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le) ce EXPERIENCE Rta aN Etta ethno PEARSON w Contents starcer | Personal information page 6 have got. is/are. present simple or reentalent! Enjoy yourself | Right/Wirong/Doesn't cay page 8 o2 Tech-free Teens ~is Technology Cant tive possible? Email addresses, websites without it? | Word completion ‘and phone numbers Present continuous and present page 16 ‘simple 03. “Our schools a big happy | School and education ‘Talking about the past We @ schoo! | family!” ‘Compound nouns Pest simple poge 26 Matching headings with Regular andireguler verbs paragraghs Past simple questions 0a ‘Afunny thing happened to | Shopping ‘Making comparisons What a me! fi Prices Comparative adjectives ‘bargain! ‘Gapped sentences Superlative adjectives page 34 ‘Guessing unknown words [Revision page ia 05 What really happened? | Dates and times Talking abour the past Mysteries | Right’Wrang Weiting and saying dates | Past continuous from history Past continuous and past simple page 44 Defining relative causes 08 How do you get to school? | Travel Talking about the future | Have a good | Matching. Travel and transport ‘cing fo wip! with page 52 Present continuous ror ruture ae a cre) Wand A spelling game ‘Talking about free time activities Completing a conversation Likes and distikes. Deseribing photos Descriting photos and activities “A visit to 2 school Talking about the past ‘Completing sentences ‘Asking and answer about the past ‘Asshopping centre: Buying and selling Muitiple-choice picrures Completing a shopping conversation Looking for treasure Directions, ‘A short story Multiple-choice questions ‘Asking for and giving directions A school trip Plans for the summer ‘Unusual school ‘Completing notes Talking about plans Journeys Contents Seto 07 ‘You can do it! page 62 0 : “alng about experiences See the world | you 2 Present perfect sinple : Using ever and never withthe resent perfect 09 nterta Using the present perfect a Present perfect with for and entertain you since page 80 Present perfect with just 10 Talking about obligation, Eat well, Feet prohibition and necessity well mustimusint need to/dor'tneed to should + infinitive For advice Talking about general truths More than a and future possibilities Joo Zero conditional poge 98 First conditional Conditional with could Holiday words Phrasal verbs ‘Speaking and writing page 116 Vocabulary file page 128 Pairwork file Student A page 132 Verb list page 134 ‘Grammar file page 135 Pairwork file Student B page 142 a esis 7 rd Cee acd Explaining information A factfile. Skateboards to drama dub trip Choosing a film ppleting notes Making and responding to suggestions) suggestions Hiple-choice pletures Talking about the meaning of signs surfboards isit to Atica Life experiences ‘A posteara Armelis’s itiple-cheice questions Talking about things you have done amazing “adventure ‘An email (making Interview with Volo Planning a pany BMahicie choice questions Giving advice advice Future jobs ‘Talking about summer jobs Matching, Making suggestions Information) | Responding | Talking about health problems | A short letter of | The cooking ‘An email (giving competition Family Fun at the fair Talking about adverts Ablog Asking questions FestaTeens ‘Multiple-cnoice questions ‘The camping trip THAT’S ME! 1 Look at the identities and find an example of 1-7. 1 asumame 2 asieet name 3 aposicode 4 anationality 4 5 afirst name 6 adae 7 atelephone number ACER SPORTS. “Nome Fabrice Petit F _ Date of birth: 2/4/2001 Member: tennis club Cbporta, Kennan 29% ser mae First name: Serap Last name: Turan Nationality: Turkish Date of birth: 24408/2000 Expiry date: 12/07/2015 Greys Language Sehool Main Squete, Oxford OX2 6YN, Tel 01865 767 534 es ee denny Yale | Born on 19 November Studies at Colorado Migh Sono! Likes Manchester United F<. lalate l=) Page & P Pet Passport Name Bonzo Nationality British Date of birth iesiereoio | 1D number Bw Busuusuay Paka <<éece< NExccccceeeay Look at the identities again and answer the questions. Whot gore biovier? Jenny ‘Who goes to.a school in Ontorce ‘What nationality is Bonzo? What sport does Fabrice play? Where does lacob Leyland ve? Whose birthday isin August? Who likes roorball? Vourwn= VOCABULARY ee 3 Match the things in the sunglasse photo with these words. 4 Complete the sentences with @, an, some or any, 6 Mil S.1 Listen and check your answers, 1 There are _ wanes ae ee ee Uz Wer mith a partner: Takeit in turns to ak and ee answer the questions In Exercise 4 There snt water 5 Theres “appeand sis SPEAKING wrath 6 Trere’s_____momeyand_________8 Work with a partner, Read the conversation mobile phone ae = 7 There aren't sweets, How do you spell apple? Gsacowiepted LISTENING es J. Sorry, can you say that again, please? 5 Read the questions. Choose the correct answers. ~ 1 Can | have a pen, please? A Thisisa pen. B Yes, here you are ' Play the game. Choose a word from the page. € Yes, have. Ask your partner how to spell it. One correct 2 What page is A Poge 1A, B Yes, itis. camepiee Language XP 3 Gan lopen the window, please? A Yes, well done please? ‘word, one point! More classroom language B Yes, that’s rich. dont understand. € Yes, of course. How do you say... in Engisn? What cies... mean? 1 Ask and answer with a partner, Which things do lke’ ike doing n your free time? Do you the same things? © Read about two teenagers with different hobbies. Match the photos {A-D) with the correct teenager — Creo nr Fergus Gill Complete the table with information about the two teenagers in the articles. All Isabella Fergus Gill 4 Read the sentences about All and Fergus. Choose the correct answer, A, B or C. xam € Read all the questions before you read the 1. Al plays a musical instrument, rack A Riche B Wrong ¢ Doesitsay 2. Al kes schoo A Right B Wrong C Doesntsay Sumup 3. AB's concerts are all inthe USA. : oe para ae rere: A Right B Wang C Doessitsay ese = 4 Fergus Is often outside in his free ime. " A Right B Wrong C Doesntsay Ali is from .. She likes .. 5. Fergus has lots of birds and animals. Fergus is from .. He likes A iighe B tong. € Docatsay 6 Fergus likes taking photos in the winter. gt mage Won eee Speak be 7 Fergus studies photography at university. 5 Do you think Fergus ar A Right B Wrong © Doesn'tsay Interesting? Wing? Given Yo VOCABULARY Hobbies and Leisure 1 Find the people (A-G) in the picture, Match the people with these verbs, 00k dance draw fish paint read sing You can make a noun from a verb by adding -ing. Remember with some verbs you remove the final letter e Fish fishing dance ~doncing Think of a hobby and tell a partner the first letter of the word. Your partner must say the hobby. © Complete the sentences with the -ing form oF the verbs. 1 Hove (read) 2 Igo (fish) 3 Mysisteriikes ____. (dance) 4 Weenjoy ____ andl ove making cakes. (cook) 5 My brother's hobby 6 They love (sing) My bedroom is full of books! with my dad in my Free time, -[paint) ‘3 Match these words and phrases with the correct verbs, afilm chess comics compucer games BYBs onasieepover postcards Shopping stamps theguitar to-music Ww T tomy iPod tothe cinema cD <>» «= 4 DVDs shopping stamps 4 Compiete each sentence with one verb from Exercise 3. Use the correct form of the verb. Sarah plays _ chess with her grandfather: My brother to the cinema wien his friends. David and Marc afer school i to my Pog athome. my cousin comics We TV with my parents, ‘computer games Speak up 5 Ask and answer with a partner, What is your Favourite hobby or free time activity. Why? A What's your Favourke hobby? Bi Fishing A: Why do you lke it? B: Because | go with my dad and |fove the sec. What about you? Ay Favourite hobby is GRAMMAR Talking about the present Present simple Something that is always or usually true ® She tives with her family in New York, a habit or routine © Fergus often sits outside atone. diodes to make questions and dontdoesa’ 10 meke negatives © Does Alf Love music? Yes, she does /No, she doesnt © Fergus doesn't crave! far to take Ms photes. Aaverbs of frequency 100% 0% ays unity ofan sometines not len nt sutiy never usually takes his photos in his back garder Alt always loves doing concerts. Remember the adverb comes after the verb be, Tdi 1.1-2 Listen, Now you say it! © Complete the interview with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. Interviewer: What do you and your family doin your free time? Emily:| 1) play (play) the guitar and collect comics. My brother 2) (not/read) comics He 3) (wateh) TW lot anc listens to rock music My mum and ded 4) (lowe) dancing. They 5) (go) toa dance class every week, My dad also 6) (enjoy) cooking in his free time. He 7) —_(make) _great cakes! We all love the cinema, but we 8) _notike) the seme films! ‘3 Read the conversation and complete the questions with the present simple. Matthew: Like music? tke) Hannah Matthew: 4] De you Yes, Ico. a you____a musical instrument? (play) Hannah: Yes | play the plano. Matthew: 3) you Hannah: No, | dont. My sister sings Matthew: 4) she lessons? (have) No, she just sings at home. (sing) Hannah: @ ancy yoursete 4 Complete the text with these phrases. alwaysdance often watch sometimes give usuallydo never stop My name's Luls Turina and my obey is street ancing. 1) alays dance wih my four best friends from school. We dance in our homes: anc in the park Wwe 2) clancing! We dan't goto dance lessons. We lear rom aie aay We) lancer in music videos Atte weekends, we 4) street dancing inthe town square, Peope Ike watching us and they 5) — us money! Write om 'S What do you do in your free time? Write rye sentences, Se | always see my friends at the weekend. Sic LISTENING “Power up 1. Can you match these famous people wit their hobbies? collectingjcomics @ wlll 1.3 Listen and cheek your answers. Listen up 3 ail 1.4 Listen to Abbey talking to her friend Joe about a website. Which of the famous peopl Exercise 1 do Abbey and Joe nor talk about? 4 "Ul 1.5 Listen again and complete the notes. Exam g Before you listen, look at the notes carefully. What kinds of words go in the spaces? Robert Pattinson likes playing 1) tHe URN and playing 2) % likes writing 5) (two are in the film Twilight) Emma Watson loves painting and drawing » likes playing #) # enjoys learning different styles of 5) Rafael Nadal % enjoys fishing 4 likes playing ©) % likes going to the 7) (Te eal Bad many/euch Use many with countable nouns. How many hobbies does she nave? Use uct ith uncountabje nouns, He doesnt hove much time Remember we usually only use much and many in questions and negative sentences. S bi 1.67 Listen. Now you say itt 5B Complete the sentences with much or mony. 1 Idon'thave _ 2. Does he have fi 3 She doesnt have music on her IPoct 4 How. }00kS does he have? 5. They donit know: musicians. 6 We didinthave fun at che art class. Power up ‘How much free time do you have on a school day/ at the weekend? Find a coin and make this speaking activity a game. Wich a partner toke turns to throw the coin, eqD Heads = move forward { square ‘t+ 1. Listen to Katy and Dan talking about Tails = move forward 2 squares "the First tro squares of the board game and, ‘complete their conversation, Dan: You go first, Katy. Katy: OK, Dan. [think this picture is about music, Do youlike 1) listening fo music > Dan: Yes, 12) music Katy: When do you usualy sven to? Inthe evenings. OK, Katy. My turn. Bo you ike 3)? Yes.14) The First person to get to the end of the squares is the winner! Im OK/no rillant at cool What do you 3)____ draw? People -Iin 6) ‘drawing people. Do you want mé to draw you? SKILL ® Dan: Ef,no, thanks. Don’t worry about making mistakes when you're ‘Ask and answer questions with a partner, Use the speaking. It's always better to say something, and pictures on the squares to help you. it’s the best way to learn! 4 Work with a partner. Student A, look at page 132, Student B, look at page 142. Follow the Instructions. WRITING Look at these notices about clubs and answer Power up the students’ questions, 1 What clubs are there for young people in your town? What do you do in your free time? eee Pog We mest every eee) Tuesday @ 3.30 tae in Room 120 ira Bring your (12.90-1.80 p.m) in the eehool brary. A AAR i ; q Beginners welcome! Bu a a a) Lseecicr arene emai r © What time does the football club finish? CU Sipe) f the camera club? im 1 years old. Canigo. ) F tometostbar cut?) {I don't know how to play chess. Can goto the chess “club? ) Have pop music. D0) they sing pop music at tho singing elu? | don't nave a camera, Gan | goto the camera club? g Soren Look ot Mario's email to his friend Lily. What is wrong with ie? J want to go to the singing club with me it's Ieeery thursday evening In the aym at schoo! starts pm. they’ eng ll Kinds of music what do you Language xP Punctuation Use 2 capital letter at the start of sentences and for days of the week, months and names. Use a full stop (_] or question mark (7) at the tend of the sentence. Pur the correct punctuation In Mario's ematl. Plan on Think of a cub you would like to go to. Complete the information about your club oo a: Pores cee rite on SB write an email to a friend. Invite your Friend to your club. SKILL GY Do you need to write an invitation? Remember to write: + Whar the + the time, day and place | Switch on MEET ALI ISABELLA | | 1 Guess the answer. Then watch and check. What kind of music does Ali Isabella sing? A country music B hiphop music © rock music © Are the sentencos (1-5) true (I) or False (F)? 1 Aliisseventeen years ol, 2. The name of her number one song is New York city Girt. 3. She loves writing her own songs, 4 She learns about the music business at college. 5 She performs near her home ancl in the city. 3 Do you think i's easy to be a music star and go to schoo! ar the same time? Why/Wny not? Project 4 Work with a partner. Choose an interesting hobby and prepare some interview questions and answers about it. Take ic in turns to be che interviewer and the person with the hobby. Video your interview, or perform it for the class What is your hobby? iy do you like it? How offen do you doit? READING Power up 7 Ask and answer the questions with a partner. 1 How many texts do you send every day? 2. How many hours do you speak on your mobile phone every day? 3) How many hours do you usea computer every day? Tell the class about you and your partner. Asend fifty texts every day. Maria sends a hundred texts! Read an @ The students at Southshore High Schoo! can't use something for a week. Read the report on page 17 and find ow what they can't use. |B em & Find words in the report with chese meanings, 1. you gointo a building or place here: @__ 2 atest, especially n science, to find out iF Something Istrue:e fi 3. you write your personal thoughts and Feelings in the:a 4 Gifficuleto do or understanci: 5 verygood:g____ 6 tired because you have nothing to do: 0___ SKILL ® Is there a word you don't understand in a text? Try to guess the meaning! The situation and the words before and after can helpyou 4 Read the report agai and answer the questions. {1 What do thé’stients write in every nioming? 2 What does Dann usually send every day? 3) What is Paola doy in hi Free time enis week? 4 How does Auriana feel in the evenings this week? 5 Who is Tomes speakingite more this week? Sum up 'S Who likes the experiment? Who doesn’: like Put the correct symbol next to each person and calk to your partner. Danni doesnt tke the experiment. ‘ONT BY ISOBEL SANTOS Southshore High School, !m looking at the students and there rE 8.20 In the moming. I'm standing next te the entrance to s something very different today. They aren't texting, emailing or talking on their mobile phones. Why? The students at Southshore High School are taking pert in an ‘experiment. Can they Ive without technology for a week? This means no Facebook, no Twitter. no emails, no taxts, no television end no mobile phones. Each morning they write about their thoughts and feelings in their school dary. So, what do the students think? Day2 Dhesrerietieeh anton ei {Do fess aday. Tas ws nol log Dye tomy arte eceeuieeg soon teen ety Speak up Tim enyeying it. T usually spend 0 ny free tine on my puter, Esualy ears iy the evenings! T lke looking a* mune websites, New fm deg other things. Lis Piayong fy guitar ard ang Sswimennge E think d's reas! P01 Tim missing wy mobile aplal to my Brenda 19 The evening, We fk ar ehat onlene, Vow T dort kacse what fs de Im realy bored. [wast ny mobile phere at computer back novel ADRANA. 15, © cantiive wichourit? | usnally downoad music Fron the Internet nd ow | can't. Every tine T have in idea, 1 want to text ary Friends ‘Fp on Facetec. Ihe changing, though. Im easing & lot more nd talking to my Fanily more. 12'S really difSeutt, tart | thine i's goed For va TOMAS 15 Can you live without a mobile phone or a computer for a week? Why/Why not? Give three reasons, cant iive witnout my mobile phone for a week because | call my friends every day. ‘can live without my mobile phone because | don? use it a fot Welave gadaers! | oe VOCABULARY Technology DvD pbyer hi 1 Find these things in the picture, Which thing ic laptop mobile phone mouse, not in the picture? 3player Scteen speakers webca fohones keyboard Shee a, 3 Match the words to make phrases. Pe. Look at how we say email addresses, websites 2 anemail aia Roe i 2 send b online Pees SURE ! 3 sur © must Katyt&@hoimaitcom | 4 download the Intermet katy fourteen at hotmail dot com wri stamart:com 4 Choose the correct words. www der stomart det com 1. After schoo! | ike to surt the Internetsereen. oh (0r zero) double 789 627 4383 {ke to look at lots of sports websites. 2. This is my Favourite mouse/website — Itsels great clothes, CER He la done tana & SMil2.2 Listen to the answerphone messages download laptops/music from whe Internet. pea cae informatan 4 My brother has a great cOraeocam 1 Menoys Musi Schoo Te Bo you wart to leten tok? 2 Jennies email adcress 5. My mouse/inerner doesnt work 3. Thesporscentic website: | need to buy anew one. m © Ive gota new webcam /laprop. | watch DVDs on it, Speak up 5 How da you eat to your ends Isepore mmeeryoumom esd ien aa | ‘on Facebook face to face \ and write the information, } \ Z {ete tomy ety ton on Feb: 7 Grammar xP Tatking avout now esant continuous to be + verb +-ing Bie someting happening now 8S !'m standing next to the entronce to Southshore High Schoo © Mestwdents arent texting Ser temporary situations © Mis week I'm talking to my Family more. © tre wok rm not senaing ony texts Remember the spelling changes: sit~ sitting sake ~ making 84 22-4 Listen, Now you say it! ‘Complete the sentences with the present “continuous form of the verbs. Elia ’s talking talk) toher friend on her mobile phone 2 You can't use the computer now. Mark (end) an email, 31 (not play) computer games. 1 —___{¢o) my homework! 4 They dort want to go out They. {ovatch) a good fim. Complete Emma’s message with the present continuous form of these verbs. have look (not) miss visit 5 We (downioad) some muste at the moment. 6 (00K) for some information on the Internet, lggins >) To: Martin Details |, Martin England's brilliant - 11) 'm having | 2 great timel 1 2) home at all! We 3) lots of coal things. Today we 4) London. Im in the London Science | Museum at the moment. Right now 15)___ at some rock from the moon! Oh no ~ the man from the museum isn’t happy. 1 6) now. From: Emma.higgensé@dcs. ac uk Bye! 4 Work witha partner: Choose an activity and do the actions, Your partner guesses what you are doing. drink eat laugh paint read run sleep study swim Write on 5 Write two sentences about what you are doing now. Write two sentences about what youre not doing now. Vn sitting next to Billy Vm nol listening to mast LISTENING | Power up 1 Look at these robots. Which do you like? Why? 2 Think of three jobs for your robot. The sobot cleans my football boots! 3 *€i|2.5 Listen to a woman on the radio talking about a robot exhibition. Complete the table. Number ofrobots | 2 Robot dog from 3 _ Competition: 4 aroboe Prize: 5 Exbibiton ticker price: |6 © Exam ¥ Before you listen, look at the fable carefully. What kind of information do you need? Is it a pricey a name, a number? K Present continuous and present simple Use the present simple for a regular activity Thes ts usually have their science Use the presene continuous for now, today or around this 4 Complete these sentences with the present simple or present continuous form ofthe verbs. 