Effective Mass-20200409145640

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CEPECTING MASS for a free electron, e, Greene vdahion is — wher, Wweffierente of tet e 2) determine the uuveturse of e€ vouut k. es.) Piresminet the vatiows 14 called Reetpsocal Mart - Tumed about, Eaom the colutiom al wee eopatiown near the one betindliarde | ik u aeen that there can be ne aaaee = unusual Wig curwakuree fet band bound : rr ohicitin ee Om oe Mco 2 Mf Srey 1204) Goce clearer energy when, 7a vedure WA enhanced the factor Pie As) bey fi 1 ® We Semicondctrore, Rand width nw aoev (order) eond yap oa to 2eV (orde¥) Scanned with CamScanner SS _— i §. ter =) . We i iis Tus, Reciprocal 7 SpA 5 P Sf le te ae “ene mete aes Lee Ol-o-el of Gee © bet le wpamee valet apply ner AP© moe aD woe enovenl eaverrbe (paris Sail het alia evan fats Bo bne meet Mensa al of cise electrona - i ee Row, CE ul ot + vee cat : owtive Bees tyreoe’ sneer gy ; art band «cage of OPE Pe co et OE Se tos an enevyd — —*x 2 my eCeYee fou. (oe) Sa ee t| L@atvy-4) ao WD mo ee wo elector measaed jon she Fone Nageea chee ies egfedve mers of er near the edge ef the ar* band a ae tee top of fie Gare, bard hes the anewy} - a éUx) = ey - (Be Be) % YRS ay 4 a, +N =r UNE 28 [tear] Scanned with CamScanner Ce Ve" gign “im qm Gi UW introduced so thak m,, for the © hele, rma will have portive value Bince the cusvabint ard hence the mors uitl be meqative neat the bop of the gust band ) , © Elective mast Ano in a periedic potential NMinteeleroted . relative Glo che, Sexes taman applied, elechie O% cnepe els Kea as a the mas the & wos eqpat do an ef{ecnive masse we url be dai an short!) , Note: The exgstes doesn't weigh o Ls if, the eee oO commer. 4s tins aon THe Se & mega Pe eoismics second lam puget the anstak, jakun of a whole, ions plas cosine we know thet, Velo ot, Ty = Aud § UY a he, Boece 2 Awe, = bate ao oh dt ep ab), (42 2 fr ok af xe, $2 Cyterrad force on the | Bo, aa = a Scanned with CamScanner = Gee s AR” a eo i fo » aN ee. (WD dP |de* ae i we acsume 6 Wg Chae) = ey @qwanion W) ve pacteuts fom of Newton's becond law. Cates Was ,m™ Ce et ey ores Cae ce Ar tise! » ene Can introduce tte conrpouents f the recipotal eftetive mors tensor, 2 (a 5 ag dE ey Aku dy so, Lae f = ae ee Fy. ak mnt iy whew, 4, = cartesian coordinates . Scanned with CamScanner 2 Puapricall Interpretation of Hix offestives seat © & peo can an 6 of mass m when put inte a emystal respon Ae applied Bields ot of. the mest uategs nd¥e2 @ % can ve unclerstood interns Of Bragas weflecrion ee le waves 20 2 snayata i, Lar et, © New the bottom _o} - the nepaeeers by ower band, the ovbital we a plane wave, exp Lihse) = momentum = th. the wave component = exp LiL &-a)=] € momentum = = (aia) U wall & increates only slowly. os & w inneared * rae es An increste W the pefheded come exp [i(t-4) x] oe A as increased ae resents momentum rans (er. riey the etedren fen the Saki ce O Near the boundary , reflective comp we large. Ba toe Vected Component becomes eqpat an amplitude A> the forward component, ak wile point, the Creer es, pac Standings waves, not the running waned. Hunt, the momentom component (“h (LS)) camects the memenkum courpenent (44). Scanned with CamScanner ®a tingle © in on enerqy leand may have © % 7" penitive “a td mass © the state of positive wes occur near the bottom of the lband oF Ave eective ma4xs means what the band has upwasd amature pte Hoey © the 7 onKve Ane fog 4h a pee ~ve ective mas means on rihaar | jeom the arate f to R+ O&, the momentum trans fa to the Lattice fom the 27 ib ta than the smome ntiim rans from the applied yee tho Khe €&. Rihecan R ws increased ection can effective Mas Occur near te the OR, Me approtch Bve an Several de a iw the forward momentum O% the election, when ae happens , the eqfective mart 1s mage : © As we proceed in tne fecond Fendi, Jester rom ge boundary, tue amptitice of explila-a)x] deu]eases np 2 m* assumes a small poritive. value. © the energy 27 o band Aepends wa om > then the ‘en wars rill be. lovee Scanned with CamScanner © Tighe Binding agproximation gives an inv ght @ about the formation OF TOMES bands Ww ‘G wave-fxns = nephbouring, atoms overlap yoy Little | ten uid the lard & nasow 2 eqgecnive mors Ab oa eo YY overlaging, ‘e Aenet ip, for 4.7» inner ov wore (Af CO] the vare costh metals) | Explanation o peices tenn masses wie occur neaa, but below, a Brillouin” gone bein In (2) the ae “the 7 beam incident on a” thin crystal is sgl to Low to aes the toncittion of a= ae chon and the bear ik transmitted to the agstal. mt small veltage acwed the arid m an bo Ce) re the & condition £o be eatin fi ands themed m wit then be reflected +om the jake Sek of seflected eRe Scanned with CamScanner (® eReective Mass IN SEMIceNpucTOR* © ln Semicondudor, effective mans Of cancers in the- condus- echon & valence band UW determined ae ty dotron henerrance- ° Qeleerination o ony Austace te equivalent to detemimation ©} the effective mass tensor. © Cyclotron veronance us camied oud centimeter ey snillimdler wave vadtahon at Low De4 Concentration. tument cassiers are acceleratiad in telical orbits abo the axu ef a state magnetic field - Aequlane elation freauenciy, uw, Leech (cas) ao mc ¥ a Oe ee cst) ey 5 Zonbit of sherk , “ae Appropwate oyna eifesve. man. Revonanx absorption or Se from an rf electric Fos perpendicular qo the state meermene, Gia OceuAL vehen the tf frequency ls capa to ayclatnon §uequency @ \n dived band Se° gernicondu chars , X The conduction band eae as Aphericad usith the exfechve maw »™Mo 2 €e et ame Af hd the Valence _Qands ase chavacteristeally Husefold mean the edo, with the heavy ‘hele, bh and Light hole , th bands dagmnerate at the center and a — Scanned with CamScanner and ‘soh’ a wd 'soh spt A by the Apun - orb if splitting 7 éy(4h) 2 ke ? am at, Evth) 2 RE amg, Ey (sch) = de He 2Meoh These are only appioximate ferms ‘even close to R=0, the ad and Aged hole bands ore nol spherical @D Rowever, the perturbation th L asks that the elocton pee Mas shadtd be prepartional fo the band ae? approximately Ge a diveer Ca ones Spur -c4f betes Simplified view of the band ane chuclure Cha hiker band gap semiconduchy . Scanned with CamScanner

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