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Present Continuous Worksheet 1

Conjugate the verb in parentheses in the present continuous tense. In the case of
questions, use the indicated subject as well.

1. Alexander _____ (study) for his exams at the moment.

2. Where _____ (you meet) Tim next week?
3. She _____ (not play) Golf tomorrow.
4. They _____ (make) dinner now.
5. The company (not finish) the plans this week.
6. She _____ (eat) oysters for lunch right now.
7. David _____ (not fly) to Chicago next week.
8. I _____ (work) on a special report today.
9. We _____ (not cook) dinner this evening because we're eating out.
10. _____ (Tom drive) to work right now?
11. Alice _____ (read) a new book at the moment.
12. They _____ (not prepare) for the science exam at the moment.
13. When _____ (you have) lunch tomorrow?
14. We _____ (joke)!
15. _____ (they give) a party this weekend?
16. Susan _____ (make) the decision at 3 o'clock this afternoon.
17. People _____ (play) tennis golf on a beautiful day like this!
18. What _____ (you do)?!
19. He _____ (bake) a cake at the moment.
20. Which Hotel _____ (they stay) at now?

Present Continuous Worksheet 2

Choose the correct time expression used with the present continuous tense.

1. They are cooking dinner (on the moment / now).

2. The company is preparing a report for their most important client (last / this)
3. My sister is studying for a test (at the moment / in the moment).
4. We're meeting Brian (on / at) three o'clock.
5. (Currently / Current) we're working on the Anderson account.
6. They aren't coming for dinner (this / at) evening.
7. Susan is playing tennis with Tim (now / then).
8. What are you doing (this / next) afternoon?
9. They're enjoying dinner (at / next) the moment.
10. What are you doing (tomorrow / yesterday) afternoon?
11. Henry is making the presentation (at / on) Wednesday.
12. Our teacher is helping us with grammar (that / this) morning.
13. My dog is barking (at the moment / in the moment).
14. We're finishing the report (today / yesterday).
15. The clock is striking twelve o'clock right (now / soon). It's time to go!
16. Frank is flying to Chicago (this / that) morning.
17. We're reading that book (at the moment / on the moment).
18. Thomas is presenting at the meeting (on / in) April.
19. She's mowing the lawn (now / moment).
20. They're developing a new product (this / last) month.

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