1 Lusually (do) my work on the computer, buti______ (wate) i today. 2 We (have) Science Club on Fraay this week, but ie (62) normally on, Tuesdays. 3. Mymum {Grive) us to school tocay, bout we usually __{wall}. 4 | normally (text) my fiends, bue my phone + (ot work) at the moment. © caretivewithour ie? Saying where people or things are 7 next to Rob sehind the ing opposite mr 4 Workewith a partner. Toke is happening in the pictures, Jt good to take photos in these places? atschool ata wedding ina restaurant inamuseum ataparty ina theatre peak up M012 6 Sam is talking about a photo on her “mobile phone. Listen and complete the text with “hese words and phrases, id between In frontof nextto oppesite isa picture of my Fonds and me. We're having a ce lesson We've dolng an experiment. 'm the girl h blonde hair. tm sicting down. Our teacher's sitting Opposite. me. She's called Ms Brown. My bes: "end Sarah is stanaing 2) me. Snes sanding 3)_____ Mark, Nly eausin Adam is in my oss, He's sitting at the table 4) Rob and tet. Rachel i the other girl who is standing up. Rob is Biting 5) her fea to help you think hey having Can't Live without it? sd about Sylvia's Favourite gadget answer the questions. Svourite gadgets my o-book. its black and it very big. lleva my o-book because | always Jots oF books to read. I can have 1,500 books but | only have forty-five Tove reading on ‘us. mnever bored with my e-book! Comment ws |P eS ies Ss What's Syva's favourite gadget? e-book What colour and size fi Wihy does she kei? & Where does she like using it? anon ‘Read the advert from a teen magazine enc answer the questions about your “favourite gadget. mber 1 gadget competition! What is the number 1 favourite gadget for teenagers? Tell us what your favourite gadgat is There Is £100 for the best competition entry! What Is your favourite gadget? What does it look like? [What colour is 2 What size isi?) Why do you ike I? Where do you lke using ic? rite on Write about your Favourite gadget for the magazine competition. Use your answers to the questions in Exercise 6 to help you. KILL G think of all the key words you can in your descript | | | ; I t Witch on WE LOVE GADGETS! sain 1 Guess the answer. Then watch and check, All of the people in the video say their phoneis their Favourite gadget. True or false? | i : | Purine questions trom the video in the correct order. How importants your mabile prone? at's your favourite gadget? | What ind of things do you co ontine? | Hovrdo you keep in contact with your fends? 3 What gadget would you like to have? Why? @ Make your owmn report on teens ancl technology. Use the questions from the video. ‘or think of your oven. Put your results in a poster or make a video of your report. To our class, five stuctents say thelr favourtte gadget fs their mobile phone. ‘Most students use Facebook to keep fn contact with their iiends. | } | Project { | Revision VOCABULARY 11 Complete each sentence with the -ing form of ‘one of these verbs. cook dance draw fish paint tead sing 1 Mybrothertoves _ singing. He's gota grest voice 2 Joshua has lots of diferent brushes. He loves: 3 love conics. lenjoy them in bed before go 10 sleep. 4 Rosas hoboy is - She has special shoes and goes to lessons. 5. Every summer my grandpa takes me in his boat, 6 —__ismy hobby always have a pencil and some paper with me. 7. Ben makes Fantastic food. He's really good at i 2 Compiete the table with these words. afilm chess comics computer games DVDs ona sleepover Postcards shopping stamps tomy IPod toxhe-cinema to music the guitar Pee et Match the sencence halves. 1 Peter's tstening a afilm on thelr tapsop, 2. Her brocher’s playing, b to the cinema on Saturday night? 3 Doyouvanttogo | € coher favourite song. 4 Mysistercolects | @ anewgame onhis ox with his Friend 5 Theyrewatching Le _tothenew album by Dream. 6 Rachels istening fF _pencil cases, She's got hundreds of them! a eso 4 Choose the odd word out. 1 mouse sereen Keyboard 2 MP3 player mouse headphones speakers 3 draw point dance chess 4 webcam dawnload surf chat 5 magazine comic MP3 player book 6 DVD player mobilephone MP3 player ‘surf the Internet 5 Read the article. Choose the best answer, A, B or C for each space. What do you do with your laptop? 1 do lots of things with my Taptop. In the evenings, [often 1) online with my friends. I sometimes send my homework to my teacher by 2} Every Sunday evening I speak to my grandparents in France online. Luse the 3) __and we can sec each other. Talso use my laptop when I'm relaxing. 14) all my music —I never buy Ds. [ can watch 5) or my favourite TV programmes on my laptop. In the evenings, I like 6) the Internet. | often find new clothes, music or books. I can’t live without my laptop! 1 8 see © meet 2 Abuser — Bemal screen 3 A mouse — B heyboard C webcom 4% Adownload Bisien — C buy S Amsic Brews C DVDs 6 Avesdng 8 surfing —_C looking MMAR the words in the correct order to sentences. Y never / comics. /1 I never read. comics, must /fsiens (Jasmine / isthe evenings. ! abacys swath our grandea, (sometimes / chess / We / play ly / Thay { on Thursdays, / dance lessons / nave ‘often / tothe cinema / My friends / go / ae the sweckend, cock ! dont usually / Mark andl lames g> / denttoften /inthe winter! fishing / You “esusly / with my Fencs. /1/ shopping / go the questions (1-8) with the 15 (AH). Does you grandma have a mobile phone? C Whot kind of music do you listen to? How many texts do you send every day? Bo you wie ina diary? Does your dad like cooking? How often does your brother surt the Inerner? ‘Bo your parents Ike playing computer games? What's your sister's hobby? Every evening. No. they dont. Yes, she does Dancing. Hip hop, Yes, he does. About 50. No. I dont jose the correct verbs. Kirsty and Jane go/are going fishing every merkend {con't come now. send/im sending an email te my teacher. Rob and Sara usually chat/are chatting online to their cousins in Australia, Dont turn the computer off. 'm downloading/ dowsntoad some music Look, do you like this? | craw‘in drawing a picture of my cat. We never watch/are watching TV before schoo). 'S complete the sentences with much or many 1. Liam loves the guitar. but he doesn'thave much time to practise 2. Dothey have hobbies? 3 How Free time do you have every week? 4. They don’t have music on their laptop. 5 Doyouknowhow —___people go tothe chess clut 6 love shopping bur | don'c have money. 7 Does Lily have __ DVDs at home? 8 Anna and Mario didn’t have funat the dance class. 10 Complete the biog with one word for each space. | This is my second woek at Tal Trees Summer Camp. t's 1)__an amazing place! You can do tots 2) different activities. My hobby 3) dancing and my sister loves singing, Every morning we go to singing and dancing lessons. You can also learn to 4) the guitar. There is @ really good guitar teacher. In the afternoons, you can do cooking lessons or art lessons. I dont Hk ‘ooking, 5) ‘enjoy drawing, In the evenings, you can play computer games, _____ fms or listen to music. sitting in the computer room now with some of my friends. We 8) choosing our activities for tomorrow. wy25 it Unlike - Comment READING Power up 3 Read the article on page 27 about a school in Northern Ireland. Match the headings (1-5) with ‘Match the school subjects with the photos. ac CoN uae Weeaan Cais Whats lip dub? B ‘The story and che music Agreatidea Fun for everyone ‘Making the lip dub SkiLL ® Don't choose an answer just because the paragraph has che same word. Read the whole paragraph ‘carefully 4 Read the text again. Are the sencences (1-6) true (T) or false (F}? People talk ona lip cub. F Stephen Robinson is @ PE teacher Friends isthe name ofa Brtish TV programme. ‘More than 1,000 students made the lip dub. Seuclents and adults were in the lip dub. ‘The students loved making the lip dub, auhwne Sum up 5 How do you make a school lip dub? Use these words to help you. add music to the video choose as ance and s! ‘lm different places in the school lla story use a-digital-camera You use a digital camera. Do you think ip dub of your schoo! is 2 good idea? What woul! you like to show in your school? Can you think of a song you would like tose? 2 Do you do any subjects that aren't here? Whar are your favourite subjects? How do you tell the world your school is special? Make a ‘lip dub’ video! That's what the students and teachers from the Friends’ School in Lisburn, Northern Ireland did. The result was an avernight Internet hit! When PE teacher Stephen Robinson decided to make a lip dub about Friends’ School in Lisburn, the students were very excited, Their 11-minute video tells the story of a gir’s fist day al thelr school. She arrives at the school, the deor opens land the music begins. The teachers at the Friends’ school weren't surprised whon their students chase the music from the American TV programme Friends. At their school friends are important, A lip dub is a kind of music video. A group of peopie sing and dance and a ‘cameraperson tims them. Later a timmeker ‘adds the original song to the video. In the \iideo you hear the onginal song. You don't hear the people on the video. The idea for the first Schoo! lip dub came fram Germany. You can watch some schoo! lip dubs on. Internet sites such as YouTube. ai ‘Nearly 1,000 students and teachers worked ‘on the lip dub. The students wrote their ideas on big boards and decided which places in the school they wanted to show. They made it with a digital camcorder, a ‘tripod and a computer. The cameraperson {limes the students in classrooms, the science lab and the aym. There was irish dancing, gymnastics and rock climbing Even the cooks from the school canteen danced and sang. In the first 48 hours more than 65,000 people watchod it © The lip du ends at the sports fila. The students and teachers are dancing, running, singing and having fun. They say they enjoyed every minute of the video. ‘Some students describad it as a fantastic and amazing experience. One thing is sure: they all love their schoo! VOCABULARY School and education 1 ¢l3.1 Naenan is ghing a tour of the senoot eo a new student. ere are they? Number the places Im che correct eraer canteen library classroom science lab gym 1 @ E22 Listen and check your answers. ind these things in the picture. One thing isn't there! board desk mark notebook Pencil case school uniform timetable 4 Complete the phrases in 1-5 with these verbs. get have‘de learn wear write 1 homework, an exam/a test 2 a schoot uniform, atie 2 onthe board, in your notebook 4 a language, French 5 2 good mark, a prize 5S Read Amy's email to her friend Lucas about her new school. Choose the correct answer. Hi, Lucas Do you like the phato? | don't like 1) wearing doing a schoo! uniform, especially when I's hot. Apart from that my new school is great and Pm 2) havingllearning Spanish! We had a quiz yesterday and | won. | 3) dlaigot a prize. The only protier is, we 4) have/write 2 lot oF homework. | hope Ido well in the exam. | really ‘want to 5) fo/ge! a good mark. We can sometimes put two words together to make a compound noun. They can be together ‘or separate, elessiocm science lab © Find more compound nouns on this page. Say a word from this page. Your partner says a word or phrase that goes with it. You get one point for a correct phrase. Lunitorm — wear a uniform! Speak up 7 Where do you go when you have a break at school? Where do you go to meet friends at schoo!? We @echoot 4 Make questions and short answers, 1 Emma / have an exam / Monday? rammar xP Did. Emma. have an exam on Monday? Yes, she did. about the past 2 she / see her friends / Tuesday? Beale 3 she / finish her homework / Weonesday? 4 Emma and Advlan / play cennis / Thurscay? she past simple of be for something that started —§__Emma and her friends / go toa party / Hiday? finished in the past, eas an oucenight Interne hi 5 Complete the article in a school magezine reachersatthe Friend School eren'tsurprised, ya Correct Form of the werbo, Was he ot schol yesterdoy? Yes, he was./No, he arrive be come get go i -ec to form the regular past simple, but be Fake inetepesk =ful of speliing changes. Bor'y 1,000 Swodents and teachers worked on he Ip auo, She didn’t dance in the video Did tney watch the lip curb? Ves, they did. /No, they didn. ne Inegulr verbs do not use eet Why | love Milton ‘wrote their ideas on big boares He did’ wie In his notebook High School Did she Fincher bag? Yes, she did /Mo, she didn’ va ney student in this school and | 54 Listen and repeat these past simple love it. 11)_¢ame _here from mrbs. Do they end in /d,/t/ or /td/? Bogota in Colombia Because my dad 2 __ Jobat the unwvoraity. plete the conversation. Use was/were or When t 3). the teachers and sn't/weren’t. ‘the students 4)_"___great. 1 How 1)__Was school today, Elena? 5) the language but I soon 1e2)________greatbutia)_— 6) ___ lots of friends, jn the first lass week 7) to:then ports 4) youn anexam? Now | ove speaking English No, 15) i6)__ina lip duo! ‘lip dub? Coot Yes.Sam 7) int. too, He was breakdancer 8) Hannan anc Adam there, 3 (oo? write om No, they 9) ‘They had an exam, 5 Write three things you did or dict do yesterday. int cid Emma do last week? Wee aftrmatine | Ef" kame UE ‘and negative sentences. 4 Monday have an exam ¥ 2 Tuessay: see her friends x 3 Wednesday: rinish her homework ¥ 4 Thursday: play tennis with Adrian X 5 Friday: go toa party with Friends / STENING Power up 1 Read tne sentences about different schools. Are they true for you? De you like the ideas? a Mei, Choa | We have two hours far iuncn, Lism, Australis “My summer holidays start in December. HE oe sisi We don't wear a uniform i i Camille, Francs | _{{ $90 to seal on Saturday. } 2 José, Mexico |.go to schoo! in the afternoon. ) q I Adana, Nigeria LL Minish setool at § p.m. >) Listen up ® d)].2.4 Listen to Grace talking to a friend about a school she visited. Which student in Exercise 1 ddoes she mention? 3_ Ad)]5.5 Listen again and answer the questions. 1. What was Grace's holiday lke? 2 Where did she go at the weekend? 3. What was the canteen food like? 4 5 What cic Grace do in the morning? What dic they do after school? Gaye nr a SKiLLE Read the questions and decide what type of information you are looking for. Is it an adject place, a person or a time? 4 7 Complete the sentences. 1 Jost is Grace's _cousin 2 Grace thought the were big. 3. Grace went om holiday to. 4 Jose classes started at _ Finished at __ 5 José did his homework in the 36 tster again ane thee your answers [ita slee ld Past simple questions Use was/were and was/wasn't with the verb be. Wes # good? Yes, it was./No, It wasnt Use aa + Infinitive to ask questions with other verbs. Did you see ine gym? Ves, | di.(No, tn’. Use wh- questions + ala + Inrinitive. Where dia you stay? ‘Some past simple questions use time phrases: fast week, two hours ogo, last year Whar did you do after sehoo!? ‘Match the questions with the answers, 1 Where did you meet? a Artwo o'clock 2. When did youleae? We had lunch, 3. What did you do? © £3.50. ‘4 What was the food ke? d_Itwas amazing. 5 Howmuchwasit? e._Inthe canteen. Which question asks for: a aprice? 5 & atime? anaction? 4d aplace? @ adescription? We @ school © Ask and answer your questions in Exercise 2 with a partner, ok at the places and choose a time, Ask and Did you have an exam yesterday? ) Snver questions with 2 partner. — ‘i Coriaeionsesidh = Speak up 4. 443 7iisen a the eareepeat Comin Sore OOS ATD tere wereyouseuncininer won the game? 3 dic you do today? inthe gym inbed in the canteen 4 dig you go. 5 Look at the underlined information. Think of eo gum “sanccm is 1 went 9 the cinema. Gonnassid Were dod you 90? 2. tinas athome ist night. many questions can you make in three 3. finished at nine o'clock. “4 ae ee 4 | played a football game. ites? You get one point for each question, © ica oae 6 (had pizza and salad for lunch, S Work with a partner. Ask and answer questions in the past simple. Use the prompts below, ‘Student A: what / you / do / after schoo! yesterday? who / you / see / at the weeKend? when / you / finish / your homework / last night? Student B: what TV programme / you / watch / yesterday? winat/ you / eat / last night? winere / you / go / after school yesterday? SKILL E Remember to speak clearly and if you don't “understand, ask Could you repeat the question, please? or Could you say that again, please? F Work with a partner. Student A, look at page 132. ‘Student B, look at page 142. Follow the Instructions, Did you have WRITING Power up 11 What after-school club does your schoo! have? © Read about Australian student Chelsea's First day at a new school in Canada. Find these words and phrases. at lunchtime then after science after that before first | Monday My first day at sehoel in | Canada and was very nervous. The students were great but they couldn't understand my English! The teachers gave vs a timetable. Firstwe had a mathscloss. Then we went to the science lab. It wos brilliant oad I enjoyed doing the experiment. After science we had a break and met some students from the after-school glee club. They sing and dance. They asked me lots of questions about Australia and wanted te know my favourite pop group. After that we had twa hours of PE. We played football butT didn't play very welll Atlonchtime we went to the canteen. late lots because I was hungry after football. When we wentbackta class we had a history test The teacher was nice but the test wes difficult! Before I lett; I went to the glee clubto see my new friends. Everybody was very friendly andl sang a song. They all iked it! B Put the things Chelsea did in the correct order. had a history test went to the glee ub went to the science lab hed PE had a maths class 1 hada break amono> Planon 4 Read this list. What do you like at school? Ada two more Ideas, wt deing sport % going on school trips o making friends : +h getting good marks % eooking # joining new clubs : 2 singing in class Es doing science experiments i ompeition nthe school ‘magazine. Choose the corre sie ere ena Who did you Rae We @ echoal magazine wants students to Sbiog paragraph. eletter the competition, students can Be about 2 alficul day at schoo. sheir first day at schoo). 2 very good day at schoo. ite on © a paragraph about a great day “schoo! For the school magazine, Use Sdeas in Exercise 4 and the words the Language XP. eee) break/Iurich/meths ite do you want to write about? Make a list, iput the list in the correct order, Switch on WELCOME TS OUR SCHOOL ae es ‘ 1 You are going to watch a lip dub of the Friends’ School in Lisburn, Northern Ireland, What and who do you think you will sec? Watch and check. achoir aDJ ascience teacher balloons the gym the head teacher © Choose the correct answer. 1 Atthe beginning ofthe video, same students ate going intorcoming out of school, 2 The lip dub invalved! nearly one hunared/ thousand pupils, 3. Pé teacher Steohen Robinson made the lip dub with ex pupi/producer Matthew Good. 4. Steghen saw a great lip dub video on YouTube from Ganada/Cotumbia. 5. The aim of the lip dub was to help students find @ happy placespace. 6 The students foung the fiming experience unforgettable/un believable. 3 What do you think the students enjoyed most when they made their lip dub? Project 4 Work in small groups. Imagine you are going, to make a lip dub about your school. Decide where you want to film and who is in i. Think ‘of some music you can se. Make a poster ‘oF your ideas and present it to the class, You ould make a video of each presentation and decide who has the best idea. Where? the science lab, the canteen and the sports feta Wino? students, teaches. the people who work in the canteen Wat music? We want io use... because. What a bargain! READING Read on Power as Skill F J Match these words with the photos (A-G). Vihen you're reading an article, first read it quickly and try to find the main point 4 Read the magazine article on page 35 quickly. Match the pictures (A-D) with the stories (1-4). {5 Find words in the article that mean the following: something for sale ata very good price soft shoes you wear in the house said loudly the son or daughter ef your aunt and/or uncle 2 big shop that sells fats of different things, put on clothes in a shop before you buy them nan or boy Nowe wns B Complece tie sencences with one word from the article. 1 Harry's mum gies eailyin the moming. 