Fill in The Blanks With The Correct Simple Present or Present Continuous Tense 2020

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John (1) ___________ (read) a novel in his room while his sister (2)_____________ (do)
her school homework. Peter, his younger brother (3)__________________(watch) TVinthehall.
Fatheris(4)______________ (wash) his car in the porch and mother
(5)_________________ (cook) in the kitchen.

2. My teacher’s name (1) ______________(be) Mr Tan. He (2) ____________(teach) us Maths.

Currently he (3) _______________(teach) form 1 and form 2 classes. He (4)__________(come) to
school by car. He (5) ______________(like) to play badminton and also (6) _____________ (enjoy)
country music.

3. Pak Man is a fisherman. He (1)________(go) to fish in the sea every day. He (2)_______(wake) up
early in the morning before sunrise. Ali (3) __________(be) his good friend. Both of them go (4)
________ (fish) together. They (5)____________(catch) a lot of fish but sometimes they don’t (6)
___________ (catch) any.

4. Miss Ratnam likes to (1) ________ (jog). She (2) __________(jog) around the park every evening.
Today, she (3) ___________(jog) with her friends. They (4) ____________(jog) for a cause. They
(5) _________(want) ) to raise funds for the poor and needy students in their neighbourhood.

5. John’s mother (1) _______ (bake) a birthday cake for his birthday. He (2)________(celebrate) his
16th birthday today. It (3) _______(be) a surprise and he (4) ________ (not know) about it.

Fill in the blanks with the correct Simple Present or Present Continuous Tense 2020

6. John (1) ________ (not come) home today. He (2)_________ (go) to Penang to (3)
__________(meet) some of his old school friends. They plan to (4) ________ (hike) Penang Hill on
foot. They (5)____________ (start) their journey from the foot of the hill. They (6)__________ (plan)
to use the old hiking track to hike up to Penang Hill.

7. Every morning, Nancy goes (1) ________ (jog) with her father. They usually like to (2) _________
(jog) early in the morning. They (3) __________(wear) light clothing when jogging. They also (4)
__________ (wear) good sports shoes. They (5) _________ (believe) jogging helps them to keep fit.

8. People working in big cities (1) ________ (travel) back home during festive seasons. Many (2)
__________ (drive) back while some (3)________ (take) the bus to their village. During these seasons
many accidents happen. These accidents (4) _____________(be) mainly caused by dangerous driving
and speeding. Many ives (5) _________ (be) lost every year in these accidents.

9. Pak Mail (1) __________(be) in his orchard. There are many (2)___________ (type) of fruit
trees in his orchard. He (3) ________ (go) to his orchard every morning to check on the fruit trees.
Today, he is (4)______ (look) for durians which have fallen from the trees. He
(5)_______________(collect) and (6) ________ (sell) them at his road side stall.
10. Sin Pei (1) _________ (not go) to school today. She (2)___________(notfeel) well. Her ather(
3) ______ (take) her to the hospital later. Now, she (4)______(rest) in her bed. Her
mother(5)_______ (prepare) some soup in the kitchen.

11. Encik Kassim (1) __________ (work) in an IT company in Kuala Lumpur. He (2) _______ (go) to
work by car every day. Today, he (3) __________ (take) LRT to work. He (4) ____ (get) up early
every morning and (5) _________ (come) late at night.

12. The weather (1) ________ (be) quite cloudy today. It (2) _________(look) like it might rain today.
Therefore, I (3) ______ (plan) to stay at home and (4) _________ (finish) my school homework. I
need to (5)__________(pass) them up when school reopens.

13. Our school (1) ________ (organize) a talk at the school hall today. A police officer (2) _________
(come) to give a talk on “Road Safety”. All the Form 4 and Form5 students (5) _________ (attend)
this talk.

14. Sally (1) _______ (bath) and John (2)______ (eat) in the kitchen. Sally’s brother (3) ________
(clean) his motorcycle outside. Her sister (4) __________ (listen) to music in the room. She (5)
___________ (take) part in a singing competition next month.



You are the President of the Environmental Club of your school. You have been
requested by your principal to give a speech during school assembly. Your speech is in
conjunction with the “Love your Environment” campaign.
Using the notes below, write your speech.

 Collect waste material and separate

 Send to recycling centers \Collect old newspapers
 Poster competition
 Do not litter

A very good morning I bid to the principal,Pn Halimahton binti Jamal, senior
assistants, teachers and friends,

I am Kamarulzaman bin Ahmad, proudly standing here as the President of the

Environmental Club, and am really honoured to be given this opportunity to talk to all of
you today. In conjunction with the “Love your Environment” campaign, I would like to
talk about the activities to be carried out to show that we love our environment.

