Perception Making Sense of World Around Us.: Self-Concept

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 An individual’s belief and self-evaluation  Social self – self-identification on where we

 Individual will describe their own self and verify belong in society to certain group.
what they claim by accepted by others.  Personal identity – unique character
from others
 Social identity – characteristic that
affect by socialization

 The process of receiving info about &
 complexity making sense of world around us.
• consistency  Determine which info to notice
• clarity  How categorize the info
 How to interpret info within our existing
 Selective attention – process attending some
 Complexity – num of distinct and important roles info received by our senses and ignore other
that ppl perceive. Every person hve different info
roles to play  Influence by characteristic of the
 Consistency – multiple selves require similar person/object
personality. Even though play different roles,  Emotional market help to store info in
but ppl go consistent character memory
 Clarity – degree to which self-concept is clear,  Confirmation bias eliminate any info that
confidently described. This is where u clear is different from what u believe. Only
about your own self accept info on what u believe
 Self- enhancement - ability to promote our own
 Positive : move forward ( experience better  Categorical thinking – nonconscious process
mental & physical health) and more of organizing ppl and objects into preconceived
confidence (try to improvise self-weakness) categories that are store in our long term
 Negative : overestimate future return ( over memory.
confident)  Relies on variety of automatic perceptual
 Self-verification – confirm and maintain existing grouping principles.
self-concept by need feedback from other on what  Cognitive closure – we guess what will happen
u claim about yourself true or not (filling the missing pieces of event)
 perceiving trends – common perception at a
 Self-evaluation – asses ourselves through self-
similar situation
esteem ( less influence by others where
 mental models – similar to cognitive closure
confidence about ur own self), self-efficacy (what
 problem is that we may block recognition
u claim, u can perform it ) & locus of
of new perspectives
control( belief about amount of control own-self
have over personal life event)

SPECIFIC PERCEPTUAL PROCESS  Employee has low past achievement
1) stereotyping (easily influence by other’s opinion
 process of assigning traits to ppl based on towards them)
their membership in society ( simplifying 4) Other perceptual effects
character based on experience)  Halo effect - General impression of a person.
 why ppl stereotype : One trait will affects perception on others trait
 as form of categorical thinking  False consensus effect – overestimate others
 need to understand how others behave who have similar traits
 motivate by own self-enhancement n  Primacy effect – first impression towards
social identity other. It will difficult to change
 Recency effect – most recent info will
 categorization process – categorize
dominates perception ( the one that easily to
ppl into group
 homogenization – assign similar traits
within a group 1. Awareness of perceptual basis
 differentiation – assign more  Our self awareness to others
favorable to our group n less favorable 2. Improving self-awareness
to other group  By applying Johari Model, can increase the
 problems : size of open area through disclosure and
 over generalize – doesn’t represent feedback
everyone in the category 3. Meaningful interaction
2) attribution theory  Engage with honest with other ppl
 traits which ppl acknowledge it in u, will  Contact hypothesis- ppl who interact more
come out with perception whether it is will have less perceptual bias
caused by internal or external factors.  Empathy – understand and sensitive to others
 Internal –perception caused by person’s feeling, thought and situation
own motivation/ ability
 External – perception caused by factor GLOBAL MINDSET ABILITIES
beyond person’s control  Ability to understand & respect others view
 Attribution errors :  Ability to empathize & act effectively across cultures
 Self-serving bias – tendency to  Ability to process complex info about novel
attribute our success due to internal and environments
our failure due to external
 Fundamental attribution error – DEVELOP GLOBAL MINDSET
tendency to overemphasize internal  Improve self-awareness
cause of another person’s behavior and  Compare mental models with ppl from other cultures
ignore external cause of their behavior.  Develop better knowledge of ppl & cultures
3) Self-fulfilling prophecy
 Our perception can change others
perception that is consistent with those
 Ex: u have to do presentation and the lect
give u the rubrics. Therefore, u should
perform well based on the rubrics
 Self-fulfilling is strongest when :
 First meeting with others
 Several ppl have same expectation abt
the person

EMOTIONS IN WORKPLACE Emotion labor – Effort , planning & control needed
 Emotions are psychological episodes experience to express organizationally desire emotions.
toward an object, person or event that create a  certain jobs require certain emotion
state of readiness
 It is a kind of experience Emotional dissonance – difficult to display expected
emotions & hide true emotions.
 Potentially stressful with surface acting ( feel
TYPES OF EMOTIONS different inside but act different outside )
 Less stress through deep acting (show inner
feeling that portray us)

 Set of abilities to perceive & express emotion,
adapt emotion in thought , understand & reason in
emotion, and regulate emotion in oneself