2 Kare prefers gongio 3 Kate wanted to Somebody else's sweater, 4 Jackies the _ in the department store, 5 Jack thought ‘has the shop assistant 6 When Naomi saw the coo! guy, she was in a shop. 2 dil 4.1 Listen and check your answers. sum up & Choose one of the stories in Exercise 4. Tell itto your partner. Harry ment to the supermarket with his mur He didn't want t0 go. 2 where can you buy the things in the photos? Speak up clothes shop supermarket 3 Which is the Funniest story? Why? mule shop bookshop sports shop computer shop ‘IG Can you tel a story about shopping? Where did mare you go? Whe were you with? What happened? J went :o.0 market with my fend but Hast my money. J wos fn 6 Supermarket and Isaus¢ guy from a TV programme 3 Make a lst of three things you ean buy in each shop. You get one point For a word nobody else has! Qa Guar a = > © wWheatabargains Shopping is often tun. You meet your fends, you find a bargain and you spend your birthday money. But sometimes it all ‘g0es wrong! Last week TeenMag asked for your funny shopping stories. Here are ur favourites. 4) Leet Scturday, Mum asked me to go shepring. | Ws easier when you come wilh me, Harry,’ she Sad. Youcanbap me viththebags’ iddi'i want 4 go. Nothing is more bexing than shopping and Mum always goes early in the moming, Wren ‘ee arved, Mum looted surprisod. What's tho mattor?'| ackod, ‘Hany! checaid, Youre wearing your clippers!" Harry 2) | ove mariats They're mere interesting tan Shops and te clotnes ara chaspor. One cay found a britant svostsr and I ‘ried t on Tht looks great!) my fiends sald. But when went fo buy it 2 gil behind me shouted, Hey, that's my Swealon | took I off because was tot Kate 3) My cousin and | were in a department store IPs bigger than the shops in our town ane the clothes are bette | warted! to try on some jeans. Can | try these on, please?” | acked tie shop assistant. Shewas realy rice, She smlodand sad, ‘Sorry, | Sont work here. ma customer’ Jack 4) I yas i a music shop with my frend and we sev a really cool quy. {tad bottle of col in ry hand, “You cart orink In hea, the shop assstant said ‘t's OK,’ sald, Tm leaving now" But wen tured to go, | dropped the bottle and the cola exploded all over the guy! | don't know who was nore embarassed. Naomi Bs eertenine elie SS ey at 6 VDEABULARY Shopping ‘T-maten the sentences (1-8) with the (Spot pictures (A-H). an pay with a card? £9,992 That's a great price, The shop assistant puts the jeans in a bag. ‘The shop is open every day from 9 a.m. to5 p.m, Sorry. We only take cash, The computer shap is dosed on Sundays. The customers want to pay, Your receipt is in the bag. Le CU 9 Mm roe Eee 2 choose the correct word. 1 The bargain‘prie says how much you pay or serrct 2 Tamays ove cashancomerin my bag 3A shop assetanveustomer helps youn a shop 44 TnatoooK nas £0 astweek, Now Is ony #5 ‘Thatsa recepe“barzant Uhavest got ary money with me. Con pay with tah ener Tanicbuy the jeans tthe moment. The shops pated inch, Geiss 3 Complete the email with these verbs. cost bought saving spend paid Hi, Melissa Paris is great! Yesterday we went to @ brilliant market, 12) anew T-shirt. It only 2) five euros, I also got some boots. Mum 3) for them. because they were my birthday present. L con't want to 4) all my money because I'm 5) — for a new skateboard. ‘See you soon, Jessica Do you want to know the price of something? How much is jtare they? l'sitheyre 50 I¢sfive pounds Attys five fifty. 20p ws cwenty p. €10.50 ‘They're ten euros fifty. 90¢ esininety cents. 4il4.2 Listen, Which price do you hear? 2 $399) 38,5 [voc (1Be GR Ge + ER Ge Close your books. Write six words from this page, You have 30 seconds. Speak up 5 Ask and answer with a partner. When did you lost buy something with cash? What was i? How much cfd te cost? comparisons parative adjectives comparative adjectives to compare two ‘or things. er For short adjectives: cheaper Jcthes are cheaper than in small shops, pizza ic nieer than the pasta jange adjectives ending in -/ to -i: easier beasier than shopping in tovm, people are friendlier here than in my town, more/less before long adjectives: more esting, less expensive, hops are more Interesting than clothes red dress is more expensive than the black E= the irregular form for some adjectives: good - etter, bad - worse, far ~ farther/further Bricts are better than shops. se is Farther oway form the school 43-4 Listen. Now you say it! ose the correct words. Department stores in the USA are bigger/biger chan in the UK. Markets are more interesting than/as shops. My computer is more fast/faster than the computers at school, ion't ke Beyonce's new CD. It's bovinger! more baring than the lost one, That new sports shop is more bad/varse than the old one! They haven't got any skateboards, The red shoes are nicer/more nice than the black ones. iplete Julia's shopping blog with the best f, A, B or C For each space. What a bargaint Every Saturday I go to Ocean Park Shopping Centre, Shopping at the centre is easier ) hopping in town because everything is in one place. There’s also an amazing cinema, It's2)__than the ‘one in town. The tickets are expensive but the films are always 3) ‘There are lots of cool shops and the prices are 4) oo. After shopping | always go to an Italian restaurant because the pizzas are brilliant. They're nicer the ones my mum makes and she’s Malian! 1 Az B than € that 2 Rbiger Bmorcbiz ¢ bigeer 3 A worse Bete — ¢ goover 4 A cheaper than B more theap € cheaper 5 Athan Bas © that Wwritelon ‘4 Which do you prefer, shopping online or ‘shopping in a department siore? Wire three or four sentences. Use these ideas, cheaper easier faster e interesting prices shop assistant ‘Shopping online is caster than lehepping. in @ department store, Shopping in a department stare Listen up BA 4.5 Listen to five conversations in a shoppir centre. Choose the best answer. A, B oF C. a i} : i$ Exam F Hiri ‘Always look atthe pictures before you listen, This tll help you listen for the correce Mformaion, 1. Who is Tom shopping with? 2 What does Mary want to buy For her mum? 3 Which shop assistant is Rosie's cousin? ene 4 What die Wil buy online? 5 Where did Ava buy her new trainers? B dil 4.6 Listen again and answer the questions. What did Tom buy? What is Mary drinking? Who is Rosie's cousin helping? Whot i the name of the viebsite Will used? (On which dey did Ava buy her trainers? Pcrammarxe ON ‘Superlative adjectives Use superlative adjectives to compare three or more things: Use the +-est for short adectives, She's the youngest shop assfstant here, Use the _. fest for adiectives ending in-y. Online shopping Is the eastest way fo shop. Use the + mast/least for long adjectives. 1S the most expensive shop in our tovin! anon ‘Some adjectives are irregular: good - est ‘bad ~ worst. is the best website! 4 “41 47-6 Listen, Now you say it! 5 Complete the sentences with the superlative form of the adjectives, 1 Thisis (busy) shopping centre know. ore 2 Hels _ (helprul) shop assistant in the sports shop. . 3 tsb 1d) laptop in the shop. ‘4 This s___(big) market in the country. 5 Batley the department stores tal) bulla In curtonn. | Work with a partner. Take it in turns to talk about the shops in your town. The cheapest shop in my town ls Supersaver. The clothes in Flow are better than the cothes in Street Style @ wratabarcain eet ete) In ve a look a Ts hes) How mur Howe you gat any otner Here you ave. Thanks, but | don wane this one. way to sell ching? Why? 4 Which of these things would you like to buy at a table-top sale? Which things would you not like to buy? Why? football aneckiace a rucksack asweatshirt watch 5 Work with a partner. Have a conversation at a table-top sale. Use the conversation in Exercise 2 and the Language XP to help you. Take it in turns to be Student A and Student B. Student A: } | You want te buy something ata table-top | Look at the things in Exercise 4. | What do you want te by) Eechel is selling some of her things at a table- ® sale. Read the conversation, Choose the best fer (A-F) for each space. You don’ need all Student B: | _ You are selling things ata table-top a sale. How much do the things in + Yess Exercise 4 cost? Yes, there afe two more here and theyte ‘cheaper! That on =its a bargin! i he eg SKILL Y Rachel: ‘Thanks. BYe! Listen carefully to your partner. Show you are ow anja interested in the conversation and iook at your ‘Oh, ve got this one. Have you gotany Rarer anor ee age e other gamect Hi. Can | have a look at this compiiter game? © Work with 2 partner, Student A, look at page Gan try itor? 132, Student B, look at page 142. Follove the Briliant! Here you are. instructions. (Oh, this one’s great! How much Is ie) 4.9 Listen and check your answers, Then tise the conversation with a partner. WRITING Power up ‘1 Think about your favourite shop. What things about this shop are important to you? Choose 1-5 for these things (1 - most important). the shop assistants the music they play in the shop. the prices where the shop is when the shop fs apen 2 What are the most and feast popular shops in your town? Why do people like or not like these shops? 3 Read about Carts favourite shop. Find these things, 1. the best thing about the shop 2 3 4 5 ‘carl Hi. My name's Carl, My favourite shop's eallea Thunder. 1's in Liverpool. Thunder sells clothes ane ‘shoes. The best thing ebaut this shop is the music they play! I love going there with my friends, The ‘worst thing about the shop Is that Its really busy on Saturdays. 44 September at 09:24 Comment «Uke 4 Read about Daniel's Favourite shop. Complete the spaces with these words. cheaper place prices sells shop assistants 1 Daniella, My favourite to shop is Caled Dect Sport. Its 2 shop in Bristol. Direct Sport 2) al kinds of spoits clthes and traires. ‘The best thing about this shop is that the 3) a lew. The things here are 4 thar in other sports shops, The worst thing about Direct Sport is that the ____ are sometirnes unfriendly, What shops are hot (or not!) in your town? (OOO NON Yeoman ea a ‘werd lke to know what you think about the shops in your town, What ie your favourte shap called? Where is your favourite shop? What does the ‘shop sa? What is the best thing about the shop? ® write and tellus! “The best competition entry will win £1008 What a bargain! 2 sentences come from petition entries, Put them under ‘correct heading: Name of shop, ere itis, What it sells, Best thing, it sin London. The best thing is thal the shop ‘assistants know lots about cycling My favourice shop's called Tonie’s Jove the necklaces they sell ool Rider is my favourite shop. isin Athens. Is bikes and elathes for eyeling. You can buy bags and jewellery in this, shop. iuL® to make your writing interesting? make notes first 50 you have a to foliow. snk of your Favourite shop and make ofthe clothes me best thing Is that rite on rite your entry For the magazine competition in Exercise 5. Virite about 40 words. Sele elo Sy LET’S GO SHOPPIN 1 Guess the answer. Then watch and check. Luke and Emma go to.a market. Who buys these things? belt book coat earrings hat necklace skateboard sweater @ Are the sentences true (T) or False (F)? Luke doesn't usually go to markets. Emma wants to buy a est, Emma tries on a black hat Luke prefers the leather jacket to the green one. mma thinks the hat is a pood price. Luke finds a cheap skateboard. ounwne 3 De you lke buying things in markets? Why/ANhy not? Project 4 Work in small groups. Prepare four questions for a short shopping survey. Take icin turns to intervievs each other, Video the interviews if you like, Use your results to make 2 poster for the classroom. iat are the best shops for teens where you live and way? ‘Four people think Héha's the Dest shop becouse they like the clothes. (Sy Revision VOCABULARY 1 Read the descriptions. What is the word for each one? 1 Aplace where you at atschool canteen 2. Aschool subjecrthat teaches you about the past he 3 Aroutcoar place ora big building where you buy fndsell things m 4 A pcrson who buys things ina shop 5. Special lowes you weer for schoo! © A.baoK that gives a list of words and explains Whattheymean B Match the words to make compound nouns, ¥ class. a book 2 shop)» shop 3 penct Ce wom 4 clothes sesietant 5 note e case 3 Choose the correct word. 1. Sir, can you do/waite the answers on the board, please? 2. Nathan ise buying arything today because he's saving Spensingh's money for the holidays 3 We caric go inco the shop because it's openvclosect for the day. 4 Onno! | cantttake these shoes back to the shop because | haven't got the price/receiptfor them 5 The best way to learn /geta language 5 to live in the country, 6 I'm going to the fbrary/bookshop want to borrow a book for my geography homework. 4 Choose the best answer, A, Bor C. 1 the eretenia ada ue ‘didn't have basketball taday. da bee Ore AE aie i Rename maths ety dy a 2 TWaheto etn to a song on my Ped but cant oy A-cerphones B laptop ¢ music shop: 4 Jake's got some cool new jeans, They only £10. Abuy B cost € pay 5 Hove science andl always get 2 good when we have 2 test Aeam Bboard — C mark © Olivia wants to buy some shoes, but she hasn't got any money and she canit pay with a in this shop. Acard Beast ¢ price Choose the best answer, A, B or C to complete the conversations. 1 Look at this hat es only hve euros, p How muchiste B We got the receipt © isaterg 2 ave you got these shoes in another colour? 1A ves ents he B Not realy © esynere you are, 3. What are they doing? 1 They learning French Buses epee € tesarcand Mistry today 4 Canttry eon! 1h Ves, ofcourse B Notacal © You cant aot 5 How much isi A tee cosed B ttst10 © Theyre cheap, AMMAR the past simple form of the verbs. be = was/were = G start pave T speak choose B sce errive 9 can = ch the questions with the answers. ‘Did Sam have an exam yesterday? C ‘Were they in the bookshop? Bid you get o good mark in the test? Was the shop closed? Dic they buy the trainers? ‘Were you in cass this morning? No, | aidn'. No, I wasnt Yves, he did. Yes, it was. No. they werent. Yes, they diel plete the sentences with the past tense of verbs. Max__went —_{go):o che canteen dering the break 2 The teacher. the board Emily ___ (not. see) her friends after sctiook (write) the ansivers on. you (pay) forthe laptop with cash? t (ind) the notebook under the desk Lucas and Patrick. (not wean) schoo! uniform when they (be) at school (oa) they in a French class this morning? ite the comparative or superiative form of the ijectives in the space. ‘Ben likes learning German, He thinks itis easier (easy) than French. Think my school is___ {good in the world, Everybody is really friendly. | hopping with your friends is (inceresting) than shapoing with your fa 4 My new trainers were (cheap) than my last ones and they"e (geod) 5 James bought (expensive) jacket in the shoo! 6 ove the markets in London. Theyre (big) than the market in my town. ‘IO Complete each space in the blog and comments with one word. WordSchool, ~~ ‘Do you like your school? Tell us about it. \ started at my school a year 1)__4g2 | angie tits snater2}— ‘yo scrodl butte gota Brliartaym, nice | ‘cassrcoms and 3 hue trary. | 3 __ best plage inthe school is tha canteen and everybody goas there at lunchtime. On my first cay [had @ scence: toot but 4) brillant mark. 15) _____realy nagpy. Now ve got Jots of new friend, ee READING | Power up 1 Look at the photos, What do you like reading about in history lessons? i @ Work with a partner. Name a famous person ‘and a famous place from history. Why are they | famous? Read on Look at the photos on che history websice on page 45. What do you think the stories are about? SKILLE eS ee pictures and the title. They can tell you what the article Is about. | @ oo Mysteries From history i Read the stories on the history website. Choose the best title For each story, 5 Read the stories again. Choose the best answer. 1. One day two children arrived ina village called Woolpit. A Richt B Wrong 2 The chikdren were wearing green clothes A Right B Wrong 3 ‘The noise in Tungusic started inthe evening A Right B Wrong 4 The meteorite destroyed trees A Right —B Wrong 5 The Mary Celeste left New York with ten people A Right’ B Wrong 6 When they found the Mary Celeste, the captain sas onit. A Right | B Wong | 5: Answer che questions, Use complete sentences. | 1 What cis thei tean She. learnt Englésh, 2 What mas theirnome ike? 3 What country is Tunguska in? 4 What dig people in Tunguska hear? 5 6 the village? Where did some sailors find the Mary Celeste? What did the sailors find an the ship? Sum up 7 Work with a partner. Choose a story in Exercise 4 and tell your partner about it. One day some children arrived ja an Enqlish village They didn't speak English. Speak up '& Think of a story trom the past about your town or village. Who or what is the story about? Whot happened? Deke eed rd mash village of Woalpit you range sign with two green cal legend seys that in the fury a brother and sister tho vilage. Thay wera lothas end thay aid h. Theyalso had green skin) on learnt English and she their home as a dark place. here didn't have much food yone had green skin. Who hildron? What were they is mystery is mare than Sold. Many poople be shine and there wasn't mes the only food green beans 2 A.morning mystery/ ee ed ‘AUZ.14 0m. an 30 June 1908 in Turquske in the north of Russia, families were having breakfastwhenthey heard avery loud noise, Irwas lauder than a fast rain Is that the wind? thay asked. Guiside, hundreds of bircs were fiying sbove them and there was a strenge blue light inthe sky. Then there were more noises, Windows were breaking and trees were falling down. It wes very, very hat. & few Hours later, tha noises stopned and everything was quiet again Atthe beginning ofthe oxplotod 6-10 mots above tho Earth Pieced red ce eeuice Ten people were traveling on the Mary Catoste when it let Nev York in November 18/2. The weather wos fine and the ship had a good captain. However, when some sailors found the Mary Ceteste'n tte Ailantic afew days later, no ona was on it. Whore was everybody? Nany yoars ago plratoswere a huge prablem beesuso thoy stole from ships. Were they waitina for the Mary Gelesté? The seilors cculdn't see any hiretes. When thay want on board, the ship was lean and tidy and thay found maney and fond ‘There was enough food for sixmonths, WERREED 10 2005 ist was studyia in about the Mary Celeste. The ship was carrying a dangerous liquid, The scieatist pofieves the liquid was leaking ono the ‘hip and the captain was woried ahout an ‘explosion, The captain and the other people ickly and couldn't get 4 Match the pictures (A-H) with the correct Dates and times selective 1T Match the phrases to make dates and times from the stories on page 45. inthe ‘of the twentieth century on November 1872 at the beginsing 30 June 1908, many years TMi am. in “Se cwelfth cencury at ago dean dangerous dark ciety light loud quiet safe @ Complete the spaces with at, in or on. ‘They built ne castie of San Felipe in Colombia —__in__the sixteenth century. Henry Villwas born ____ 28 June 1491. Life was very difficult the eighteenth century, Many chifcren didn't go to school the beginning of the twentieth century Mahatma Gandhi died —_ 30 January 1948. The fire started and lasted For two hours. Ask and answer with a partner. You get one point for each correct answer. War's the date today? What was the date yesterday? When were you born? Whats am important cate /yearIn history? 5 Choose the correct word. Got pre ROPERS 1 twas dark/light in the castie because the a ie 1 Listen to the sent id werice the swincal eatery smal: 2. Inthe eighteenth century people often wore 1 June 1882 clean/airty clothes because they didnt have water in their houses. Look how we write and say dates. place to be because it was dificult to get out. 2010 two thousand and ten/tweaty ten G Ask and answer with a partner. 1. How was life different for your parents when they were teenagers? 