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Chapter 1 : How I lost and found.

i bought an icecream and started eating it. when i turned to go back my father i
saw him moving and he was in hurry.
i got shocked suddenly and started running towards him but i cant move fast because
there are hundreds of people
in exhibition. i quickly found a free way in the side by and started running while
i was shouting "Daddy, Wait". i fell down
when my leg hit some stone. i lost icecream from my hands, i quickly stood up and
my eyes searching for my father.
i missed him from my sight in this gap. i ran the whole exhibition for next one
hour while screeming "Dad..Dad.."
it was saturday 5:00 in the evening. my name is adithi. i'm five years old.
i came to exhibition with my dad and i lost. i found the entrence gate and went out
to find him. i searched in so many places
after four hours i was tired and not able to move a single step. i sat down there
and crying. one women came to me
while on her way to home and started asking why i was crying. i told how i missed
my father. she took me to her tent in
one of the circus, where she works. i dont know the way to my home. i don't know
anything to find my parents.
she fed me that night and made me to sleep. i woke up in the morning and realised i
was lost. i was sad and confused.
reshmi the woman who took me her home, works in a circus. we started searching for
my father for next ten
days in her free time. the exhibition was over after a weak. they packed their bags
and got ready to move back to
another city. i don't know where to go, so she took me with her. we've reached
mumbai from hyderabad thats reshmi said
when we eneterd the mumbai. i liked in the circus living aroud animals. circus team
moves another city every two years. while i was playing with animals two years
moved very
quickly. one day reshmi didi got a letter from her parents to come back home. she
decided to visit her parents. they
lives on hills in the east indian region. she can't leave me with circus team and
she don't know when will she come back
once she go there so she took me to a orphan home and joined me there. i liked her
so much, she took good care of me
in the last two years. i miss her a lot for next two months in the orphan home.
after two months a couple visited orphan home
and liked me. they adopted me and took to their home. my adopted father name
ragunath mishra, he have a small paper
making company and they live in mumbai city. the couple are happily married for ten
but got no kids so they decided to
adopt someone and found me in the orphan home. the couple are so loveble, they
taking good care of me. i started thinking
why god do this kind things to people. one side if you see my life, my parents, who
barely have savings got three kids. i've never
seen this much of love from my parents on us and there is no one appeared or
searched for me when i lost. in the other side this
rich couple who love each other so much and also want to share some love to kids,
got no kids even after ten years of marriage.
how unfortunate these things to the people. god making people suffer in this world.
i am suffering because i got seperated
from my family in the age of five, my adopted parents suffering because they don't
have kids. i hope my mom crying alot
she loves me so much. she definitely miss me. she never left me alone even for a
single day. i am the first child of my parents.
i am not talking about my dad because i love him so much but he don't. as much as i
know he was never happy around me
and seems he don't love me like my mom do. i blame god for all of these people's
suffer my mom used to say while we were
praying to gods. god created people and this world.
suprisingly my adopted parents have the kids clothes, baby food, toys, baby room
with all arrangements but they don't seem
new. i got tour of complete home in the hall they sat me on sofa and asked few
questions about my past life. they cried little
bit when i told my story. they asked me do i know any thing that approach my birth
parents like places names, land marks,
family names. i was bit surprised when they ask about my famaily name. obviously i
don't know what that mean. we spoke
a little bit what i like and dislike then my adopted mom priya fed me roti with
potato fry. the food is tasty. they took me
to my room and make my bed. door bell rang, they both went to door at
downstairs.after five minutes i slowly came out of my room
and saw a scary man talking to my adopted parents. the scary man wear a complete
black and have weird tattoos.i guess they did not
see me on stairs, i was little and its lite dark. my parents pointed at my door and
showed my room. they all have smiles on their faces.
i went back to my room and slept on the bed. thats my first day in their home i
didn't get sleep. i started thinking why does these people
are taking so much care of me. who is that scary man with tattos. if he is a close
relative why didn't they show me. why they have all the
kids stuff and seems old. do they have kids before? while all these stuff running
on my mind. i remember some rumour which scared
most of the kids in the orphan home. there were bunch of girls talking near to me
in the cafetaria. one girl from the group said, some bad
people come to orphan home as couple and adopt kids takes their home and after few
days sells to the cruel people. another girl asked
what do cruel people do with that kids. the first girl moved her head little
forward lowered her voice and said, they kill the kids and take
the body parts. all the kids in the group wide opened their eyes: shocked and
scared. from one person to another the warden heard the
story and concerned about kids over fear. the very next day warden assembled all
the kids and took two hours session. she gave
a presentation with photos of all the old adopted kids. she told us that they check
upon the adopted kids for every six months
wether the kid is happy or not. at the end of the end of the session she gave a
phone number of the orphan home and made
all of us to remember it. the number is for emergency intimations such as if any
people threaten you, abuse you physically
or mentally, makes to you work in home or outside. we all felt secured and relief
with the safety session from warden.
i do remember the phone number. should i call now, i mean i am not sure that they
are bad people as of now. should i wait
some more days, this is only first day and nothing is that much suspicious. oh god
why did that scary girl didn't said exact
days bad people take to sell the kids to cruel people, even warden did not
mentioned it in her session. what if i don't call
right now anyway the warden will check on me after six months. "After six
months!!!" what if this couple sell me and cruel
people kill me in two months. what do warden do then? nothing i guess. i am scared
and sad. i remebered my mom, reshmi didi
i cried a little bit slowly went into sleep. i woke up at six'o clock in the
morning. still scared and sad i don't know what to
do or where to go. i found a teddy bear of my size laying beside me on the bed. i
grabbed it near to me and started looking at it.
teddy is in pink color, which i like most. i named him bittu, who was my friend
lived in my neighbourhood at my birth parents home.
i was looking bittu in the teddy and told everything what was happend till now.
priya, my adopted mom came to my room and
took me downstairs. we went to kitchen my adopted father is already there sat on a
chair near to the brick made fixed dining
table. he wished me good morning, and pulled a chair for me. i sat on the chair
while holding little monkey toy that i brought from
my room. he asked, is it became your friend? do you like that monkey? i did not
reply. i just looked at his face right into eyes. he
quickly observed that my eyes was so red and also found i am sad. he asked what
happened to my eyes. priya, my adopted mom asked
did you have a happy sleep. i said No. they both see their faces each other sadly.
priya came this side and sat beside me. she asked
me why i dont have a happy sleep. i told i was scared and miss my family, reshmi
didi. he asked why i am scared. i don't want them
to think i am a silly scary girl who scared of my own thoughts. i told them that
the fake dear head with horns on the wall scared me.
he went there and throughd it in the storage room. he came back and kept his hand
on my head and said you don't get scared again
it's gone. he sat again, his wife asked him to have breakfast and she gave me a
glass of milk to drink. after ten minutes, i want to
know why there is so many kids stuff in the home. i slowly asked, is there any kid
lived here before? my mom said no, just me and
your father. immediatly he saw into her eyes. his eyes got some water in it. they
both looked at themselves for couple of minutes.
i think he never heard that he is father of someone. he got little bit emotional
and asked me why did you ask? i replied there is so much
kids stuff is here and it is old stuff. he smiled and said we bought all that stuff
for our kids. he added we love to have kids but we never
had any. i asked him who is that scary man with tattos last night. he said, you
scared of him. i nodded my head as yes. the couple see
each other and smiled. he said that man is his brother-in-law. and he is a musician
that is why he have tattos and looks that way.
i got relief and had a smile on my face. we all looked one other and smiled.