 Attitude –cluster of belief , feeling and behavior
intentions towards a person, object /event
 Belief - established perception about attitude  Management of other’s emotion – manage other
object situation by helping them
 Feelings - positive / negative evaluations of  Awareness of other’s emotion – perceive &
attitude object understand other’s emotion ( empathy )
 Behavior intentions – the motivation engage  Self-management – manage our own emotion
in particular behavior regarding to the attitude  Self-awareness – know our own emotions
Cognitive dissonance – sometimes, our behavior that  In order to satisfied or not with the job, look at the job
portray to others is not based on what we choose to description
have  A collection of attitudes about diff aspects of the job
 Obvious when behavior is : & work context( the one u need in order to perform
 Known to others the job)
 Done it voluntarily  Job satisfaction will lead to customer satisfaction and
 Cannot be undone increase performance
 Also reduce employee turnover
 Stress is an adaptive response to situation perceived
as challenging/ threatening to person’s well-being.
 Eustress - a good stress as it is necessary in our part
of life bcs it activates & motivate ppl to achieve thir
 Distress - a bad stress as it may harm our health .

 Stressor are the factor of stress
 Harassment and inactivity – may be physical
harassment or sexual harassment
 Work overload - poor worklife balance
ORGANIZATIONAL COMMITMENT  Low task control – you do not know how to do the
 Represent employee commitment towards work as there is no guidance or supervision
 Affective commitment – indv’s emotion attach to
an organization. Have sense of belonging towards
 Remove the stressor
the organization.
 Withdraw from the stressor - take vacation or move
 Continuance commitment – indv’s calculative
to anthr workplace
attachment to an organization. Employee stay bcs  Change stress perception - improve self- concept so
too costly to quit or stay bcs paid high salary/ that the job is not threatening
bonus by the co.  Receive social support


 Organization commitment (affective) can affect
motivation, job performance but lead to less
 Continuance commitment can be dysfunctional &
lead to lower performance & less organizational
citizenship behaviors.
 An individual emotional and cognitive  Needs that can be learned by acquiring it from
motivation. surrounding / social.
 A focused, intense, persistent, effort toward  Combine some of the needs into 1
work-related goals.  Needs for achievement
 Includes high level of absorption in the work.  Need to accomplish challenging goals
 High self-efficacy ( u believe that u have the  Know ur potential, competing to be above
ability, resource to get the job done ) others
 Need feedback to know status on effort.
EMPLOYEE DRIVES AND NEEDS  Needs for affiliation
 Drives- inner desire to achieve something  Needs to belong somewhere( society/social
 Needs- goal-directed forces that people group)
experience or a motivating force that act for its  Similar to needs for love by Maslow
satisfaction  Seek approval form others; mixing around
with others by showing competency to avoid
 Needs for power
 Desire to dominate others
 Want to lead others
 Can influence others by develop trust


 Drive is not a stand-alone as it has no hierarchy.
 In order to achieve goals, should blend in mental
 Drive to acquire
 Desire to seek, control, acquire.
 Want to be the greatest, the best among others
 Must see its own potential
 drive to bond
 Motivation that could relate to drive the desire to  same as affiliation
move forward based on human needs.  seek for commitment
 Lowest unmet is the strongest; when satisfied,  drive to comprehend
next higher needs becomes primary motivator.  desire to satisfy our curiosity, know and
understand ourselves and environment
 ppl who know everything.
MASLOW’S CONTIRBUTION TO  Want to be a rounder
MOTIVATION  Drive to defend
 Holistic perspective- study multiples needs  Desire to protect yourself from any insecure,
together (look at the basic needs) harmful ppl or environment.
 Humanistic perspective – influence of personal &
social dynamics, not just instinct
 Positive perspective
 Self-actualization (growth needs. Motivate to
reach their potential)
 Foundation of positive OB – focus on tve
rather than –ve will improve org success.

 Motivation of effort put by someone in order to
create certain behavior to achieve goals. OB CONSEQUNCES
 Positive reinforcement
 When consequence is introduced, behavior
will increase/maintained
 Punishment- occurs when consequence is
decrease the frequency of behavior.
 Extinction –behavior decrease when no
consequence occurs
 Negative reinforcement – occur when removal
of a consequence increase/maintain.

 increasing E-to-P
 increase employee’s belief that they is capable SOCIAL COGNITIVE THEORY
to perform the job successfully  Can be learn by urself or observe others
 hire, train and match ppl to job requirements.  Learning behavior outcomes
 Provide sufficient resources & behavioral  Observe role model to move forward and
modelling change so that u receive a reward
 Increasing P-to-O  Behavior modelling
 Increase employee’s belief that their good  Observe ppl & follows step by step to be
performance will result in certain outcomes. more tve
 Measure performance accurately  there should be somebody to teach employees
 Explain how reward are linked to performance so that they have the right ways to be in the
 Increasing outcomes valences right path
 Increase employee’s expected value of  self-regulation
outcomes result from desired performance  encourage urself to ur own motivation
 Individualize rewards  set goals, standard. And anticipate
 Minimize countervalent outcomes. consequences.
 specific- what, how, where, when and with whom  Procedural justice
the task needs to be accomplished.  Perceived fairness of the procedure used to
 Measurable –how much, how well at what cost decide the distribution of resources
 Achievable – challenging yet accepted
 Relevant – relevant to employees job within their  Distributive justice
control  Perceived fairness in outcomes we receive
 Time framed – due date and when assessed relative to our contribution & outcomes n
 Exciting – employees commitment, not just contribution of others
 Reviewed – feedback and recognition on goal

 Translate org vision n mission into specific,
measurable performance goals related to
financial, customer, internal and learning/growth.