2 What clo you think school was like 100 years ago? Se. Mysteries from histery 3 Complete the website article with the best answer, A, 8 or C for . ‘each space. e ding about the past continuous actions happening at and wand a time in the past king actions happening when jotner thing happened In 1940, a French teenager, Maree! Revidat, and three friends eee » Toosing fr treasure inthe woods of Monticna, _" France, with Marcel’s dag, Robot. Robot 2) running along the path 3) suddenly he disappeared. The “Match the phrases to maké | eld ia boys 4) Robotin a dark hole end pulled him aut. Then Marcel decided 10 go in. A few minutes later, he was 1 The king was wearing special 5} in dark cave What 8) he looking clothes when 2 | was walking along a dark road when 2 They were looking fora cave when 4 Amelia wasnt feeling well when My sister was using my computer wnen at? On the walls ofthe cava thare were lots of amazing paintings. w a catran in frontof me & she gorort the ship. fe Igothome wri d they took his photo. rite on 3 © therain siarted 4. What was the date yesterday? What were you doing at these Himes? 1pm. 6pm. 9am. 10pm. Yesterday was 30 April. AE 9 a.m, | we LISTENING Power up 1 Look at the photos of famous discoveries. Where do you think they come From? (Check your Read the questions and the options fir for vrords or phrases that answers at the bottom of the page.) @ Where do people usually look for treasure? Listen up $B M445.4 Listen to Emma and Lucas talking about a nites story, Which of these words do you hear? cat coins dad key music programme ! red treasure | | | | Gombecr 4 | | 45 5 vista aganiana note ester reece xam ¥ 1. This morning Lucas was A listening to the radio, B watching TV. © using his iPod. boy From Lucas and Emma's schoo! found A gold B money, € old bones, Emma thinks the boy is A tic, B lucky. © happy. When the metal detector made a noise A the boy knew there was. problem, B_ the boy went into the house. € the boy's dad came out The necklace is worth A two huncired pounds B around two million pounds. more than two milion pounds, Lucas wants to A live near the boy in the story. B visit the boy in the story. € look for gold in his garden, Defining relative clauses Use defining relative clauses to make wo sentences into one. ies a story about Its astory abou y. He oy who found some Use who for people and which for things. 5 Choose the correct answer. 1 That's the girl whieh/who lost her dag in the cave. 2. The history teacher showed the class 2 DVD whorthat was very interesting 3. love museums which/who have lots of bones of ancient ayimals 4 My friend's visiting 2 castle wo that is near London, 5 That's the boy which/who Found goid coin garden, spamiciye eons 290 teunyy @ 36425 y !sxoIestne | 3579:903 @S “steric from history PEAKING 5 Work with a partner. Look at the map in . Exercise 4 again. Choose a place'to start, Ay ea B, Cor D. Take itin turns to ask for and give Pet the words in the question in the correct order. Sigecrions: Chiicres ae oi aa Eon / you / 1s, please? / tell / the / history museum / me / re café castle history museum market palace theatre tot jork with a partner. Ask the question in Exercise 1 “again. Use these words, Language xP Asking for directions Con you tefl me how to getto tell me where. Is, plese? Giving directions es on your left/right, {tthe first/second road on your SkiLL ¥ ‘Are you asking for information? Be polite, especially when you don’t know the person you are talking to. Say please and thank you. | Work with a partner. Decide where your pot 3 cum right 4 carn tort 5 of gold is on the map. Give your partner a 2 cross the road 5 go over the bridge De ra aeieee ee 3 0 past the theatre 6 gostraight on pace ee al te ‘Your partner points to where It is on the map. peak up (Herisire sci) Gamma -n¢( 55 Find‘ on the map. Listen tothe directions [and follow them. Where are you? WRITING Power up things happened? ‘I What stories do you like? 'S Answer the questions. last Saturday etafiss When did they ser the gold object? - = ‘When did the unde come into the Kitchen? ACTIONS LORIES) © whet storfes do you hear from your parents or grandparents about the past? 4. Wat time expressions in the story say when Choose the best title for the story in Exercise 3. 1 Asurprise birthday party 2. Amystery from the sky 3 Look at the pictures of a story. Match the sentences with the pictures, Language XP ‘Talking about when things happened Lest Saturciy/week/month ‘beginning/end of the evening vening a scanate Planon 7 Look at the pictures. Put the story of Adam and Sophie in the correct order. A Atthe end ofthe evening. we were looking atthe Stars when we saw a gold object. 1B The next day, my uncle came into the kitchen. 4 think there was a party inthe vilage for Chinese New Year’ he said. 1 found this in our garcien” "was a chinese lantern in his nen! “A fleor minutes later, we saw two more gold jects. They-viece coming towards us! We ran ids pa pry amy coustshouse (pany wastbegutden eu very. 7 Mysteries From history the words with the pictures, Adam an fave lunch in the cave/see something/ crystal egg Adam take a photo on his phone/send the photo to a newspaper Adam andl Sophie be in the newspaper 222 (0 the history musaum/get a prize/«wo new igital cameras Sophie walk ina forest/find a cave/ ite on Ghoose a title for the story of Adam and phie. A crystal in the cave Dark and dangerous & story about Adam and Sophie. st Sunday, Adam and. Sophie were tking in the forest when they found ave. They ig spo planning a short story? Use these questions, Ithappen? What was the weath happened? | 1 You're going to match a story about some people who suddenly started cancing. Which of these words do you think you will hear? ‘Watch and check. concert crazy fun musicians shopping hungry sleep © Put the sentences (A-G) from the story inthe correct order (1-7). A In September they gradually stopped dancing B Five hundred years ago, someting very strange happened _Awoman left her house and entered the street, D The waman danced the whale day. E They 2ven employer! professionel cancers to. dance with them, F Alter a week there were about 100 people ancing with her. G Infact, nobody was playing ary music at all The video gives three reasons for the dancing: 4) there was something wrong with their food, 2] there was a lot of stress, 3} people were ‘mad. Which do you think is right? Project 4 Work in small groups. Think of a short story From history. One person tells the story and the rest of the group does the actions. Show ‘your story to the rest of the class. Why not make a video of your story and have a film Festival to decide a winner? When was i? A hundred years ogo How dic it start? A baat arrived at a smal island, Who was there? What da they do? There were Families, They couldn’ speak the language. What heppened in the end? They stayed on the ‘sland. Have a good trip! READING Power up ‘I Look at the photos, Which Is the most Interesting way of travelling to schoo? Why? Read on 5 Complete the interview with the best answers (A-H). You do not 2 Read the first paragraph of mee aes eee the interview on page 53. A Well first | cycle to the harbour. How many different ways of Micateh a plane, travelling can you find? Actualy, can see my school from my garden, No, its not true. Look at the photos in the The boat journey raamono interviews. What is unusual Yes. that's right. about Laura Duncan's journey I don't realy fke travelling by boat to school? Hove et 4 Quickly read the interview and = xam fo ool v First read the possible answers (A-H). Then look for key words in the interview questions to help you choose the correct answer i What's your journey ta school like? Do you arte tac rt nt tr Pe eter ay your parents drive you on their way to work? Teen Magazine talked to Laura Duncan, a teenager from Scotland witha very unusual one eee! Hinterviewer:}ii Laura. leit rus that youtaval by be, Bost and bus every day to get ts your school? Laura: 1) Interviewer: 5 your school very far vey, then? Laura: However, thejouiney kit easy because my schools on a different istand, Interviewer: 3 tell us about your joumey to school Laura: 3 Acthe harbour, | catch a ferry to the other Sland, Then I fake.a busto school Interviewer: Do you enjay the jaumey? Laura: 4 But Septershen fm going t2 storta new schaol ona bigger sland. t's further from hore: 0 probaby stay at school al week ard come hore at the weekends Interviewer: What vill you miss about your cay journey ie choo?” Laura:5) love travelin vil miss tang to the other Fery pas sometimes the feny vas late because of bad weather won't miss all those delays! Interviewer: ov will you get to Yourner’ schoo? Laura:6) W’sonlya short Might. carte ve a {Laura Duncan says her journey to schoo! will When was the last time you had an change in September. Close your books and see interesting journey? Where did you go S you can remember what Laura says she will and and who were you with? Thad en interesting journey fast year: | went on holiday vith my Family to Sicily. We wravelles by boot. VOCABULARY Travel ‘1 stbl6.1 match these oifferent types of transport with the ten sounds you hear. Compare your answers with a partner. Do you have the same bike coach plane Ferry helicopter ship motorbike yacht train tram © Match the differene ypes of transport with the correct vero. drive @ car sail ride drive take | o——_—_ PER Te Vvccivsanm) % wore wating or Ormco ine sip Wore leaving tal pertnow. yout the coach station. Hurry up! and we're waiting for our luggage. Antec Oeming intro cate ‘You can also use the verb go to talk about how you travel somewhere. 1 ge by car. | go on foot When you are a passenger and you buy a ticket you can use take, catch or get. 3 choose the correct verbs. 1. Learnt to saifidrive a boat when | wras eleven, 2 Myelght-year-old brother fakes/drives the bus to schoo! 3 We ffew/caugnta plane at JFK Airport. 4. My cousin drivescrides a red motorbike, 5 They tookiflew the coach from London to Edinburgh 6 We droverwent by ship to Turkey. 54] coLn experience at the harbour. It's | opposite the yellow boat. | the train statio Close your books. Write as many things as you can for each of these + types of transport you can ride + types of transport you can catch Speak up 'S What is your favourite way to travel? Why? My forousite way to travel is by plane. Ike looking ‘out the wrincom, going to to talk about Future plans. im going to start anew sch She Isatt gaing to change s month, fs she going to meet her friends on vill oF went (wi! rot) to talk about ngs wwe expect to happen. BD However, my journey to schol wilt change soon. Ste wert ireve fern shoo Lucia: Hey aia eee Tim: Fast Whecksison atnine otdock. I think ie f) "Uk be brant becouse the presenters, Suzanne, Mark, Paul anci Kate, 2) race each other across London, They 3) travel by bike, car boat and public transport: Publictransoor? B® Will you miss your daily journey to noo)? Yes. Iwill No, | won't 84 6.2.2 Listen. Now you say a ee MM Marcsenens tetera ARESIPTTET Ry 2 ferry along the River Thames and Kate 7] 1 ny bes Wend Ayn abelconter Chie 8 bite ear ths afternoon Wh do you thnk) wan My best friend won't fly in | think Suzanne will win, [1 Sure Paul 9) win! 4 helicopter this afternoon ‘ E 2 |/ travel by car this weekend 4 Complete each sentence with one to four words. B rutracher/rovstto school by oats | a Fest Wheels on eaision night ean 2 The Fast Wheels presenters are going to race across the cit) 4 myparents / fly ina plane one day Be reeks pr HE BONE . Ee Sy mend /cattha bus next week a 4 3. One of the Fast Wheels presenters Isgoing to rcle Be 1 ide my ie erat Seni a ey 4 Paul will travel along te Thames by 5 Tindoewt think willwintherace “Two friends are talking about the TV programme Fast Wheels. Complete . Cech space inthe conversaton with = Write On ere 5 Write three sentences about your plans for Saturday, ‘Think about what you're going to do on Saturday morning, re going to are going to Saturday afternoon and Saturday evening. E going to isgoingto isgoing t On Saturday morning, I'm going £o get up late! isgoingto # will wont On Saturday afternoon, lin going to meet my friends in town. On Saturday evening, I'm going: te wateh a felm weeh my family, Haves gand erie oy o0s 01 Yea E> | pusyaam tae Aya Buyuans sun 204 MEN fou fated 24203 20109 34423 Kou ‘auuaa Aap ays ut $3) 1220 | uu sponuowoy {9tu92 03 1uem nok ca uoouiaye sip sued sun ut studs] ————_— a ‘sainuna ual uj dors NY lies “cin Kung ered a3 5g ay) 2e xaiv fers Keyl yaaur Ay “sqan 9594) Jo wo) snonunuo> auasaid 9y1 asp “sa2uaiuas ain 2aidwoz = 20 DuIu 30 yuodd 40> 24 wy BuBaoW 24.241 siuwazueie anany aniuyo9 401 anany 404 snonunuo> wW2524E ’ (4829 (6:2 404-04 56004 ——— (440 envoy (g22104m joo) @ieq aHuaD WreaunOW Fed FIG (127e1d diay joouns Suyjods nok 92049 MON jpoog {s19!ASUE O43 OU NOK OG ans sonou au) aiejduso> pue ureBe ueasr1 so pe puneiskeyd que Soyiq uleunour ypeoo quouneysas tnuow {UP2y no op spiom asaya Jo wIUAL “dt }ooy>s & 404 Suajd gnoge Zuy]ey s0y>PeI1 2.01 URS +S pe dnus3sn Bete eae) édi jooups 40 odAy aynone, snok sacumn jsoyOP waem Bue; 212M ‘saynuu ua Ly BuiABa) £700q 3y) UES 2q [Iona UreR Aq. / |_uopuo7 0: Buinenei x00 =r mam mms jo0uss ¥ w0 O00; BUD Lt “yowoo Aq Gulob a1om ‘SUqUIIO | +901 U} €8uN09 & BUIOp Ww, “Ay-1) seauanues ou ‘unm (a~y) sda ours ava yo sooud aun uae | dn weMod SNINSISIT ‘Whet do you like doing in the schoo! ‘polidays? Put these activities in ord 4 =! love, 2= I like, 3 =! don’t mind, ce aaa Tce eet Listen and complete the conversation, Sendra: Are you 1) going to be here in the summer, Oliver? Sliver: No, Im going 2) 2 course in Spain wlth a friend, How about you? Sendra: | here, out my cousins coming, What are you 4) __in Spain? iver: mgoing © 5) Spanish. Sandra: Briliant! 6) ite not? Oliver: Yes. itwil 7) very het! Sendra: 8) are you leaving? Oliver: We 9) to Madrid next weer. Put the words in order to make questions. Then ask your pense: On: hae ae partner about their plans. | Practise the conversation with a partner, 1 Where / this summer? / are / going / you Where are you going this summer? ave / What / going to /'you / do? you / going to / What / sce? / are ‘going io / k/ What /is cost? Wa (be / For? / te 4 Work with a parmer. You are going to talk bout your plans for the summer. Read the cdvertisements. Decide which tp you want i Exam & ea tal [elm ada Read your information carefully. Think about what you want to say before you start. Asking about someone's plans Work with a partner. Student A, look at page 132. = ‘Student B, look at page 142. Follow the instructions. WRITING | 3 complete each sentence with 2 Power up preposition From Exercise 2. 1 Read the texts quickly, Pests See aes Match the texts (1-2) . Wiliams going to visi his with the photos (A-B). ‘ 5 conus July Im catching the train nine clock Keemy birthday Saturday, fm having 2 party. The girls are poing New York for ‘month, 4 Put the text in the correct order (1-5). Yim looking forward to skiingand snowboarding Tin taking my camera with me and [Il take lots of photos for Guess wnat? I've got 2 piace on tne schoo} sy ‘hip. We're going to travel on the ‘train to the : ee clouds"! T'iltell you about it later. Maria : Hi, Jack __1 Bye for now. is =" going skiing in Poland. We're thing 1o Krakow eS : at sine o'clock’ I'l email you later. Ben, ‘Guess what? Tm going to Polan ‘with my school. We're fying to Krakow on Saturday. Then penal we're taking a bus to Zakopane, at at in in on to ee —— } Plan an 5 Read the poster for a schoo! as trip, Make notes on thrae things that you are going to do. l'm going to stay in the Grand Hotel. Sioyect: The ran ota dude Did you get my text? I'm going on a schoo! trip 1) the weekend. We're travelling by bus 2) salts. Were: catching the train 3) seven clock in the morning. The train to the clouds is the highest train 4) _ Argentina. The journey lasts seventeen hours. We're staying 5) a hotel and we're coming back 6) Monday. Ee will be amazing! Love, Maria 5) GB ttevec good trip Be re ey ke rite on ‘Write three sentences about the journey. ‘Use a future tense in each sentence. 4 we / travel / by train 2 the train / eave / In che evening 2 therrip / cast / £120 Language xP Talking about plans Use these notes to write an email to a friend bout the school trip to Amsterdam. Besioaine Paragraph 1: Where are you going? When? How are you getting there? Paragraph 2: Whet are you going to do? Whatwill you take with you? | What are you looking forward to? Ending BKi BF jad ave 3 car epi, nice wi end ‘1 Guess the answer. Then watch and check. You are going to watch a video about two different journeys to schoo, Which of these words do you ‘think you will hear? bicycle boat bus car ferry ying swim walk © Choose the correct answers for these questions. 1. How many children travel te schoo! trom Papa Westray? Aa BA £6 2. How do the children normally travel to the ‘other isang? Abyplane SB byboat Cy helicopter 3. How long does the journey take by plane? AlOminutes B5minutes C2minutes 4 How far do the chikiten in the Himalayes walk to get to sctioo?” Alok = BTS kn €50km 5. Who do they walk to schoo! with? Atheirmum — Btheirdad — Ctheir cousins 6 Whardo they have to walk along? Aartozenrver Ba busy toad Ce large forest © Why do you think the children in Papa Westray enjoy their journey to school? Wihy do you think the children’s journey in the Himalayas is dangerous? Project 4 Do a survey of how students travel to your school. Interview different students and put {your ansivers on a poster or make a short ideo report. How do you get to school? Do you go by tus? How long does fetake? Q Revision \ VOCABULARY 6 When we arrived at the the ship: J Match the sentence halves. ee Sapa Patt 1 Agroup of chiteren 2 Spm. 7 Ourschool__wes brilliant. Found the caves in b 27 June 1865. We went to London for the day 2. The castle museum fife was airricult for A trip B ticket € journey closed ar lots of people. 8 We usually go to France because I's I 3 Lots of people tent d_ beginning of the fast. but th’s year my dad wants to drive. Ireland ache ‘venticth century. A bycar Bbytrain —C on foot 4 Many years ago the nineteenti 5 thoshipsarrived from century. 5S Match the notices (AG) with these sentences. ' South America on There are two extra notices. “This tain Is going to arrive las EChoose tec aera Phone this number when you cant find your bag 1. The Titanic sailed from Southampton at/on 10 Pay For tnis trip betore you go. Apel 1910 ‘These passengers can take food with them. 2. niin June, the King and Queen travelled to You can't ear or drink on this journey. Australia 2 Nell Armstrong walked on the moon en/ot 10.56 pam. ' 4 Columbus left Spain at/on 3 August and sailed to the Bahamas 5 The Second World War ended in’on May 1945. 6 They destroyed tmachu Picchu on ae the beginning © \\ History trip fo the of the siteenth century. nes Black Caves this 3 Circle the odd one out. Siahurdiay. ferry am —snip-—_yache ees cake catch get. drive induding dangerous passengers poor dak tp feker luggage tide crainstation harbour altport bus stop Please pay Mr fobmson during break on Eiday 4 choose the best answer, A, B or C. 1 Were to Germany tonight. The plane You are leaves at 9.30 pm. sitting ina A catching Briying ariving Jauict part of 2 Ohno! There’s a__with the train. ‘Sota. We'e going to be Ite A tip B delay € journey 3 We nevergo swimming at night. I's because tre ships can't see you, ‘A dangerous. B dark Canty 4 Emmo bought her plane \ase week. aa She can't wait to go to Turkey. ‘School trip t cl A ticket B luggage € journey po atte train station of 8 5. We didnt enjoy visting the cave, twas cold and "a bring # packed tanh. ____anct we coulant see anycnng. A quict B safe C dark a Gres AMMAR se the correct words. ‘Nicole vras uniting Awaited for the coach when she sos hearing/heard about the delay. We weren't wearing/dicin'’ weor aur jackets vekien the rain sterted/was starting, Were they sleeping/Did they sieep when te tain wos arrving/arrived at the train station? Max wa'ked/nas walking with his dog when he sos Finding/found the cave. When Saphie fost/wess fasing her camera, she was uislung vised the history museum, | was working/worked in the garden when Twas cscovering/afscovered the necklace. smplete the sentences with who, which or that. smetimes more than one answer is possible. ‘That's the man _who/that found the treasure con the beach, The bike the shop, faite to ny on a plane ‘The passengers have a seat on the train Were going on aship passengers. ove reading about famous people lived many years ago. casts £200 is the bestin has beds int arrived late dict ___cam take 2,000 ‘Complete the sentences about future plans. Use going to 1 Maviaand James are going to study in England asinine 2 The history teacher take the students to France. 