As students, it is our responsibility to keep our environment clean. We play a vital

role in protecting our environment. A lot of waste can be reused such as bottles, cans,
and newspapers. Therefore, every morning we will go around the school compound
and collect all waste materials. Then we must separate these waste products in
different garbage bags. These garbage bags will then be sent to recycling centres.
The next activity is collecting old newspapers from our home. You are requested
to collect old newspapers and bring them to school every morning. The collection
centre will be the school canteen. There will be someone from the club who will be in
charge of the collection. Please make sure that you tie the newspapers into bundles
before handing them in.

Another activity that will be held is the poster competition. Anyone interested
must register with Lim May May from Form 5 Mulia. The closing date of submission is
the 10th March 2011. The theme of the posters must follow the theme of our campaign.
The first prize winner will get a book voucher of RM200, the second prize winner will
get a book voucher of RM100, and the third prize winner will receive a book voucher of

Finally, I wish to give a word of reminder to you all. Please do not litter. We must
avoid the habit of throwing rubbish indiscriminately. We must always remember that a
cleaner environment would ensure a happier and healthier life. I would like to make an
appeal for full cooperation from all parties to make this campaign a success. With that,
thank you.


You attended a Road Safety Campaign organised by the local police

department. After the campaign, you were asked to give a speech in your
school on ways to ensure road safety while on the road.

 obey the traffic rules

 motorists must use crash helmets
 ensure the engine is in good condition
 do not speed
 be patient on the road
 ride slowly in a school area
 obey the speed limit
 do not use mobile phones while driving
 do not drink and drive
 be careful when driving on a rainy day
 do not drive if sleepy


A very…………………. / I feel very happy………

have attended (See Question)………

Today I am going to give a talk on ……

Nowadays road accidents are rampant in ………….

Many people have died in…………….

Therefore positive steps must be taken to overcome…….

There are many ways to ensure ……..

One of the important ways to ensure road safety while on the road is (c1 )

{ How } – follow the instructions on the sign board

stop at the traffic lights
follow the speed limit
Another important way to ensure road safety while on the road is ( c


{ Why } – can prevent head injuries.

will not be fined for not wearing helmet.

Besides that important way to ensure road safety while on the road is
(c3) ………………………………………..

{ How } – must check the engine

make sure the tyre and breaks in good condition

Furthermore important way to ensure road safety while on the road is

(c4) …………………………………………

{ What } – do not racing on the road

do not overtake at sharp corners

Next important way to ensure road safety while on the road is

(c5) ………………………………………………….

{ How } – stop at the traffic lights when it turns green

Apart from that other ways to ensure road safety while on the road is (c6) and (c7)
{ Why } - students might cross the road

Another way to ensure road safety while on the road is

{ Why } – cannot pay attention

Moreover ways to ensure road safety while on the road is

( c9 ) and ( c10 ) …………………………………….

{ Why } – can lost control and cause accident

- road slippery
Lastly ways to ensure road safety while on the road is
( c 11 ) ...................................................................

{ Why } - tired and cannot concentrate on the road

That’s all my talk for today. I hope …………

Thank you for listening ……………………….

Coping with Stress
by Wira Mohamad

The phenomenon of students under pressure is evident from the behaviour of those
students affected. I am a student and I know when my friends are under pressure.
Some of those active ones will suddenly turn passive. Some will become too quiet
while some tend to get angry fast.

There are many ways one can get rid of stress. Firstly, student, especially
teenagers, must go for regular exercise. A brisk walk in the park would release a lot of
tension. Students should play football, hockey, basketball and badminton to reduce

Exercise is also said to relax the body muscles and keep you calm. Students
must have hobbies such as reading, collecting stamps, fishing or listening to music of
your choice. These leisure activities help keep students free from school-related stress.

Therefore, students should plan a time-table. They can also work in groups to
solve some of their academic problems. Besides making friends and discussing certain
issues, group discussions can help improve study skills. One of these is the ability to
make a check-list of all the activities planned and carried out. This in turn will make
studying more effective and avoid unnecessary pressure.