Effective feedback
 Specific – connected to goals detail
 Relevant – relates to person’s behavior
 Timely – links action to outcomes
 Credible – trustworthy source

Sources of feedback
 Social sources – feedback directly from others
 Nonsocial sources – feedback not directly by
people such as electronic display, customer
survey result
TEAMS  Team design
 Groups of 2 or more ppl  Task characteristic - categorize work in
 Interact among each other to achieve goals term of degree of independence : reciprocal,
 Responsible for achieving common goals sequential or pooled
 Team size – no.of ppl on the team
Determinants of team types  Team composition – balance between
 Permanence – how long that type of team homogeneity and diversify
usually exist ( perpetual or continue existence )
 Skill differentiation – degree of skill/knowledge  Team processes
diversity in the team  Team development – forming, storming,
 Authority differentiation – degree that decision performing lifecycle of a team
making responsibility is distributed throughout  Team norms – list of behavior that teams
the team agrees to discourage /developed
 Team cohesiveness – degree of attraction the
INFORMAL GROUPS members feels towards the team
 Group that naturally emerge due to response and  Boundary mgt – addresses who is and not on
common interest the team n who the other critical ‘partners’
 Exist primarily for the benefits of their member
 Why exist??  Team effectiveness
 Drive to bond  Achieve org goals
 Provide by social identity- we define  Satisfy member needs
ourselves by group membership  Maintain team survival
 Goal accomplishment that cannot achieve
 Task characteristic
TEAM EFFECTIVENESS MODEL  In org, each task need to be clarify through
job description
 Well structure task is easier to coordinate
 Higher task interdependence
 Require better communication
 Motivate team membership

  Org /team envi

 Org leadership - Support from others mgt
itself rather than ut own leader.
 Rewards - Rather than individual reward,
will give team rewards.
 Communication system – provide channel of
comm in org
 Org structure – define each of layer in org
 Physical space – location to do work / mingle
with informal groups.
 Team size  Team norms
 Smaller team are better bcs :  Informal rules and shared expectation teams
 Less process losses – less time to established to regulate member behaviors.
coordinate roles  Norms develop through:
 Less time to develop  Initial team experiences
 More engage with the team  Critical events in team’s history
 More responsible  Experience/values members bring to the
 But team must be large enough to accomplish team
task  Preventing/Changing Dysfunctional Team
 State desired norms when forming teams
 Team composition  Select members with preferred values
 Discuss counter-productive norms

 Team Cohesion
 Member similarity- ppl attracted to others
who are similar to them
 Team size- smaller size tend to have more
cohesion bcs it is easier to agree on goals
 Member interaction – more cohesion when
members interact with one another fairly
 Somewhat difficult entry – more cohesion
when entry to the team is restricted
  Team success – team cohesion increase with
Cooperating- willing to work together rather than level of success bcs ppl attracted to groups
alone that fulfills their goals and needs
 Coordinating – actively manage team’s work so
that performed efficiently  Team trust
 Communicating – transmit info freely,  Tve expectation one person has towards
efficiently and respectfully another person.
 Comforting – help coworkers to maintain  Calculus - based on cost benefit. U will like
positive n healthy psychological state that person if that person do something that u
 Conflict resolving- skill and motivation to like/impress
resolve disagreement among team members.  Knowledge – trust based on competencies
that they have.
 Identification – trust if that person have
same/similar understanding ( think, feels ,act)
 Team development SELF DIRECTED TEAMS
 Forming – learn abt each other ;evaluate  Leader have kind of freedom to decide
membership empowerment
 Storming - conflict exist; misunderstanding.  Cross-functional work groups tht are organize
Therefore will find resolution & get around work processes.
experience so that same conflict wont happen
in future
 Norming – consensus around team obj &
team mental model. Try to normalize situation
after conflict
 Performing – efficient coordination
 Success factor
 Responsible for entire work process
 High interdependence within teams
 Low interdependence with other teams

 Members does not need to be present at physical
location but only communicate through video
 Success factor :
 High-self-discipline person
 Effective, high speed internet
 Members should meet face to face fairly early
in the team development process.


 Time constraints
 Time to organize/coordinate
 Production blocking – only one person can
speak at time
 Evaluation apprehension
 Reluctance to mention ideas that seem silly
because of belief of evaluation by other team
 Peer pressure to conform
 Suppressing opinions that oppose team norms
 Overconfidence (inflated team efficacy)
 Team efficacy usually beneficial (motivates
 Inflated team efficacy
 Outcomes: false sense of invulnerability,
less vigilant decisions, less task conflict
 Caused by: collective self-enhancement,
high cohesion, external threats

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