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Hess’s law Bond enthalpies 5.

3 [22 marks]
1a. [1 mark]
Consider the following Hess’s law cycle:

Identify the type of reaction in step 1.

…………………………………………………addition reactant ………………………………………………………….

1b. [1 mark]
Calculate the standard enthalpy change, ΔHΘ, of step 2 using section 13 of the data booklet.

Sum products- sum reactants

(-1411 -286)
-1697 J
1c. [1 mark]
Determine the standard enthalpy change, ΔHΘ, of step 1. -
Sum products- sum reactants
-1561 –(-1411 -286)
-1561 +1697
=-136 J
1d. [2 marks]
Suggest one reason why the calculated value of ΔHΘ using Hess’s Law in part (c) can be
considered accurate and one reason why it can be considered approximate.

Acccurate because it is not an average like bon enthalpy it is precise , with no heat lost to

2a. [3 marks]
Enthalpy changes depend on the number and type of bonds broken and formed.
Hydrogen gas can be formed industrially by the reaction of natural gas with steam.
                                          CH4(g) + H2O(g) → 3H2(g) + CO(g)
Determine the enthalpy change, ΔH, for the reaction, in kJ, using section 11 of the data
Bond enthalpy for C≡O: 1077 kJ mol−1
C-H 2 O-H 3 H-H 1 C-O
Reactants – products
4(414)+2(463) – 3(436) + 358
1656 +926 – 1308 +358
2582- 1666

2b. [1 mark]

The table lists the standard enthalpies of formation, Δ H Θf , for some of the species in
the reaction above.
Outline why no value is listed for H2(g).
The standard enthalpy of formation of any element in its standard state This is because when we
measure enthalpy of thermodynamic processes it is in a system however like H2 in naturally
substances there are no specific systems or boundaries. Though not 0 because bonds are formed
but considered ‘non existent’

2c. [1 mark]
Determine the value of ΔHΘ, in kJ, for the reaction using the values in the table.
-111-(-74 -242 )
2d. [1 mark]
Outline why the value of enthalpy of reaction calculated from bond enthalpies is less
Bond enthalpy values are the average of many bonds from different molecules , it is an
approximation and not precise , making it the least accurate .

3a. [1 mark]
A student titrated an ethanoic acid solution, CH3COOH (aq), against 50.0 cm3 of 0.995 mol
dm–3 sodium hydroxide, NaOH (aq), to determine its concentration.
The temperature of the reaction mixture was measured after each acid addition and
plotted against the volume of acid.
Using the graph, estimate the initial temperature of the solution.

21.4 C

3b. [1 mark]
Determine the maximum temperature reached in the experiment by analysing the graph.
3c. [2 marks]
Calculate the concentration of ethanoic acid, CH3COOH, in mol dm–3. 1. VOL = 26 cm3
0.995 - I concentration= 0.0498 /0.026
X - 0.05 = 0.0498 moles = CONC =1.91 mol/dm3
3d. [2 marks]
Determine the heat change, q, in kJ, for the neutralization reaction between ethanoic acid
and sodium hydroxide.
Assume the specific heat capacities of the solutions and their densities are those of water.
50 + 26 = 76 cm3 - .076 dm3- .076 kg 29-21.4 =7.6 C
Heat change = .076 kg x 4.18kJ/kg/k x 7.6K
Heat change =2.4kJ

3e. [2 marks]
Calculate the enthalpy change, ΔH, in kJ mol–1, for the reaction between ethanoic acid and
sodium hydroxide.
Concx vol Enthalpy change kJ/mol = heatchange/#mol = 2.4/.0497
1.91x 0.026=.0497 Enthalpy change= -48 kJ/mol

3f. [2 marks]
Curves X and Y were obtained when a metal carbonate reacted with the same volume of
ethanoic acid under two different conditions.
Explain the shape of curve X in terms of the collision theory.
The slope os very steep at the begging as there is the most/maximum amount of particles
that are able to collide thus causing a greater rate of colume production , volume decreases
over time as there are less particled to collide .
3g. [1 mark]
Suggest one possible reason for the differences between curves X and Y.
Difference in concentration of ethanoic acid ( x would have high conc)

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