3 1___buy some tickets for the trip nex ‘week. 4 Thomas ____ save his pocket money fora new bike 5 On Thursday, Lucy meet her cousin attne airport. 6 We_____ge the treasure to the museum, match the questions and the answers. 1 Will they buy theirtickets atthe a Yes, they are. coach station? ——___ No it wont ‘Ace they going on foot? Yes, they will, 2 3 IsDan going on the school tp? d. Yes, she wil 4 Wilithe journey be dangerous? @ No, tm not. 5 Willyourmum drive usto the No, heisa't. train station? 6 Are you catching the bus later? ‘10 Read Nathan's email. Choose the best answer, A, BorG, Hi, Alice ‘Thanks for your text about the plane tickets. 11) looking at them online 2) Tot your message! The tickets 3) were the best Thope that’s OK. My dad ith his card. for us cost £5 bought them Ithink you 4)__ love Berlin. My cousin’s going 5) meet us at the airport. First we're 6) _ to take our luggage to his house. Then we 7) ___ meeting his friends 8)________ are planning a party for us. Tean’t walt Nathan ps9) you taking your camera? Mine isn’t working! 1Aam — Bwee ©nas Awe Bw Cho S.Amae — Bwho Chat at Aw = Bgongts € tegong S Amn Bo Co 6 Awegong Swi — Cgorg 7 Ate Bs cm BA which Bthat GC who 9 Abe = BAe Will READING Power up 1 Look at the poster. Mateh the sports in the sentences (1-6) with the photos (A-F) 1. Gymnastics in the pari! That sounds great 2 The skateboarding patk is britiant, 3. Love synchronised ‘swimming, but think it's difficat, 4 think climbing in the ! mountains is more fun. 5 We want to win the Football match! 6 Horse-riding on the beach! Fantascic! 2 Do you like the sports in the poster? What new sports ‘would you like to try? a (coun experience Read on & Read the magazine article on page 63 quickly. Choose the best title 1. From skateboarcerto surfer 2 Sport's good for you! 4 Read the article again and choose which sentence (A-F) goes in cach space (1-4), You do not need all the sentences: ‘A The good thing was, she was laughing and the others laugred, too, Bi They didi fke the cold water and scon came out af tie sea. c D Is clear that chey all love their spore He played rootball and did judo at school but he wanted to try something new. She loved doing sport with her friends afterschool ‘Then he described the basic movements Exam @ Are you looking for the right sentence for the space in the text? Use the words before and after the space to help you. au can de Cie a ee fe mee et cer ae ee TTD AS when they tried a completely different sport? Pe ema aL a eT Ce mts ‘Max, Anna, Emma, Alex, Osear and Ben can all skateboard. They practise every day and they all enjoy being in competitions. ‘Skateboarding is f i3e you can do it indoors or outdoors,’ sic Max, smiling. ‘And it's really good for you, ded Oscar. ‘Is it dangerous? leaked Ben. itcan be dangerous,’ he anewored. “You can't ehivays balance end sometimes you fall off, But you get up and try again, | love it because it's ‘ast ond it's fun. Alex started skatevoarding five years ago. 2) when | started skateboarding,’ he said. ‘ls it an I made new friends expensive sport?’ | asked. 'No, that's the great ‘thing,’ Alex answered, ‘It doosn’ The only equipment we have to buy is # helmet Banda skateboard.’ st much. Sum up What do you learn about skateboarding and surfing from the article? You wear a helmee for skateboarding. Skateboarding can be dangerous. | loved the passion these guys had for their sport and when | asked them, ‘Can you surf, 100?" they all smiled, (On the beach the six skateboardors wore shivering in their wetsuits when their instructor, Mark, gave: therm their surfboards, 3) They all found therm ciffeutt "| think surting will ba rardor than skateboarding,’ Emma sald. Oscar was confident. 'I think itwill be easy’ he said. In the water the skateboarders showed what they could and couldn't do. Anna went into, the water first but she soon fell off, “I couldi’t star up,’ she said 4) After a eve minutes all the skateboarders were doing well and their instructor was vory happy, ‘VVas it fun?’ | asked, ‘It was fantastic, they all said, Now they all went to buy boards anc wetsuits! Speck up & Would you like to do more or ess spore at school? Why? VOCABULARY Sports and equipment |] Match the sports with the pictures (A-I). basketball cycling gymnastics judo kiteboarding running skiing tennis volleyball 9, 2 M6171 Listen and say the sport. 3 F172 Listen and match the sport with the correct verb: do, play or go 4 Complete the sentences with the correct form of do, play or go. Patricia played _volleypall at the beach yesteraay, In summer | often Wales. Kiteboarding in you basketball for the school? We usually Lastweek Lucas ‘mountains, Jake isn’t here. He Friends, Emily wears a white jacket and white trousers winen she. judo. fala = 4) Sports verbs For sports ending in -ing, we can often use the uerb on its own: running ~ run, surfing ~ surf. Iran & litometres yesterday. a GOLD EXPERIENCE ‘gymnastics every Friday, horse-riding in tne tennis with his 5 match the sports equipment with the photos. ball board goggles helmet net racket swimsuit wetsuit © Complete Sam's postcard with these verbs. are dimbing are skateboarding cycled swam Hi, Dan ; is activity centre is amazin Ya borrowed bikes and We 2 30 km. We stopped near a lake andl) _____ fer a few minutes but the (uoter as freezing! Today rome of the students ene enone of the highest mountains in Poland. Tim at the centre with some friends and ve) “Tim glad T came with my ae board. It's greatfun. Leve, Sam Take turns to think of a sport. Your partner asks three questions. The answer can only be Yes or No. Then name the sport. Speak up 7 what sports do you do out of school? What ‘equipment do you use? Tata atual= (eed king about ability, possibility and obligation Doda verbs - abity fo tal about something we arefarent abe 9 60 at Bis moment 1© You can't sana up I® an you sur too? ves, scan/No, con‘, fo talk about something we were/werent able to 0 in the past © She could 00 ID ‘couldn't stanc up. ‘Modal verbs - possibility ‘can or can't to talk about possibility fe can be dangerous. You came ploy tenn: day; you haven't got your ‘Modal verbs - obligation to talk about something hat is/isnt necessary The only equipment they have to buy is a helmet cond a skateboard. They don’t have to buy special equipment to talk about something that was necessary First they had to learn the basic movernents 8447.3-4 Listen. Now you say kt Complete Olivia's email with can/can’t and could/couldn't, ‘Tennis classes started today. I went with Max. We 1) can __ play tennis, but we want to be better! At first, I was really nervous. I concentrate, but the teachers were fantastic. At the end of the week there's a tennis competition, but Max 3) __play init, know 14) win, BUT have to practise a lot. By the way, 5) you send me Harry's phone number? | 6) find it and he wants to know about the tennis classes. = ED voucandoit: 3 Complete the sentences with have/has to or had to. 1. The instructor says you _have to Inthe swimming poo! 2. The park was closed so the skateboarders ‘go somewhere else 3. When Iwas young | with my brother but | hated it a _ wrear good trainers because | run covery dey. Patrick is going to bed now because he _get up early for foatball practice. wear goggles go horse-riding 4. Complete the review in the school magazine with ‘one word for each space, Contractions count a5 fone word. Last summer if reined o lot and had to 1) stay _ indoors. | was realy bored because 12) sport Thon my parents bought me ¢ new compUler game. It's @ spors game thet you 3) Pigy in your ing room. It has five sparks: tennis, bosopal, cof, boxing ‘anaibowing. You 4) 1 use the. same movements you Lse in a ia) game, I's great because you 6) have to play on your own. Yous) __ ‘also play with a tiene. Write on '5 Write about sports 1: that you can and ean't do 2: thet you have to and don't have to do. | can play tennis but | can't do gymnastics. hare 0 play basketball everyineek, | dor’t have bo do gymnastics ae Schoo “Power up He Hire edmtcone in the class who ear: un 5 kon in 20 minutes speak French breakdance swvim for 30 minutes sing a pop song Marcus can speak French. Sandra can sing a pop song. CREE 200) (03 Adverbs ‘We use acverts to say how something happens. Add ly to most adjectives: bad - badly. © Me footbot teams poying baal Aas ‘ily 0 adecives ending ny. e007 eas, © Jock’s winning easily Some adjectives dort change: fast fost. © they run fost Some adjectives ae irregular good - wel & J aance welt B Complete the sentences. badly fast late quietly slowly Alex isntnere. He woke up __labe this morning, The basketball team is playing moment. They never win. 3. Hannah ran she didn’t win 4 Icarithear you. You talk very 5 Hurry up! Youre walking very atthe the competition but ‘3 What activities from Exercise 1 can/ean't you do? Describe how you do them. Lean speaik French well. eanttrun 5 kr Listen up 4 Read the questions in Exercise 5 and look at the pictures, What information do you have to listen For? anumber apiece ofequipment aspor atime Geretee nr 5 adil 7.5 Listen and choose the best answer, A, B or, 1) What's in Sam's bag? 2 What time was Football practice? 3. What does Jake wantfo fry in the water? ey a 4 What are Dan and Lucy doing this arvernocn? Exam § When you listen again, listen carefully For the answers you're not sure about, 7 Work with a partner, What sports words did you hear in Exercise 5? You get one point for each answer. ‘Work with a partner. Where could you see these signs? What signs do you have in your school? peak up Look at the sign. Which sentence fs true? FOOD OR DRINK IN THE GYM 1. You can't take food or drink into the sym. 2. You can take fooriandl drink into the gym. “4 explain the sign. Use one ofthe Following: The sign says that you cant take food or drink Jota the gym. ‘The sign says that. Itsays that. lemeans that @ veucancote: 5 Wortcunth a partner. Explain the signs in Exercise 1 Expl Iesays (hat Iemears (nat) Work with a partner. Look at these signs. Take it in turns to explain the meaning of each sign. ‘SPORTSWORLD HALF-PRICE TENNIS RACKETS TODAY ONLY! | GOGGLES AN D No skateboarding SWIMSUITS Digest without helmets. No mobile phones or iPods on the tennis courts. SkiLL ¥ If you're not sure of the answer, say so. Welt, I'm not sure but hin te means dont know, out perhaps it means 7 work vith a partner. Student A, lok at page 132, Student B, look at page 142. Follow che instructions. WRITING Shaun White: Power up 11 Look at the photos. Match the famous people with their sport, Se Pepe mee ae eee Sea aeons area a ie Re eg Boe om No1 skateboarder and snowboarder: 2 ) Wi Haire) | Nationality: 2) Am Nickname:5)— eee Vine years old: oe eer as i Answer the questions Where is Shaun from? ‘Wha: does Shaun look tke? What did Shaun do when he was she ‘What happened in 20047 ‘What happened when he was 13? ‘zo, too and az well all mean the same. They E Name famous sportsperson from your country. give mort information about something. What-do you'know about him/her? Read the description of Shaun White and complete the factfile. Complete the rules with atso, too and ‘es well Bouse ar after the verb (o be. 2 Use and __ the end oF the sentence, before the main verb at ‘Choose the correct words, 7 Matteo plays football too/and rugby at the weekend 2 The gym is open today tr's alsa/toa ‘open tomorrow 3 Aiso/As well as watching sport on TV, | lhe doing sport. 4 Annas comingtto the football match. Oliver is toovaiso coming, 5 | go skiing in winter | go snowboarding, 1S weil aso, Lan on ‘Complete the factfile with information about a Friend. | Name/Nickname: 1)_Maria. "Favourite sports/activicies: 2) What sports/activities does he/she do? When did he/she start doing the soort{s}/ coctivity(ies)? Ishe/she ina team/cub? ‘Other things ne/she does well 3] KILL @ } facttile helps you Find the key Formation about someone. Put th the factfile in the correct order and use fn your writing. rite on 5 Write a description about the person in your Factfile. Write five or six sentences, SKATEBOARDS TO SURFBOARDS 1 Guess the answer. Then watch and check. How do the skateboarders feel about surfing? A. They know they can do it but they prefer skateboarding B They know they can do It and its fun, @ Are the sentences trus (T) oF false (F)? 1 Acthe beginning the teenagers are ‘skateboarding inside, Steve thinks the teens ore good skateboarders, Ac firs the teens dont want to try surfieg ‘The teens ger ther boards, then they pu: on. wetsuits, 5. You start surfing on your stomach Bun 3 What new sports or activities would you like to. ty? Project @ Have a TV sports quiz in class. Divide the © Do you want to watch atwoamynouse? | Sonia: Oh, 3) Nove science fiction fins, chought Uam: 4)______ How about comedy? Sonia: 5) = f Liam: Cool! See you about eight? Sonia: Great! 6) peak up Weigle t=1— es “ Really? think they're ~. (boring/strange/ | | iciculous). How about . (typo offi)? _) What shall we watch? {cost See yousteute? ) suitt§ nl ‘Use different words and phrases to shows how you Be! shoutaoeaa 5 Tell the class about the film you and your partner © Cool/Great! (ove. the most popular type of film in © Really? think theyre boring dont rely ike a ime 3 Look at this advert from a music magazine and answer the questions. 1 Have you ever been to an outdoor music concert? What do you think are the good and bad things about them? nw Look at the two adverts for music conearts, A and Find an example of 1-7 in each advert. a date a place a price atime an age a type of music name of a musician or band B. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Classical guitar! concert in Barley Hall | Guitarist —Pablo Garcia Tickets: £55 216 year-olds - free Where ave the concerts? When are the two concerts? What are the names of the (wo bands that are playing? How much are tickets for under 16-year-olds at the two concerts? ‘Suzie has written to her friend Martin about the ‘concerts at Heron Park. Complete her email with these words. Letme entertain you Hi, Martin, now's it going? Have you seen the poster for the concerts at 1) Heron Park ? They i great! The Spacemen are playing on 2} and G Power are playing on the 49th. I'm busy on the 19th, but Ym free on 3) Da you want to go and see 4) with me2 The tickets a T haven't bought my ticket, but my mum le getting some tomorrow. Email me 6) ‘and Mum can get you a ticket, too. Hope you can come! Suzie Write on Language XP ‘Making an email sound friendly ‘At the start of the emai Hows it going’ Hey, now are things At the end of the email: 5 You want to go to the G Power concert at Heron Park. Write an emall to a friend. Use the information in Exercise 3 and Suzie email to help you 1g your iSmall. Make sure the information you ve is clear. Swit INTERVIEW WITH IL VOLO SN | Guess the answer. Then wateh and check. Whar is special about the day of the interview? AL tic the birthday of ane of the members oF Volo. B II Volo Is appearing on a talent show. Ibis the day they release their album in the UK. @ Choose the correct answer. 1. I1Volo sang for the first time together in the Aviston tectre/sucio. 2. Piero, (ghazio and Gianluca think they nave three dilferent’similar voices. ‘3 Some of |I Volo's favourite singers are Robbie Williams and Eivis/the Beatles. ‘4. Their Latin tour stares in March/April 5. They have alreacly done an American ancl Asfon/European tour ‘3 Would you like to go to one oF i! Vole’ concerts? Why/Why not? Project 4 Make 2 poster or a video report about the ‘music habits of your class. Ask questions about ‘what kind of music students listen to, where they listen to music, etc. What kina of reusie do you tie? How often do you listen to music? Who is your favourite singer? 10 Eat well, feel well READING Power up 1 Work with a partner. Can you {hin of two types of food for ‘each of these colours? You have three minutes. black’ blue lange purple green brown Ped) yellow Which colours were tne most difficult to find types of food For? 2 Look at the photos. In each photo can you name the blue Food? Would you like to try any of the food? Why/Why not? Read on S Read the article and match the headings (A-E) with the paragraphs (1-5). Exam § Read each paragraph carefully. The heading needs to match the meaning of the whole paragraph, not just the first sentence, A Why not blue? B The biue rest © Is the Future blue? D ‘Eat your greens!” E Noblue, thankyou! fow many times have your parents told you that you must sat your “gteon vegetables? We all know that ‘green vegetables such as brocsof, cabbage and peas are healthy, but what sbout other foods of ifforont colours’? You don't reed to Ike all food, ‘out It i good to have a variety of colours inv your diet For exampls, its healthy for your list to include red food such a8 stawbertiae and tomatoes, yolow: food such as bananas and peppers anc! orange food such as carrots and oranges. But what about blie fond? Wee ee ee ee | ele How many blue meats or vegetables do you know? None? There are few natura blue foods — it fen't a common netural food eolour. Some ‘ciontists Say that 8s a result, four brain doesn't recognise eeeetect vou 4 Read the article again and complete these words. 1 agreen vegetable b 2 many different types of things or people ve 3 iked something more tran another thing. p_ 4 anadjective describing something you find often or in Buc food as something iq large numbers ealthy or safe to eal "i SE Y 5 to know something because S Is perhaps why we jaraeee eae ont usually use blue food before Bolouring for drinis, cakes and 1e food, ‘no! to doing something 7 flat, round ejects which we put Food on that Some people say we ‘eat with our eyes’. The i - sae ees tapers The ie 8 beautiful ornice to look at ‘we ne@d 1a Thke how food looks before we try i. q Wanted 10 test ts idea end 60 | asked some ‘nerds to avery urusval lunch, | made some Sum up fgg on toast and put blue colouring in Bilton ode Staeesner them. The result? Nobody ate them! the erticle. Meny carerts tel ter chicron thoy redigreen ford healthy mustn't say ‘no’ to food they have never Speco --cess: blue sweets —cildren trod My quests rofused to put the blue aoe gus h ther mouths! bluc/unpopular- ny? Speok up 0 wil we ver S20 blue 00d on our plates? The 5 Tells parsner about your arewor coor to bo ‘no’, at loest in countrioe favourite food, Say what ts the he UK and the UGA Gome cures do fa sai eect diferent colours atractive, though. The Japanese, My favourite fosd ie chocolate ke for exampe, have no problem enjoying a green Coenen chocolate bert Yuhat do you think? eatin the summer Yuck or yum? Ge Qa VOCABULARY Deeper Me mnt weh casement ne Food and health Poretes T Ps eee eer of Race een [unk food unfit unhealthy Este apaperey boli Rea 41 My sister eats lots of fruit and vegetables, She is very healthy 2, Mi uncle goes running every evening after work Heisvery 3 Lalweys hove amter school, Usually it’s an apple, but sometimes Ihave biscuits. A My dadis 1 He aliays gets really tired when ie pay foatball ogerher! 5. My brother loves Dies auayseaie crisps and chocolate bars. 6 My cousins do lots of They cycle, ploy tennts and swim. My cunt eats fried food every day! She is very 4 Match these words with the photos of food (A-C). salty sour sweet \We can make adjectives rom verbs. Sometimes We asd -0, ed, or led. Sometimes we adc nothing at all. a bake baked grit fy - fie roast -roast Work with a partner. Think of a type of food. Can your partner guess what It is? 2 complete these sentences by making adjectives What colour ist? Green from the verbs in brackets. isita vegetable? Yes 1 Idonteat fried — toca very often fry) 2. Every weekend we nave chicken, (roast) Speak up 8 sere pou ood & steak De you sink you have a healthy/unneathy tte? Die ec ieeerecs) wee, Talk to a partner. Use these ideas to help you. (ake) 5 My mum never frles food - we always eat Se = rest: teri) Grink water eat fresh fruit and vegetables 6 Mygranddad always cars a egg ewe ies a eatjunk food have a good breakfast every morning bal re: (ba) have snacks between meals Q c= Talking about obligation, prohibition and necessity Obligation You must cat your green vegetables. Pronioition aren they mustn't sey ino'ta food they have never tried We can use the verb need to talk aboutnecessity or no obligation. Necessity We need ro like how food looks before we try No obligation You don't need to lite (00d, but ite good to @ variety of colours in your diet. 44 101-2 Listen, Now you say Complete Thalia’s email with need to and Tim getting everything ready for our picnic ‘this afternoon. You 1) bring a picnic blanket because I'll take my mum's blanket. I've got bread and fruit, but we 2) get some cheese. Could you ask your mum for some? We also 3) buy something to drink. Shall we get some cola? You 4) bring any music - I've got lots of songs on my phone. See you later. Thalia x © Kcr weit, rect vet 3 Complete these rules with must or mustn't. Five rules for keeping fit and healthy! SI You___ do regular exercise. FA You____eata lot of juni food. A You ‘get 7-8 hours of sleep a night. drink tot of sugary drinks like cola. eat a lot of fruit and vegetables. 