Drama Quiz Terms

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Drama Terms- Quiz

1. drama a story intended to be performed in front of an audience.

2. scenes divisions of acts that occur in different settings.

3. acts a major division within a play in which two or more scenes

are grouped together.

4. cast of characters a list of all the characters in the play, usually in the order of

5. stage direction instructions for the director, the actors, and the stage crew.

6. props an abbreviation of the word “property”; any object that is used in a

play that helps to enhance the setting.

7. playwright the author of a play.

8. narrator a character who sets the scene for the play and comments on the

9. comedy a dramatic work that is light and humorous in tone and usually
ends happily.

10. farce a type of exaggerated comedy that features an absurd plot and
ridiculous situations in order to keep an audience laughing.

11. tragedy a dramatic work that presents the downfall of a character due to
bad judgment and that leads to a disastrous conclusion, usually

12. chorus a group of performers who comment on the setting and scene
letting the audience know important background information that
is not disclosed in the characters dialogue.

13. dialogue the words speeches or conversation spoken by characters to each

other. Much of what you learn about the characters setting and
events are revealed in this conversation.

14. monologue a long uninterrupted speech that is spoken by a single character

which reveals his/her thoughts and feelings.

15. direct characterization the author specifically reveals traits (personality) about a character
upfront that they want you to know. This helps the audience
understand the character at the beginning and know their
motivation and whether the audience should like or dislike the

16. indirect characterization the author use dialogue, setting, conversations and speeches to
reveal traits about a character (personality). A person must read
through the scenes and dialogue to get to know the characters
motivation and whether to like or dislike the character.

17. script the written form of a play.

18. protagonist the central or main character a drama. They are a central part of
the conflict in the plot and normally the hero.

19. antagonist are the main characters enemy or opposing force. They are a part
of the conflict in the plot and usually the “bad guy”

20. prologue an introductory(beginning) section of a drama or play. This

section gives background information the audience needs to know
to in order understand the characters and setting.

21. epilogue a section or speech at the end of a play or drama that comments on
the conclusion or information that happens after the play. This
information helps the overall theme.

22. set construction on the stage that helps to show the time and place the
events occur. Usually consist of backdrop scenery and props.

23. conflict internal or external problems the characters face in play. The
theme or moral centers around this and protagonist and antagonist
play a huge role in its resolution.

24. theater where the play takes place.

25. tragic comedy a play with the sincerity and earnestness of tragedy but without its
inevitability of impending disaster, attitude of comedy but without
its underlying spirit of humor; uses tense situations and moments
of extreme conflict, but the tragedy is averted and transcended.

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