Students should also have balanced meals and enough sleep. These are said to
be basic to healthy lives. Students, especially those in examination classes, must sleep
and eat well because a healthy body creates a healthy mind. However, the process of
going to sleep can sometimes be difficult. Hence, it is necessary to seek advice from
those whom we trust and love. Counsellors in school are helpful but you can always
talk to your family first. However, if nothing works, there is a need to seek treatment
from the relevant authorities. You may be surprised but a friend of mine said that
screaming at the mountains and laughing your heart out can take away stress.

You find that many of your friends are under a lot of pressure. They spend most of their time
studying and appear to suffer from stress. Write an article for your school magazine on how
to cope with stress. Include the following points.

(C1) regular exercise

(C2) hobbies
(C3) plan a timetable
(C4) work in groups
(C5) enough sleep
(C6) balanced meals
(C7) study skills
(C8) make a check-list
(C9) seek advice
(C10) games
(C11) talk to your family
(C12) listen to music
You should use all the points given and add two more points.

When writing an article remember:

to give a title
that your readers are students
to include all the points
to add two new points

Fill in the blanks below by referring to Sample Question

How to _____________________________
Stress is a popular word known by many people and closely associated to school
students especially among students studying for SPM examination. As a student, I
have seen many of my friends are under pressure. So, we have find ways to cope with

There are many ways one can cope with stress. Firstly, students must do
_____________________________(c1). For example you can go for
___________________________________ Secondly, you could have
_____________________________ (c2) such as ________________________. This can
relax our mind. Next, you should ____________________________ (c3) So that you will
not waste your time. Furthermore, you should _________________________________
(c4). You can discuss your lesson and problems with your friends.

You should have ________________________________(c5) You must sleep at

least 8 hours a day. You must eat ___________ __________ (c6). Balanced meals are
important to live healthy. We need nutritious food to keep our body fit and away from
diseases. You must practice a good
If you have good and effective study skills or techniques will make you more
confident in you lesson. This can help to reduce stress.

Besides that, you must ____________________________ (c8) It can help you to

check all your activities planned. So that, you can carry out your activities
systematically without any unnecessary pressure. You should
_________________________________(c9) It is important to seek advice from
those who are experienced , understanding and trustworthy. You can talk to the
school counselors.

On the other hand, you must play__________________ (c10) For example we

can play football, netball, volleyball or other games. We cannot deny a healthy body
will lead a healthy mind. Next you can always talk
____________________________ (c11)

They have experience and they can help you to solve your problems. You should
__________________________ (c12) to reduce your stress. This leisure activity can
help you to keep students away from personal and school related stress. Besides you
should ________________________________(c13) By surfing internet you can get
new friends to chat and share your problems. Lastly you can
____________________________(c14) If you have any problems with certain
subjects , you can go to tuition classes.
In conclusion I hope that you will follow my tips to reduce stress. We must
overcome stress because it can lead to other serious problems.
Section A: Directed Writing
(35 marks)
(Time suggested : 45 minutes)
There are many gangsterism cases happen in your school lately. As the Head Prefect of the school, you
have been asked by the Principal to write an article to alert students about gangsterism.

Use the following notes to write out the article.

Causes of gangsterism - lack of parental love

- peer group influence
- negative exposure of mass media
- no specific rules and strict enforcement

Effects of gangsterism - society – insecure - threatened

- parents – badly treated - community
- individual – traumatic experience - death
- school – bad image – indiscipline cases

Ways to prevent gangsterism - seek advice - school counsellors

- conduct - programs – long-term benefits
- enforce - strict rules - punishments
- instil – positive values- educational

When writing your article, you should remember:

 give your article a title
 include the name of the writer
 use all the notes given

Note : For your article, you will receive up to 15 marks for the format and content points and
up to 20 marks for the quality of your writing.

Curbing the Widespread of Gangsterism in Schools to the Core!
Written by: Marry Anne Abdullah

