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Chapter 6: Permeability of Soils

Soils have interconnected voids through which water can flow from points of high energy to points of low
energy. The study of flow of water through porous soil media is important in soil mechanics. It is necessary
for estimating the quantity of underground seepage under various hydraulic conditions, for investigating
problems involving the pumping of water for underground construction, and for making stability analyses of
earth dams and earth retaining structures that are subject to seepage forces.
The discharge velocity of water, which is the quantity of water flowing in unit time through a unit cross-
sectional area of the soil (at right angles to the direction of flow) is a function of hydraulic conductivity and
hydraulic gradient. The hydraulic conductivity is an important parameter for a soil in the study of seepage.

If Bernoulli’s equation is applied to the flow of water through porous soil, velocity head can be neglected
since the seepage velocity is very small.

The loss of head between A and B is

Hydraulic gradient

Geotechnical Engineering 1 (Soil Mechanics)

Engr. Hessa G. Azul
Reference: Principles of Geotechnical Engineering by Braja M. Das Page 1
Chapter 6: Permeability of Soils

In general, the variation of the velocity v with the hydraulic gradient i is as shown in the figure. This figure is divided
into three zones:
1. Laminar flow zone (Zone I)
2. Transition zone (Zone II)
3. Turbulent flow zone (Zone III)

Nature of variation of v with hydraulic gradient i


In 1856, Henri Philibert Gaspard Darcy published a simple empirical equation for the discharge velocity of water
through saturated soils. This was based primarily on Darcy’s observations about the flow of water through clean
sands and is given as

Hydraulic conductivity is expressed in cm/sec or m/sec, and discharge is in m 3/sec.

Relationship of discharge velocity and seepage velocity.


1. Constant Head Test is used primarily for coarse grained soils. In this type of laboratory
setup, the water supply at the inlet is adjusted in such a way that the difference between
the inlet and the outlet remains constant during the test period. After a constant flow rate
is established, water is collected in a graduated flask for a known duration.
The total volume of water, Q, collected may be expressed as
Q= Avt = A( ki)t
A = area of cross-section of the soil specimen
t = duration of water collection

Also, because
where L = length of the specimen

Geotechnical Engineering 1 (Soil Mechanics)

Engr. Hessa G. Azul
Reference: Principles of Geotechnical Engineering by Braja M. Das Page 2
Chapter 6: Permeability of Soils

Q= A (k )t
2. Falling Head Test is preferred for fine-grained soil since flow rates to the soil are too small. In this type of
test, water from a standpipe flows through the soil. The initial head difference, h 1, at
time t = 0 is recorded, and water is allowed to flow through the soil specimen such
that the final head difference at time t = t2 is h2.

Standpipe: Soil Sample:

dh h
Q=−a Q=vA=k A
dt L

dh h
−a =k A
dt L

If h has fallen from h1, at the start of the test to h2, after time t, then:
h2 t
dh kA
−a ∫ = ∫ dt
h 1
L 0

aL h1
k= ln
At h2

a = cross sectional area of the stand pipe

A = cross sectional area of the soil specimen
t = duration of water collection
L = length of soil specimen

Temperature Correction:
RT =2.42−0.475 ln T
Corrected K 20℃ =R T K

Absolute Permeability Transmissivity of Soil Ḱ=absolute permeability

Stratum K=hydraulic conductivity

Ḱ= T = Ḱ b η=viscosity of water
b=thickness of aquifer


For horizontal flow: For vertical flow:

1 H
K H (eq )= ( K H + K H 2 H 2 + K H 3 H 3 +⋯ + K Hn H n ) K V (eq) =
H H1 1 H1 H2 H3 Hn
Geotechnical Engineering 1 (Soil Mechanics)
Engr. Hessa G. Azul ( )( )( ) ( )
KV 1
KV 2
KV 3
+⋯ +
K Vn
Reference: Principles of Geotechnical Engineering by Braja M. Das Page 3
Chapter 6: Permeability of Soils


In the field, the average hydraulic conductivity of a soil deposit in the direction
of flow can be determined by performing pumping tests from wells. The figure
shows an unconfined and underlain by
impermeable layer whose hydraulic
conductivity has to be determined.

During the test, water is pumped out at a

constant rate from a test well that has a perforated
casing. Several observation wells at various radial
distances are made around the test well.
Continuous observation of the water level in the test well
and in the observation wells are made after the start of
pumping, until a steady state is reached. The steady
state is established when the water level in the test and observation
wells becomes constant.

At steady state, let’s consider a cylindrical zone of radius r and height h above the impervious stratum. The
hydraulic gradient at the perimeter of the cylinder is . Therefore, the flow rate into the cylinder is the same as the
flow rate out of the well, which is given by:

Q=k 2 πrh
r1 h1
dr 2 πk
∫ r = Q ∫ h dh
r2 h 2

Q r1
k= ln
The average hydraulic π ( h12−h22 ) r 2
conductivity for a confined aquifer can also be
determined by conducting a pumping test from a well
with a perforated casing that penetrates the full depth of the
aquifer and by observing the piezometric level in a

Geotechnical Engineering 1 (Soil Mechanics)

Engr. Hessa G. Azul
Reference: Principles of Geotechnical Engineering by Braja M. Das Page 4
Chapter 6: Permeability of Soils

number of observation wells at various radial distances. Pumping is continued at a uniform rate q until a steady state
is reached.

Q ln
2 πt ( h 1−h2 )

Transmissivity of Aquifer in a Pumping Test

Q ln
2 π ( z 2−z 1 )

T = transmissivity
z1 = draw down of the farthest observation well
z1 = draw down of the nearest observation well
Q = rate of discharge


Practice solving problems…

Geotechnical Engineering 1 (Soil Mechanics)

Engr. Hessa G. Azul
Reference: Principles of Geotechnical Engineering by Braja M. Das Page 5

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