4 Lookat the rules for a Best Local Dish oe competition. Make sentences with must, ‘mustn't ond don't need to. 1 You must be under 16 Se ae, Se acres ee write on 'S Think of your school rules. Write three. ‘must do and three things you musta | must wear a uniform. | m class. 2 What kind of special Food do you eat 2 parties in your country? Listen up 3 #44 10.3 Listen to a telephone conversation between Niep and fis fiend denny. Wy is teary having a party? 4 el 10.4 Listen again and choose the correct answer, A, B or C. Exam g Sometimes you will hear all the choices in the listening. Only one will be the correct answer, so listen carefully! 1 When Jenny hav her pony? Anes Thursday Bnet tray © neve suture Gees How many people are going to Jenny's party? Ad B20 cis ‘What kind of hot food Is Jenny going to have at her party? A burgers B fries € pizza What sweet food is Jenny going to have at her arty? A cake B ice cream € chocolate What time % the party going to start? A Tam. B 8pm 9pm, Who is going to be the DJ at the party? A Nico B Nico's brother € Nicos cousin shoud Use shoud + infinitive without to to give advice 1 You should have o Di © You shouldn't be late. 5 Complete the conversations. Use should or shoukdn’t and these verbs. bake do eat getup ave take ‘Astin really thirsty! B: You should have a drink ‘A: fm hungry, Butt dante have time for breakfast. B:You 50 late. Azit's my dad’ | t B: You at A: Tm always hungry after snimming dub. B:You____atvanana with you Aslan Anish my dianer. B:You snacks between meals. SPEAKIN Power up 1 Match the comments wit the people (A-F). Speak up 2 Wl 10.5 Listen to two short conversations. Complete the advice you hear 1 You some honey and lemon 2 You so many swects! Asking how somebody's feeling What's the matter? 9 on? Are you feeling al righ Saying how you Fee! Pe got a Giving advice You should You snoutan gotacold’ Fuegetalheadache Hogwasuodveniandacays) feel well > @® =ctwe 3 What advice would you give each of these people? eat / fresh fruit You should eat Fresh frult see/adentist drink / lots of water go /to bed 4 Work with a partner. Choose three of the pictures in Exercise 3 and ask for and give advice, Try 0 ‘add your own advice for each problem. Use the Language XP to help you. SKILL 'Y Check and practise the pronunciation of cifficult words before you start (Wat's the matier? ") ‘You s10uld dein lots of water and you shouldn't go out. 5 Work with a partner. Student A, look at page 133. Student B, look at page 143. Follow the instructions. WRITING Power up 1 These people all have problems and need advice. Match the people (A-D) with the problems (1-4). Dearreader, Youre notalone! | thinkall teonegors worry about thoir exams sometimes. Of course you 1) study, but you2) spend too much time at your desk 53) that youget some fresh ait and evercive too. Why dontyouty 4) ‘with a fiend ~ sometimes thatcan | make it more fun Its also a good 5) ae not to leave al your studying ta the night befor® your exam! Do yaur best and Im sure you be fine! important should shouldn't studying Language XP ‘Other ways to give advice Why no try + verb +-ing .. Why not try watking to Imreally worried about tee my exam tornortow! [es important to It's important to eat a! - uitand vegetables [es importantnct to It’s important not to eat too much junk food. Wk50 good tea to fs © good idea todo | Have you ever used an advice page In2 magazine p-pctcoood/itenio.. re not a good feo to gotobedvery iat. J this advice letter from an online teenage page. Wihich of the problems from S Read the lerter again. How many aifrerent ways arcise Trdoes the letter give advice for? of giving advice can you fing? Plan on Read this letter from an online teenage advice page. What problem does this teenager have? fin 15 years old ane feel ted all the time! lalnays wake up late fer school in the morning and so | don’t have time for brechfost. My mum chives me to and from school. After school, have some criss er chocolateand do my homework. Then water TV uni late | usualy fall aden wraiching 1 Ben 7 Complete the sentences about Ben. 1 Hedoesnit eat inthe morning, 2. His mum school 3 Heears or after school 4 He goes to late. 5 He falls watching TV. im to and from B Here is some advice for Ben. Match the start of the sentences (1-5) with the correct ending (2-e). 1 iSimportancto a. to bed earier. have breakfast in the 2 Why dont you morning. ury cycling © toschoo? 3 Wsagoodidea d_toomuch TV toeat before you go & Itsnotz good toskeep, idea towaten healthier snacks. 5 You should go Write on S Write a letter of advice to Ben to go on an online advice page. SKILLG Make sure your advice matches the problem, and be polite. Switch on THE COOKING COMPETITION ices 1 Guess the answer, Then watch and check. Inthe video, Luke and Emma have a cooking competition, Who do you think wins? B re the sentences rue (T) or false (F)? Emma feels necvous before the contest. You need milk fo make macaroons Yourmustrit use the yellom part of the czg You shouldnt bake the macaroons for a long time. You must add a lot of blue food colounng. Luke’s macaroons tasted nice, es 23 Do you think all teenagers should learn to cook? Why/Why not? Project 4 Make a video or do a presentation explaining how to make something, for example, a paper aeroplane, Write the script or instructions, then teach other students how to do it. First, gersome paper. Folel rke ts. Now fold it again and Q Revision VOCABULARY ‘1 Match the people with the types of films. 1. Ketey kes runny ims thar make her laugh. D 2. Robert and Mark love learning about animals and bow they live 3. Sophie enjeys scary fms. 4 Maria and Tom tke fis with lots of no'se, car ‘chases and fighting, 5. Poppy enjoys iims aboutaliens and te on other planets. 6 Nina likes films about love stories, 7 Adam loves films abeuthis favourite cartoon characters, A romantic film B science fiction film {scifi) © horror film D comedy E animation F wildlife documentary action film © Complete che sentences with these words. actor/actress balletdancer clown comedian magician musiclan singer 1. Roberto is very fit Hes 2 professional ballet dancer inthe National Theatre 2 Hove you seen that on TV? He dors ‘amazing cara tricks. 3. She's my favourite ve just bought her new album. 44 Chloe vould like to be an and ‘appearin a big Hollywood film, 5 Myuncle's a He wears a red plastic, nose and painis his face white 6 Rachel would ike to be a ‘good at making people laugh. 7 My cousin plays the guitarin a band. He's a great She's very 8 Daniel Cialg ky my Favourtee Ihiak hes the best James Bond! 3 Change these verbs inco adjectives. bake baked. barbecue boil fry el roast auruns ‘Complete these words, 1 The people who usually choose the winner ing competion judges 2. The par. ofa theatre where performers stand, ALS 3 Aseries of IV programmes thats about te Ives Ofagroup of characters. 5 14 The group of people who watch a show a 2 5 Anatural ality ro do something wel iwoll 6 Scmeone who enters a competition. ‘Choose the best answer, A, B or C. 1 Teonele tis lemonade fstoo Ieneeds more sug. Asswect @sour ¢ salty 2. Wecdidn' nave a very healthy lunch, We had chicken and chips: Agiied — Bfted — C bolted 3. Helen likes healthy food. She hasnt eaten for years. A vegetables B fruit junkfood 4 Younced to oe tobe inthe basketball team because they train every cay. Atte B exercke C unhealthy 5 Aplece of fresh fruis a better __ than chocolate. Ameal — Bfruit — C snack 6 My brother's unfit. He should do more Acxercise B ft € healthy RAMMAR 'S Complete the blog with the best answer, A, B or ‘Complete the sentences with the present perfect © f@r each space. Form of the verbs in brackets and since oF for 4 A: Howlong axe you known (know) Steven? 8: ___For __ about two years. We're both Singers in a band and we met aca festival My name's Rachel Price and T'm 2A: Do you went to watch Prrates of the Coriodeam y ballet dancer. 1've loved B: Yes, whyn0t?|__ ot watzn) nat eB araes fie cu ee DvD _ ages. eee Faeegeerie eee ‘ld. I’m now fifteen years old and T go BB lds the singer Kell She Sade to the National School of Ballet. I've judge the show started 3) __there for three years, 4 A: Do you wank burger and fries ora chicken T4)_______just performed in The salad, Mark? ‘Nutcracker in a theatre in London, I really B: Ghicken salad, please. mustn't eat any enjoy 5) ____In the theatre in junk Food while in training for the swimming Ay a) front of big audiences. Sometimes it's hard cree) aes tgs bate eer 1) Pl one ee ae fe eee Seem Taree chad a rd ny i. eas qaet ees ceed a tb Fare a ek thnk Teat.17) eat junk food or stay up late at night because I have to keep fit and healthy. At the moment, I'm Match the questions with the answers. 4: vy gosto heh on ais to Aste wit my sal choo. cette? : orn aie 3. What are you laughing about? Tye Dee tere acto weeks ere 4 Can we have a snack? We're really hungry! performing 8) ____a theatre in 3 Your lool ae you OR? Wenn soe fo Te! vey lek @ |e yr he el ane? ecase | realy ove whet 10, A Ves vest bow ant ge 3 Notreiy Fv nt been othe decors. ve gota realy sore eat ¢ Nwelistamted @ dace cass and m res nt D eve sr wateneda nny omen E veateebaugisonemuttomtemayet aay athe Ge F Doidajn bet sen rend Ska Es Ae p Aten Bum Chae cose me correct words Daeg oy Peal Geis 1 Youshautltontnecdiohavcoreat Youth «5 Raed Badarchy € dice vege Eanes) Bre € meu 2 Thecllene ustnvsnoudishwhenineasors 7 Ayn Bldortneed € sheuont areonte sage tar Bo ee 3 You must/shoulcin t barbecue the meat tor a jong. time, It wont taste nice 4 Comedians dont need fo/musint wear special clothes when they perform, 5 You must/shouldn't be eighteen years old or oker to wate this film. 6 Lilly mustn't/needs to eee a dentist because she has toothache i a Sees z READING Power up 1 Find the Following jobs in the fairground. @ Read the article on page 99 about an unusual family. Which family members does it mention? brother children cousin da grandfath er mum parents 3 Read the article again and answer the questions. SKILL® Look for the key words in the questions and find other words in the texts that mean the same or are similar. ‘What does Harry like doing after school? What dic Harry do winen ne was younger? Who does Kimberley like working with? wrwne 4 Match the words in bold in the article with these definitions. 1. a group of people who work together 2. large machines you go on For fun 3 achilld ‘4 an organisation that makes money 5 astrong Feeling of liking something How long has the Danter family had the Fairground business? How does Harry's dad! fee! about his chilcren and the family business? 7 What businesses can teenage: ‘Alex Dan Eva liver Maddy “1 talks abour tne weather? 2. thinks you find new friends at 9 fairground? 3 would ike to work with their fomily? 46 doessit want to work i the evening? 5 Tikes speaking to people? Sum up 5 Say what you know about Harry and Kimberley in your ‘own words, Hary 6 15. His dadts gota faleground. Kinberke Speck up help In? Have you ever helped your family or 2 friend in a business? What did you learn? Wolcame tothe word ofthe teirground. ks the plane to meet “friends and have fun but fot 15-year-old Harry Oanter, the aroround means more than exciting rides and candifless, Hatry's family has had a fairgcound business for more than 160 years anei Harty tes bls dad in the evenings ard al ‘woskends, During the day, Hary wotks Nard at school and e's doing well. Afterschool, F's never red, Fhe finishes is nomowork on iim, he helps his dad on the faiground, and ne lees i I started makng candyfiss when | wes, a Kid) he says. Hamy thnks hes learnt a bt ftom the fairground. He's a good meshanic and undorstands how the ‘machines work: ‘Avot: person In the fanny withthe same energy is Hery/s sister Kimoerty.Armberoy stetacnelping withthe ce creas when she wes seven, She's stil young Ext is cing weil inthe {em} businass nd kes beng part re Darter team. She's ‘a great manager and is chvicus sh loves working wh hor cad its aye a laugh,” she eeys.‘Ulowe it’ Hariy’s dad 1s pleased his children like helping on the fairground and he thinks Hary and Kimberay wl cary on the business. He krwws that if they work hard, they'll co wel trough Har young, his dad can se tats gt the passion’ Wha! does Henry vant o-do in the future? | want fo co what my dad does... do what lve, He says. Would you like to hela ona faireround? Teenlag wants 0 kcow wit youthing. a ae a Sea Coad Seon ets ee eas erin ee mete, fra ie ec ae H you ound, as Ca tern you can go on the ew re "ke io wrk ea a | Ps ‘VOCABULARY The world of work 1. Match the photos (A-1) with the places. Sometimes more than one answer Is possible. garage hospital hotel office police station restaurant Read the descriptions and complete the name of the job. 1. This person prepares food for people. ch e £ 2. This person makes you feel better when you are ‘Aman or woman who welcomes peoole when they arrive ata hotel. r_ - When something is dirty, this person cleans it « ‘A woman who works In 2 business. b “This person writes raparts for newspapers, magazines, television or radio. i- 3 fl 11.1 You witt hear four short conversations. Listen and make notes on where the people are. Use the words from Exercise 1. 1 in a hospital 4 Ss 4 Complete the text with these phrases. be the boss. being part of a team earn money get.a good job ‘yegottime off works hard on “Tas unre 1 fone py uteri eS Tay 11) "egal tune. off pecause the not paulo cl ters ln iar cca Uae ree ay ee nega were te need prc ae eri the ruture Te keto 9) ina hotel nthe USA T think Caeere anes poe rem dri ev Gree tare os Say TNO) tkemy uncle! Sayer cone word XP Sometimes we put two nouns together to make a compound noun. The first word gives Information about the second word. bus dirlver (person who drives buses) shop ossistant pop singer Match the words to make jobs. a player b officer teen fonu \. Sane at eee fe f=lasl la) Choose a job: Your partner can ask three questions. You answer Yes or No. Your partner hhas to find out what jab you do, GRAMMAR N Talking about general truchs and future possibilities Zero conditional Use IF+ present simple + present simple for something that is generally true IFie finishes his homework on tiene, he helps hi dad on the for First conditional Use (t+ present simple + wili/wont for a possible action in the future, HF they work hard, they'l do wel B60 11.2-3 Listen, now you say! © Complete the sentences with the correct form of the zero conditional. 1 ithe has (ave) ime off he plays (play) Feotba 2m (be) ate for work, my boss (be) very angry. 3 ifit —_— {rain}, the taxi driver {have} lots of work 44 ifthere: (be) a problem with the car, wre always (call) a mechanic. 2 Read the advert. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the first conditional — WANTED waiter/waitress Be part of our team. Saturday and Sunday evening only. Free meals from our brilliant chef, Ben! Make lots of new friends. Interested? Leave a message forthe manager on 1893 576489. i J @® vere than aiob 1 ye ge — pre ooy cea iol SEL seep) or ea 2) By pron ane ever. you Tris) our taourke TV programme 3 Ween (Cook the food. _—________ [be) fantastic. a Winepeopehinecatt (oa ena ree tnt 5 Iyer Jen) message the manager (clo 4 ‘Complete the school magazine article withiond THISWEEK: A JOURNALIST ‘you ere interested in the news and can write wal, youll 1)___be __a great: journalist: Thet's what joumalict tld mo at the end of tha day ina busy newspaper office. | was there on schon! trp to Jean ‘Whoat its ke to be a jounalict, there 2) 8 big Story in the news, the journalists 3) very hard, First, they get the right infarmeticn. Then ‘they write the story on the computer. 4) the informetion is wrong, the boss will be really angry? The photographers then take lots of photos, IF thare 5) 89000 phot, people will read the story, ‘The best ting about the job is that i's never boring in & Newspaper office and there's always ancther story! write on compat we eetiees oo iy «ae { If | can’t go out .. If | learn Chinese « If you Like cooking 101 LISTENING ee beer on 1 Look at the photos, Before they were famous, ‘who do you t was an ambulance driver? sold pens? was a deaner? sold women's shoes? ‘was a receptionist for a hairdresser? 2 Do you know anybody with an interesting job? What does he/she do? \ & Gees 1 2 3 i! 4 dressed as a chicken fora fastfood restaurant? 5 6 Listen up 3 44 11.4 Listen to Jasmine and Thomas. They are talking about jobs they and their friends want to do, Match the names with the jobs. the fi when you listen for the second time time you listen. Choose your 1 Jasmine a tani driver 2 Dan b cher 3 lames © mechanic 4@ Grace d_ PE teacher 5 Thomas © doctor 4. ti 5 Listen again and check your answers. Conditional with cout Jse could in conditional sentences for future 5 Complete the sentences, Use could be + these words. DJ doctor wiattis teacher 1 Ifhe’s good with numbers, he could. be a maths teacher, IF he likes helping people who are sick, he It she sings well, she I he likes seling things, he: I she can choose good music, she = oreeRenregob SPEAKING 4 Look at these suggestions. Choose Owen tecarea pores fecjoe : nao 7 Wiycentgeuyereecr exis ‘J What do you do in the school holidays? bec sable 2. What about helping in the ise Speck Up 3 You could try something @ tl 11.6 Look at the photos and listen to Theo and Lucy. What different this summer. activities de they mention? That's a good/areat idea: @ Im nctsure about thot cont thnk hetsageontice @ S Work with a partner. Talk about your plans for the summer. Take it in turns to make suggestions and respond to them. babysit doa course help ata festival help in a summer club work ina cafe work in a museum ‘As Whot about babysitting this summer? : That's « great ideo. Why don't you do a course this summer? A: fini not sure about that SKiLL® 3 ¢l17 Listen again and complete the suggestions Fn oe icnn ne 1 hetp inthe tourist ce? aos oe pepet 2 fy enadorsendycu 3 yoo ees Feige ge ear youn pare, = ask them to say ita fate feet toed sua oss) 5 Tell the class wiat plans your pertner has for the summer. Inga wants to help at a ‘Making suggestions Why dontyou + ver Wher about... festival. You cul. She doesn't want to work ‘ in a café. Responding dort think that's @ good idea. © Which activities are fun? Why/Why not? 3 Read Max's email to a magazine. Match the words in bold with the rules. Pe ea Muni laid Pre CUR a ee ee Hi, TeenMtag! jn sumer T usually chill with friends, but this | year I've decided to do something different Tm going to help at a children’s summer | camp. However, I won't carn any money. ‘Fhe idea is that 11\ learn what i's ike to work | with young children, 1 love sport so I’m going to teach tennis of football, I'm going to work in July and August. Although it will be hare work, Fl make lots of new friends. Have a good summer! In the middle of a sentence, we use: 1)__pr when there are two possibifties 2) before we say something i different Atthe beginning of a sentence, we use: 3) __to show an idea that is different. 4) to shows two different ideas in one sentence. We can also use although in the: middle ofa sentence: 4 Complete the sentences with or, but, however or atthough. Sometimes more than one answer is possible, 1 Jock loves cooking. He wan:s to work in a restaurent oF ahotel 2 Hove my job its very dificut. 