Chapter 2: My New Life

The days are moving fast. my everyday routine is simple, early morning little funny
chat with dad and mom(i call my adopted parents
mom and dad) at dining table while eating breakfast. Around 8:30a.m dad leaves for
office, then me and mom try clean up the kitchen.
most of my day time i play with toys. i will eat my lunch with my mom followed by
alittle afternoon nap. Evening around 6:00pm dad comes home.
we all play funny games and laugh for some time then we watch T.V and goes back to
sleep. one sunday my father invited his friend's family to the dad's friend name is ashok they both work in the same office. ashok is
living a beautiful wife and a adorable kid named akash.
they came to our house and we were all started eating. Ashok, my dad's friend
asked me what i was studying. i don't know what that mean. i was looking at him
with blank face. my father said, she's not started yet. we were going to join her
in school this season, we are looking for a good school.
ashok's wife said, brilliant public school is very a good school. my son akash
studying 2nd standard over there. my mom asked her is it possible to
join aditi in the 2nd standard directly. ashok's wife said, ashok known couple of
people in the school board but if aditi know writing and reading
it will be very easier to get her admission into 2nd class. my father and mother
looked at each others faces. their faces are little bit scared and sad.
ashok and his family also observed that but they didn't say anything. i know why my
parents faces are like that, they know about my studies.
i never went to a school. usually people who are living poor and lower middle class
can't afford private schools. so they will send theirchildren to public school.
public schools don't teach english medium and they start with 1st standard
directly. they will give admission to the kids who are above 5years old so that
when kids become 15years old they will be eligible to write 10th class board exams.
i was lost when i was 5years old at that time my birth mother
was thinking to send me to the public school after the end of that summer . reshmi
didi never thought of sending me to the schhol because she never
went to school. in the orphan home there was only one teacher for all the people.
she taught us local language, and little bit english. couple of days back
my parents checked my study levels and they are not happy with my english.
brilliant public school is a pure english medium school, they heard all the
teachers and students speak only english in the school. forget about speaking i
can't even read and write proper english. that is why they are little bit
scared wether i get a admission into the school or not. the next morning at dining
table, my father started speaking. he said, we have discussed the last
night and we've come up with a plan to get you a admission into the B.P. school. he
is very excited and said loud " Mission-English ". at first i did't understand
but i've realised very quickly that they decided to teach me english by the end of
summer. i am not sure how it will go, but i'm excited too while looking
at their excitement.

chapter9: meeting my Biological parents

finally i got the address of my biological parents. i went alone to meet them, i
was so excited. i did not see my mom for 20 years. i had lot of questions running
in my mind. how i lost, why couldn't they find me in all these years. at some point
i questioned myself do i really have parents or its just my dream. everything
happened before i got missed in exhibition was just in like some pieces of memory.
i don't remember anything for sure. i don't know wether i recognize my parents or
not. with all these thoughts finally i reached the place. they are living in a flat
of two storade building. i went to second floor and knocked the door. a man came
and opened the door, he is my father. yes , i recognised him in the first look
itself. i was stun for couple of seconds. even i stopped breathing for few seconds.
man standing still with a questionable face. i told him that i came to meet mrs.
deepa. he said, she is his wife and invited me in. i went in side and going to sit
on the chair in the hall. my brother and sister in the hall watching television. a
women came from kitchen as she heard the door bell. she saw for couple of seconds,
immediately came to me hugged and started crying. she is not saying anything just
crying and hugged me very tight. my father and rest of the family don't know why
she hugged me and crying. they are just standing in the same place with a surprise
look on their faces. in three minutes she controlled herself and stopped crying.
she told her husband that i am their lost elder kid. my father also recognised me
after my mom told him so. brother and sister are just in their shocked faces.

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