Have you ever heard of a case in which a junior was extorted by the seniors? Extortion is one
example of the plethora forms of gangsterism alongside bullying and vandalism, to name a few.
Gangsterism can be defined as misdemeanour or mischievous acts perpetrated by the delinquents. To
our surprise, this act of mischief has become a growing concern among all walks of life, be it the
parents, teachers and the society due to the ramifications it has caused.
One of the contributing factors of gangsterism is the lack of parental love [C1]. Teenagers are
at the phase of life in which they need to be monitored the most. Teenagers whose parents are
preoccupied with work will resort to rebellious acts in order to gain attention. Additionally, peer group
influence [C2] is undeniably one of the reasons too. Teenagers often involve in gangsterism because
they want to seek protection from the superior groups. Instead of being the victim, they opt to be the
bullies. On the other hand, the advancement of technology has indirectly contributed to the
gangsterism cases due to the negative exposure of the mass media [C3]. Teenagers are easily
influenced with their surroundings including whatever is shown on the television or websites
regardless of the negative consequences it offers them. At present days, having a smartphone is no
longer surprising, yet it has become a norm. Nevertheless, are we aware of the disadvantages it has?
Everybody has the answer for that. Apart from that, the absence of specific rules and strict
enforcement set by the authorities has triggered the hike in gangsterism cases since those gangsters
think that they are not bound to any law resulting them to face the music for their delinquencies.
Now, let’s move on to the repercussions of gangsterism. So how does it affect the society at
large? The society might feel insecure for being threatened [C5] by the gangsters themselves. These
gangsters are not only circulating in school, yet they can be anywhere. Having your car mirror
smashed or tyre punctured can be among the effects if you ever try confronting them for their
misconduct. The parents are the ones who will be misjudged the most. It is so unfair when they will be
badly treated by the community [C6] for failing to nurture the kids into well-mannered human beings.
On the other hand, gangsterism has most importantly affected the victims. Any individuals who have
become the prey of gangsterism will face traumatic experience especially when it comes to fatal
physical injuries that may lead to death [C7]. Sometimes, being too pressured and traumatized may
cause the victims to commit suicide as a way to end their horrendous nightmare. Last but not the
least, gangsterism has caused the school where the gangsters are studying at has the bad image
portrayed by the outsiders due to the numerous indiscipline cases [C8].
Prevention is better than cure. This saying suits the issue I am highlighting at the moment.
There are myriads of ways to curb gangsterism from spreading like a virus. The first precautionary
action is, the students; be it the gangsters or the victims need to seek advice and professional
assistance from the school counsellors [C9] regarding the problems they encounter. Secondly, parents
need to monitor the teenagers’ whereabouts [C10] to prevent them from being influenced by the
peers especially those with bad attitudes since they have the freedom to do whatever they feel like
doing without any boundaries. Moreover, the government has to enforce strict rules and severe
punishments [C11] on the perpetrators who have done any atrocities by breaking the laws. Next, the
school authority ought to organize an awareness campaign [C12] on the impact of gangsterism
involving the students and parents. Without a doubt, befriending benevolent, courteous and well-
disciplined companions [C13] is the best way to help preventing gangsterism at its root.
Having shared the causes, effects and necessary measures to be taken by the authority, this
article has come to an end. My earnest hope is that, I have shed some lights on how dangerous
gangsterism can be to our generation. Therefore, everyone has to play the role in curbing this kind of
offense from getting worse. May the force be in our favour. Together, we can make the difference!

No 13, Merriness Street,

Maryland Park,
53100 Gombak,
Kuala Lumpur.

The Director,
Avid Library,
53100 Gombak,
Kuala Lumpur. 13
December 2018
Dear Sir,

Dissatisfaction over the inconveniences of Avid Library

I am writing this letter to draw your attention to the above title. As the representative of the
community, I am calling to tell you that the 300 residents living in Maryland Park are extremely
discontented about the lackadaisical attitude of the management of the library that was once
frequently visited.
First of all, I wish to express my dissatisfaction pertaining to the reading materials provided at
your well-established library. Being the only library within our reach, we expect it to have adequate
and updated materials. On the contrary, the storybooks are not only inadequate yet they are left
scattered on the floor creating such an unpleasant sight. The revision books on the other hand are
very limited in number making it hard for the students to do revision for their upcoming examinations.
Additionally, the outdated and moth-eaten newspapers and magazines are preventing the visitors
from getting the latest information they wish to read about.
The library seems out of proportion since it can no longer cater to our needs. Most of the
facilities are worn out. The rusty and squeaky chairs and tables force the visitors to sit on the floor
giving them discomfort to enjoy reading. Most of the time they decide to walk out of the crowded
place which is jam-packed especially on the weekends. Another problem encountered by the visitors is
regarding the librarians. There has been a deluge of complaints about the rude librarians who use
brash language when dealing with the visitors.
For your information, some of the residents are less fortunate. They rely solely on the facilities
provided by the library to get their assignment done. To their dismay, the internet access in your
library is not of much help since it has limited network coverage. They often waste their time waiting
for a page to load. At our residential, it is a norm for the residents to visit the library on the weekends
and public holidays. Sadly, the operating hours are not fixed. They open and close it without informing
the visitors beforehand causing them troubles having to come just to see it locked. Furthermore, the
bad lighting is another catastrophe causing users to feel sluggish and sleepy while reading and
jeopardizing their health.
A library is expected to serve its purpose of providing comfortable environment for reading yet
it does not happen to your library. The air-conditioners have been faulty since the last time I came to
the library which was three months ago. It is unbearable for the visitors to stand the heat with people
swarming in. Last but not least, the cleanliness is far from its standard with the uncollected rubbish
from food residue creating obnoxious stench.
I would like to air some suggestions you might find helpful to help improve the condition of
your library. We have made numerous appeals to the librarians to look into our complaints but to no
avail. Firstly, do hire more janitors to ensure the cleanliness of the library is well maintained besides
fining those who bring food and beverages into the library. Secondly, repair or replace all those
defective and malfunctioning equipment for the comfort of the users.
We have been putting up with this predicament for more than a month. Having mentioned all
the complaints I gathered from the users, I hope you will look into this matter as soon as possible.
Your cooperation is highly appreciated. Thank you.