3 My dad's a polke Ofces he wanted to be a Footbal piayer wne’ine School ____Jenjgy workingsn the Rote, i ke to have more tiheoth. « 5. She wajits to be a pop singet. sings really bach * she PLancas Read the email and answer the questions. ee fan From Noise abject: Sunmes pins Hi, Sem 1 can’t wait for summer and this year I want to do something different. What sort of jobs do you think I could do? 1 like cooking and sport and T love meeting people. Do you know wihere I can look for a job? Also, when is the best time to start work? 1 know you'll have all the answers because you worked last summer, Hope to hear from you soon! Melissa Who has written the email? Wiho is the email to? Are they friends? What fs the email about? DED vorecnanajon 1G read tne email again. How many Questions are there? What information does Melissa want? F Pur the sentences i questions in the em: the order of the You can look for a job en the Internet. IF you like meeting people. you could work ina hotel. 1 It's best to start work in July SB Match the sentences. 1 The best ame 2 Iewill have job to work is July aciverts init and August b workfora 2 Myou buya Family with newspaper, children, 3 Iehinkyou although it's could very busy then. © Complete the sentences with your ideas. 1 Ifyou want to work with children, you could be 2. You can look fora job 3's best to work Write on 10 You are Sam. Write an email to Melissa. Exam F If you are replying to an email, make sure you answer all the questions Weta ello ece Finishing an email to friends FAMILY FUN AT THE FAIR ae n ‘1. What do you think you will see at the fair? ‘Watch and check. nuses cars. dog: ables and chairs tents © Complete the sentences with the words you hear. 700 all my life father passion proud school 1. Thisis Henry Danter, He's the ‘owner of Stourport Amusement Park. 2. Hels still at bout heis already working. 3. Whenshe ‘snithelping her__, she ‘manages the farllys other Funfair and caravan park 4 Now she's the manager ofa site that has avout visitors every weekend. 5 [want to do this Im never going togive itup. 6 | think Harry will carry on the business because he's gotthar _ 3 what would you fike/not like about helping at a fair? Project 4 Work in small groups. Prepare questions and interview one student from the group for a job ata funfair. Video the interviews or perform. them to the class. The class decides who should have the job. Wity do you wane this job? ity are you the right person for the job? JOne yeer | wein to Florida wits my tamily tented suring when | was young and | jave it: | was exclios about the holiday because the beaches in Floris ere great, However wren we arrived there was a huricare. Wa spent the whcle week in aur hotel room. We ccauldn't tur on the TY because there was no elect, At the end, | was bored wih playing cars 18 Ls yeer we planned to go oycing fn Italy. However on ‘tho frst day, my estar had an accicent. She wes cycing fest conn anil when ahe tell off her bike. She broke her eg ancl wo teeth fel cut, We took her fo the hospital where she stayed for our days. | vistes her every cay ered Iejped her to get better but we did rave a good hclcay/ Alar, 14 For my birthday my patente took me to a sata park. ‘We orove through the park and | was envoying watching the lone, tgers and gies, Then a monkey came and sal 0 the car. It was very funny andl started taking [photos with my phone: Suddenly my dad shouted, ‘Look out” The monkey reached Inte the car, took ray phone ang ran sway. Iain‘ see my phone again! Holly, 14 Loot summer my fende and | decided to go camping for a week, When we amives' atthe eampato, twas very busy, We quick’ found a place for our tent. farniy was staying in the next tent. Ar night the dad snored really ously. We tred to move our tent but there wasnt any ‘saace. At fret | thought It was funny, but al the end of ‘the Wook | was fed uo and wanted to coms toma, Lest year we had a schea! tip to Pati, Wo travolod by’ ‘iain at night. twas dars and quiet ard everybody wes eezing. Suddenly there was a roisn: beep, beep. Oh’ rl’ I thought. That's rry alarm clock!’ forget to turn ff before [putin my bag. looked for my rucksack but thor wore los of bags on top of t. When | finally found ’t evar/ood) wes awakel VOCABULARY Holiday words ‘1 Pur the verbs in the correct piace. go have stay camping. (a festival, on holiday, to the beach ‘ona campsite, in a hotel, in an apartment, with friends anaccident, a barbecue/picnic, a great time, fun, a good holiday © Complete the postcard with these verbs, going going Having having stayed stay ig Hose tng disor ime Tohey Bg 2)___fotthe beach and this 7 ___ a BBQ. This isthe first | cennperes) time ve 4) Affero, i caer Tesually 9) ina hotel or an apartment lohen Pn on holiday. Atnightit’svery dork but youcen Kear tae sea Tlevelt! The other stedentsare great and femorrovwe'e a 6) ‘Ye. festival! See yeu eon. Athene ‘Want to know how to remember phrasal verbs? Remember the uerbs together! By opposites: turn offftura om By verb Fook outlook for By preposifon: put onturnon Remember that opposite phrasal verbs don't always have the same verb. put ontake off Fe's panting on Wsfacket because scot Wen igo hit the house, Itake off my shoes. 2 ea Phrasal verbs 3 Match the phrasal verbs with the pictures 1 take off 2 tumon 5 puton 6 tumotf 4. complete the sentences with the correct form oF the phrasal verbs In Exercise 3. 1 Te was hot when we arrived so we four swimsuits and jumped! in the poo! 2 Jack's his passport. He needs it for the school trip. I can't see anything in here, Can you the ight, please? 1 You're sitting on my rucksack anc my sunglasses are in It ‘When Lucy was in the alrplane she her mobile phone and put it in her bag. We were 50 cold in the tent that we didn't ‘ourjackets. Mime a phrasal verb to a partner. One point For the correct answer. Two points if your partner makes a sentence with the phrasal verb. Speok up S Tell 2 partner what you do when you're on holiday, How many sentences can you make? usually stay In 9 hotel. | always put on sun cream. Tat laale a= ie aad ing forms 7 dv rh, ood at, © | was bored with playing cards. after some expressions: look forward © Mim looking formar on hola to infinitive Use the fo infinitive jgree, ask, decide, Forget, fay, wont © We ried to move our tent t:) 12.1-2 Listen, Where is the stress in these: sentences? Now you say it! 1 Hove swimming in the sea 2. We decided to stay in a hote| 3 She forgot to take her passport. ind examples of -ing forms and the £o infinitive in the holiday stories on page 107. Choose the correct words. 1 forgot 20 take/taking my camera on holiday. 2. Emily isnt interested in 10 play/playing beach volleyball 3. Anna and Charles hope going/to go to a festival this summer. 4. Oliver is locking forward to seeing/see his Friends on holiday. 5. Doyou enjoy staying/to stay on a campsite? 6 We'd like going/to go to Russia next year Make complete sentences, 1 I /tke / live / near the beach ike living near the beach. 2 Ben / enjoy / see his fiends / after schoo! 3 we / wouldlike / have a barbecue f today 4 00 / you / want / come J to the Festival / with me 5 she / always / forgets / use sun cream 6 they / decide / stayin hotel / lastnight Summer fun! 5 Complete the holiday biog withthe best answer, A, Bor C for each space. ee fm visiting my grandparents in BogotS, Colombia. | love 1) This year I've decided 2) atthe summer festival. The festival lasts for 11.days and it’s great for people who want 3) something different. t's got sport, music and theatre to this city because it's so exciting. my cousins events. | enjoy 4) the sport events, ‘and so far I've seen a BMX competition and a boxing match, Ifyou prefer 5) free judo classes every day. This afternoon I'm looking forward to 6) ___the Cuban water ballet team, ’s a brillant festival sport there are 1 Acame — Beoming C come 2 Amect — Bmestiig CC tomeet 3. Atodo Badong —C do 4 Avatches Bratch watching 5 Adocs Bdomg C do 6 Asccing B see C tosee Write on Write sentences about you. In summer | enjo In the school holidays, | hate When | went on holiday last year, | forgot. This sammor, ('d like . os LISTENING @ til 12.3 Listen to Maria and Jack talking at ; FesttvTeens. Choose the correct answer, Power up velere || Which festivals would you like to go to? 1 Gos iy recahed ae A from his parents. B from his friends, € onthe Internet, How did lack get to the Festival? A by car B by wach ¢ bytrain ‘What food are Dan and Gemma buying? A hot dogs B Chinese food € salaci and pizza Vinat does Jack think about the music? A Hils favourive group was boring. B Hes enjoying Icall. He didnt ike it at rrst. The best thing about the festival is that A there arer'tany parents, B everybody is young € ics small and friendly. You can’t go co the festival It you are AL B younger than 17. € 18, S sf :2.4 Listen again and check your answers © wnat makes a good festival? AY Listen up 3 Read the advert for a festival. Who is the festival Present simple passive for? Use the present simple passive when itisat Important who does an action or we don't know iho does i es ‘hes are organised for the fe © Adults aren't attowed. ae eae SNM | complece so sentences with a, or ore hae FestTeens__ 1 advertised on heradio brcin soci Thetiekeee soe nine aren ca shops Denes Ineusetin te pre of he Behe Therwse chosen in Apr [oe stowed gota the festa get Make sure your answer matches exactly the Perr coi Information in the listening. Gees PEAKING Power up Look at the advert and match the numbers with the types of information. What information isn't £5 per day Activities: Horse-riding, sailing, surfing ~ live music every night Tek 01856 884650 2 Mi 12 5 Listen to Ben asking Maria about the Blue Sky Campsite. Complete the questions. —Where _isit? ie ktopent sin an you do there? 3 Work with a partner, Ask and answer the: questions in Exercise 2. Use the information from the advert in Exercise 1. e Langu Asking questions vaen it open i ik open every doy? Summer Funt Speak up 4 Work with a partner. Read the advert for a Summer Rock Camp. Prepare questions using the prompts. 1 where? Where is (8? 2 can go / smal chitcren? 3 open/ at the weekend? 4 howmuch? Be) Bete a 5 Take It in turns to ask and answer questions about the Summer Rock Camp. Exam g ‘Are you unsure how to write your answer? Ask your partner to spell it For you. Can you spel that for me, please? 5 Ask and answer with a partner, What activities can you do in your town/village in the summer? F Work with a partner. Student A. look at page 133, Student B, look at page 143. Follow the Instructions. WRITING Power up 1 what's your favourite day trip? Is there a special lace you like going to? Read the blogs. The Bunratty Folk Par in Ireland is really Match the places " interesting, It isn't exectly a park. It’s a village (1-3) with the e with houses, shops and an old school. They are photos (A-C) builtin the styie of the 19th century. Irs really cool because 1)__a long time ago. The parks open all yest. Caitlin, 16, tretand day trip is to the brillant Xe Ha Eoo park in ‘Cancun. You can swirn with dolphins, swim into caves or go sea trekking — that's walking under water! The bes thing is you can go in summer or winter because 2)____—__trom. 30am. to 6 p.m, 3, Mexico Zoe oe Every summer, my friends and I go to the Adaland: Aquapark in Turkey. It's one of the most exciting ‘water parks in the world. | enjoy going there beceuse 3) Ifyou want to relax {you can bring a pienic and sitin the fantastic (gardens. The park is open trom Ntay to October Ahmet, 14, Turkey 4 Find adjectives in the blogs in Exercise 3 that describe the different parks brilliant S Complete the blogs with these phrases the park is open 365 days a year there are lots of things to do you can see how people lived ree Plon on 5 Read Emilio’s blog. Put the information In the order it comes in the blog. mosis toa oe mon i! SPombia Safari Park in italy is brilliant. You | Eean see lots of different animals, including Jions, tigers, horses and monkeys. if you prefer {éoing sport, there's also beach volleyball and Football. It's really coo! because there are lots lof different things to do. It's also open all year: Emo, 15, tealy ‘A When isit open? B Where isit? © Whatisit cae? 7 D_ What can you do there? E Why's icgoow? write on 5 is looking for more ideas for exciting day trips. Write a biog and tell us vinere you lke going and wy. SKILL ® ‘Think about who is going to read your blog. What kind of information do they ‘want? How can you make the information Interesting for therm? Work with a partner. Show your blog to your partner. Does your partner think it's a good place for aday trip? THE CAMPING TRIP pone 1) Guess the answer, Then watch and check. Is the last day of a camping holliday for four teenagers. What problem do you think they have? A They cant find their train tckecs. B They sicop late and miss their bain. © Choose the correct answer, 1 Its cloudy/raining: 2. Harrys looking for his sungiasses/camera 3. The girs tent is still closeed ‘pen 4 Rose wants Luke to turn on/off the video camera 5 The gitls have Harry's sunglasses and camero/ ‘alarm clock. 6 Harry put the tickets in the pocket af the rucksack/tent: 5 tthe end, Harry starts to open his rucksack. What do you think happens next? Project 4 Work in groups. Think of a holiday adventure or disaster. A reporter interviews the rest of the group for a news story. Prepare questions ‘and then show your interview to the rest of the class. Make a video of the interview if you like. When you finish, use your interview to write 2 newspaper story, Where were you? We were on cr camprite in the south of France. Wot aime did ie happen? ie was late. We were in bed, Wihet happened? There was a noise, Somebody was shouting. Uthat dil you see/do? We saw a fre Revision VOCABULARY ‘I Complete the jobs with the letters a, ¢, 4, and a. 1 cleaner 2 m_ch_n_c 3 j_orn_lost 4 d_ct_r 5 f__tb_il pl_y_r 6 7 8 1. You take your car here when you have a problem withit garage 2. People sleep in fents here when they areon holiday. ¢ a 3. Thivis a place where you can eat and drink re 4 Abag you carry on your beck, r______ 5. This room has desks and telephones For the people who workin It. 0 6 These protect your eyes when It’s sunny. 5 3 Complete the sentences with the correct form oF these verbs, be noteam get go have stay work 1 Tloveto__get__2 good job in an office wher I leave schoo 2. My bossis very happy with me because | always hard, 2 IWant fo work with lots of people because I like part of a team, 4. Oliver's in hospital He __an accident at work last week and broke his leg. 5 Last year we ‘camping in taly anit rained every day. 6 Kate loves her job but she __much money. 77 Gemma and Max are on holiday. They ‘with friends in rela pre 4 Choose the correct phrasal verb. 1 2 When we arrived at the campsite we looked for! ‘puro the best place for our tent, Jake put on/took off his sunglasses when he went into the dark office. ‘Look out/Take OFF” said the police officer when he saw the dog in the road. Brillant. | can (urn offfook out my alarm clack because tomorrow Ive got free day. | think Vl put on/turn on tlip-flops for the beach They're easier than trainers. Can you take offfturn on the light? I cantt see the map. S Complete the conversation with A-H. There are two sentences you do not need. Ben: Hi, Hannah, What are you doing chs weevend? Py uaie Lucky you! Are you staying on 2 camasite? aeeteeet, Youithave a gieat time gine eg, lam, Butits fun, She's a great boss. 4 a0 { donit think 9. leant cook! an That's a good dea, Les have a picnic tnere. 6) Ben: And dortt forget your sun cream. It's balling oo oan tovey, Uhaven't got any time off today, IF you work hard, you could be a chef forher one day! Wate going to have a good holiday, ‘Are you doing anycning today. Ben? Ta love 0 go. to the beach. im going to a festival with my cousins. Great Ili go and buy some food. hope se. Are you helping your aunt again in her restaurant? Yes, Im taking my new tent. GRAMMAR 5S Match the two halves of the sentences. 1 Iryounave a A you need a passport. problem at work — Bie’ very sunny. 2 Ajobinahotelis \—C you speak to the boss. great D the restaurants busy. 3 lithe DIplaysgood E iryou speak different music languages 4 |puton sun cream —F__people alvaays dance. 5 Ifthe chef cooks well 6 if you travel to another country 7 Choose the correct answer, A, B or C. 4 nish workeary. ve Aci Bulical ¢ cating 2 Ifyou te reparng cas, you a mechanic pare Bwouldbe ¢ couldbe 3 ateand ln theirdad in the off, iFthey have time Auwilhep Bhaped — c neps 4 Whe restaurant people wll ose thalrjods Acoss Bcose Call cose 5 yeu ae ee cs Ages Bg € wil go 61 sore sunglasses go on olay Avy Bbwhe Civil buy 7 iFthey. the question, they ask the eee ‘A notunderstand B doesn't understand € don't understand 8 Sain will meet lots of people ithe the ob in the hotel Ager B gets © wil get 'B Complete the sentences with the -ing form of the verb oF to = infinitive. 1 Lastsummert tried _éo find (ind) ajob ina restaurant 2. Doyou like (help) animals? 3. Imiooking forward to (ee] my favourite band atthe festival 4 Donte forget (bring) your passport vith you! 5 Jade is good at (read) maps. 6 Will and Sophie decided (stay) in an apartment this year, S Put the words in the correct ordler. 1 stuslents. / The festival / organised / the /is / by The. festival is organised by the students is /by / brillant chef. / The food / a / cooked ice cream / is / on the beach, / sold / Fantastic are / paid / The /lots of money. / football players the DJ, / The music / chosen / is / by fs by/ written / 2 / The story / farous journalist. ourwn 110 Read the emails. Complete each space with one word. eee Front audi Hi, Eile ‘Thanks for your text, I'm really glad that you've decided 1) __t2_ come here in the summer you bring we can go camping 2) _ an your new tent. My parents know a campsite Nea the beach with live music every Saturday. IFS ‘some jocal bands. If we organised 3 - ae : ‘can meet them! Tell me when 9008) — you want 5) _____—— come. Claudia eee Chine Fron ate Hi, Cloucie 1s it Ok 6) Tcome in August? My sports teacher has asked me 7) help with a summer club. I'm good at 8) _ football and I'd like to work with young children, The campsite sounds great. I love 9) to live music, Let's speak at the weekend. Elie re @) Speaking ¢ writing Unit 1 SPEAKING Talking about free time activities Look at the questionnaire, Which things do you like doing in your free time? {Name of student) Adam cooking sm paying a musical instrument m going to the cinema sreacing comics playing computer games going shopping dancing sxcollecting thinas @ What do the students in your class do in their Free time? Make questions and complete the questionnaire in Exercise 1. Az Do you like cooking? B: Yes, }do/No, I don't. on = olen? 3 Tell the class about two people. Say what they like doing and give one extra Fact, Roberto likes doing to the cinema. He usually goes on Saturdays. Gara ites going shopping. She buys music and clothes. Language XP Like /iowerenioy don’ fke/nate Vm good/briliant at WRITING An invitation Plan + Whats the Invitation for? (a Guo, a party, a plenic, ete) + What important information is in the invitation? (cates, times, prices. etc.) Write + Stare the invitation in a frienally way. Hs, Gabby! + Invite your friend. De you want to go to ~ + Give information about times and places. tts every Monday at my house. 18's on Tuesday at school. Wes at the cinema. fe starts at 11.30 a.m We ends at 3.50 p.m. + Give extra information W's my birthday, i's a new film. We play fooéball. + Finish the invitation. What do you think? 1 Hope you can come. Write your name. Check + Is the information correct? +t your spelling correct? + Does your invitation have capital letters and full stops fn the correct places? Extra Write an invitation to a sleepover. Writ = SPEAKING 3 Choose a photo from a magazine or one of your own photos and show it to your partner. Make sentences about your photo. Your partner says if Work with a partner. Student A, look at Picture pounse sacs matecrae 1, Student B, look at Picture 2. Take it in turns to talk about a difference between your pictures. oe In Picture 1, there is o plant on the table. Itis between ont understanci. a book and a laptop. WRITIN A description of an object Plan + Whacobject are you describing? (a mobile phone, 2 tnprop, a watch, etc) ‘+ Vinatinformation is in your description? (size, colour, why you ike the object, wnat you lke deing with the object, etc) write + What object are you writing about? Make this clear in the Fist sentence. My favourite gadget is my iPod. I Love my mobite. phone. + Give information about the colour and size of the object. t's red and very smali. + Say why you ike the object. T love my e-book because | can take it everywhere. + Say whacyou like doing with the object Tenjay playeng games on my mobile phone. Check + sit clear what object you are writing about? + Areyou using the useful language from Unit 2 (eg. Saying where people or things are 2 Find three more differences between the pictures. The girt fs ment to the window. Extra The chair is behind the table 7 wk ae behin Write a description of your favourite object in your The TVsIn From ofthe ctock ie * spac The computer is between the door and the window. ;tting opposite the coor The gins @ Speaking ¢ writing Units SPEAKING Asking and answering questions about the past 1 Work with a partner. Ask and answer questions. Use these phrases. atthe weekend last Friday tight on my birthday J What dis you do ast Friday? ) @ Work with a partner. Choose a card below and use the prompts to make questions. Take it in turns to ask and answer the questions. Student A 1 you / have an exam / yesterday? Did. you have an exam yesterday? 