building
or a structure other than a building and includes the removing or dismantling of
machinery or other equipment.

1.2 Designated Person

A competent person appointed by an employer to carry out any supervision or
inspection or to perform any tasks or duties as prescribed by Factories & Machinery
(Building Operations & Work Engineering Construction) (Safety) Regulations 1986.

1.3 DOSH
Department of Occupational Safety & Health

1.4 Employee
A person who is employed for wages under contract of service with an employer.

1.5 Employer
A person who employs another person under a contract of service. He / She could be a
principle employer or immediate employer.

1.6 Environment
The surroundings and conditions in which work being carried out.

1.7 Excavation
The removal of earth, rock or other material in connection or demolition work.

1.8 FMA 1967

Factories & Machinery Act 1967, Regulation and Rules

1.9 Hazard
The potential to cause harm, including ill health or injury; damage to property, plant,
products or environment; production losses or increased liabilities.

1.10 Main Contractor

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A person who has entered into a contract with an owner or lessee of a property or his
agent for the purpose of carrying out any building operation or work of engineering

1.11 MS 1722:2003
Malaysian Standard 1722:2003, Occupational Safety & Health Management System.

1.12 Occupier place of work

A person who has the management or control of the place of work.

1.13 OHSAS 18001

Occupational Health and Safety Assessment Series 18001:1999.

1.14 OSH MS
Occupational Safety and Health Management System.

1.15 OSHA 1994

Occupational Safety and Health Act 1994, Regulation and Orders.

1.16 Place of Work

Premises where persons work or premises used for storage of plant or substance.

1.17 Plant
Includes any machinery, equipment, appliance, implement or tool, any component
thereof and anything fitted, connected or appurtenant thereto.

1.18 Risk
The probability a specified undesired event will occur and the severity of the
consequences of the event.

1.19 Site Safety Supervisor

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A site safety supervisor appointed under Regulation 25, Factories & Machinery (Building
Operation & Work of Engineering Construction) (Safety) Regulation 1986.

1.20 Sub-Contractor
A person who has entered into a contract with another contractor for purpose of carrying
out any building operations or works of engineering construction.


Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) like all faces of business need to be properly
manage. A company’s OSH system helps ensure effective control of OSH risk and
continual improvement in OSH performance. The aim is to prevent work-related illness
or injury and achieve compliance with regulation and standards.

As well as not wanting to harm people, employers also have a legal duty to ensure the
safety, health and welfare of his/her employees at work and the health and safety of
others who may be affected by the work activities (e.g. trades-people and the public).
Small businesses may be particularly vulnerable to the effects of an accident, as
absence of a key employee or damage to an essential piece of equipment can cause
problems in meeting commitment – possibly threatening business survival. It is also the
case that small firms are twice as likely to have a fatal or major injury as large firms.
Preventing the creation/introduction of hazards at the design stage is more cost-
effective than trying to put things right later.


Section 15(2)(a), Part IV – General Duties of employers and Self-Employed

persons, Occupational Safety & Health Act 1994 (OSHA 1994), required;

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‘Without prejudice to the generality of sub-section (1), the matters to which the duty
extends include in particular the provision and maintenance of plant and safe system of
work that are, so far as is practicable, safe and without risks to health.’

From the aforementioned Section and the Act’s philosophy of self-regulations, it is up to

the employers and self-employed persons to manage safety and health at their
respective work places. They can adopt to any system they think suitable to them as
long as they can justify the definition of ‘as far as practicable’, i.e. practicable having
regard to;

a) The severity of hazard or risk in question;

b) The set of knowledge about the hazard or risk any way of removing or mitigating
the hazard or risk
c) The availability and suitability of ways to remove or mitigate the hazards or risk
d) The cost of removing or mitigating the hazard or risk

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