Yours Faithfully,
Mary Anne Abdullah

Practice 1
Read the following passage and then fill in each of the numbered blanks with the past tense form of the
verb given in the bracket. (simple past, past continuous, passive form)

Hasimah woke up suddenly to find herself soaked to the skin. She (1)__________(jump) out of
her bed. To her horror her bedroom (2) _____________(be) filled with water reaching to her knees. Just
then her parents and younger brother (3)_____________(enter) her room. , urging her to gather her
important documents and items she could save, and then follow them out of their house and
(4)____________(move) to a higher ground. The electricity supply had been cut off and it
(5)_____________(be) dangerous to keep on staying in darkness. They could not do a thing with only
two torchlights left. Once they (6) ____________(be) out of the house they saw that the entire
neighbourhood was flooded. Most of the neighbours were already moving their valuable possessions to
a higher place. They (7) _____________(seem) unhappy and a bit tired.
Some of them (8)____________(be) transported in police boats especially children and the
elderly. Some men (9)_________ (hear) talking about the flood. They never (10) _______
(expect) it would be that bad this time around. They (11) ____________(not, prepare) for it. However,
they were still thankful as the authorities (12)____________(do) all.

Practice 2
Titanic had been proudly referred to as ‘the unsinkable’. Yet, on the morning of 15 April 1912, she (1)
__________ (go) down bringing with her 1513 out of 2224 passengers on board. The Titanic, nearly
274 metres long and eleven decks high (2) ___________(leave) on 10 April for New York, on her
maiden voyage. The passengers on board (3) ___________(be) from all levels of society including
millionaires and the rich and famous. The upper deck (4) _____________(occupy) by these
groups while the lower decks (5) ____________(be) full with emigrants.
On the fourth day of her voyage, she (6) ____________(hit) an iceberg which cut a 90- metre
slice in her full. Many of the passengers (7) ____________(be) unaware of the damage. The cabins
were soon (8)____________(flood) and at 12.05am, the Captain, Edward Smith,
(9)_______________(give) the order to launch the lifeboats. Unfortunately, there were only eighteen
lifeboats which (10)___________(not, be) enough to accommodate all the passengers.
The safety of the first class passengers (11) _____________(give) priority over the others. At 2.20a.m,
the SS Titanic (12)____________(slid) down into her grave in the North-West Atlantic.

Practice 3
When I (1)____________(return) to the common, the sun (2) __________(be) setting. Scattered
groups were (3) _____________( hurry) from the direction of Woking, and one or two persons
(4)_____________ (return). The crowd about the pit had increased, and stood out black against the
lemon yellow of the sky, a couple of hundred people perhaps. There (5) _________(be) raised
voices, and some sort of struggle (6)____________(appear) to be going on about the pit. Strange
imaginings (7)__________(pass) through my mind. As I drew nearer I heard Stent’s voice.
“Keep back! Keep back!”
A boy (8) ____________(come) running towards me.
“It’s moving”, he (9)___________(say) to me.
I (10) ____________(go) on to the crowd. There (11)___________(be) really, I should think,
two or three hundred people elbowing and jostling one another, the one or two ladies there being by no
means the least active.
The crowd swayed a little, and I (12) ____________(elbow) my way through. Everyone seemed
greatly excited. I heard a peculiar humming sound from the pit and saw a boy in the corner of the room.

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