Working With Values: Tolerance I Tolerance Tolerance

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Read and reflect on the following values below. How can you put them into practise
in your daily life? Write down your ideas.


We are all unique and have something value to offer and share.

Tolerance is accepting differences.

Tolerance is accepting myself, even when I make mistakes.

Tolerance is accepting others, even when they make


Are you a tolerant person? Provide your reasons.



Peace is being quiet inside.

Peace is having good feelings inside.

Peace is getting along and not arguing or hitting.

Peace is having positive thoughts about myself and others.

Peace begins within each one of us.

In which situation of your everyday life can you show that you are a peaceful

Responsability is doing my job.

Responsability is caring.

Responsability is trying my best.

Responsability is taking care of things.

Responsability is helping others when they need help.

Reponsability is being fair.

Responsability is helping to make a better world.

Which are your responsabilities at school / at home? Do you always fulfill them?


I am lovable.

I have love inside.

Love is caring.

Love is sharing.

Love is being kind.

Love makes me feel self.

When there´s a lot of love inside, anger runs aways.

Love means I want what is good for others.

Do you usually show love to the people around you?


Respect is feeling good about myself.

Respect is knowing I am unique an valuable.

Respect is listening to the others.

Respect is knowing that others are valuable too.

Respect is treating others nicely.

Are you respectful towards your classmates,

teachers and parents?

What do disrespectful people



Honesty is telling what really happened.

Honesty is telling the truth.

Honesty is not telling lies at all.

When I feel honest, I feel clear inside.

When I am honest, I can learn and help others learn to be


Think of dishonest people do... How can you show honesty at


Cooperation is everyone helping to get something done.

Cooperation is working together towards a common goal.

Cooperation is working together with patience and affection.

How does cooperative work make a task easier ? Think of team



Humility is staying easy and light inside.

Humility goes together with self-respect.

Humility is when I know I am wonderful but I don´t brag or

show off.

A humble person can stay happy inside while listening to

others .

Humility means I behave well while I wait my turn.

“If you want to be brainy...start with humility”

Discuss this
idea ..................................................................................................................................................

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