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What’s Up!

Mecca of Magic
Our sister club to the south
May’s meeting was an
held it’s annual Mecca of
absolutely splendiferous and
Magic earlier this month
fantastic gathering of local
and it should be noted that
none other than Philemon
So much transpired on that
Vanderbeck (who is once
evening that my head is still
again among the living) won
reeling from the enormity of
the coveted Best Performer
it all.
award beating out a gaggle
Our President Bruce Meyers
of other fine performers.
was in fine form, wheeling
and dealing all night long.
He whizzed through the A Letter of Interest
business portion of the
meeting in record time so as Dear Mr. Meyers,
not to delay getting to the My name is Allison Chin. I'm
all-important magic portion trying to start this recrea-
tional therapy program
of the evening.
called Project Magic at the
Many of the membership
University of Washington
came forward to demon-
Medical Center. Basically,
strate their uncanny magical
this program uses the rec-
abilities and several reation of magic tricks as
performed the selections that physical and mental
they had submitted for the exercises for patients - it's a
Ring 339 Parade which good supplement to the trad-
appeared in that months itional approach, because it
issue of The Linking Ring. helps to fine tune motor skills
All in all a great time was as well as improve self-esteem
had by all. and social skills. If you'd like
Be sure not to miss the next to learn more, I suggest you
meeting. visit David Copperfield's web
For this type of program to
work, I need the support of
the magic community! I was
wondering if any of your peers may
O ur Officers
be interested in this opportunity to President:
give back to the community. Bruce Meyers
Thank you for your time and
Allison Chin
Cell phone: (425) 218-6529
Email: Vice Presidents
Events Philemon Vanderbeck
June 21st 6:30 p.m.
Magic Monday Treasurer:
Third Place Books in Roger Needham
Lake Forest Park P.O. Box 2516
Renton WA 98056
June 27th 7:00 p.m.
The Cabaret of Dr. Caligary
Rendezvous's Librarian:
Jewel Box Theater
Jeff Dial
August 4 th - 7th
PCAM Secretary:
Sea-Tac Marriott Tom Rucker
Our next meeting will be
June 10th The Pasteboard
And as usual we will meet at the C/O Tom Rucker
Lynnwood Fire Department 2350 215th PL SW
Brier WA. 98036
44 th AVE and 188 th. ST
Lynnwood .
Or so I’ve been told.
Business meeting 7:00 Magic at 7:30ish
Or thereabouts

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