2. what /you / eat for breakfast / today? 3 where / you / go/ afterschool yesterday? jy what / be / your Favourice lesson / Monday? Student B you / speak English / yesterday? Did. you speak English yesterday? how / you / get to schoo! / this morning? what / be / your first lesson / at schoo! this moming? You / have /@ lot of homework / ast nigh? ete l= ed Remember, if you don’t understand, ask. IF your answer is Ves or No, give more id you have an exam yesterday? Yes itwas reatty dificult WRITING A paragraph/short article Plan ‘+ Why are you writing an artice? (or a school magazine, a competition entry, et) + Who reads this type of article? (friends, family, exc) + Writea list of ideas for your article, Put them in order. Write + Make sure your first sentence Introduces the rope of ‘your article, Last week's school trip to the Science Park was bridtiant, My friends and. | had a fantastic. time in London. Waite your ideas inthe correct order First, Then, After that, Before lunch, After break Finish with a sentence that says how you feet fe was a brilliant day I loved. it! Check | your article interesting for the person who is reading It? ‘Are your ideas in the correct order? Do you use the time expressions, e.g, frst, then, before to connect your ideas? Does your article have a good First and last sentence? Extra Write a short article about a good day you had with friends. nit 4 PEAKING Roleplay 1 Work with a partner. Look at the Information on the role cars. You are buying and selng tings Ina shop. Take it in turns to be the shop assistant WRITING nd customer Areview Plan * What are you writing a review of? (a shop, book, computer game, etc) + Whois yourreview for? + What adjectives can you use in your review? + What is your opinion? Think about gos: ana bac points. Student A You want to buy a T-shirt. (You have £12) Write + Say what your review is about. i a good magazine/computer game/ book faba, + Describe what you are reviewing, The book is about .. The shop sells In this computer game you .. + Say what you izeand what you dont ike, The best thing is the music. The best thing is that ibs easy to use. The worst thing is the price. The worst thing és that there are nob encugh levels. T-shirt B= £11.99 ‘Student B You want to buy @ rucksack, (You have £10.) ‘Student A You are selling: Rucksack A= £12.99 Rucksack B = £8.99 eal + Isit clear what you are reviewing? + Is there enough information for your reader) + Isyourspeling correct? eater alleen Extra Tar riinesa baked Write a review of a mobile phone: an I 7y fon? (for clotnes) Have you got any other... ? This one’s great! Thanks, but i don’t wane this one. How rwuch is it? Here you are. Unit 5 SPEAKING Asking for and giving directions 11 Work with a partner. Choose one of the points marked X on the map. Decide where you want to go from here, Teke iin turns to ask for and give eaten ata aod Asking for directions an you tell me where Gan you tell me how to Whereis... ? How dol getto...? Giving directions Ga straight on. Go past the. Turn left/right. Cross ihe brfdge. i's on your left/right {es the fist/second road cn your fet fe tne first/seconat builaing on the sig the road. Go over @ Speaking ¢ writing WRITING A short story Plan + Whactype of story do you went to write? (atrue story, ghost story, funny story, etc.) ‘+ When and where did the story happen? = Arethere people in the story? Who are they? + Write a list of the main ideas For your story. Put them inotier, write + Start the story with a time exaression. last Friday — One day last summer + Give more information about where the story happened and who was there V was in the forest with my cousins. My brother was at the beach with friends. + Write what happened. Use the correct order It was @ great party, At the end of the evening everybody was dancing in the garden. Then, if started raining, ‘+ Make sure the end of your story Is clear. In the end, + Give your siorya tte. The dest day of my life! The mystery of the gold watch Check + Is (tear ven and where the story happened? ‘+ Are the events in the correct order? + Does the ttle tell us what the story is about? Extra Write a true story about something that happened to: ‘you and your Friends at school or on a school trip. Unit S SPEAKING Talking about plans 1 You are making plans for the weekend. Choose ‘what you are going to do. 2 Work with a partner. Ask and answer questions about your plans For the weekend. Use these phrases. atte iday Saturday morning, It Sunday afternoon school on Fi urday {/ yinore ate you going atter school on Friday?) What are you going to watch on Saturday night? } ata (et=t=|- eed Asking about plans Were are you going... ? What ore you gotng to do/see/wotch? fo France, What about you? How about you? Responding Brillant Ammazing That's fun/grect/cool Dees ers your questions, You are weeested 1 WRITING An email (about plans) Plan + Think of the person you are writing to. sit friend or ‘somebody in the family? ‘+ Write in a friendly style. You can imagine you are talking to them when you write + Decide what you want to ask or tell the person (holiday plans, ete). write + Starcthe email with 2 fienaty expression, Hi, Sam Dear Eli ‘+ Asichow the person is or ask a frienaily question, How. cre you? Are you going on Holiday this year? + Give more information. Vm going #0 Paris this year. ‘+ Say how you feel about your plans. (im weoking forward. £0 Swimming in a lake. Vm looking forward £0 the conceré on Saturday. + Finish your email with the correct ending. Bye for now. See you 300n. love Maria. Check + Does your email start and finish with the right ‘expression fora frienc? + Do you give lots of information? + Dayouask lots of questions? Extra Write an email to a friend about your plans for the weekend. In your email, ask your friend about thelr plans. @) Speaking ¢ writing Unit 7 SPEAKING Explaining information 1. Work with a partner and rotfow the instructions. 11 Student A choose one sign buc dont tell your partner. Describe the sign. Student B point ro the ‘correctsign. 2 Now swap roles, Open air ‘en's rosin! swimming poo! Pa Ckses 800m, 10% off No entry after 7:30 pn, ae ‘equity Lessons Cinsevcors Ba 520 20 everybody meteors! eet lett [ead Explaining information The sign says (that) Insays (that) you can’you can t/you have to/you don'thave to de means (snot) This sign is from a care, a shop, a.m WRITING A factfile Plon + Are you writing about a person? What do you know about them? (name, age. nationality, hobbies, interests, etc) + Male a list ofthe key facts about the person and put them in order. + Tryto find something extra to say that is dirrerent or Interesting. Write + Introduce the person you are wiring about. Naomé Robinson ls my best friend. ab school. Fernando Torres is a famous footballer. William Thompson is my cousin Everybody calls him Witt. + Give key information about that person. She's sixteen ard. cames from Colombia He was born in 1984 and lives in (taly He moved. to Poland. when he was eleven. + Add extra information that makes that person Alfferent or special. He started playing international tennis when he was sixteen She's a. brilliant song writer. She loves taking photographs. He can sing really well. Check + Isitclearwho your facifle is about? + Are your facts in che correct order? + Is your factfile interesting? * Does your facie Include words like aiso, too and as well to give more information. Extra Write @ prone about 2 famous person. Unit 8 SPEAKING WRITING Asking questions about trips A postcard and holidays; describing Plan feelings + Where are you on holiday? (name of country/city, in J) Work with a partner. You and your partner have thie micniplans, Hehe Heachy et) been on holiday. Read the information about your What have you done on your holiday? holidays on the rls cards, Tae ein turmato ask, Whetate yout feerys about whar youve done? and anamer questions about your holidays. write + Start and finish your postcard ina friensly way Hi, Martin! See you soon! ‘Student A | Place: Canada 2 ‘Activities: mountain biking, rock cimbing (exciting), boat rides on fake (fantastic) Weather: cool and sunny + Say witere you are on hocay im haying @ brilliant time in Italy/ Brazil/Mew York + Say what the meather isthe e's cold and. sunny. lt rains @ lot. " le’s very hot here. ‘Activities: safart~ saw tion (scary and amazing), beaches + Say what you nave done on nota. Weather: I've been skiing Ene Weve vieited an island. + Say hows you fee! about what you've done. Snowboarding was fantastic but a bit scary. Taree Asking questions Chack i + Hove you started ane finished your postcard in 2 Wibce was the .. ke? 4 Wastherea...? Friendly may? Heve you said where you are on holiday? Have you described the weather? Have you used adjectives to describe how you feel? Have you checked your postcard tor mistakes? Were there any Did you like the Wiha at you de? Describing Feelings wos/were Fantastic wos/were scary Extra wasewere exciting was/were strange was/were interesting... wos/were horrible Wiis a pusteerd too ead Use these ors t0, help you or your own ideas. bear Canada exciting ae roang ing. skiing snowy BD) es Unit 9 SPEAKING Making and responding to suggestions 1 11 Work with a parner: You are going to watch TV together this evening. Look a® the diferent TV programmes and decice wnat to watch. ‘Superstar Tolent (a talent show) The Talking Spot (a chat show] the news Sports Review (a spores programe) Wild Cats (@ documentary) Trouble Sirect (a soap opera) Wihet shail we wateh? How about Sports Review? Let's watch Wild Cats S Coolt/ereat'/s ove Really? | think they're boring. /1 doi really le. © Ask and answer with @ partner. Do you prefer going to the cinema, watching a DVD or watehing. TV with your friends? Why? || What shall we watch an TY tonight? ) Realy? | don’t ike soap operas. i _ Let's watch Superstar Talont. = m @ Speaking ¢ writing WRITING An email (making suggestions) Plan + Who are you writing to? (a school friend, somebody in your family, etc) + What are you suggesting in your emai? (to g0 00 8 concert/festival, watch a film, etc] Write + Sta your ema in 3 enaly way How's it going? Hey, how are things? * Make sure you give the correct information The film starts at 9 p.m. The festival tickets are #45. My dad can buy us some tickets ontune. + Atthe end of your email, make itlear you want to havea reply Let me know what you think I Hope you can come! Check + is youremall friendly? + Have you given enough information? Is it clear that the reader needs to reply to you? Extra Think of an event in your town that you would fike to go to. Write an email to a friend and suggest you go together. Unit 10 SPEAKING Describing illness and giving advice 1 Work with a partner. Look at these health problems and follow the instructions. acold acough aheadeche a sore throat a stomachache temperature toothache 4. Student A, ask your partner how they feet Student B, say how you Feel. Student A, give some ‘advice to Student B 2. Novr swap roles. Asking how somebody's feeling What's the matter? ‘Are you OK? Wna’s wrong? Are you feeling ofl right? Saying how you feel Weget a headache. toothache. a stomachache. Giving advice You should go to bed. You shouldn't go to school. z= WRITING A short letter of advice Plan + mo are you writing 1 (@ magezine reader, a friend, somebody in your Farily, et) = Think about wmy you are writing. (to give advice about school, hobbies, Neath, relationships, etc) + Wrat advice can you give the person? Make 2 fist ft ideas and make sure they match the person's problem write + Start your letter of acvice in 2 friendly way Hi, Jayne Dear Jayne + Moke sure you give the correct advice Why not try Jouning a sports club? t's important to eat healthy food. It's not a good idea to watch too much You should 40 more exercise. + Write something positive and encouraging at the enc of your letter. Do your best and I'm sure you'll be fine! Goad. luck! Check + Isyour etter friendly? + Has your letter given good. clear advice? + Hove you used the correct language for giving advice? (erouis/shoutin' etc) Extra A friend has just moved to a different city and ‘doesn’t knows anyone. Your friend is bored and wants to meet people. Write a short letter of advice. fra ©! Speaking ¢ writing Unit 11 SPEAKING Making and responding to suggestions 2 1 Work with a partner. Read the information about Jobs you could do in the Future. Follow the instructions. 1 Student A, tell your partner one thing about yyoursel. Student B, suggest a job for your partner. ‘Student A, respond to Student B's suggestion. 2. Now swap roles [ike meeting people. | enjoy working with children. | don't want to workin an office. | want to help people. ! want t0 speak English, "love drawing and painting. don't wan: to wear a uniform, | want to work with computers, em tal= elt Making suggestions Wty don't you Whar about You could + verb? Song? + verb. Responding I think that's a gocd/great idea. Vm not sure about that. Pim not keen on that idee. WRITING An email (giving information) Plan + Think about who you are writing to and why you are writing. Do you need to give information in your email? What ype of information isi? fachice about something, Suggestions for daing something, ec Write + Start and finish your email with the rightexpression Hi, Charlie Love, Jessica Moke sure you give the correct information. The best. time to come to England is July or August. If you want to visit London, you could stay with my aunt. 'f you travel by train, it'll be faster. |Atthe end of your email, show your fend that you ‘want to hear from them. 1 hope to hear from you soon Write soon Check + [syouremail friendly? + Bayou start and finish your email with the correct wards? Has your email given good, clear information? Extra A friend is coming to visit you. Write an email saying: + winen they can come, + how they should travel + what you will do when they arrive, Unit 12 SPEAKING WRITING Asking questions A blog 1 Work with a partner. Read the advert. Prepare Plan four questions each. * Are you uiiting abouta place? Choose a place that you Tike, + Who is going to read your blog” (Friends, other students, family, etc) + Why do you like the place? What can you do there or see there? Write alist of your ideas, *+ Shove you are interested in the place. Use words that desesibe how you Feel about it. (brillant, Fantastic, et) Where ...? Whatido? What time ... 7 How much/the weekend? What ...? ‘Music ..? When 7 How much/one day? Write + Intyoduce the place and say what itis. It’s a theme park near London It'S @ shopping centre in Mackrid.. + Say what you can do or see there. You can do lots of different things You can have lunch with your friends You can watch a. film or go shopping Teen Music Festival Amerton Campsite eo eet Food from araund the world + Ginsinformation atzout when you can wisi this place (es open every day. 5 een ee yd The park closes at 5 pm meee ee Tee + Fis wth your onion Why do you eth plac? eae ove it because it's always exciting. eh alana (t's a fantastic park because there are = lots of animals. [b's cool because adults aren't allowed. Language XP Check Naar Wea ‘+ Have you sald what your blog is about? ; * Does your blog give inrormation about the place? (activities. opening hours, etc) + Have you used words to describe the place? Asking questions How much ts Fe? wi Winere 642 When does it start/finisn? Extra ns are clearand simple Wrrite-a blog about a place you visited on a schoot ewsivhat information _trip. Where was it? What did you do? Did you like it? 2 Cover the advert, Take it in turns to ask and answer questions about the festival. 3 Look at the advert again. Check your information a1 Enjoy yourself HOBBIES AND LEISURE amazing (al) brian: (ad cook (¥) ‘cooking (n) cool ad) dance iv) dancing (n) drew (9) drowirg (n) fish (y) fishing (0) pat (v) paling) read () singling (n) ECOLLOCATIONS collect comics collect postcards collect stamps go ona siccpover 0 shopping goto the dnema Fsten co music listen to my iPod play chess play computer games play the guiter ‘watcha film ‘watch DVDs swatch TV Q@ a=» Salo 1e ea tad O02 Can't live without it? TECHNOLOGY bored (adi) alary (9) DVD player (0) entrance (n) experiment (n) great (i) har (ac) headphones {n) keyboard (n) taptop (n) ‘motile phone (n) mouse (n} MP3 player (A) screen (9) speakers (0) ‘webcam (n) COLLOCATIONS ‘chat online downioad music ‘send an email surf the Internet 03 we @ school SCHOOL AND EDUCATION ‘board (n) canteen (0) Classroom {n) desk (n) exam (0) gvm() Worary (n) mark (n) notebook (h) pencil case (0) sclence fb (0) simetable (0) uniform SUBJECTS art (n) computer studies (n) geography in) history (n) maths (n) music (9) PE [n) sseience (9) COLLOCATIONS bbe at school be inanexam bbe in class doshave a test do/have an exam do/have homework ‘get a good mark learn a language learn French ‘wear tie ‘wear a uniform ‘write in your notebook write on the board O04 Whota bargain! SHOPPING buy) card (9) cash (n} closed (ac) cast(v) customer (n) dicionary (n) earpnones (n) jeans (n) laptop in) necklace (7) open (ad) pay) price (n) receipt(n) sme y) shop assistant (n) spend (y) sweets (0) trainers (n) SHOPS bookshop (n) clothes shop (a) computer shop (0 ‘department sore (0) market (0) music shop (n) sports shop (n) ‘supermarket (n) OS Mysteries From history HISTORY ancient place (n) battle (a) castle (n) famous people (n) king (0) queen (0) ‘treasure (n) DATES AND TIMES at the beginning of the twentieth century In November 1872 jn the twelfth century many years ago ‘on 30 June 1508 ADJECTIVES dean dangerous dark dirty light loud quiet sefe O65 Havea good trip! TRAVEL AND TRANSPORT airport (n) bike (n) bus stop (n) catch () coach (n) coach station (n) delay (0) drive (v) ferry (n) get (v) harbour (n), helicopter (n) luggage (n) motorbike (9) passenger (n) plane port(n) ‘de (¥) sail (¥) sip (0) take (v) Bicker (a) train (o) train station (0) tram (n) trp (9) yah? (n) O7 You con do it! SPORTS AND EQUIPMENT ball (A), tasketball (n) board (n) alimbing oy cycle (uv) cycling (n) football (0) goazles (0) yeasts 6) helmet (0) horse-riding (n) co (n) net(n) practice (n) practise () racket (a) tun (v) funning (n) skateboard (v) skateboarding (o) hing (0) art ‘surfing (rn). “swim (v) ‘swimsuit (n) synchronised swimming (n) tenn ( veya) ‘wets COLLOcATIONS do judo/gymnastics go swimming/skiing/horse-riging play football/basketball (2) Vocabulary file 08 See the world THE NATURAL WORLD Africa (n) Antarctica (n) ‘Asia (0) Australia (9) boating hor ea) cloudy (act) desert (n) Europe (n) foggy (ad) forest (9) freezing cold (adi) hit (r) island (n) Fake (n) mountain (n) North America {n) ‘ocean (a) rainforest (7) rainy (ed) river (n) snowy (edi) South Amesica (n) stormy (ac) ‘sunny (agi) windy (adi) wood (n) ANIMALS elephant (a) gira (0) Feopard (0) mouse (n) snake (a) spider (9) tiger (n) zebra (2) OS Let me entertain you ENTERTAINMENT action film (n} actor tn) actress (0) animation (9) auctence (n) ballet cancer tn chat show (n) down (n) comedian (a) comedy (n) contestant (n) documentary (n) ‘dream (n) funny (ac) hhoeror film (9) huge (ea) incerescing(ad)) agen) magician (n) musician (n} ridiculous (ac) romantic fitm (n} ‘scary (agi) ‘science Action film (sci-fi) (n) singer (n) soap opera (n} sports programme (o) stage (0) strange (ad) talent show (A) the news (n) winner (0)

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